@{MTMT:34007212, title = {Hungary: Rise of attention given to disability sports}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34007212}, author = {Perényi, Szilvia and Szilárd, Zsuzsanna}, booktitle = {Palgrave Handbook of Disability Sport in Europe :Policies, Structures and Participation}, unique-id = {34007212}, year = {2023}, pages = {411-435}, orcid-numbers = {Szilárd, Zsuzsanna/0000-0003-1845-7191} } @article{MTMT:34499260, title = {A magyar sportági szakszövetségek munkaerőállományának elemzése az ESSA-Sport projekt bázisán}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34499260}, author = {Onyestyák, Nikoletta and Farkas, Judit and Géczi, Gábor István and Zare, Fateme and Perényi, Szilvia}, journal-iso = {M SPORTTUD SZLE}, journal = {MAGYAR SPORTTUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE}, volume = {24}, unique-id = {34499260}, issn = {1586-5428}, year = {2023}, pages = {3-13}, orcid-numbers = {Géczi, Gábor István/0000-0002-6996-1550; Zare, Fateme/0000-0001-5726-0194} } @article{MTMT:32034297, title = {A sport munkaerő-piacának összehasonlító elemzése a Visegrádi országokban. Comparative analysis of sport labor market in Visegrád countries}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32034297}, author = {Onyestyák, Nikoletta and Sterbenz, Tamás and Farkas, Judit and Perényi, Szilvia}, journal-iso = {M SPORTTUD SZLE}, journal = {MAGYAR SPORTTUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE}, volume = {22}, unique-id = {32034297}, issn = {1586-5428}, year = {2021}, pages = {21-30} }