PLOS ONE 18 : 5 Paper: e0285696 , 23 p. (2023)
Publication:33893006 Validated Core Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 1 | Independent citation: 1 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in Scopus: 1 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 1 | Number of citations with DOI: 1
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[33893006] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 1, External citations: 1, Self citations: 0, Unhandled citations: 0
ORVOSI HETILAP 163 : 20 pp. 774-787. , 14 p. (2022)
Publication:32897456 Validated Core Journal Article (Survey paper ) Scientific
Citing papers: 2 | Independent citation: 1 | Self citation: 1 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 2 | Number of citations in Scopus: 2 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 2 | Number of citations with DOI: 2
Survey paper (Journal Article) | Scientific[32897456] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 2, External citations: 1, Self citations: 1, Unhandled citations: 0
HEMATOLÓGIA-TRANSZFUZIOLÓGIA 51 : 3 pp. 123-133. , 11 p. (2018)
Publication:30407799 Validated Core Journal Article (Survey paper ) Scientific
Survey paper (Journal Article) | Scientific[30407799] [Validated]
Bp, Hungary : Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt. (2017) , 188 p.
Publication:3398186 Published Core Book (Monograph ) Scientific
Monograph (Book) | Scientific[3398186] [Approved]
Kriston-Pál, É ; Czibula, Á ; Gyuris, Z ; Balka, G ; Seregi, A ; Sükösd, F ; Süth, M ; Kiss-Tóth, E ; Haracska, L ; Uher, F et al.
Locked Publication:3190067 Validated Core Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 48 | Independent citation: 46 | Self citation: 2 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 47 | Number of citations in Scopus: 40 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 48 | Number of citations with DOI: 45
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[3190067] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 48, External citations: 46, Self citations: 2, Unhandled citations: 0
ORVOSI HETILAP 157 : 46 pp. 1819-1829. , 11 p. (2016)
Publication:3139863 Validated Core Journal Article (Survey paper ) Scientific
Survey paper (Journal Article) | Scientific[3139863] [Validated]
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6 Paper: 34280 , 9 p. (2016)
Locked Publication:3124141 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 21 | Independent citation: 10 | Self citation: 11 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 20 | Number of citations in Scopus: 21 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 21 | Number of citations with DOI: 21
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[3124141] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 21, External citations: 10, Self citations: 11, Unhandled citations: 0
EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH 348 : 1 pp. 36-45. , 10 p. (2016)
Publication:3115599 Admin approved Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 42 | Independent citation: 42 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 34 | Number of citations in Scopus: 38 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 42 | Number of citations with DOI: 41
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[3115599] [Admin approved]
All citations+mentions: 42, External citations: 42, Self citations: 0, Unhandled citations: 0
STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL 2016 Paper: 3595941 , 9 p. (2016)
Locked Publication:3115524 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 45 | Independent citation: 45 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 28 | Number of citations in Scopus: 38 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 39 | Number of citations with DOI: 40
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[3115524] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 45, External citations: 45, Self citations: 0, Unhandled citations: 0
STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT 25 : 23 pp. 1818-1832. , 15 p. (2016)
Publication:3110431 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Citing papers: 47 | Independent citation: 46 | Self citation: 1 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 46 | Number of citations in Scopus: 47 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 47 | Number of citations with DOI: 47
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[3110431] [Validated]
All citations+mentions: 47, External citations: 46, Self citations: 1, Unhandled citations: 0
2024-09-21 04:40