@article{MTMT:35481375, title = {Sensitization of Multidrug Resistant Cancer Cells to Doxorubicin Using Ebselen by Disturbing Cellular Redox Status}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35481375}, author = {Baskar, Sugumar and Bharathiraja, Pradhapsingh and Rajendra Prasad, N.}, doi = {10.1002/cbf.4134}, journal-iso = {CELL BIOCHEM FUNCT}, journal = {CELL BIOCHEMISTRY AND FUNCTION}, volume = {42}, unique-id = {35481375}, issn = {0263-6484}, abstract = {Multidrug resistance (MDR) poses a significant problem in cancer treatment, often causing adverse effects during chemotherapy. Ebselen (Ebs), a synthetic organoselenium compound, affects cellular redox status in cancer cells. In the study, we observed that Ebs disrupted cellular redox balance and sensitized drug‐resistant cells to doxorubicin (DOX) treatment. The combination of Ebs and DOX led to increased intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and lipid peroxidation while decreasing the activity of thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) and cellular antioxidants in drug‐resistant cells. Furthermore, this combination treatment demonstrated notable chemosensitizing effects by reducing cell viability and proliferation in MDR cells compared to DOX treatment alone. Additionally, the combination of Ebs and DOX induced DNA fragmentation and exhibited G2/M phase cell cycle arrest. Immunofluorescent analysis revealed that the Ebs and DOX combination upregulated the expression of p53 and p21, which activated the mitochondrial‐dependent apoptotic pathway. The combination treatment also enhanced the upregulation of proapoptotic markers such as Bax, Caspase‐3, ‐9, and cytochrome C, while downregulating the expression of the antiapoptotic marker Bcl‐2. Therefore, the current discoveries suggest that Ebs could be employed as a drug candidate for reversing MDR in cancer cells by regulating cellular redox homeostasis.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1099-0844}, orcid-numbers = {Baskar, Sugumar/0000-0003-2254-604X; Bharathiraja, Pradhapsingh/0000-0001-7792-1455; Rajendra Prasad, N./0000-0002-3937-8735} } @{MTMT:34842264, title = {Intracellular Compartments and Drug Resistance}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34842264}, author = {Mehraj, Safiya and Jan, Shariqa and Fatima, Kaneez and Shafi, Adil and Khan, Sameer Ullah}, booktitle = {Drug Resistance in Cancer: Mechanisms and Strategies}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-97-1666-1_9}, unique-id = {34842264}, year = {2024}, pages = {269-295} }