Szoták, Szilvia ; Németh, Gabriella
In: Seresi, Márta; Robin, Edina; Eszenyi, Réka (eds.) Nyelvi közvetítés fegyveres konfliktusokban és egyéb válsághelyzetekben
Bp, Hungary : Department of Translation and Interpreting of ELTE University, Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd. (2023) 128 p. pp. 51-63. , 13 p.
Publication:34518477 Published Core Chapter in Book (Study ) Scientific
Study (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[34518477] [Approved]
In: Rashmi, Gujrati; Kavita, Mathad; Hayri, Uygun (eds.) Digitalization & Innovation
Pune, India : Eureka Publications (2023) pp. 229-256. , 28 p.
Publication:34416633 Admin approved Core Chapter in Book (Chapter ) Scientific
Chapter (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[34416633] [Admin approved]
GRADUS 10 : 2 Paper: 2023.2.CSC.003 , 7 p. (2023)
Publication:34394193 Validated Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[34394193] [Validated]
SERBIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT 18 : 2 pp. 367-393. , 27 p. (2023)
Publication:34386743 Published Core Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[34386743] [Approved]
Papp, Szilárd István (eds.) ; Éber, Márk Áron (eds.) ; Hain, Ferenc (Interviewed person) ; Balázs, Anna (Interviewed person)
Publication:34374116 Published Core Miscellaneous (Radio, TV program, video ) Popular science
Radio, TV program, video (Miscellaneous) | Popular science[34374116] [Approved]
Bp, Hungary : Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Pedagógiai Tudományos Bizottság, ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology (2023) 456 p. p. 299 , 459 p.
Publication:34373684 Published Core Chapter in Book (Abstract ) Scientific
Abstract (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[34373684] [Approved]
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[34373524] [Validated]
CIVIL SZEMLE 20 : 1 pp. 149-158. , 10 p. (2023)
Publication:34373494 Validated Core Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[34373494] [Validated]
Paper in newspaper or weekly (Journal Article) | Of public interest[34373419] [Approved]
CIVIL SZEMLE 20 : 1 pp. 111-122. , 12 p. (2023)
Publication:34373175 Validated Core Journal Article (Paper in newspaper or weekly ) Of public interest
Paper in newspaper or weekly (Journal Article) | Of public interest[34373175] [Validated]
2024-09-18 22:29