@article{MTMT:34818275, title = {The Role of Stakeholder Collaboration in Civic Wealth Creation in Pakistan: A Social Entrepreneurial Perspective}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34818275}, author = {Raza, M. and Abbas, J. and Abbasi, M.N.}, journal-iso = {PJHSS}, journal = {PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {34818275}, issn = {2709-801X}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2415-007X}, pages = {231-247} } @article{MTMT:34818317, title = {Reflections on Implementing Participatory Action Research in Engineering}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34818317}, author = {Gaskins, Whitney and Guy, Batsheva and Arthur, Brittany}, doi = {10.20849/jed.v7i3.1369}, journal = {Journal of Education and Development}, volume = {7}, unique-id = {34818317}, issn = {2529-7996}, abstract = {Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a research approach that utilizes collaborative relationships between researcher and stakeholders in order to solve a problem and generate knowledge (Coghlan & Brannick, 2010). Within the engineering space, PAR is beginning to gain steam and approval as a valid approach to research. More specifically, PAR is an ideal approach to understanding the experiences of marginalized populations. It can be argued that PAR methods and more feminist approaches are necessary within an engineering context, if we hope to make progress in regard to equity and inclusion in the engineering field. This paper provides an overview of PAR, while also discussing the need for positionality and reflection embedded in the research process. Each of the authors share a narrative reflection on their experiences within the PAR space and the challenges that accompany the action implementation phase of PAR. Additionally, example action items from a recent study are shared to provide context to the feasibility of PAR action. The goal of this paper is to raise awareness around PAR as a preferred approach when working with marginalized populations and the necessary resources researchers need to execute action items.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2591-7250}, pages = {18} } @article{MTMT:34189577, title = {Delivering online community service from community perspective. A critical review}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34189577}, author = {Wahyuni, Andi Sri}, doi = {10.22219/jcse.v4i3.27903}, journal = {Journal of Community Service and Empowerment}, volume = {4}, unique-id = {34189577}, issn = {2722-4244}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2722-5291}, pages = {486-491} } @article{MTMT:32901556, title = {A comprehensive review of Hungarian futures studies in light of international journal articles}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32901556}, author = {Nováky, Erzsébet and Kristóf, Tamás}, doi = {10.1186/s40309-022-00201-x}, journal-iso = {EUR J FUTURES RES}, journal = {EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FUTURES RESEARCH}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {32901556}, issn = {2195-4194}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2195-2248}, orcid-numbers = {Nováky, Erzsébet/0000-0002-7023-5441; Kristóf, Tamás/0000-0003-2805-4900} } @article{MTMT:32072799, title = {“You become one with the place”: Social mixing, social capital, and the lived experience of urban desegregation in the Roma community}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32072799}, author = {Méreiné Berki, Boglárka and Málovics, György and Creţan, Remus}, doi = {10.1016/j.cities.2021.103302}, journal-iso = {CITIES}, journal = {CITIES: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN POLICY AND PLANNING}, volume = {117}, unique-id = {32072799}, issn = {0264-2751}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1873-6084}, orcid-numbers = {Creţan, Remus/0000-0002-9053-8394} } @article{MTMT:31271851, title = {Sustainable development and women's leadership: A participatory exploration of capabilities in Colombian Caribbean fisher communities}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31271851}, author = {Barrios, Lina M. and Prowse, Alicia and Vargas, Valeria Ruiz}, doi = {10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121277}, journal-iso = {J CLEAN PROD}, journal = {JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION}, volume = {264}, unique-id = {31271851}, issn = {0959-6526}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1879-1786} } @mastersthesis{MTMT:34818328, title = {The Role of the Voluntary Sector in Cross-Sector Collaborations: An NHS Multispecialty Community Provider}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34818328}, author = {Haslam, D.}, unique-id = {34818328}, year = {2020} } @book{MTMT:30844732, title = {Részvétel és Tanulás.. A részvételi rendszermodellezés mint tanulási környezet.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30844732}, isbn = {9786155607684}, author = {Király, Gábor}, doi = {10.29180/Reszvetel-es-tanulas.2019}, publisher = {Budapest Business School}, unique-id = {30844732}, year = {2019}, orcid-numbers = {Király, Gábor/0000-0002-4329-725X} }