@article{MTMT:34868881, title = {Succession of the fungal community of a spacecraft assembly clean room when enriched in brines relevant to Mars}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34868881}, author = {Carte, Meris E. and Chen, Fei and Clark, Benton C. and Schneegurt, Mark A.}, doi = {10.1017/S1473550424000090}, journal-iso = {INT J ASTROBIOL}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASTROBIOLOGY}, volume = {23}, unique-id = {34868881}, issn = {1473-5504}, abstract = {Spacecraft can carry microbial contaminants from spacecraft assembly facilities (SAFs) to the cold arid surface of Mars that may confound life detection missions or disrupt native ecosystems. Dry hygroscopic sulphate and (per)chlorate salts on Mars may absorb atmospheric humidity and deliquesce at certain times to produce dense brines, potential sources of liquid water. Microbial growth is generally prohibited under the non-permissive condition of extremely low water activity in the frigid potential brines on Mars. Here we challenged the microbial community from samples of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory SAF with the extreme chemical conditions of brines relevant to Mars. Enrichment cultures in SP medium supplemented with 50% MgSO 4 or 20% NaClO 3 were inoculated from washes of SAF floor wipes. Samples were taken for each of the first four weeks and then at six months after inoculation to follow changes in the SAF microbial community under high salinity for long periods. Metagenomic DNA extracts of community samples were examined by Illumina sequencing of 18S rRNA gene sequences using fungal primers. The fungal assemblage during the first month of enrichment was predominantly common Ascomycetes, primarily Saccharomyete yeasts. Basidiomycetes were detected, mainly in the Microbotryomycetes and Tremellomycetes. Fungi were much less abundant in enrichment cultures at 50% MgSO 4 than at 20% NaClO 3 . After 6 months of enrichment, few fungi remained. Microbes persisting from the JPL SAF microbial community in aged cultures enriched at extreme salinities might be the most capable of subsequently surviving and proliferating at the near surface of Mars. The SAF fungal assemblage did not survive and proliferate as well as the SAF bacterial community.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1475-3006}, orcid-numbers = {Schneegurt, Mark A./0000-0001-7280-1876} } @article{MTMT:34869231, title = {Mars Soil Temperature and Thermal Properties from InSight HP^3 Data}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34869231}, author = {Tilman, Spohn and Christian, Krause and Mattheww, Golombeck and Nils, T Mueller and Matthias, Grott and Joerg, Knollenberg and Ana-Catalina, Plesa and Doris, Breuer and Paul, Morgan and Valentin, T. Bickel and William, Bruce Banerdt and Suzanne, E Smrekar}, journal-iso = {GEOPHYS RES LETT}, journal = {GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}, unique-id = {34869231}, issn = {0094-8276}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1944-8007} } @article{MTMT:34643769, title = {Succession of the bacterial community from a spacecraft assembly clean room when enriched in brines relevant to Mars}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34643769}, author = {Carte, Meris E. and Chen, Fei and Clark, Benton C. and Schneegurt, Mark A.}, doi = {10.1017/S1473550423000277}, journal-iso = {INT J ASTROBIOL}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASTROBIOLOGY}, volume = {23}, unique-id = {34643769}, issn = {1473-5504}, keywords = {DIVERSITY; ENRICHMENT; microbiology; chlorate; clean room; epsomite}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1475-3006} } @article{MTMT:33882001, title = {The formation of cone chains in the Chryse Planitia region on Mars and the thermodynamic aspects of this process}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33882001}, author = {Czechowski, Leszek and Zalewska, Natalia and Zambrowska, Anita and Ciazela, Marta and Witek, Piotr and Kotlarz, Jan}, doi = {10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115473}, journal-iso = {ICARUS}, journal = {ICARUS}, volume = {396}, unique-id = {33882001}, issn = {0019-1035}, abstract = {This paper considers a small region in Chryse Planitia where several subparallel chains of cones are observed. Despite many papers on small Martian cones, the mechanism of their formation is not unequivocally explained, nor the reason for their arrangement in subparallel chains. In this paper, we test a few hypotheses stating that most of the cones under consideration are the result of outgassing Martian regolith when atmospheric pressure has become too low for liquid water to be stable. This mechanism explains the existence of a series of cones outside of the main volcanic zones in the vast lowlands of Mars. Magma heating might be another factor, but our calculations show that its role was often rather limited. Some of the cones may be rootless cones. Subparallel chains of cones might be formed above several types of linear subparallel structures: e.g., outcrops of aquifers, linear outcrops, fissures resulting during landslides, linear heat sources, etc. We also found that thermal advection (i.e. gas or liquid flow) could transport heat from deep aquifers to shallow aquifers. It could enabled rapid loss of volatiles. Our research on the cycloidal structure indicates that it is an outcrop of a layer that probably extends under several hills. Moreover, our preliminary research points that similar processes may have taken place in other regions of Chryse Planitia. This conclusion is based on the observation of similar structures, e.g., cones, chains of cones, arcs of outcrops, etc. in the region.}, keywords = {SURFACE; Mars; climate; Geophysics; Geological processes; Regoliths}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1090-2643} } @article{MTMT:33944559, title = {Seasonal Variations of Soil Thermal Conductivity at the InSight Landing Site}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33944559}, author = {Grott, M. and Piqueux, S. and Spohn, T. and Knollenberg, J. and Krause, C. and Marteau, E. and Hudson, T. L. and Forget, F. and Lange, L. and Mueller, N. and Golombek, M. and Nagihara, S. and Morgan, P. and Murphy, J. P. and Siegler, M. and King, S. D. and Banfield, D. and Smrekar, S. E. and Banerdt, W. B.}, doi = {10.1029/2023GL102975}, journal-iso = {GEOPHYS RES LETT}, journal = {GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}, volume = {50}, unique-id = {33944559}, issn = {0094-8276}, abstract = {The heat flow and physical properties package measured soil thermal conductivity at the landing site in the 0.03-0.37 m depth range. Six measurements spanning solar longitudes from 8.0 degrees to 210.0 degrees were made and atmospheric pressure at the site was simultaneously measured using InSight's Pressure Sensor. We find that soil thermal conductivity strongly correlates with atmospheric pressure. This trend is compatible with predictions of the pressure dependence of thermal conductivity for unconsolidated soils under martian atmospheric conditions, indicating that heat transport through the pore filling gas is a major contributor to the total heat transport. Therefore, any cementation or induration of the soil sampled by the experiments must be minimal and soil surrounding the mole at depths below the duricrust is likely unconsolidated. Thermal conductivity data presented here are the first direct evidence that the atmosphere interacts with the top most meter of material on Mars.}, keywords = {SOIL; thermal conductivity; INSIGHT; heat transport; HP3}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1944-8007} } @article{MTMT:33861676, title = {Effective formation of surface flow due to salt precipitation within soils upon repeated brine seepages on Mars}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33861676}, author = {Imamura, Shoko and Sekine, Yasuhito and Maekawa, Yu and Kurokawa, Hiroyuki and Sasaki, Takenori}, doi = {10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115500}, journal-iso = {ICARUS}, journal = {ICARUS}, volume = {396}, unique-id = {33861676}, issn = {0019-1035}, abstract = {On Mars, in the present and past, highly concentrated liquid brine is suggested to have formed repeatedly through ice melting and/or deliquescence. Such repeated seepages of brine could generate characteristic geomorphic features on Mars; however, the dynamics of repeated brine flows have been little investigated. Here we report results of laboratory experiments that investigate the flow behavior of brine (MgCl2 solution) upon repeated cycles of seepage and drying in glass beads on slopes. We compare the flow behavior with those of ultrapure water and ethylene glycol. We found that at a low flow rate, comparable to ice melting on Mars, both ultrapure water and ethylene glycol infiltrate radially into glass beads as infiltration flows. In contrast, even at a low flow rate, surface flows appear due to repeated seepages of MgCl2 solution. The surface flows move downward on slopes, forming elongated flow features. This happens because a decrease in the porosity and permeability of the glass beads caused by precipitated salts prevents infiltration in subsequent brine seepages. We suggest that precipitated salts have a role in the formation of transient surface flows on Mars, even at low seepage rates.}, keywords = {SURFACE; Mars; Geological processes; Regoliths}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1090-2643} } @article{MTMT:34079768, title = {An Overview for Living in Extraterrestrial Universe without DNA & RNA: Higgs Boson or God Particle as a Common Origin for Universal Life and Living Essence Existence}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34079768}, author = {Monajjemi, M.}, doi = {10.33263/BRIAC131.013}, journal-iso = {BIOINTERF RES APPL CHEM}, journal = {BIOINTERFACE RESEARCH IN APPLIED CHEMISTRY}, volume = {13}, unique-id = {34079768}, issn = {2069-5837}, year = {2023} } @article{MTMT:34334531, title = {Using the Perseverance MEDA-RDS to identify and track dust devils and dust-lifting gust fronts}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34334531}, author = {Toledo, D. and Apestigue, V. and Martinez-Oter, J. and Franchi, F. and Serrano, F. and Yela, M. and Juarez, M. de la Torre and Rodriguez-Manfredi, J. A. and Arruego, I.}, doi = {10.3389/fspas.2023.1221726}, journal-iso = {Front Astron Space Sci}, journal = {FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {34334531}, issn = {2296-987X}, abstract = {In the framework of the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure Transnational Access programme, a terrestrial field campaign was conducted from 29 September to 6 October 2021 in Makgadikgadi Salt Pans (Botswana). The main goal of the campaign was to study in situ the impact of the dust devils (DDs) on the observations made by the radiometer Radiation and Dust Sensor (RDS), which is part of the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer instrument, on board NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover. Several DDs and dust lifting events caused by non-vortex wind gusts were detected using the RDS, and the different impacts of these events were analyzed in the observations. DD diameter, advection velocity, and trajectory were derived from the RDS observations, and then, panoramic videos of such events were used to validate these results. The instrument signal variations produced by dust lifting (by vortices or wind gusts) in Makgadikgadi Pans are similar to those observed on Mars with the RDS, showing the potential of this location as a Martian DD analog.}, keywords = {DUST; Wind gust; Mars 2020; Mars analog; dust devils; Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA); Radiation and Dust Sensor (RDS)}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2296-987X} } @article{MTMT:32636543, title = {Bacterial Growth in Brines Formed by the Deliquescence of Salts Relevant to Cold Arid Worlds}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32636543}, author = {Cesur, Robin M. and Ansari, Irfan M. and Chen, Fei and Clark, Benton C. and Schneegurt, Mark A.}, doi = {10.1089/ast.2020.2336}, journal-iso = {ASTROBIOLOGY}, journal = {ASTROBIOLOGY}, volume = {22}, unique-id = {32636543}, issn = {1531-1074}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1557-8070}, pages = {104-115}, orcid-numbers = {Schneegurt, Mark A./0000-0001-7280-1876} } @article{MTMT:32679156, title = {Surface morphologies in a Mars-analog Ca-sulfate Salar, High Andes, Northern Chile}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32679156}, author = {Hinman, N W and Hofmann, M H and Warren-Rhodes, K and Phillips, M S and Noffke, N and Cabrol, N A and Chong Diaz, G and Demergasso, C and Tebes-Cayo, C and Cabestrero, O and Bishop, J L and Gulick, V C and Summers, D and Sobron, P and McInenly, M and Moersch, J and Rodriguez, C and Sarazzin, Ph and Rhodes, K L and Riffo Contreras, C J and Wettergreen, D and Parro, V}, doi = {10.3389/fspas.2021.797591}, journal-iso = {Front Astron Space Sci}, journal = {FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {32679156}, issn = {2296-987X}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2296-987X} } @article{MTMT:32636546, title = {Atmospheric, Geomorphological, and Compositional Analysis of Martian Asimov and Hale Craters: Implications for Recurring Slope Lineae}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32636546}, author = {Howari, Fares M. and Sharma, Manish and Xavier, Cijo M. and Nazzal, Yousef and Alaydaroos, Fatima}, doi = {10.3389/fspas.2021.781166}, journal-iso = {Front Astron Space Sci}, journal = {FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {32636546}, issn = {2296-987X}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2296-987X} } @article{MTMT:32679045, title = {Deliquescence probability maps of Mars and key limiting factors using GCM model calculations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32679045}, author = {Pál, Bernadett and Kereszturi, Ákos}, doi = {10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114856}, journal-iso = {ICARUS}, journal = {ICARUS}, volume = {376}, unique-id = {32679045}, issn = {0019-1035}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1090-2643}, orcid-numbers = {Pál, Bernadett/0000-0002-7189-1627} } @mastersthesis{MTMT:34869220, title = {Stability of oxy-chlorine brines under Mars-relevant temperature and relative humidity}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34869220}, author = {Tu, Shen}, unique-id = {34869220}, abstract = {The existence and distribution of oxy-chlorine salts have important implications for the hydrologic activities on the Martian surface. On the one hand, these salts are highly hygroscopic, readily absorbing atmospheric water, and deliquescent, producing hydrated compounds and brines even under very low relative humidity (RH). On the other hand, they can lower the freezing point of water, allowing their solutions to remain liquid under subzero temperatures for a significant period. Hence, oxy-chlorine salts are implicated as a possible repository for liquid water sporadically stable on the present-day dry and cold Mars. The main goal of this study is to depict the stability of Ca(ClO4)2 and Mg(ClO3)2 brines under Mars-relevant temperature and relative humidity, via acquiring the structural information of oxy-chlorine salts for constraining phase boundaries of (meta)stable minerals, as well as the thermal information of oxy-chlorine salts for modeling salt assemblages of a leached solution of Martian soil.}, year = {2022} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:31932274, title = {Planetary science as a tool to integrate instrumental, laboratory and modelling aspects under research activity in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31932274}, author = {Horvai, F.}, booktitle = {52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference}, unique-id = {31932274}, year = {2021} } @article{MTMT:32187170, title = {Record of environmental changes based on a low latitude martian crater}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32187170}, author = {Kereszturi, Ákos}, doi = {10.1016/j.icarus.2020.114296}, journal-iso = {ICARUS}, journal = {ICARUS}, volume = {357}, unique-id = {32187170}, issn = {0019-1035}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1090-2643} } @article{MTMT:32636544, title = {Brine-Induced Tribocorrosion Accelerates Wear on Stainless Steel: Implications for Mars Exploration}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32636544}, author = {Martín‐Torres, Javier and Zorzano‐Mier, María‐Paz and Nyberg, Erik and Vakkada-Ramachandran, Abhilash and Bhardwaj, Anshuman}, doi = {10.1155/2021/6441233}, journal-iso = {ADV ASTRON}, journal = {ADVANCES IN ASTRONOMY}, volume = {2021}, unique-id = {32636544}, issn = {1687-7969}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1687-7977}, pages = {1-11}, orcid-numbers = {Martín‐Torres, Javier/0000-0001-6479-2236; Nyberg, Erik/0000-0002-0851-8475; Vakkada-Ramachandran, Abhilash/0000-0003-0499-6370; Bhardwaj, Anshuman/0000-0002-2502-6384} } @article{MTMT:31656453, title = {The Astrobiology of Alien Worlds: Known and Unknown Forms of Life}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31656453}, author = {Irwin, LN. and Schulze-Makuch, D}, doi = {10.3390/universe6090130}, journal-iso = {UNIVERSE-BASEL}, journal = {UNIVERSE}, volume = {6}, unique-id = {31656453}, year = {2020}, eissn = {2218-1997} } @article{MTMT:31691571, title = {Mimicking the Martian Hydrological Cycle: A Set-Up to Introduce Liquid Water in Vacuum}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31691571}, author = {Manuel Sobrado, Jesus}, doi = {10.3390/s20216150}, journal-iso = {SENSORS-BASEL}, journal = {SENSORS}, volume = {20}, unique-id = {31691571}, abstract = {Liquid water is well known as the life ingredient as a solvent. However, so far, it has only been found in liquid state on this planetary surface. The aim of this experiment and technological development was to test if a moss sample is capable of surviving in Martian conditions. We built a system that simulates the environmental conditions of the red planet including its hydrological cycle. This laboratory facility enables us to control the water cycle in its three phases through temperature, relative humidity, hydration, and pressure with a system that injects water droplets into a vacuum chamber. We successfully simulated the daytime and nighttime of Mars by recreating water condensation and created a layer of superficial ice that protects the sample against external radiation and minimizes the loss of humidity due to evaporation to maintain a moss sample in survival conditions in this extreme environment. We performed the simulations with the design and development of different tools that recreate Martian weather in the MARTE simulation chamber.}, keywords = {water cycle; mars simulation; artificial atmosphere; moss survival}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1424-8220} } @inproceedings{MTMT:32072796, title = {A hidroszféra felszíni lefolyásnyomai - folyóvölgyek a Marson}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32072796}, author = {Steinmann, Vilmos}, booktitle = {Hidroszféra: a víz mint különleges anyag : a hidroszféra a Földön és a Naprendszer más égitestjein}, doi = {10.31852/EMF.32.2020.073.080}, unique-id = {32072796}, year = {2020}, pages = {73-80}, orcid-numbers = {Steinmann, Vilmos/0000-0001-5233-6436} }