@{MTMT:33866207, title = {La crise de l’État de droit et la politique sociale: la réponse de l’UE dans les cas de la Hongrie et de la Pologne}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33866207}, author = {A., Atanasova and Z., Rasnača}, booktitle = {Bilan social de l’Union européenne 2022}, unique-id = {33866207}, year = {2023}, pages = {123} } @inbook{MTMT:34132913, title = {The rule of law crisis and social policy: the EU response in the cases of Hungary and Poland}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34132913}, author = {Angelina, Atanasova and Zane, Rasnača}, booktitle = {Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2022}, unique-id = {34132913}, year = {2023}, pages = {111-135} } @article{MTMT:32183989, title = {Transitions, populism, and democratic decline: evidence from Hungary and the Czech Republic}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32183989}, author = {Rohac, Dalibor}, doi = {10.1080/23745118.2021.1973213}, journal-iso = {EUR POL SOC}, journal = {EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY}, volume = {24}, unique-id = {32183989}, issn = {2374-5118}, year = {2023}, pages = {169-187}, orcid-numbers = {Rohac, Dalibor/0000-0002-3546-8784} } @book{MTMT:33298325, title = {Az alkotmánybíráskodás átalakulása Magyarországon 2010 után}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33298325}, isbn = {9789634548652}, author = {Gárdos-Orosz, Fruzsina}, doi = {10.1556/9789634548652}, publisher = {Akadémiai Kiadó Zrt.}, unique-id = {33298325}, year = {2022} } @article{MTMT:33501830, title = {Constitutional identity as a normative constitutional concept}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33501830}, author = {Szente, Zoltán}, doi = {10.1556/2052.2022.00390}, journal-iso = {HUN J LEGAL STUD}, journal = {HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES}, volume = {63}, unique-id = {33501830}, issn = {2498-5473}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2560-1067}, pages = {3-20}, orcid-numbers = {Szente, Zoltán/0009-0001-6844-0091} } @book{MTMT:32112720, title = {Constitutional Law in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32112720}, isbn = {9789403533032}, author = {Szente, Zoltán}, publisher = {Wolters Kluwer}, unique-id = {32112720}, year = {2021}, orcid-numbers = {Szente, Zoltán/0009-0001-6844-0091} } @article{MTMT:31798687, title = {Human dignity and constitutional justice}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31798687}, author = {Stone Sweet, Alec}, doi = {10.1080/20403313.2020.1803546}, journal-iso = {JURISPRUDENCE}, journal = {JURISPRUDENCE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHT}, volume = {11}, unique-id = {31798687}, issn = {2040-3313}, year = {2020}, eissn = {2040-3321}, pages = {280-288} } @book{MTMT:30692891, title = {Proportionality Balancing and Constitutional Governance: A Comparative and Global Approach}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30692891}, isbn = {9780198841395}, author = {Alec, Stone Sweet and Jud, Mathews}, publisher = {OUP}, unique-id = {30692891}, year = {2019} } @article{MTMT:30709346, title = {The Social Contract Of Democratic Backsliding In The New EU Countries}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30709346}, author = {Dariusz, Adamski}, journal-iso = {COMMON MKT LAW REV}, journal = {COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW}, volume = {56}, unique-id = {30709346}, issn = {0165-0750}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1875-8320}, pages = {623-665} } @article{MTMT:27445159, title = {De-democratization in Hungary. diffusely defective democracy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/27445159}, author = {Matthijs, Bogaards}, doi = {10.1080/13510347.2018.1485015}, journal-iso = {DEMOCRATIZATION}, journal = {DEMOCRATIZATION}, volume = {25}, unique-id = {27445159}, issn = {1351-0347}, abstract = {Scholarly attention has started to shift from democratization and democratic consolidation to trends of democratic deconsolidation, backsliding, regression, and erosion. This article examines Hungary as a deviant and exemplary case for understanding de-democratization. The starting point is the literature on defective democracy, which provides a unified framework of analysis for the causes and the outcomes of democratization. However, as the case of Hungary shows, de-democratization is not simply the mirror of democratization. In Hungary, both the outcome and the process of de-democratization defy expectations. The democratic defects do not conform to any of the standard types, instead resembling a diffusely defective democracy. Moreover, existing explanations fail to account for their emergence. The case of Hungary indicates that our knowledge of democratization may be a poor guide to understanding de-democratization.}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1743-890X}, pages = {1481-1499} } @inbook{MTMT:30419829, title = {People's will before judicial review of (un)constitutional amendments}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30419829}, author = {Neliana, Rodean}, booktitle = {Constitutionalism in a Plural World}, unique-id = {30419829}, year = {2018}, pages = {22-46} } @article{MTMT:3287322, title = {The Hungarian Constitutional Court and the Financial Crisis}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3287322}, author = {Chronowski, Nóra and Gárdos-Orosz, Fruzsina}, doi = {10.1556/2052.2017.58.2.2}, journal-iso = {HUN J LEGAL STUD}, journal = {HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES}, volume = {58}, unique-id = {3287322}, issn = {2498-5473}, year = {2017}, eissn = {2560-1067}, pages = {139-154}, orcid-numbers = {Chronowski, Nóra/0000-0003-0519-0707} } @article{MTMT:26942849, title = {Pětadvacetileté výročí obnovení ústavního soudnictví v českých zemích}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26942849}, author = {Michal, Oščipovský and Adam, Blisa}, journal-iso = {BULLETIN CENTRA PRO LIDSKÁ PRÁVA A DEMOKRATIZACI}, journal = {BULLETIN CENTRA PRO LIDSKÁ PRÁVA A DEMOKRATIZACI}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {26942849}, issn = {1804-2392}, year = {2017}, pages = {23} } @techreport{MTMT:26621177, title = {Democractic backsliding and economic performance. Country report on Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26621177}, author = {Petra, Burai and Petra, Burai and Miklós, Ligeti and József, Péter Martin and Ella, Salgó}, unique-id = {26621177}, year = {2017} } @book{MTMT:26494023, title = {Mapping Backsliding in the European Union}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26494023}, author = {NICK, SITTER and Bátory, Ágnes and JOANNA, KOSTKA and ANDREA, KRIZSAN and VIOLETTA, ZENTAI}, publisher = {Közép-európai Egyetem}, unique-id = {26494023}, year = {2016} }