@article{MTMT:34756931, title = {Cultural connections between the Eastern European steppe region and the Carpathian Basin in the 5th–7th centuries AD. The origin of the Early Avar Period population of the Trans-Tisza region}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34756931}, author = {Gulyás, Bence}, doi = {10.17204/dissarch.2023.701}, journal-iso = {DISSARCH}, journal = {DISSERTATIONES ARCHAEOLOGICAE}, volume = {3}, unique-id = {34756931}, issn = {2064-4574}, abstract = {Extended, completed review of the theses of the PhD dissertation completed under the supervision of Tivadar Vida and submitted to the Archaeological Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, in 2023.The dissertation’s primary objective was to investigate the origins of the population that settled in the Trans-Tisza region in the 6th–7th centuries AD. According to prior studies, these populations, unlike the ‘Inner Asian Avars’, may have arrived in the Carpathian Basin from the Eastern European steppe. My research focused on burial practices, comparing the graves discovered in the two regions using quantitative and qualitative methods. The dissertation also includes a comprehensive presentation and analysis of the East European steppe material from the second half of the 5th to the middle third of the 7th century AD.}, year = {2023}, pages = {701-756}, orcid-numbers = {Gulyás, Bence/0000-0002-7682-2065} } @article{MTMT:34756863, title = {Tiszakürt-Zsilke-tanya. An interdisciplinary analysis of an Early Avar Period cemetery}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34756863}, author = {Gulyás, Bence and Pásztor, Eszter and Fehér, Kristóf and Libor, Csilla and Szeniczey, Tamás and Aradi, László Előd and Fülöp, Réka and Lyublyanovics, Kyra}, doi = {10.17204/dissarch.2023.293}, journal-iso = {DISSARCH}, journal = {DISSERTATIONES ARCHAEOLOGICAE}, volume = {Ser. 3}, unique-id = {34756863}, issn = {2064-4574}, abstract = {A cemetery section comprising 35 burials was excavated at the site of Tiszakürt-Zsilke-tanya. The burial rites suggest that the community who interred their dead here was of East European steppe origin, settled primarily east of the Tisza River. The graves were poorly furnished; the main chronological indicators are melon seed-shaped beads and two pairs of earrings with big bead pendants. Based on these, the cemetery section can be dated between the 640s and the 680s. The archaeological analysis is complemented by an anthropological, archaeozoological, and pottery analysis, as well as a study of metal and glass composition.}, year = {2023}, pages = {293-441}, orcid-numbers = {Gulyás, Bence/0000-0002-7682-2065; Pásztor, Eszter/0009-0000-1585-1973; Fehér, Kristóf/0009-0007-4282-4082; Szeniczey, Tamás/0000-0003-1546-7140; Aradi, László Előd/0000-0003-0276-3119} } @book{MTMT:33228735, title = {A szegvár-oromdűlői temető és a Tiszántúl kora avar időszaka}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33228735}, isbn = {9786156388308}, editor = {Lőrinczy, Gábor and Major, Balázs and Türk, Attila}, publisher = {Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Archaeology; Martin Opitz Kiadó}, unique-id = {33228735}, year = {2022} } @article{MTMT:32474246, title = {Pogrebenija s celymi skeletami konej v Zatis'e i stepjah Vostochnoj Evropy VI—VII vv. n. e [Погребения с целыми скелетами коней в Затисье и степях Восточной Европы VI—VII вв. н. э.]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32474246}, author = {Gulyás, Bence and Lőrinczy, Gábor and A. A., Strokov}, journal-iso = {STRATUM PLUS}, journal = {STRATUM PLUS}, volume = {5}, unique-id = {32474246}, issn = {1608-9057}, abstract = {After 567, a certain nomad group of Eastern European origin arrived to the Carpathian Basin with the Avars and occupied the territory east to the Tisa River. This population differs from the Inner Asian Avars by their burial customs whose best analogies can be found among the contemporary nomads of the steppe region of Eastern Europe, called Sivashovka group. The main aim of this article is a special rite of the two regions: burials with whole horse skeletons. This element of the burial rite was treated as a foreign influence - Avaric or Turkic. This study proves that this element was well embedded in the structures of the funerary rite in both regions. Additionally, there are similarities, which show that both populations get acquainted with this custom at the same time. We can state that the difference between the burials with horse hides and the burials with whole skeletons is based on social, rather than ethnic grounds.}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1857-3533}, pages = {281-293}, orcid-numbers = {Gulyás, Bence/0000-0002-7682-2065} } @book{MTMT:31796112, title = {The Long Sixth Century in Eastern Europe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31796112}, isbn = {9789004456778}, author = {Curta, Florin}, doi = {10.1163/9789004456983}, publisher = {Brill Academic Publishers}, unique-id = {31796112}, year = {2021} } @book{MTMT:33305048, title = {Craftsmen and Jewelers in the Middle and Lower Danube Region (6th to 7th Centuries)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33305048}, isbn = {9789004380370}, author = {Daniela, Tanase}, publisher = {Brill}, unique-id = {33305048}, year = {2021} } @article{MTMT:32595216, title = {Methodological and interpretational problems in the dating of 6–7th centuries AD on the Great Hungarian Plain•. Comments to Sándor Gulyás, Csilla Balogh, Antónia Marcsik and Pál Sümegi: Simple calibration versus Bayesian modeling of archeostatigraphically controlled 14C ages in an early Avar age cemetery from SE Hungary: results, advantages, pitfalls}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32595216}, author = {Siklósi, Zsuzsanna and Lőrinczy, Gábor}, doi = {10.1556/0208.2021.00014}, journal-iso = {ARCHAEOL ERT (BP)}, journal = {ARCHAEOLOGIAI ÉRTESÍTŐ (BUDAPEST)}, volume = {146}, unique-id = {32595216}, issn = {0003-8032}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1589-486X}, pages = {247-255}, orcid-numbers = {Siklósi, Zsuzsanna/0000-0002-6451-5578} } @article{MTMT:32479327, title = {Погребения с целыми скелетами коней в Затисье и степях Восточной Европы VI—VII вв. н. э.. Burials with Whole Horse Skeletons in the Tiszántúl and Eastern European Steppe Region in the 6th —7th centuries AD}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32479327}, author = {Гуяш, Бенце and Лёринци, Габор and Строков, Антон Александров}, journal-iso = {STRATUM PLUS}, journal = {STRATUM PLUS}, volume = {5}, unique-id = {32479327}, issn = {1608-9057}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1857-3533}, pages = {281-293} } @inbook{MTMT:32024369, title = {A részleges állatmelléklet egy sajátos változata a Szegvár-oromdűlői kora avar kori temető sírjaiban és annak kelet-európai kapcsolatai}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32024369}, author = {Gulyás, Bence and Lőrinczy, Gábor}, booktitle = {Tomka 80}, unique-id = {32024369}, year = {2020}, pages = {179-190}, orcid-numbers = {Gulyás, Bence/0000-0002-7682-2065} } @inbook{MTMT:31279134, title = {Kurdiuk ovtsy kak zaupokoinaia pishcha v zakhoroneniiakh VI-VII vv. Karpatskogo Basseina i Vostochnoi Evropy [КУРДЮК ОВЦЫ КАК ЗАУПОКОЙНАЯ ПИЩА В ЗАХОРОНЕНИЯХ VI–VII ВВ. КАРПАТСКОГО БАССЕЙНА И ВОСТОЧНОЙ ЕВРОПЫ]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31279134}, author = {Gulyás, Bence and Lőrinczy, Gábor and Anton, Strokov}, booktitle = {Arheologiia kak zhizn' - Pamiati Evgeniia Pavlovicha Myskova}, unique-id = {31279134}, year = {2019}, pages = {117-128}, orcid-numbers = {Gulyás, Bence/0000-0002-7682-2065} } @inbook{MTMT:31350896, title = {Курдюк овцы как заупокойная пища в захоронениях VI–VII вв. Карпатского бассейна и Восточной Европы. Sheep rump as food offering in the Carpathian Basin and Eastern Europe in the 6th-7th centuries AD}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31350896}, author = {Гуяш, Бенце and Лёринцы, Габор and Строков, А. А.}, booktitle = {Археология как жизнь. Памяты Евгения Павловича Мыскова.}, unique-id = {31350896}, year = {2019}, pages = {117-128} } @article{MTMT:30349446, title = {Simple Calibration versus Bayesian Modeling of Archeostatigraphically Controlled C-14 Ages in an Early Avar Age Cemetery from SE Hungary. Results, Advantages, Pitfalls}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30349446}, author = {Gulyás, Sándor and Balogh, Csilla and Marcsik, Antónia and Sümegi, Pál}, doi = {10.1017/RDC.2018.116}, journal-iso = {RADIOCARBON}, journal = {RADIOCARBON}, volume = {60}, unique-id = {30349446}, issn = {0033-8222}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1945-5755}, pages = {1335-1346}, orcid-numbers = {Gulyás, Sándor/0000-0002-3384-2381; Balogh, Csilla/0000-0002-9161-1653; Marcsik, Antónia/0000-0002-3121-4365; Sümegi, Pál/0000-0003-1755-4440} }