@article{MTMT:34806109, title = {Influence of sedimentary architecture on static connectivity and geothermal doublet performance (Mezőberény, SE Hungary)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34806109}, author = {Budai, Soma and Willems, CJL and Colombera, L and Westaway, R}, doi = {10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2024.106820}, journal-iso = {MAR PETROL GEOL}, journal = {MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY}, volume = {164}, unique-id = {34806109}, issn = {0264-8172}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1873-4073} } @article{MTMT:32753540, title = {Preliminarily report on rare earth element taphonomy of a Miocene mixed age fossil vertebrate assemblage (Pécs-Danitzpuszta, Mecsek Mts., Hungary): uptake mechanism and possible separation of palaeocommunities}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32753540}, author = {Botfalvai, Gábor and Kocsis, László and Szabó, Márton and Király, Edit and Sebe, Krisztina}, doi = {10.1080/08912963.2022.2049771}, journal-iso = {HIST BIOL}, journal = {HISTORICAL BIOLOGY}, volume = {35}, unique-id = {32753540}, issn = {0891-2963}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1029-2381}, pages = {498-517}, orcid-numbers = {Botfalvai, Gábor/0000-0002-5479-9036; Kocsis, László/0000-0003-4613-1850; Sebe, Krisztina/0000-0002-4647-2199} } @article{MTMT:34092755, title = {Taxonomic revision of the Lake Pannon cockle subgenus Lymnocardium (Budmania) BRUSINA, 1897}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34092755}, author = {Magyar, Imre and Katona, Lajos Tamás}, doi = {10.4154/gc.2023.01}, journal-iso = {GEOL CROAT}, journal = {GEOLOGIA CROATICA}, volume = {76}, unique-id = {34092755}, issn = {1330-030X}, abstract = {The lymnocardiine subgenus Budmania is characterized by the most unusual and spectacular morphology in the endemic mollusc fauna of the Late Miocene - Pliocene Lake Pannon. Bud -mania possessed extremely high, hollow, irregular keels on its ribs, a pattern that was long con-sidered an adaptation to the fluid, muddy substratum. Eight species were described with this pattern between 1874 and 1973. Our revision, based on the type materials and a large number of additional specimens from several collections, revealed however, that only two species can be distinguished with certainty: Lymnocardium (Budmania) ferrugineum (BRUSINA, 1874) and L. (B.) cristagalli (ROTH, 1878). The former lived in the littoral zone of Lake Pannon, on a sandy substratum, whereas the latter inhabited the sublittoral zone with a muddy bottom. This habitat partitioning challenges the interpretation of the high, hollow keels as an adaptation to a soft, muddy substratum. The occurrence of both species seems to have been restricted to the period between 7.5-7.15 Ma.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1333-4875}, pages = {37-46} } @article{MTMT:34756026, title = {Surviving from transgression to regression of Lake Pannon: Fan deltas of the Nemcinany Fm. persisted across the rifting until the post-rift stage of the Danube Basin, western Slovakia}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34756026}, author = {Sujan, Michal and Aherwar, Kishan and Chyba, Andrej and Rozsova, Barbara and Braucher, Regis and Sujan, Martin and Sipka, Frantisek and Team, Aster}, doi = {10.31577/GeolCarp.2023.25}, journal-iso = {GEOL CARPATH}, journal = {GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA}, volume = {74}, unique-id = {34756026}, issn = {1335-0552}, abstract = {Successions deposited under rifting and post-rift settings of an isolated epicontinental basin often exhibit contrasting characteristics. Facies linked to transgression during basin rifting are typically locally sourced fan deltas transporting coarse-grained sediment, whereas the post-rift setup generally involves a normal regression marked by more extensive catchments, sediment sourced from greater distances, and an overall decrease in average grain size compared to the transgressive facies. In this study, we present a specific scenario based on a sedimentological, stratigraphic, and authigenic 10Be/9Be analysis of the Nemcinany Formation, an Upper Miocene fan deltaic succession in the eastern Danube Basin, Slovakia. Deposition of the Nemcinany Fm. was initiated shortly after -11.6 Ma by the fourth rifting phase of the Pannonian Basin System, triggering the transgression of Lake Pannon. The depositional system persisted until -9.6 Ma, likely balancing the increased accommodation rate with sediment supply in the shallow lake area situated on a basement high. Subsequently, a relative decrease in the accommodation rate prompted the progradation of shelf-slope scale clinoforms, originating from the Nemcinany depositional system, toward the center of the Komjatice depression at -9.4 Ma, resulting in a normal regression of Lake Pannon. The persistence of the Nemcinany fan delta system, unlike common stratigraphic patterns, was associated to the high sediment supply yielded by the paleo-Hron river, which entered the basin in the study area. These observations underscore the need for caution in predicting provenance shifts during changes in geodynamic stages of a basin.}, keywords = {facies analysis; LATE MIOCENE; LATE MIOCENE; CENTRAL PARATETHYS; LEVEL CHANGES; Back-arc basins; cosmogenic nuclides; PANNONIAN BASIN SYSTEM; DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS; TURBIDITY CURRENTS; Sedimentary facies; Dacian Basin; Gilbert-type deltas; authigenic 10Be/9Be dating}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1336-8052}, pages = {469-488}, orcid-numbers = {Sujan, Michal/0000-0001-7933-8669} } @article{MTMT:33775901, title = {Dél-zselici pannon-tavi (késő miocén) rétegsorok őskörnyezeti rekonstrukciója}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33775901}, author = {Vallner, Fanni and Sebe, Krisztina and Sztanó, Orsolya}, doi = {10.23928/foldt.kozl.2023.153.1.35}, journal-iso = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, journal = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {153}, unique-id = {33775901}, issn = {0015-542X}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2559-902X}, pages = {35-56}, orcid-numbers = {Sebe, Krisztina/0000-0002-4647-2199; Sztanó, Orsolya/0000-0003-0786-3653} } @article{MTMT:32597603, title = {Refining the conceptual model for radionuclide mobility in groundwater in the vicinity of a Hungarian granitic complex using geochemical modeling}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32597603}, author = {Baják, Petra and Hegedűs-Csondor, Katalin and Pedretti, Daniele and Muniruzzaman, Muhammad and Surbeck, Heinz and Izsák, Bálint and Vargha, Márta and Horváth, Ákos and Pándics, Tamás and Erőss, Anita}, doi = {10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105201}, journal-iso = {APPL GEOCHEM}, journal = {APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY}, volume = {137}, unique-id = {32597603}, issn = {0883-2927}, abstract = {Groundwater is an important freshwater resource, which can be affected by geogenic radionuclide contamination. To make decisions regarding the use and management of groundwater, understanding the controls of radionuclide mobility is critical. In the southern foreland of a granitic outcrop in Hungary, high gross alpha activity concentration was measured in drinking water wells, related probably to the presence of uranium. It has been suggested that understanding of the groundwater flow system may be a key aspect to understand uranium mobility in groundwater. The goal of the present work was to elucidate the conceptual model of radionuclide mobility in the study area, focusing in particular on the geochemical controls of uranium. For this purpose, water samples were collected and nuclide-specific measurements for 226Ra and radon isotopes were carried out, in addition to 234U+238U measurements, to increase the range of radionuclides and better understand their mobility. A geochemical modeling analysis involving redox-controlling kinetic reactions and a surface complexation model was developed to support the conceptual model. The results from the sampling indicate that excess of 234U+238U (3–753 mBq L−1) contribute to the natural radioactivity measured in drinking water to a large degree. 226Ra was measured in relatively low activity concentrations (<5–63 mBq L−1) with the exception of three specific wells. Notable radon activity concentration was measured in the springwaters from Velence Hills (1.01–3.14 × 105 mBq L−1) and in interrelation with the highest (285–695 mBq L−1) 226Ra activity concentrations. The geochemical model suggests that uranium distribution is sensitive to redox changes in the aquifer. Its mobility in groundwater depends on the residence time of groundwater compared to the reaction time controlling the consumption of oxidizing species. The longer the flow path from the recharge point to an observation point where U is measured, the more likely it is that reducing conditions will be found in the aquifer and the elemental concentration U will be low.}, keywords = {Uranium; GROUNDWATER; drinking water; PHREEQC; Redox changes}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1872-9134}, orcid-numbers = {Hegedűs-Csondor, Katalin/0000-0002-3368-9620; Muniruzzaman, Muhammad/0000-0002-1288-0872; Horváth, Ákos/0000-0003-2611-4287; Erőss, Anita/0000-0002-2395-3934} } @article{MTMT:32475967, title = {From marginal outcrops to basin interior: a new perspective on the sedimentary evolution of the eastern Pannonian Basin}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32475967}, author = {Bartha, István Róbert and Botka, Dániel Bálint and Beliczainé Csoma, Vivien and Katona, Lajos Tamás and Tóth, Emőke and Magyar, Imre and Silye, Lóránd and Sztanó, Orsolya}, doi = {10.1007/s00531-021-02117-6}, journal-iso = {INT J EARTH SCI}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES}, volume = {111}, unique-id = {32475967}, issn = {1437-3254}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1437-3262}, pages = {335-357}, orcid-numbers = {Bartha, István Róbert/0000-0003-3198-2687; Botka, Dániel Bálint/0000-0002-6627-4640; Beliczainé Csoma, Vivien/0000-0002-2593-5537; Tóth, Emőke/0000-0002-1733-7828; Silye, Lóránd/0000-0001-7306-6041; Sztanó, Orsolya/0000-0003-0786-3653} } @article{MTMT:32816598, title = {Against the tide: southeast to northwest shelf-edge progradation in the southeastern margin of Lake Pannon, Banat (Serbia and Romania)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32816598}, author = {Radivojević, D and Radonjić, M and Katona, Lajos Tamás and Magyar, Imre}, doi = {10.1007/s00531-022-02188-z}, journal-iso = {INT J EARTH SCI}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES}, volume = {111}, unique-id = {32816598}, issn = {1437-3254}, abstract = {In the late Neogene, the Pannonian Basin in Central Europe was filled with sediments when rivers from the Alps and Carpathians shed their sediment load into Lake Pannon. The most powerful source-to-sink system was that of the paleo-Danube, transporting sediments from the NW as far as the southeastern part of the lake. In the southeastern margin of the basin, however, local sedimentary systems worked in the opposite direction, against the “tide” of the prevailing N to S sediment transport. The lifetime and advance rate of these systems were unknown. We investigated such a sedimentary system in SE Banat, SE tip of the Pannonian Basin that transported material from the westernmost Southern Carpathians towards the basin center in the NW. Following the flooding of the Southern Carpathian foothills by Lake Pannon 9.6–9.1 My ago, a shelf was built from the Southern Carpathians into the 300–500 m deep water of the adjacent local depression. The advance of the shelf-edge reached the surroundings of Vršac Island some 20–25 km to the NW about 7.5–7.0 My ago, when a small-scale transgressive–regressive cycle formed on the flanks of the Vršac Mts: coarse-grained deposits derived from local sources during the initial flooding and the overlying offshore marls representing the maximum flooding are capped by the regressive deltaic succession advancing from the Southern Carpathians. The average shelf-edge progradation rate (ca. 10 km /My) was, thus, almost an order of magnitude smaller than the progradation rate of the coeval paleo-Danube shelf on the opposite, northwestern side of the lake.}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1437-3262}, pages = {1551-1571}, orcid-numbers = {Radivojević, D/0000-0002-3647-7578; Radonjić, M/0000-0001-8139-7908} } @article{MTMT:32543082, title = {The Serbian Lake Pannon formations - their significance and interregional correlation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32543082}, author = {Andjelkovic, Filip and Radivojevic, Dejan}, doi = {10.2298/GABP210420007A}, journal-iso = {ANN GEOL PENINSULA BALKANIQUE}, journal = {ANNALES GEOLOGIQUES DE LA PENINSULA BALKANIQUE}, volume = {82}, unique-id = {32543082}, issn = {0350-0608}, year = {2021}, pages = {43-67}, orcid-numbers = {Radivojevic, Dejan/0000-0002-3647-7578} } @article{MTMT:32461594, title = {Lake Pannon Transgression on the Westernmost Tip of the Carpathians Constrained by Biostratigraphy and Authigenic 10be/9be Dating (Central Europe)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32461594}, author = {Šujan, M and Braucher, R and Mandic, O and Fordinál, K and Brixová, B and Pipík, RK and Šimo, V and Jamrich, M and Rybár, S and Klučiar, T and Ruman, A and Zvara, I and Kováč, M and Aster, Team}, doi = {10.13130/2039-4942/16620}, journal-iso = {RIV IT PALEON STRATIG}, journal = {RIVISTA ITALIANA DI PALEONTOLOGIA E STRATIGRAFIA}, volume = {127}, unique-id = {32461594}, issn = {0035-6883}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2039-4942}, pages = {627-653} } @article{MTMT:31640869, title = {Geological deformations in the Pannonian Basin during the neotectonic phase: New insights from the latest regional mapping in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31640869}, author = {Koroknai, B and Wórum, G and Tóth, T and Koroknai, Zs and Fekete-Németh, V and Kovács, Gábor}, doi = {10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103411}, journal-iso = {EARTH-SCI REV}, journal = {EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS}, volume = {211}, unique-id = {31640869}, issn = {0012-8252}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1872-6828}, orcid-numbers = {Kovács, Gábor/0000-0001-6720-3126} } @article{MTMT:31646422, title = {Correlation of upper Miocene-Pliocene Lake Pannon deposits across the Drava Basin, Croatia and Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31646422}, author = {Sebe, Krisztina and Kovačić, M and Magyar, Imre and Krizmanić, K and Špelić, M and Bigunac, D and Sütő-Szentai, M and Kovács, Ádám and Szuromi-Korecz, A and Bakrač, K and Hajek-Tadesse, V and Troskot-Čorbić, T and Sztanó, Orsolya}, doi = {10.4154/gc.2020.12}, journal-iso = {GEOL CROAT}, journal = {GEOLOGIA CROATICA}, volume = {73}, unique-id = {31646422}, issn = {1330-030X}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1333-4875}, pages = {177-195}, orcid-numbers = {Sebe, Krisztina/0000-0002-4647-2199; Sztanó, Orsolya/0000-0003-0786-3653} } @article{MTMT:30852034, title = {Results, problems and future tasks of palaeostress and fault-slip analyses in the Pannonian Basin: the Hungarian contribution}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30852034}, author = {Fodor, László}, doi = {10.23928/foldt.kozl.2019.149.4.297}, journal-iso = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, journal = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {149}, unique-id = {30852034}, issn = {0015-542X}, year = {2019}, eissn = {2559-902X}, pages = {297-326} }