New Evidence for the Role of the Blood-Brain Barrier and Inflammation in Stress-Associated
Depression: A Gene-Environment Analysis Covering 19,296 Genes in 109,360 Humans
(2019-2.1.7-ERA-NET-2020-00005) Támogató: Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs
ERA PerMed(ERAPERMED2019-108)
(K 143391)
(PD 146014)
(National Brain Programme 3.0(NAP2022-I-4/2022))
(TKP2021-EGA-02) Támogató: NKFIH
(János Bolyai Research Scholarship)
Gyógyszerészet, farmakogenomika, gyógyszerkutatás és tervezés, gyógyszeres kezelés
Mounting evidence supports the key role of the disrupted integrity of the blood-brain
barrier (BBB) in stress- and inflammation-associated depression. We assumed that variations
in genes regulating the expression and coding proteins constructing and maintaining
this barrier, along with those involved in inflammation, have a predisposing or protecting
role in the development of depressive symptoms after experiencing severe stress. To
prove this, genome-by-environment (GxE) interaction analyses were conducted on 6.26
M SNPS covering 19,296 genes on PHQ9 depression in interaction with adult traumatic
events scores in the UK Biobank (n = 109,360) in a hypothesis-free setup. Among the
63 genes that were significant in stress-connected depression, 17 were associated
with BBB, 23 with inflammatory processes, and 4 with neuroticism. Compared to all
genes, the enrichment of significant BBB-associated hits was 3.82, and those of inflammation-associated
hits were 1.59. Besides some sex differences, CSMD1 and PTPRD, encoding proteins taking
part in BBB integrity, were the most significant hits in both males and females. In
conclusion, the identified risk genes and their encoded proteins could provide biomarkers
or new drug targets to promote BBB integrity and thus prevent or decrease stress-
and inflammation-associated depressive symptoms, and possibly infection, e.g., COVID-19-associated
mental and neurological symptoms.