@article{MTMT:34728378, title = {Territorial segmentation of key sustainability stakeholders for systemic change: Insights from Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34728378}, author = {Lengyel, Attila and Müller, Anetta and Bács, Zoltán and Kovács, Sándor}, doi = {10.1016/j.rspp.2024.100022}, journal-iso = {REG SCI POL PRAC}, journal = {REGIONAL SCIENCE POLICY & PRACTICE}, volume = {2024}, unique-id = {34728378}, issn = {1757-7802}, abstract = {Employing advanced statistical methods on qualitative data, this study explores territorial clusters of municipality leaders (ML) and educational leaders (EL) in Hungary, based on their sustainability priorities. It assesses how these clusters influence stakeholder engagement strategies and decision-making across local, national, and global scales. The analysis reveals synergies and divergences between ML and EL, emphasizing their combined potential in addressing the socio-economic and environmental facets of sustainability. The findings highlight the importance of collaborative ML and EL efforts in fostering systemic change underscoring the pivotal role of local actors in multilevel governance for sustainable development.}, keywords = {educational leaders; Sustainability values and priorities; Stakeholder segmentation; Territorial scales; Municipality leaders}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1757-7802}, pages = {online-online}, orcid-numbers = {Lengyel, Attila/0000-0003-3108-6188} } @article{MTMT:34556081, title = {Governing the economy under populist rule. the cases of Hungary and Poland}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34556081}, author = {Benczes, István and Orzechowska-Wacławska, Joanna}, doi = {10.1080/10758216.2023.2301085}, journal-iso = {PROBL POST-COMMUNISM}, journal = {PROBLEMS OF POST-COMMUNISM}, volume = {71}, unique-id = {34556081}, issn = {1075-8216}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1557-783X}, pages = {341-355}, orcid-numbers = {Benczes, István/0000-0002-7309-6213; Orzechowska-Wacławska, Joanna/0000-0003-3272-0857} } @article{MTMT:34398877, title = {Shrinking space: the changing political opportunities of advocacy groups in illiberal governance}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34398877}, author = {Boda, Zsolt}, doi = {10.1080/23745118.2023.2287245}, journal-iso = {EUR POL SOC}, journal = {EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY}, volume = {25}, unique-id = {34398877}, issn = {2374-5118}, year = {2024}, pages = {664-683} } @article{MTMT:34772910, title = {Exclusionary Mechanisms of Social Policy Redistribution in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34772910}, author = {Czibere, Ibolya and Balogh, Karolina and Kovách, Imre and Nemes-Zámbó, Gabriella}, doi = {10.1017/S1474746424000149}, journal-iso = {SOCIAL POLICY SOC}, journal = {SOCIAL POLICY AND SOCIETY}, volume = {2024}, unique-id = {34772910}, issn = {1474-7464}, abstract = {In this study the authors examine the impact of social incomes on social inequalities and social integration in the post-2010 populist welfare system in Hungary. A detailed quantitative analysis reveals the structure and distribution of social incomes among different groups in contemporary Hungarian society. This analysis includes factors such educational attainment, demographic structure and income of households, number of children, and deprivation index. The results of the research show that welfare redistribution has lost its ability to reduce inequalities and instead serves as a means of perpetuating social disparities.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1475-3073}, pages = {1-16}, orcid-numbers = {Nemes-Zámbó, Gabriella/0000-0002-0483-1747} } @article{MTMT:34686507, title = {Fiscal implications of the populist radical right in power}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34686507}, author = {Elsässer, Lea and Röth, Leonce}, doi = {10.1080/13501763.2024.2314248}, journal-iso = {J EUR PUBLIC POLICY}, journal = {JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY}, unique-id = {34686507}, issn = {1350-1763}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1466-4429} } @article{MTMT:34687991, title = {Anti-pluralism, Labour Market Policy and the Pandemic: Political Uses and Social Consequences of COVID-19 in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34687991}, author = {Gárdos, Judit and Hungler, Sára and Illéssy, Miklós}, doi = {10.1177/09646639241233939}, journal-iso = {SOC LEGAL STUD}, journal = {SOCIAL & LEGAL STUDIES}, volume = {0}, unique-id = {34687991}, issn = {0964-6639}, abstract = {Combining sociological, legal and political science approaches, our article investigates some pandemic-related national policy measures and analyses survey studies on the reactions of the labour market and its actors to the COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary, a neoliberal national-populist country. Our surveys conducted with employers and employees show that job losses and working time reductions especially hit vulnerable groups of employees, among them young people and low wage earners, increasing existing social inequalities. The legislative changes seriously damaged the employees’ individual and collective rights and did not prove to be overly helpful for the employers either. The pandemic did not initiate any substantial policy changes, as the Hungarian autocratic regime was not very interested in effectively tempering its shocking effects on public health and the labour market. Instead, the government took the situation as a pretext in order to further reduce pluralism in the country's policymaking processes.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1461-7390}, pages = {0}, orcid-numbers = {Gárdos, Judit/0000-0003-1612-2216; Hungler, Sára/0000-0001-5002-1641} } @article{MTMT:35144051, title = {Large and/or single‐parent families: Public attitudes towards pronatalist and anti‐poverty family policies in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35144051}, author = {Herke, Boglárka}, doi = {10.1111/ijsw.12691}, journal-iso = {INT J SOC WELF}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WELFARE}, volume = {1}, unique-id = {35144051}, issn = {1369-6866}, abstract = {In the 2010s, new family benefits were introduced in Hungary, focusing on large families to halt population decline. However, poverty reduction became sidelined, as these schemes benefited higher‐income earners. Based on poverty statistics, the article investigates how two family types associated with a higher risk of poverty—large families and single‐parent families—fare under this new selective pronatalist system. Furthermore, based on new representative national survey data, the article explores public support for the reforms. Although the income poverty rate for large families significantly decreased during the 2010s, it remained persistently high for single‐parent families, especially large single‐parent families. The findings indicate strong public support for state assistance to large, single‐parent and poor families and state pronatalism. However, the public prioritises support for poor, single‐parent families. This underscores a partial mismatch between public attitudes and government policy. Nonetheless, this policy probably secured public legitimacy, chiefly due to the general support for state pronatalism and large families, which were vigorously implemented in family policies, albeit selectively.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1468-2397}, pages = {1-19} } @article{MTMT:34405984, title = {‘We need to stay alive’: ethnicisation and shortage of farm labour in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34405984}, author = {Kovács, Katalin and Váradi, Monika Mária}, doi = {10.1080/14702541.2023.2287442}, journal-iso = {SCOT GEOGR J}, journal = {SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL}, unique-id = {34405984}, issn = {1470-2541}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1751-665X}, orcid-numbers = {Váradi, Monika Mária/0000-0003-4848-7113} } @article{MTMT:34886222, title = {Neighbors with benefits: How politicians' local ties generate positive externalities when bureaucratic oversight is limited}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34886222}, author = {Kovarek, Daniel}, doi = {10.1111/gove.12867}, journal-iso = {GOVERNANCE}, journal = {GOVERNANCE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION}, volume = {Early Access}, unique-id = {34886222}, issn = {0952-1895}, abstract = {Existing literature suggests bureaucrats shirk when political oversight is limited or inefficient. When civil servants engage in multitasking, elected office holders have neither the capacity nor the incentives to monitor bureaucrat–citizen interactions. I argue that under such circumstances, public servants prioritize responding to local anomalies which are located in the immediate vicinity of politicians. Using a novel dataset on geolocated citizen problem reports from 40 urban municipalities in Hungary ( N = 24,149), matched against addresses of mayors, I find that proximity to mayors' domiciles is associated with more prompt responses from authorities. Results suggest politicians' local roots generate positive externalities for their neighbors, as civil servants are incentivized to put those reports on the back burner which are the most invisible for their political principals. Further analyses suggest response speed is also positively associated with incumbent mayors' re‐election chances. The findings refine our understanding on political oversight of bureaucrats and voters' expectations about likely behavior of locally embedded civil servants.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1468-0491}, pages = {-}, orcid-numbers = {Kovarek, Daniel/0000-0002-3385-3742} } @article{MTMT:34969402, title = {Locked In: Reindustrialisation and the Production of Multiple Marginalities in an Old Mining Town of Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34969402}, author = {Nagy, Erika and Bródy, Luca Sára and Mihály, Melinda}, doi = {10.1111/anti.13069}, journal-iso = {ANTIPODE}, journal = {ANTIPODE}, unique-id = {34969402}, issn = {0066-4812}, abstract = {This paper aims to unfold how peripheral reindustrialisation in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) produced multiple marginalities in local spaces. Relying on a cultural political economic (CPE) approach, we analyse how the imaginary of reindustrialisation encompassed the discourses on development and the strategies and practices of powerful agents of economic restructuring in an old mining town of Hungary, which entailed new dimensions and depths of poverty. By discussing the changing labour, housing, and environmental conditions of the local poor, we relate structural changes to the changing conditions of social reproduction and local history, and highlight how the new economic trajectory produced marginalised spaces within a dynamic region. In this way, we also extend CPE‐guided research more to the realms of social reproduction and ethnic social relations to get a more fine‐grained understanding of inequalities rooted in peripheral industrialisation and scrutinise prevailing narratives of economic development in CEE.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1467-8330}, orcid-numbers = {Nagy, Erika/0000-0001-9706-4841; Bródy, Luca Sára/0000-0003-4275-8381; Mihály, Melinda/0000-0003-4436-5282} } @article{MTMT:34970097, title = {Maintaining spatial and social order: the role of housing development in governing urban margins}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34970097}, author = {Virág, Tünde}, doi = {10.1080/13604813.2024.2352679}, journal-iso = {CITY (UK)}, journal = {CITY: ANALYSIS OF URBAN TRENDS CULTURE THEORY POLICY ACTION}, unique-id = {34970097}, issn = {1360-4813}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1470-3629}, orcid-numbers = {Virág, Tünde/0000-0003-3799-3328} } @article{MTMT:33767583, title = {The Gramscian politics of Europe’s rule of law crisis}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33767583}, author = {Bohle, Dorothee and Greskovits, Béla and Naczyk, Marek}, doi = {10.1080/13501763.2023.2182342}, journal-iso = {J EUR PUBLIC POLICY}, journal = {JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY}, volume = {-}, unique-id = {33767583}, issn = {1350-1763}, abstract = {The paper explores the long-term trajectory and the recent acceleration of the conflict over the rule of law in the EU. It focusses on the motivation of the two governments in Hungary and Poland to challenge European core values increasingly aggressively even directly at EU level despite the threat of significant material costs to both countries. Putting forward a Gramscian understanding, we argue that this radicalization is the result of a counterhegemonic strategy that aims at replacing the liberal order with a new, nationalist, ultraconservative, Christian order on domestic and European levels. The paper traces core elements of this strategy which are either disputed or underestimated in existing literature, most importantly the pursuit of a core ideology and the massive and long-term investment into winning moral and cultural leadership through the penetration of civil society which precedes and complements electoral strategies and autocratic institution building.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1466-4429}, pages = {1-24}, orcid-numbers = {Bohle, Dorothee/0000-0002-7063-5875; Naczyk, Marek/0000-0002-8884-6996} } @article{MTMT:32639015, title = {Legitimacy and Authoritarian Decline: The Internal Dynamics of Hybrid Regimes}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32639015}, author = {Győrffy, Dóra and Martin, József Péter}, doi = {10.1080/10758216.2021.2023579}, journal-iso = {PROBL POST-COMMUNISM}, journal = {PROBLEMS OF POST-COMMUNISM}, volume = {70}, unique-id = {32639015}, issn = {1075-8216}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1557-783X}, pages = {593-605}, orcid-numbers = {Győrffy, Dóra/0000-0003-0709-8736} } @article{MTMT:34064117, title = {Changes in attitudes toward inequality and social justice in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia: historical legacies, social pasts and recent developments}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34064117}, author = {Haller, Max and Eder, Anja and Hadler, Markus}, doi = {10.1080/00207659.2023.2226483}, journal-iso = {INT J SOCIOL}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY}, volume = {53}, unique-id = {34064117}, issn = {0020-7659}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1557-9336}, pages = {397-420} } @article{MTMT:32526392, title = {The Role of the Deservingness Criteria in the case of Single Mothers’ Perceived Welfare Deservingness in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32526392}, author = {Herke, Boglárka and Janky, Béla}, doi = {10.1017/S004727942100074X}, journal-iso = {J SOC POLICY}, journal = {JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY}, volume = {52}, unique-id = {32526392}, issn = {0047-2794}, abstract = {A growing number of studies investigate the relative importance of the major deservingness criteria (control, attitude, reciprocity, identity, need) in explaining the perceived welfare deservingness of different social groups. This paper addresses the roles of those criteria in predicting the perceived deservingness of a rarely examined group, single mothers. We conducted a survey in Hungary and compare the responses to direct questions about deservingness to the results of a vignette-based survey experiment in which the deservingness criteria were translated to characteristics of hypothetical mothers. Our results show that in the absence of deservingness cues (direct questions), respondents relied on the attitude, reciprocity/control, identity (measured by traditional family values), and need criteria to the same extent. On the other hand, in the presence of specific deservingness cues (vignette experiment), people disregarded their family values and stereotypes, and the perceived need became the strongest predictor of single mothers’ deservingness. These results support the existence of the deservingness heuristic, however, compared to previous literature that emphasized the role of perceived control and reciprocity of recipients, in the case of single mothers, the deservingness heuristic seems to direct people’s attention to the perception of need.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1469-7823}, pages = {560-580} } @article{MTMT:32519913, title = {Improving Living Conditions, Deepening Class Divisions: Hungarian Class Structure in International Comparison, 2002–2018}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32519913}, author = {Huszár, Ákos and Füzér, Katalin}, doi = {10.1177/08883254211060872}, journal-iso = {EAST EUR POLIT SOC}, journal = {EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETIES}, volume = {37}, unique-id = {32519913}, issn = {0888-3254}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1533-8371}, pages = {740-763}, orcid-numbers = {Huszár, Ákos/0000-0002-6493-8781; Füzér, Katalin/0000-0002-1051-5716} } @article{MTMT:32871982, title = {Resistance to Change: Intergenerational Class Mobility in Hungary, 1973–2018}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32871982}, author = {Huszár, Ákos and Győri, Ágnes and Balogh, Karolina}, doi = {10.1177/13607804221084727}, journal-iso = {SOCIOL RES ONLINE}, journal = {SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ONLINE}, volume = {28}, unique-id = {32871982}, issn = {1360-7804}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1360-7804}, pages = {838-857}, orcid-numbers = {Huszár, Ákos/0000-0002-6493-8781} } @article{MTMT:32618360, title = {Re-Embedding and Disembedding in Post-Socialist Hungary: An Analysis of Orbánism from a Polányian Perspective}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32618360}, author = {Liu, Larry}, doi = {10.1080/07360932.2022.2031248}, journal-iso = {FORUM SOC ECON}, journal = {FORUM FOR SOCIAL ECONOMICS}, volume = {52}, unique-id = {32618360}, issn = {0736-0932}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1874-6381}, pages = {255-269} } @article{MTMT:34398144, title = {Populist party-producer group alliances and divergent developmentalist politics of minimum wages in Poland and Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34398144}, author = {Naczyk, Marek and Eihmanis, Edgars}, doi = {10.1177/10245294231213417}, journal-iso = {COMP CHANGE}, journal = {COMPETITION AND CHANGE}, volume = {online}, unique-id = {34398144}, issn = {1024-5294}, abstract = {In the advanced peripheral economies of East-Central Europe, right-wing populist parties have increasingly politicized the dualism between larger, export-competitive foreign-owned enterprises and smaller, inward-oriented and less productive domestically owned firms. By focusing on the two most-similar cases of right-wing populist governments in the region—namely, Hungary and Poland, this paper documents a striking attempt by Poland’s Law and Justice party to use increases in the minimum wage and social security contributions as a developmentalist tool that should force domestically owned firms to achieve greater efficiency and technological upgrading. In sharp contrast, Hungary’s Fidesz party has systematically compensated minimum wage increases with cuts in employer social contributions and has refrained from assigning developmentalist aims to labor cost increases. Both parties have cultivated a cross-class electoral base and have faced electoral trade-offs in emphasizing minimum wage increases. Yet we argue—and show through a comparative historical analysis—that variation in their policy approaches stems from their distinct, electorally motivated, alliances with influential producer groups and the distinct policy quid pro quos they have struck with those groups, namely, organized labor for Law and Justice and organized business for Fidesz.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1477-2221}, pages = {online}, orcid-numbers = {Naczyk, Marek/0000-0002-8884-6996; Eihmanis, Edgars/0000-0001-7243-4789} } @article{MTMT:34284839, title = {Jeopardizing liberal democracy: the trouble with demarchy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34284839}, author = {Queiroz, Regina}, doi = {10.1080/19460171.2023.2267631}, journal-iso = {CRITIC POLICY STUD}, journal = {CRITICAL POLICY STUDIES}, unique-id = {34284839}, issn = {1946-0171}, abstract = {Friedrich Hayek presents a demarchic conception of democracy as a solution for what he takes to be the inherently corrupt and totalitarian nature of liberal democracy. While still preserving the label 'liberal representative democracy', this Hayekian demarchy precludes parliamentary and governmental institutions from providing positive laws and policies on behalf of their constituents where this would require the transfer of the private property of individuals. Such laws and policies would, on this demarchic conception of liberal democracy, undermine individuals' free usufruct. I argue that demarchy's detachment from any concern with the well-being of many of its citizens is an illiberal and anti-democratic (sub)version of liberal democracy that increases populism and risks crushing liberal democracy between the pseudo- and anti-liberal support of a totalitarian majoritarian people's sovereign power and a minoritarian anti-democratic elite. As such, liberal democracy conceived of in Hayekian demarchic terms is itself an oppressive totalitarian political theory incapable of preventing an increase in illiberal and anti-liberal political forces. Moreover, I argue that it is imperative that we acknowledge and appreciate the extent to which demarchy undermines, rather than strengthens, liberal democracy.}, keywords = {MARKETS; Populism; illiberalism; demarchy; Liberal democracy}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1946-018X} } @article{MTMT:32932118, title = {The Death of Neoliberalism or a Mere Camouflage? Polanyian Countermovement in Hungary & Poland}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32932118}, author = {Szabo, Jakub and Kurucz, Milan}, doi = {10.1080/07360932.2022.2052737}, journal-iso = {FORUM SOC ECON}, journal = {FORUM FOR SOCIAL ECONOMICS}, volume = {52}, unique-id = {32932118}, issn = {0736-0932}, abstract = {This article aims to assess the causes of the recent emergence of Polanyian countermovement in Hungary and Poland and their attitudes towards neoliberal orthodoxy prevailing in post-1989 socioeconomic development. This article is structured as follows. Firstly, we approximate the fundaments of neoliberal thinking through the inner workings of Vanberg and Hayek. Secondly, we incorporate the Polanyian framework, focusing primarily on the concept of a countermovement. Lastly, we assess the development of neoliberal features in the political economy of Hungary and Poland, trying to position the emergence of Fidesz and Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc (Law and Justice, PiS) into this development. We argue that both countermovements emerged as a result of general discontent with neoliberal development. Whilst the political economy of Orban's regime remains critical of neoliberalism mainly in the rhetoric, camouflaging neoliberal orthodoxy with developmental rhetoric, the conservative governments in Poland made a substantial shift from the neoliberal orthodoxy following their rise to power in 2015.}, keywords = {Fidesz; PiS; camouflaged neoliberalism; Polanyian countermovement}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1874-6381}, pages = {240-254} } @article{MTMT:33067938, title = {Populism unrestrained: Policy responses of the Orbán regime to the pandemic in 2020–2021}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33067938}, author = {Ádám, Zoltán and Csaba, Iván}, doi = {10.1002/epa2.1157}, journal-iso = {EUR POLICY ANAL}, journal = {EUROPEAN POLICY ANALYSIS}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {33067938}, abstract = {The paper provides a case study on how the Orban regime in Hungary has dealt with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in 2020-2021. Despite having led worldwide rankings in pandemic-related death rates since the second part of 2020, the government was not politically shaken by COVID-19. Institutionally unrestrained, the governing majority periodically renewed emergency legal regimes to control public discourses and curtail the financial resources of opposition-led local governments. The policy conduct of the regime is discussed in the context of authoritarian populism, which is conceptualized along a strategy-based approach to populism. In this, authoritarian populism is seen to generate democratic legitimacy for dismantling the institutional foundations of liberal democracy and the rule of law. This had been happening in Hungary well before COVID-19 kicked in, but the pandemic provided enhanced opportunities for this strategy. Meanwhile, fiscal policies became increasingly expansionary, signalling a partial return to the practice of preelection overspending.}, keywords = {Hungary; economic policy; fiscal policy; authoritarian populism; COVID-19; Viktor Orban}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2380-6567}, pages = {277-296}, orcid-numbers = {Ádám, Zoltán/0000-0002-4388-5836} } @article{MTMT:33018408, title = {‘Generation Rent’ in a Super Homeownership Environment: The Case of Budapest, Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33018408}, author = {Csizmady, Adrienne and Kőszeghy, Lea}, doi = {10.3390/su14148929}, journal-iso = {SUSTAINABILITY-BASEL}, journal = {SUSTAINABILITY}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {33018408}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2071-1050}, orcid-numbers = {Csizmady, Adrienne/0000-0002-8282-8623} } @article{MTMT:33497791, title = {Slow Aesthetics, Fraught Intimacy, and Queer Time in the German Queer New Wave: Sturmland and Neubau}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33497791}, author = {Frackman, Kyle}, doi = {10.3368/m.114.3.448}, journal-iso = {MONATSHEFTE FÜR DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE LITERATUR UND KULTUR}, journal = {MONATSHEFTE FÜR DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE LITERATUR UND KULTUR}, volume = {114}, unique-id = {33497791}, issn = {0026-9271}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1934-2810}, pages = {448-469} } @article{MTMT:32291956, title = {Three varieties of Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Rule by the experts, the people, the leader}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32291956}, author = {Gallo, Ernesto}, doi = {10.1177/10245294211038425}, journal-iso = {COMP CHANGE}, journal = {COMPETITION AND CHANGE}, volume = {26}, unique-id = {32291956}, issn = {1024-5294}, abstract = {Neoliberalism and authoritarianism are intimately connected, as is demonstrated by the existence of a growing body of literature on 'authoritarian neoliberalism'. This article provides a taxonomy of authoritarian neoliberalism and claims that it appears in three varieties - technocracy, populist nationalism, and traditional authoritarianism. Also, it proposes both an overview of the varieties and an analysis of three states as case studies. States are investigated as actors which strongly contribute to the neoliberal project amidst a more complex process of multilocalized and variegated neoliberalizations, which have to be incorporated into the comparative research. First, Italy is studied as a consolidated Western democracy which has been often governed by technocrats, independent, non-party professionals who have recurrently been in power since the 1990s, and within the frame of an increasingly technocratic European Union. Second, the paper concentrates on Hungary, a semi-peripheral Central European country which has become an epitome of a populist nationalism with increasingly authoritarian traits. Third, the paper focuses on Kazakhstan, a former Soviet Union republic with no significant experience of liberal democracy before independence, and a key example of the 'traditional authoritarian' variety. The three varieties, however, are sometimes combined and coexisting, and their evolution will be decisive for the future of capitalism and liberal democracy.}, keywords = {nationalism; capitalism; neoliberalism; Authoritarianism; authoritarian neoliberalism; technocrats}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1477-2221}, pages = {554-574} } @article{MTMT:32185603, title = {Labor Law Reforms after the Populist Turn in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32185603}, author = {Hungler, Sára}, doi = {10.1163/15730352-bja10063}, journal-iso = {REV CENT EAST EUR LAW}, journal = {REVIEW OF CENTRAL AND EAST EUROPEAN LAW}, volume = {47}, unique-id = {32185603}, issn = {0925-9880}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1573-0352}, pages = {84-114}, orcid-numbers = {Hungler, Sára/0000-0001-5002-1641} } @book{MTMT:32791197, title = {Contemporary Housing Struggles: a Structural Field of Contention Approach}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32791197}, isbn = {9783030974053}, author = {Jacobsson, Kerstin and Gagyi, Ágnes and Florea, Ioana}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-97405-3}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan Ltd}, unique-id = {32791197}, year = {2022} } @article{MTMT:33266186, title = {Not in Front of the Child: Illiberal Familism and the Hungarian Anti‐LGBTQ+ “Child Protective Law”}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33266186}, author = {Linnamäki, Katinka}, doi = {10.17645/pag.v10i4.5521}, journal-iso = {POLITICS GOVERNANCE}, journal = {POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {33266186}, issn = {2183-2463}, abstract = {Research on familialism in Europe usually focuses on family policies, pointing out how female reproductive and work rights are often contrasted with the interest of the family, as shown by the individualism vs. familism understanding of familism (familialism). Here, however, I focus on another understanding of familism that sees the family as the model for other social institutions. This novel angle on the European context enables research on a scarcely researched aspect: how familism is used to render non‐heterosexual rights illegitimate. Turning to Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s rhetorical understanding of politics, I show how the rhetorical use of the family legitimizes anti‐LGBTQ+ sentiments. I focus on the Hungarian “Child Protective Law,” passed by the illiberal Fidesz‐KDNP government in 2021. The content analysis of the material shows how the Hungarian government’s aspiration to protect children, both as crucial members of heterosexual nuclear families as well as symbols of the illiberalist future of the country, legitimizes anti‐LGBTQ+ stances. This happens, first, through a discursive link between LGBTQ+ people and child abuse. Second, it occurs through the government´s familistic ideal of the Christian heterosexual family, which also constitutes its antagonistic frontier as the LGBTQ+ community. I argue for a new articulation of the illiberal “us” and its liberal frontier, where the ideal family, and in particular heterosexuality, function as a means of exclusion. This article contributes to existing literature on gender and illiberalism as well as to current discussions on the limits of the theoretical concepts of familism.}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2183-2463}, pages = {16-25} } @article{MTMT:31742568, title = {Work, family, Fatherland: the political economy of populism in central and Eastern Europe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31742568}, author = {Orenstein, Mitchell A. and Bugaric, Bojan}, doi = {10.1080/13501763.2020.1832557}, journal-iso = {J EUR PUBLIC POLICY}, journal = {JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY}, volume = {29}, unique-id = {31742568}, issn = {1350-1763}, abstract = {Since 2008, Hungary and Poland have developed a distinctive populist economic program, which has begun to spread to other Central and East European Countries (CEECs). This article develops a theory of the political economy of populism in CEECs, arguing that these countries' dependence on foreign capital constrained them to follow (neo)liberal economic policies. After the global financial crisis, populist parties began to break from the (neo)liberal consensus, 'thickening' their populist agenda to include an economic program based on a conservative developmental statism. Case studies of Hungary, Poland, and Serbia describe these policies and show that they exhibit a particular form of economic nationalism that emphasizes workforce activation, natalism, and sovereignty. This shift has gone hand-in-hand with attempts to attract investments from Eastern authoritarian states, illustrating the connection between CEEC development strategies and sources of foreign capital.}, keywords = {Socialism; Central and eastern europe; political economy; Populism; Conservative; liberal}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1466-4429}, pages = {176-195} } @article{MTMT:32867444, title = {Perceptions of Barriers to Motherhood. Female STEM PhD Students’ Changing Family Plans}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32867444}, author = {Paksi, Veronika and Nagy, Beáta and Tardos, Katalin}, doi = {10.17645/si.v10i3.5250}, journal-iso = {SOC INCL}, journal = {SOCIAL INCLUSION}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {32867444}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2183-2803}, pages = {149-159} } @article{MTMT:32691970, title = {The national-populist mutation of neoliberalism in dependent economies: the case of Viktor Orbán’s Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32691970}, author = {Scheiring, Gábor}, doi = {10.1093/ser/mwac007}, journal-iso = {SOCIO ECON REV}, journal = {SOCIO-ECONOMIC REVIEW}, volume = {mwac007}, unique-id = {32691970}, issn = {1475-1461}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1475-147X}, pages = {online}, orcid-numbers = {Scheiring, Gábor/0000-0002-0775-8610} } @article{MTMT:33351261, title = {Political Economy of Illiberal Capitalism in Hungary and Poland}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33351261}, author = {Szabó, Jakub}, doi = {10.18267/j.polek.1364}, journal-iso = {POLIT EKON (PRAGA)}, journal = {POLITICKA EKONOMIE}, volume = {70}, unique-id = {33351261}, issn = {0032-3233}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2336-8225}, pages = {617-637}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Jakub/0000-0002-6003-8778} } @article{MTMT:33075850, title = {When Family Policy Doesn’t Work: Motives and Welfare Attitudes Among Childfree Persons in Poland}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33075850}, author = {Szelewa, Dorota}, doi = {10.17645/si.v10i3.5504}, journal-iso = {SOC INCL}, journal = {SOCIAL INCLUSION}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {33075850}, abstract = {The primary goal of this article was to analyse the welfare attitudes of people self‐declaring as childless by choice alongside the exploration of their social experience as childfree persons in the context of a rapid increase in the generosity of pro‐natalist public policies in Poland. The analysis is based on semi‐structured interviews conducted with 19 respondents recruited via Facebook network groups. Thematic analysis was applied identifying six general themes: “satisfied and never had the need”; “dealing with social pressure”; “family measures—yes, but not this way”; “unfair treatment of the childfree”; “towards welfare state for all”; and “change my mind? Never, even if offered one million dollars.” The research demonstrated that childfree persons present favourable views on state support for families with children. While critical of cash‐based family support, respondents have a clear preference for investing in services enabling women to participate in the labour market. Finally, if public policies aimed at removing barriers to parenthood were strengthened, this would not change the respondents’ minds about procreation.}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2183-2803}, pages = {194-205}, orcid-numbers = {Szelewa, Dorota/0000-0002-6343-2025} } @article{MTMT:33214882, title = {From the material to the emotional?. Parenting ideals, social differentiation, and child welfare services in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33214882}, author = {Szőke, Alexandra}, doi = {10.17356/ieejsp.v8i3.877}, journal-iso = {INTERSECTIONS (HU)}, journal = {INTERSECTIONS: EAST EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND POLITICS}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {33214882}, abstract = {The paper interrogates the recent intensification of state intervention in parenting by examining current tendencies in child-welfare caseworkers’ practices in Hungary. In this country different institutions and welfare workers have existed for many decades who have sought to influence childrearing practices. The paper argues that in order to unravel the specific character and importance of current instances of state intervention we need to examine the everyday practices of caseworkers, which are guided not only by relevant policies, but also by dominant norms of ideal parenting. Based on year-long ethnographic research the paper shows how a shift in our approach to parenting have been transforming caseworkers’ assessments of parental competence and explanations for initiating child removals during the past decade. While earlier neglect was assessed mostly in material terms, we can currently witness a shift towards the assessment of emotional ties between mothers and their children. However, these are extremely subjective and fluid notions that allow for the individual judgments and dominant values of social differentiation to play an ever more influential part in caseworkers’ decisions.}, keywords = {parenting; NEGLECT; child welfare; Social differentiation; caseworkers}, year = {2022}, eissn = {2416-089X}, pages = {48-65}, orcid-numbers = {Szőke, Alexandra/0000-0002-2097-2726} } @article{MTMT:33459437, title = {A telepfelszámolás és a lakhatási politika szerepe a marginalizált társadalmi csoportok térbeli és társadalmi mobilitásában}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33459437}, author = {Virág, Tünde}, doi = {10.51624/SzocSzemle.2022.4.1}, journal-iso = {SZOCIOLÓGIAI SZEMLE}, journal = {SZOCIOLÓGIAI SZEMLE}, volume = {32}, unique-id = {33459437}, issn = {1216-2051}, abstract = {A tanulmányom egy egykori szocialista iparvárosban készített esettanulmány alapján elemzi a romák városon belüli térbeli, társadalmi pozíciójának változását. A telepfelszámolások történeti és jelenkori elemzésén keresztül bemutatom, hogy a nemzeti szinten kialakított szakpolitikákat a helyi igényeknek és társadalomtörténeti beágyazottságnak megfelelően hogyan értelmezik és valósítják meg helyi szinten, és hogy a különböző intézmények munkatársainak diszkrecionális döntései milyen szerepet játszanak ebben a folyamatban. Az esettanulmányban bemutatom, hogy az önkormányzat a szociális bérlakások elosztási mechanizmusain, a fejlesztési és közmunkaprogramokban való részvétel lehetőségén keresztül miként ellenőrzi a marginalizált csoportok társadalmi és térbeli mobilitását; az „érdemtelen” szegényeket etnicizálja, térben kirekeszti és ellenőrzés alatt tartja, ugyanakkor az „érdemesek” számára biztosítja a városon belüli térbeli és társadalmi mobilitás lehetőségét. Elemezem, hogy a romákat érintő politikák és gyakorlatok hogyan kötődnek a szocializmus kontrollon és kiszorításon alapuló fejlesztéseihez, és mindezt hogyan szövi át a neoliberális paternalista szegénypolitika, és mindezek a gyakorlatok a városon belül hogyan járulnak hozzá a sérülékeny társadalmi pozíciójú alsó-középosztály és a marginalizált csoportok közötti elkülönülésen alapuló társadalmi és térbeli rend fenntartásához.}, year = {2022}, pages = {4-26}, orcid-numbers = {Virág, Tünde/0000-0003-3799-3328} } @article{MTMT:31922449, title = {Social policy in the face of a global pandemic: Policy responses to the COVID‐19 crisis in Central and Eastern Europe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31922449}, author = {Aidukaite, Jolanta and Saxonberg, Steven and Szelewa, Dorota and Szikra, Dorottya}, doi = {10.1111/spol.12704}, journal-iso = {SOC POLICY ADMIN}, journal = {SOCIAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION}, volume = {55}, unique-id = {31922449}, issn = {0144-5596}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1467-9515}, pages = {358-373}, orcid-numbers = {Aidukaite, Jolanta/0000-0002-9883-6759; Saxonberg, Steven/0000-0001-6057-2762} } @article{MTMT:31612709, title = {Cultural policies in illiberal democracies: a conceptual framework based on the Polish and Hungarian governing experiences}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31612709}, author = {Bonet, Lluis and Martin, Zamorano Mariano}, doi = {10.1080/10286632.2020.1806829}, journal-iso = {INT J CULT POLICY}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CULTURAL POLICY}, volume = {27}, unique-id = {31612709}, issn = {1028-6632}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1477-2833}, pages = {559-573} } @article{MTMT:32517761, title = {Illiberal thought collectives and policy networks in Hungary and Poland}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32517761}, author = {Buzogány, Aron and Varga, Mihai}, doi = {10.1080/23745118.2021.1956238}, journal-iso = {EUR POL SOC}, journal = {EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY}, volume = {Published online}, unique-id = {32517761}, issn = {2374-5118}, year = {2021}, pages = {1-19}, orcid-numbers = {Buzogány, Aron/0000-0002-9867-3742; Varga, Mihai/0000-0003-0278-7145} } @article{MTMT:32151662, title = {Post-accession backsliding and European Union environmental policies}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32151662}, author = {Buzogany, Aron and Cotta, Benedetta}, doi = {10.1080/14631377.2021.1965361}, journal-iso = {POST-COMMUNIST ECON}, journal = {POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES}, volume = {33}, unique-id = {32151662}, issn = {1463-1377}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1465-3958} } @article{MTMT:33335811, title = {Authoritarian and neoliberal attacks on higher education in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33335811}, author = {Cantat, Celine and Donmez, Pinar E.}, journal-iso = {RADICAL PHILOS}, journal = {RADICAL PHILOSOPHY}, volume = {2021}, unique-id = {33335811}, issn = {0300-211X}, year = {2021}, eissn = {0030-211X}, pages = {55-62} } @article{MTMT:35194384, title = {Do social and environmental capabilities improve bank stability? Evidence from transition countries}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35194384}, author = {Djalilov, Khurshid and Hartwell, Christopher}, doi = {10.1080/14631377.2021.1965359}, journal-iso = {POST-COMMUNIST ECON}, journal = {POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES}, volume = {34}, unique-id = {35194384}, issn = {1463-1377}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1465-3958}, pages = {624-646}, orcid-numbers = {Djalilov, Khurshid/0000-0002-2903-9123} } @article{MTMT:31606729, title = {Poor targeting?. Targeting the poor? : Redistribution in the Hungarian welfare system by age and socio‐economic status}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31606729}, author = {Gál, Róbert Iván and Medgyesi, Márton}, doi = {10.1111/spol.12653}, journal-iso = {SOC POLICY ADMIN}, journal = {SOCIAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION}, volume = {55}, unique-id = {31606729}, issn = {0144-5596}, abstract = {In line with the previous research, we confirm that welfare programmes in Hungary are poorly targeted in terms of socio-economic status (SES). However, by adding age to our models, we demonstrate that even if the status is irrelevant in explaining access to social benefits and services, age is not. Applying simple regression techniques, we compare both the theoretical importance (based on regression coefficients) and the dispersion importance (using Shapley-value decomposition of the R2) of age and SES in explaining the receipt of and contributions to both in-kind and in-cash benefits at the level of the general government in Hungary. We conclude that what appears to be a dysfunctional instrument in alleviating poverty and inequality in a univariate model is actually a channel of resource reallocation that connects working-age people to children and to the elderly when the model includes two predictors.}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1467-9515}, pages = {716-731}, orcid-numbers = {Gál, Róbert Iván/0000-0002-2326-8558} } @article{MTMT:32040771, title = {Orban's Ordonationalism as Post-Neoliberal Hegemony}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32040771}, author = {Geva, Dorit}, doi = {10.1177/0263276421999435}, journal-iso = {THEOR CULT SOC}, journal = {THEORY CULTURE AND SOCIETY}, volume = {38}, unique-id = {32040771}, issn = {0263-2764}, abstract = {This essay examines Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, and his cultivation of a new form of authoritarian and hyper-nationalist neoliberalism, which I call ordonationalist. With particular emphasis placed on tracing resurgence of the national state, ordonationalism points to the neoliberal intensifications, but also the ruptures to neoliberalism through post-neoliberal advances, exemplified by the Hungarian state. Ordonationalism combines: 1. A newly empowered nationalist state invested in flexibilising domestic labour and controlling access to domestic capitalist accumulation; 2. The national state is captured by political actors as a means towards controlling access to domestic capital accumulation; 3. A novel regime of social reproduction, linking financialisation, flexibilisation of labour, steep decline in supporting social reproduction, and supporting consumption as a source of social reproduction. This project is hegemonic. However, the contradictions between radical neoliberalisation and radical nationalism generate ever-more instances where an authoritarian state steps in to solve crises generated by its contradictions}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1460-3616}, pages = {71-93} } @article{MTMT:31399731, title = {Investigating the Welfare Deservingness of Single Mothers: Public Image and Deservingness Perceptions in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31399731}, author = {Herke, Boglárka}, doi = {10.1177/0888325420937773}, journal-iso = {EAST EUR POLIT SOC}, journal = {EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETIES}, volume = {35}, unique-id = {31399731}, issn = {0888-3254}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1533-8371}, pages = {613-637}, orcid-numbers = {Herke, Boglárka/0000-0002-3201-092X} } @article{MTMT:32525875, title = {Intézményi környezet és helyi fejlesztések: elköteleződések szabta lehetőségek a telepprogramok megvalósításában}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32525875}, author = {Keller, Judit and Virág, Tünde}, doi = {10.17649/TET.35.4.3371}, journal-iso = {TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM}, journal = {TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM}, volume = {35}, unique-id = {32525875}, issn = {0237-7683}, abstract = {A helyi tudásra és adottságokra építő fejlesztési megközelítés (place-based approach) több mint egy évtizede az Európai Unió (EU) kohéziós politikájának egyik meghatározó módszertani megközelítése. Célja a társadalmi kirekesztés és a térbeli-társadalmi egyenlőtlenségek enyhítése egy olyan többszintű kormányzási intézményrendszeren keresztül, amelyben a helyi kapacitásokat és tudásokat a fejlesztéspolitikai mező magasabb területi szintjeiről érkező, külső források bevonásával mobilizálják. A helyi adottságokból kiinduló fejlesztési paradigma kritikusai szerint az EU tagállamok közigazgatási és fejlesztéspolitikai intézményrendszere erősen heterogén, s ebből adódóan a helyi adottságokból kiinduló fejlesztési beavatkozások eltérően, különböző eredményességgel működhetnek az egyes országokban. Azaz, a helyi adottságokra építő fejlesztések mindig a nemzeti közigazgatási és fejlesztéspolitikai intézményrendszerben értelmezhetők, annak keretei, működési mechanizmusai, a különböző területi szintek közötti együttműködés, az információk és források áramlása, a kompetenciák és kapacitások megosztása meghatározza a helyi fejlesztések mozgásterét a fejlesztési koalíciók kialakítására és működtetésére, a helyi fejlesztési elképzelések és célok megvalósítására. A helyi adottságokra építő fejlesztések vizsgálatakor ezért egyszerre kell figyelembe venni a vertikális - különböző területi szintek intézményei - és a horizontális - helyi szinten kialakuló fejlesztési koalíciók és együttműködések – kapcsolatok, kompetencia és kapacitás megosztások jellemzőit, működési mechanizmusait. Tanulmányunkban bemutatjuk, hogy az állam által kialakított fejlesztéspolitika intézményi és szabályozási keretei milyen lehetőségeket kínálnak a helyi szintnek a „telepfelszámolás”, azaz a szegregációs folyamatok megállítása és a lakóhelyi szegregáció oldásának kezelésére, és egy jó gyakorlatként megjelenő esettanulmány alapján bemutatjuk, hogy ez mennyiben találkozik a helyi adottságokkal és tudással, valamint a helyi szinten megfogalmazódó igényekkel és lehetőségekkel, a fejlesztési elképzelések megvalósításához helyi szinten milyen erőforrásokat lehet és kell mozgósítani.}, keywords = {többszintű kormányzás; térbeli igazságosság; helyi adottságokból kiinduló fejlesztési paradigma; telepfelszámolás}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2062-9923}, pages = {190-214}, orcid-numbers = {Keller, Judit/0000-0002-9970-4993; Virág, Tünde/0000-0003-3799-3328} } @{MTMT:32671451, title = {In the Name of the Family: The Populist Turn against Gender in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32671451}, author = {Sata, Róbert}, booktitle = {Current Populism in Europe: Gender-Backlash and Counter-strategies}, unique-id = {32671451}, year = {2021}, pages = {37-52}, orcid-numbers = {Sata, Róbert/0000-0001-8945-2561} } @article{MTMT:30793428, title = {Dependent development and authoritarian state capitalism. democratic backsliding and the rise of the accumulative state in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30793428}, author = {Scheiring, Gábor}, doi = {10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.08.011}, journal-iso = {GEOFORUM}, journal = {GEOFORUM}, volume = {124}, unique-id = {30793428}, issn = {0016-7185}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1872-9398}, pages = {267-278} } @article{MTMT:31657585, title = {From State Capture to “Pariah” Status? The Preference Attainment of the Hungarian Banking Association (2006–14)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31657585}, author = {Sebők, Miklós and Kozák, Sándor}, doi = {10.1017/bap.2020.8}, journal-iso = {BUS POLIT}, journal = {BUSINESS AND POLITICS}, volume = {23}, unique-id = {31657585}, issn = {1369-5258}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1469-3569}, pages = {179-201}, orcid-numbers = {Sebők, Miklós/0000-0003-0595-2951} } @article{MTMT:32321755, title = {COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT POLICIES IN HUNGARY AND ITALY HISTORICAL AND COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32321755}, author = {Simsek, Elif Tugba}, journal-iso = {CIVIL SZLE}, journal = {CIVIL SZEMLE}, volume = {18}, unique-id = {32321755}, issn = {1786-3341}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1786-3341}, pages = {63-91} } @article{MTMT:32321847, title = {Populism, Religion and Catholic Civil Society in Poland: The Case of Primary Education}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32321847}, author = {Szelewa, Dorota}, doi = {10.1017/S1474746420000718}, journal-iso = {SOCIAL POLICY SOC}, journal = {SOCIAL POLICY AND SOCIETY}, volume = {20}, unique-id = {32321847}, issn = {1474-7464}, abstract = {This article analyses two cases of populist mobilisation - namely, one against a primary school entry-age reform and another against WHO sexuality education and the concept of gender - that took place in Poland between 2008 and 2019. Both campaigns had a populist character and were oriented towards restoring social justice taken away from 'the people' by a morally corrupted 'elite'. There are differences between the cases that can be analytically delineated by assessing whether a religious mobilisation has an overt or a covert character. While the series of protests against the school-age reform represents a case of mobilisation with covert religious symbolism, the campaigns against sexuality education and the use of the concept of gender are characterised by overt religious populism. To characterise the dynamics of the two campaigns, the study uses the concept of a moral panic, emphasising the importance of moral entrepreneurs waging ideological war against the government and/or liberal experts conceived of as 'folk devils'.}, keywords = {gender; Poland; Populism; Catholic Church; sexuality education}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1475-3073}, pages = {310-325} } @article{MTMT:32475680, title = {The Consolidation of Authoritarian Rule in Rural Hungary: Workfare and the Shift from Punitive Populist to Illiberal Paternalist Poverty Governance}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32475680}, author = {Szombati, Kristóf}, doi = {10.1080/09668136.2021.1990861}, journal-iso = {EUROPE-ASIA STUD}, journal = {EUROPE-ASIA STUDIES}, volume = {73}, unique-id = {32475680}, issn = {0966-8136}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1465-3427}, pages = {1703-1725}, orcid-numbers = {Szombati, Kristóf/0000-0002-7427-6769} } @article{MTMT:31639399, title = {The return of economic nationalism to East Central Europe: Right‐wing intellectual milieus and anti‐liberal resentment}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31639399}, author = {Varga, Mihai}, doi = {10.1111/nana.12660}, journal-iso = {NATIONS NATL}, journal = {NATIONS AND NATIONALISM}, volume = {27}, unique-id = {31639399}, issn = {1354-5078}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1469-8129}, pages = {206-222}, orcid-numbers = {Varga, Mihai/0000-0003-0278-7145} } @article{MTMT:31382287, title = {When Populist Leaders Govern: Conceptualising Populism in Policy Making}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31382287}, author = {Bartha, Attila and Boda, Zsolt and Szikra, Dorottya}, doi = {10.17645/pag.v8i3.2922}, journal-iso = {POLITICS GOVERNANCE}, journal = {POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {31382287}, issn = {2183-2463}, abstract = {The rise of populist governance throughout the world offers a novel opportunity to study the way in which populist leaders and parties rule. This article conceptualises populist policy making by theoretically addressing the substantive and discursive components of populist policies and the decision-making processes of populist governments. It first reconstructs the implicit ideal type of policy making in liberal democracies based on the mainstream governance and policy making scholarship. Then, taking stock of the recent populism literature, the article elaborates an ideal type of populist policy making along the dimensions of content, procedures and discourses. As an empirical illustration we apply a qualitative congruence analysis to assess the conformity of a genuine case of populist governance, social policy in post-2010 Hungary with the populist policy making ideal type. Concerning the policy content, the article argues that policy heterodoxy, strong willingness to adopt paradigmatic reforms and an excessive responsiveness to majoritarian preferences are distinguishing features of any type of populist policies. Regarding the procedural features populist leaders tend to downplay the role of technocratic expertise, sideline veto-players and implement fast and unpredictable policy changes. Discursively, populist leaders tend to extensively use crisis frames and discursive governance instruments in a Manichean language and a saliently emotional manner that reinforces polarisation in policy positions. Finally, the article suggests that policy making patterns in Hungarian social policy between 2010 and 2018 have been largely congruent with the ideal type of populist policy making.}, year = {2020}, eissn = {2183-2463}, pages = {71-81}, orcid-numbers = {Bartha, Attila/0000-0002-4590-2142} } @article{MTMT:31481334, title = {Drivers of Government Activity in European Countries: Do Partisan Politics Still Divide East and West?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31481334}, author = {Beckmann, Joscha and Schweickert, Rainer and Ahlborn, Markus and Melnykovska, Inna}, doi = {10.1111/jcms.13025}, journal-iso = {J COMMON MARK STU}, journal = {JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES}, unique-id = {31481334}, issn = {0021-9886}, abstract = {This article takes a novel look at the relationship between government activity, partisan preferences and varieties of capitalism. Evidence from panel regressions for 25 EU countries from 1990 to 2014 suggests that there are major divides among European countries in terms of the drivers of government activity, that is, government spending and government regulation. The European divide appears to be even more pronounced between liberal and coordinated economic systems than between the classical geographical divide of east and west, which is typically used in most contributions. While both divides apply to the determinants of government activity in general, a reversal of the classical partisan effect for the east is to be found only in specific cases and, is most likely in government spending in liberal eastern countries.}, keywords = {varieties of capitalism; government activity; partisan preferences}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1468-5965} } @book{MTMT:31028940, title = {The European Social Model under Pressure}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31028940}, isbn = {9783658270421}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-27043-8}, editor = {Careja, Romana and Emmenegger, Patrick and Giger, Nathalie}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH}, unique-id = {31028940}, year = {2020} } @article{MTMT:31933242, title = {„Nekem ez most jó a kislány végett” : Női tapasztalatok a közfoglalkoztatási programról}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31933242}, author = {Fekete, Dorottya}, doi = {10.51624/SzocSzemle.2020.3.4}, journal-iso = {SZOCIOLÓGIAI SZEMLE}, journal = {SZOCIOLÓGIAI SZEMLE}, volume = {30}, unique-id = {31933242}, issn = {1216-2051}, year = {2020}, pages = {70-95} } @article{MTMT:31523963, title = {Befejezetlen proletarizáció? A vidéki munkaerő-tartaléksereg Magyarországon a 2008-as válságot követően}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31523963}, author = {Kovai, Cecília and Vigvári, András}, doi = {10.17649/TET.34.3.3284}, journal-iso = {TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM}, journal = {TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM}, volume = {34}, unique-id = {31523963}, issn = {0237-7683}, keywords = {közfoglalkoztatás; munkaerő-tartaléksereg; félproletár háztartás; vidéki szegénység; háztartások túlélési stratégiái; munkaformák közötti mobilitás; informális stratégiák}, year = {2020}, eissn = {2062-9923}, pages = {68-89}, orcid-numbers = {Kovai, Cecília/0000-0001-8153-0342; Vigvári, András/0000-0001-5181-7596} } @article{MTMT:31028938, title = {Religion, partisanship and preferences for redistribution}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31028938}, author = {Lee, Savage}, doi = {10.1111/1475-6765.12341}, journal-iso = {EUR J POLIT RES}, journal = {EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL RESEARCH}, volume = {59}, unique-id = {31028938}, issn = {0304-4130}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1475-6765}, pages = {91-113} } @article{MTMT:31515450, title = {Governing new authoritarianism: Populism, nationalism and radical welfare reforms in Hungary and Poland}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31515450}, author = {Lendvai-Bainton, Noemi and Szelewa, Dorota}, doi = {10.1111/spol.12642}, journal-iso = {SOC POLICY ADMIN}, journal = {SOCIAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION}, volume = {55}, unique-id = {31515450}, issn = {0144-5596}, abstract = {Drawing on contemporary academic literature on the rise of authoritarian neoliberalism (Bruff,Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society, 2014,26, 113-129; Bruff,The handbook of neoliberalism, 2016, 107-117; Giroux, 2015), the uneven geographies of neoliberalism (Peck, 2010), and authoritarian progress (Bloom, 2015; Brown,Authoritarianism: Three Inquiries in Critical Theory, 2018, 7-44), we aim to trace the rise of new authoritarianism in Hungary and Poland. We argue that the fast-tracking of radical neoliberal economic policies in conjuncture with the building of an "illiberal democracy" with strong populism and nationalism brings about new ways of negotiating the economic, the political and the social in a post-2008 landscape. This contemporary insurgence, we would argue, has significant impact on both the welfare state as an institutional structure for social sharing, as well as on the forms and practises of social citizenship. We aim to theorise "authoritarian neoliberalism" as a distinctive regime and draw comparative lessons from Hungary and Poland.}, keywords = {Hungary; Poland; nationalism; Populism; authoritarian neoliberalism}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1467-9515}, pages = {559-572} } @article{MTMT:31481103, title = {Housing as a Fertility Trap: The Inability of States, Markets, or Families to Provide Adequate Housing in East Central Europe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31481103}, author = {Makszin, Kristin and Bohle, Dorothee}, doi = {10.1177/0888325419897748}, journal-iso = {EAST EUR POLIT SOC}, journal = {EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETIES}, unique-id = {31481103}, issn = {0888-3254}, abstract = {This article belongs to the special cluster, "Politics and Current Demographic Challenges in Central and Eastern Europe," guest-edited by Tsveta Petrova and Tomasz Inglot.We explore housing finance and policy in East Central Europe to understand the connection between housing, in particular independent household formation, and the demographic crisis. The combination of high debt-free homeownership rates with illiquid housing finance and limited rental markets produces conditions where housing restricts independent household formation and likely has a restrictive effect on fertility. We first assess the housing regime type in East Central Europe and demonstrate that it closely corresponds to the "difficult housing regime" in Southern Europe, which has well-established negative effects on independent household formation and fertility. Then we present a detailed case study of Hungary, which is a country with very low fertility rates and substantial changes in housing finance and policy over time. In particular, the issue was recently politicized through housing policies centered on household formation to counter the demographic crisis. We present a detailed analysis of policies related to access to housing for young adults through increased access to markets or state housing support schemes. These policies attempted to reduce dependence on families, but after the crisis, we find that these policies reinforce, rather than challenge, dependence on families for housing solutions, thereby limiting independent household formation. While these policies may serve a rhetorical role demonstrating a state response to the demographic crisis, we claim that their impact on fertility can be at most minimal because of stringent restrictions in access that concentrates on upper-middle-income households and limited financial commitment.}, keywords = {Hungary; fertility; Housing; East Central Europe; housing regime}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1533-8371}, orcid-numbers = {Makszin, Kristin/0000-0002-3595-5515} } @article{MTMT:31772158, title = {From neoliberal disembedding to authoritarian re-embedding: The making of illiberal hegemony in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31772158}, author = {Scheiring, Gábor and Szombati, Kristóf}, doi = {10.1177/0268580920930591}, journal-iso = {INT SOCIOL}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGY}, volume = {35}, unique-id = {31772158}, issn = {0268-5809}, abstract = {This article presents and empirically substantiates a theoretical account explaining the making and stabilisation of illiberal hegemony in Hungary. It combines a Polanyian institutionalist framework with a neo-Gramscian analysis of right-wing hegemonic strategy and a relational class analysis inspired by the political economy tradition in anthropology. The article identifies the social actors behind the illiberal transformation, showing how 'neoliberal disembedding' fuelled the rightward shift of constituencies who had erstwhile been brought into the fold of liberal hegemony: blue-collar workers, post-peasants and sections of domestic capital. Finally, the article describes the emergence of a new regime of accumulation and Fidesz's strategy of 'authoritarian re-embedding', which relies on 'institutional authoritarianism' and 'authoritarian populism'. This two-pronged approach has so far allowed the ruling party to stabilise illiberal hegemony, even in the face of reforms that have generated discontents and exacerbated social inequality.}, keywords = {Hungary; authoritarian populism; illiberalism; authoritarian re-embedding; countermovement}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1461-7242}, pages = {721-738} } @article{MTMT:32019049, title = {Authoritarian Neoliberalism, Radical Conservatism and Social Policy within the European Union. Croatia, Hungary and Poland}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32019049}, author = {Stubbs, Paul and Lendvai-Bainton, Noemi}, doi = {10.1111/dech.12565}, journal-iso = {DEV CHANGE}, journal = {DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE}, volume = {51}, unique-id = {32019049}, issn = {0012-155X}, abstract = {Exploring political and social policy developments in Croatia, Hungary and Poland, three EU member states, this article addresses the hegemonic position of authoritarianism, populism, conservatism and neoliberalism, albeit articulated differently in each state. All three countries are marked by modes of governmentality that combine heteronormative familialism, repatriarchialization, nationalism, ethnicized demographic renewal and anti-immigrant sentiments. In each, a kind of layered social divestment is occurring, delivering a radical new vision of social reproduction and fundamental differentiations in terms of access to social citizenship between those seen as 'deserving' of support and those who are not, who are increasingly subjected to disciplinary measures. Although the degree of welfare retrenchment varies across the cases, the radical nature of restructuring, breaking down traditional notions of left and right on welfare, is suggestive of longer-term restructurings not reliant on individual politicians or parties.}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1467-7660}, pages = {540-560} } @article{MTMT:30637787, title = {The Political Economy of Populist Rule in Post-Crisis Europe: Hungary and Poland}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30637787}, author = {Toplišek, Alen}, doi = {10.1080/13563467.2019.1598960}, journal-iso = {NEW POLIT ECON}, journal = {NEW POLITICAL ECONOMY}, volume = {25}, unique-id = {30637787}, issn = {1356-3467}, abstract = {This paper analyses the economic dimension of populist governance in post-crisis Europe by exploring whether and in what ways populist economic policies diverge from neoliberal orthodoxy. Existing literature on contemporary populism in Central and Eastern Europe is ambivalent on this question and lacks systematic analyses of populist economic policies while in government. The comparative analysis of the Fidesz-led government in Hungary and the Law and Justice government in Poland is used to analyse the policy shifts in different domains. The main claim is that a combination of both domestic ideological change at the level of government and transnationally conditioned structural factors need to be considered to explain the shift towards and the variation in the pursuit of a heterodox' economic strategy under the two populist governments. The paper concludes by offering a reflection on why the analysed policy changes do not correspond with a more decisive shift towards an alternative trajectory of capitalist development in post-crisis Europe.}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1469-9923}, pages = {388-403} } @article{MTMT:31592449, title = {Autism and education—Teacher policy in Europe: Policy mapping of Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31592449}, author = {van Kessel, Robin and Steinhoff, Paula and Varga, Orsolya and Breznoščáková, Dagmar and Czabanowska, Katarzyna and Brayne, Carol and Baron-Cohen, Simon and Roman-Urrestarazu, Andres}, doi = {10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103734}, journal-iso = {RES DEV DISABIL}, journal = {RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES}, volume = {105}, unique-id = {31592449}, issn = {0891-4222}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1873-3379}, orcid-numbers = {van Kessel, Robin/0000-0001-6309-6343} } @article{MTMT:30879277, title = {From Democratic to Authoritarian Populism: Comparing Pre- and Post-2010 Hungarian Pension Policies}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30879277}, author = {Ádám, Zoltán and Simonovits, András}, doi = {10.1556/032.2019.69.3.2}, journal-iso = {ACTA OECON}, journal = {ACTA OECONOMICA}, volume = {69}, unique-id = {30879277}, issn = {0001-6373}, abstract = {We compare the pre- and post-2010 Hungarian political regimes through the lens of pension policies. We label the pre-2010 regime as democratic populist because it was characterized by fiscally irresponsible policies, yet it maintained the system of checks and balances and the rule of law. In contrast, we call the post-2010 regime authoritarian populist as it has employed authoritarian political techniques while maintained popular legitimation through regular elections. To substantiate the difference between the two periods from an economic viewpoint, we compare pre- and post-2010 pension policies to find important differences as well as surprising similarities. In particular, we analysed the following five policy aspects: (a) reform and partial privatization of the government-run pension system, (b) policies on the statutory (normal) and the effective (average) pension age, (c) indexation, (d) progression in benefits calculations and progressivity in the personal income tax, and (e) contribution rates. Based on ideological preferences, we argue that one would expect the pension system to become financially more sustainable but less redistributive after 2010 in comparison to the preceding period. Yet, we find that although pro-poor redistribution through the pension system has indeed been curtailed, fiscal sustainability has not improved due to the erratic policies.}, keywords = {Hungary; public pension systems; private pension systems; pension policy; authoritarian populism; democratic populism}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1588-2659}, pages = {333-355} } @book{MTMT:31013567, title = {Gendering Democratic Backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe. A comparative agenda}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31013567}, isbn = {9786155547072}, editor = {Andrea, Krizsan and Conny, Roggeband}, publisher = {Közép-európai Egyetem}, unique-id = {31013567}, year = {2019} } @book{MTMT:31028933, title = {Boundaries of European Social Citizenship. EU Citizens’ Transnational Social Security in Regulations, Discourses and Experiences}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31028933}, isbn = {1000698068}, author = {Anna, Amelina and Emma, Carmel and Ann, Runfors and Elisabeth, Scheibelhofer}, publisher = {Routledge Publishing}, unique-id = {31028933}, year = {2019} } @article{MTMT:31028937, title = {The relation between public and economic powers under the new Hungarian Economic Constitution and within the constraints of EU law}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31028937}, author = {Azzutti, A}, journal-iso = {DPCE ONLINE}, journal = {DIRITTO PUBBLICO COMPARATO ED EUROPEO}, unique-id = {31028937}, issn = {2037-6677}, year = {2019}, pages = {1} } @article{MTMT:30366528, title = {Politicising embedded neoliberalism. continuity and change in Hungary’s development model}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30366528}, author = {Bohle, Dorothee and Greskovits, Béla}, doi = {10.1080/01402382.2018.1511958}, journal-iso = {WEST EUR POLIT}, journal = {WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS}, volume = {42}, unique-id = {30366528}, issn = {0140-2382}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1743-9655}, pages = {1069-1093} } @article{MTMT:31031239, title = {Core–periphery disparities in Europe: is there a link between political and economic divergence?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31031239}, author = {Börzel, Tanja A. and Langbein, Julia}, doi = {10.1080/01402382.2018.1558534}, journal-iso = {WEST EUR POLIT}, journal = {WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS}, volume = {42}, unique-id = {31031239}, issn = {0140-2382}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1743-9655}, pages = {941-964} } @inproceedings{MTMT:30957259, title = {The "Budapest-Warsaw Express" Conservatism and the diffusion of economic policies in Poland and Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30957259}, author = {Dabrowska, Ewa and Buzogany, Aron and Varga, Mihai}, booktitle = {New conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe}, doi = {10.4324/9781351020305-9}, unique-id = {30957259}, year = {2019}, pages = {178-197} } @article{MTMT:30555498, title = {Crisis of Capitalism and (De-)Politicisation of Monetary Policymaking: Reflections from Hungary and Turkey}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30555498}, author = {Donmez, Pinar E. and Zemandl, Eva J.}, doi = {10.1080/13563467.2017.1421624}, journal-iso = {NEW POLIT ECON}, journal = {NEW POLITICAL ECONOMY}, volume = {24}, unique-id = {30555498}, issn = {1356-3467}, abstract = {This article explores the changes in monetary policymaking in Hungary and Turkey in the context of the post-2008 global financial crisis and restructuring. Both countries went through a thorough restructuring process in the pre-2008 context. While this process has introduced and consolidated depoliticised forms of governing to a certain degree in both countries, we suggest that the latest crisis has contributed to the emergence of a politicisation process. In the Hungarian case, these processes are reflected in both discursive attempts and the instalment of visible centralised control over the management of money. In Turkey, intensifying discursive attempts to politicize monetary policy have not led to an explicit change in the formally depoliticised character of central banking until recently but politicised other policy areas. In both countries, the process has accompanied the entrenchment of increasingly oppressive discourse and practices as part of the overall management of the crisis-ridden capitalist social relations. The paper aims to explore these similarities and differences within a critical political economy approach to state, governing strategies and (de)politicisation and to contribute to advancing research beyond the established case studies in the existing literature.}, keywords = {Hungary; TURKEY; Crisis; capitalism; money; depoliticisation}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1469-9923}, pages = {125-143} } @{MTMT:30637813, title = {The Consolidation of the Orbán Regime: Towards ‘Authoritarian-Ethnicist Neoliberalism’?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30637813}, author = {Fabry, A.}, unique-id = {30637813}, year = {2019}, pages = {127} } @article{MTMT:30325592, title = {Transnational business feminism: Exporting feminism in the global economy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30325592}, author = {Fodor, Éva and Glass, Christy and Nagy, Beáta}, doi = {10.1111/gwao.12302}, journal-iso = {GENDER WORK ORGAN}, journal = {GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION}, volume = {26}, unique-id = {30325592}, issn = {0968-6673}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1468-0432}, pages = {1117-1137} } @article{MTMT:30681499, title = {Közfoglalkoztatás, redisztribúció és helyi hatalom}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30681499}, author = {Gerő, Márton and Vigvári, András}, journal-iso = {ESÉLY}, journal = {ESÉLY: TÁRSADALOM ÉS SZOCIÁLPOLITIKAI FOLYÓIRAT}, volume = {30}, unique-id = {30681499}, issn = {0865-0810}, year = {2019}, pages = {3-30}, orcid-numbers = {Gerő, Márton/0000-0003-4372-7464; Vigvári, András/0000-0001-5181-7596} } @{MTMT:30637809, title = {‘Populist Oligarchy’ in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30637809}, author = {Gottfried, S.}, unique-id = {30637809}, year = {2019}, pages = {186} } @article{MTMT:31079202, title = {'We don't worry that much about language': street-level bureaucracy in the context of linguistic diversity}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31079202}, author = {Holzinger, Clara}, doi = {10.1080/1369183X.2019.1610365}, journal-iso = {J ETHN MIGR STUD}, journal = {JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES}, unique-id = {31079202}, issn = {1369-183X}, abstract = {The way we deal with diversity is crucial for social equity in the context of migration-related super-diversityand represents a challenge for all actors involved. The present article aims to contribute to the understanding of linguistic discrimination by contrasting the perceptions of institutional actors and mobile European citizens concerning language-related barriers when accessing labour market mediation services and benefits. The article draws exemplarily on empirical data (mainly qualitative interviews) relating to the provision of labour market-related services by the Austrian Employment Service and Hungarian migrants' experiences with this institution. The juxtaposition of these two complementary perspectives reveals the challenges that managing linguistic diversity poses for institutions and the actors involved alike. Likewise, it permits investigations into how emerging language-related problems may translate into experiences of inequity.}, keywords = {DISCRIMINATION; MIGRATION; Language policy; Labour market integration; linguicism}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1469-9451}, orcid-numbers = {Holzinger, Clara/0000-0002-5524-2563} } @article{MTMT:31028931, title = {‘We don’t worry that much about language’: street-level bureaucracy in the context of linguistic diversity}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31028931}, author = {Holzinger, Clara}, doi = {10.1080/1369183X.2019.1610365}, journal-iso = {J ETHN MIGR STUD}, journal = {JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES}, unique-id = {31028931}, issn = {1369-183X}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1469-9451}, pages = {1-17} } @article{MTMT:31013530, title = {Nők a család- és foglalkoztatáspolitika keresztútján}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31013530}, author = {Hungler, Sára and Kende, Ágnes}, doi = {10.26521/Profuturo/1/2019/3881}, journal-iso = {PRO FUTURO}, journal = {PRO FUTURO - A JÖVŐ NEMZEDÉKEK JOGA}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {31013530}, issn = {2063-1987}, year = {2019}, eissn = {2063-2754}, orcid-numbers = {Hungler, Sára/0000-0001-5002-1641} } @article{MTMT:31258644, title = {Osztálytársadalom-e a magyar társadalom?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31258644}, author = {Huszár, Ákos}, doi = {10.51624/SzocSzemle.2019.4.1}, journal-iso = {SZOCIOLÓGIAI SZEMLE}, journal = {SZOCIOLÓGIAI SZEMLE}, volume = {29}, unique-id = {31258644}, issn = {1216-2051}, abstract = {A dolgozat fő kérdése, hogy a magyar társadalom mennyiben tekinthető osztálytársadalomnak. Erre a kérdésre az osztályelemzés weberi tradíciójához csatlakozva az osztályhelyzet, illetve az életkörülmények különböző indikátorai viszonyának vizsgálata révén igyekszik választ találni. Vajon az osztályhelyzet magyarázóereje erősödött vagy gyengült az utóbbi évtizedekben Magyarországon? Továbbá: mennyire jelentős az osztály szerepe Magyarországon a többi európai országgal összehasonlítva? Az elemzés a European Social Survey 1-8 hullámain alapul, amely 2012 és 2016 között kétévente került lekérdezésre Magyarországon, illetve számos egyéb európai országban. Ez az adatbázis tehát lehetővé teszi, hogy a magyarországi társadalmi változásokat viszonylag hosszú időtávban és nemzetközi összehasonlításban vizsgáljuk. Az osztály és életkörülmények viszonyának vizsgálata révén a dolgozat hozzájárul az osztály jelentőségéről zajló vitákhoz.}, year = {2019}, pages = {4-32} } @book{MTMT:30813874, title = {European Party Politics in Times of Crisis}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30813874}, isbn = {9781108718240}, doi = {10.1017/9781108652780}, editor = {Hutter, Swen and Kriesi, Hanspeter}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press & Assessment}, unique-id = {30813874}, year = {2019} } @article{MTMT:30682550, title = {The Theory and Practice of Plebiscitary Leadership: Weber and the Orban regime}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30682550}, author = {Körösényi, András}, doi = {10.1177/0888325418796929}, journal-iso = {EAST EUR POLIT SOC}, journal = {EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETIES}, volume = {33}, unique-id = {30682550}, issn = {0888-3254}, abstract = {Most political science interpretations of the post-2010 Orban regime have been written either within the framework of populism or in the democratization paradigm. We have learned much from these papers about Hungary's drift in an authoritarian direction, but they also have drawbacks. This article aims to fill the gap between these two approaches and offers a theoretical framework to analyze the impact of populism and other trends of contemporary politics (like de-alignment, growing electoral volatility, citizens' disengagement, personalization, legitimacy problems, the decline of party membership and partisanship, the mediatization of politics, etc.) on the political regime. It argues that these trends add up to an authority and regime type that can be conceptualized by Weber's concept of plebiscitary leader democracy (PLD). PLD forms a new hybrid regime type that differs from comparative authoritarianism and other hybrid regime types known from the literature in three respects. First, PLD is less about institutional framework and procedures than about the sources of legitimacy; second, it serves better to understand how the regime works than measuring its distance from liberal democracy; third, it is an ideal type that aims to reveal the endogenous logic of democracy that generates authoritarian elements of the regime. The article also demonstrates the suitability of the concept of PLD for empirical research through presenting a structured case study of the Orban regime. The PLD model enables us to reveal the endogenous logic of the Orban regime and the impact of populist governance on it.}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1533-8371}, pages = {280-301} } @inbook{MTMT:30710347, title = {Dance populism. The potato principle and the new Hungarian dance craze}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30710347}, author = {Kürti, László}, booktitle = {Cycles of Hatred and Rage}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-14416-6_8}, unique-id = {30710347}, year = {2019}, pages = {169-194} } @article{MTMT:30860594, title = {Populism or Embedded Plutocracy? The Emerging World Order}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30860594}, author = {Lee, Michael}, doi = {10.1080/00396338.2019.1589078}, journal-iso = {SURVIVAL}, journal = {SURVIVAL}, volume = {61}, unique-id = {30860594}, issn = {0039-6338}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1468-2699}, pages = {53-81} } @{MTMT:30366688, title = {Social Policy During a Decade of Centre-Right Governance in Macedonia}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30366688}, author = {Maja, Gerovska Mitev}, booktitle = {Western Balkan Economies in Transition}, unique-id = {30366688}, year = {2019}, pages = {123} } @article{MTMT:3395717, title = {Constitutional othering, ambiguity and subjective risks of mobilization in Hungary. Examples from the migration crisis}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3395717}, author = {Majtényi, Balázs and Kopper, Ákos and Susánszky, Pál}, doi = {10.1080/13510347.2018.1493051}, journal-iso = {DEMOCRATIZATION}, journal = {DEMOCRATIZATION}, volume = {26}, unique-id = {3395717}, issn = {1351-0347}, abstract = {This article discusses how an illiberal regime within the European Union (EU) can hinder the mobilization of citizens and civil actors by creating an atmosphere of “ambiguity”. In our analysis, we first discuss the Hungarian constitution of 2011, which provides the driving force of the regime, and next using the example of the migration crisis show how this atmosphere of ambiguity is created. We argue that although there is no physical violence present, opponents of the regime are disheartened to act because of the general atmosphere relying on the logic of constitutional othering, dividing the world into its enemies and friends and shifting from the rule of law to ruling by law. While the regime’s gaudy campaigns against immigrants, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the Central European University, the EU or George Soros are omnipresent, we aim to go deeper and highlight the mechanism through which the regime manages to discourage citizens from voicing their discontent.}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1743-890X}, pages = {173-189}, orcid-numbers = {Majtényi, Balázs/0000-0003-1277-0689; Kopper, Ákos/0000-0002-8873-8610; Susánszky, Pál/0000-0003-3735-9079} } @article{MTMT:31079197, title = {Varieties of Clientelism in Hungarian Elections}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31079197}, author = {Mares, Isabela and Young, Lauren}, doi = {10.5129/001041519X15647434969911}, journal-iso = {COMP POLIT}, journal = {COMPARATIVE POLITICS}, volume = {51}, unique-id = {31079197}, issn = {0010-4159}, abstract = {In elections around the world, candidates seek to influence voters' choices using a variety of intermediaries and by relying on either positive electoral inducements or coercive strategies. What explains candidates' choices among different forms of clientelism? When do candidates incentivize voters using positive inducements and when do they choose coercive strategies? This article proposes a new typology of clientelism and tests two families of explanations for why candidates would choose to use state versus non-state brokers, and inducements versus coercion, as private incentives to voters. First, existing theory predicts that political conditions such as incumbency or co-partisanship with the national party should enable the use of public over private brokers and resources. In addition, we conjecture that clientelism carries programmatic signals, such that the choice between inducements and coercion depends on local political conditions. We test our predictions using a post-electoral survey fielded in 2014 in ninety rural Hungarian communities. We find little evidence that local political conditions are related to the choice between state versus non-state brokers, but significant support for the prediction that programmatic signals explain the choice between inducements and coercion.}, year = {2019}, eissn = {2151-6227}, pages = {449-+} } @article{MTMT:30637820, title = {The “ugly” face of social investment? The politics of childcare in Central and Eastern Europe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30637820}, author = {Szelewa, Dorota and Polakowski, Michał}, doi = {10.1111/spol.12497}, journal-iso = {SOC POLICY ADMIN}, journal = {SOCIAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION}, volume = {53}, unique-id = {30637820}, issn = {0144-5596}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1467-9515}, pages = {18} } @book{MTMT:30366495, title = {From Triumph to Crisis: Neoliberal Economic Reform in Postcommunist Countries}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30366495}, isbn = {9781108381413}, author = {Appel, Hilary and Orenstein, Mitchell}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press & Assessment}, unique-id = {30366495}, year = {2018} } @book{MTMT:30366566, title = {Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30366566}, isbn = {9781351800549}, author = {Bent, Greve}, publisher = {Routledge Publishing}, unique-id = {30366566}, year = {2018} } @article{MTMT:3377315, title = {Driven by Politics: Agenda Setting and Policy Making in Hungary 2010-2014}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3377315}, author = {Boda, Zsolt and Patkós, Veronika}, doi = {10.1080/01442872.2018.1478075}, journal-iso = {POL STUD}, journal = {POLICY STUDIES}, volume = {39}, unique-id = {3377315}, issn = {0144-2872}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1470-1006}, pages = {402-421} } @article{MTMT:27318938, title = {European Integration, Capitalist Diversity and Crises Trajectories on Europe's Eastern Periphery}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/27318938}, author = {Bohle, Dorothee}, doi = {10.1080/13563467.2017.1370448}, journal-iso = {NEW POLIT ECON}, journal = {NEW POLITICAL ECONOMY}, volume = {23}, unique-id = {27318938}, issn = {1356-3467}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1469-9923}, pages = {239-253} } @article{MTMT:30539896, title = {The ideational foundations of the illiberal backlash in Central and Eastern Europe: the case of Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30539896}, author = {Buzogany, Aron and Varga, Mihai}, doi = {10.1080/09692290.2018.1543718}, journal-iso = {REV INT POLIT ECON}, journal = {REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY}, volume = {25}, unique-id = {30539896}, issn = {0969-2290}, abstract = {While the spread of neoliberal ideas through networks has attracted much attention worldwide, the ideational content of the recent counter-waves to liberal democracy has still received relatively little consideration. This article focuses on the ideational dimension behind the current illiberal backlash in Central and Eastern Europe. We ask how political conceptions critical of the Western liberal paradigm came about and what their main components are in Hungary, a country which is often seen as the avant-garde of the 'illiberal backsliding' in the region. The article shows that political illiberalism in Eastern Europe has intellectual underpinnings forged in conservative intellectual networks that have grown disillusioned with liberal democracy and neoliberalism long before the current illiberal political wave. Combining the reception of Western critiques of liberalism with a critique of post-communist liberals' perceived lack of willingness to break with the communist past, these intellectuals have slowly but continuously extended their networks and influence since the 1990s. Our analysis suggests that the contestation of liberalism is not reducible to political parties and instead should be approached as a broader phenomenon.}, keywords = {Hungary; neoliberalism; Ideational turn; conservatism; Illiberal democracy; post-communist Europe; intellectuals}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1466-4526}, pages = {811-828}, orcid-numbers = {Buzogany, Aron/0000-0002-9867-3742; Varga, Mihai/0000-0003-0278-7145} } @article{MTMT:27571182, title = {Bifurcation and Stratification in Post-Socialist Welfare Regimes}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/27571182}, author = {Cox, Terry}, doi = {10.17356/ieejsp.v4i1.404}, journal-iso = {INTERSECTIONS (HU)}, journal = {INTERSECTIONS: EAST EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND POLITICS}, volume = {4}, unique-id = {27571182}, year = {2018}, eissn = {2416-089X}, pages = {24-44} } @article{MTMT:3308289, title = {Narrative Identities and the Egalitarian Norm Among Hungarian Elite Couples}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3308289}, author = {Csurgó, Bernadett and Kristóf, Luca}, doi = {10.1177/0192513X17741175}, journal-iso = {J FAM ISSUES}, journal = {JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES}, volume = {39}, unique-id = {3308289}, issn = {0192-513X}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1552-5481}, pages = {2107-2130} } @article{MTMT:30366593, title = {Neoliberalism, crisis and authoritarian–ethnicist reaction: The ascendancy of the Orbán regime}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30366593}, author = {Fabry, Adam}, doi = {10.1177/1024529418813834}, journal-iso = {COMP CHANGE}, journal = {COMPETITION AND CHANGE}, volume = {23}, unique-id = {30366593}, issn = {1024-5294}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1477-2221}, pages = {165-191}, orcid-numbers = {Fabry, Adam/0000-0001-9024-7370} } @article{MTMT:3350444, title = {The gendered modus operandi of the illiberal transformation in Hungary and Poland}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3350444}, author = {Grzebalska, W and Pető, Andrea}, doi = {10.1016/j.wsif.2017.12.001}, journal-iso = {WOMEN STUD INT FORUM}, journal = {WOMENS STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM}, volume = {68}, unique-id = {3350444}, issn = {0277-5395}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1879-243X}, pages = {164-172}, orcid-numbers = {Pető, Andrea/0000-0002-7525-2582} } @article{MTMT:3356453, title = {‘You Would Eat It If You Were Hungry’. Local Perceptions and Interpretations of Child Food Poverty}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3356453}, author = {Husz, Ildikó}, doi = {10.1111/chso.12274}, journal-iso = {CHILD SOC}, journal = {CHILDREN AND SOCIETY}, volume = {32}, unique-id = {3356453}, issn = {0951-0605}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1099-0860}, pages = {233-243} } @article{MTMT:30366581, title = {Schwarz-Blaues Regieren II: Orbánisierung in Rot-Weiß-Rot?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30366581}, author = {Joachim, Becker}, journal-iso = {KURSWECHSEL}, journal = {KURSWECHSEL: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GESELLSCHAFTS-, WIRTSCHAFTS- UND UMWELTPOLITISCHE ALTERNATIVEN}, volume = {1}, unique-id = {30366581}, issn = {1016-8419}, year = {2018}, pages = {201} } @article{MTMT:30376361, title = {Is labour market policy heading for social investment in European countries?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30376361}, author = {Litzmann, René Lehwess}, doi = {10.1515/zsr-2018-0018}, journal-iso = {Z SOZIALREF}, journal = {ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR SOZIALREFORM (ZSR)}, volume = {64}, unique-id = {30376361}, issn = {0514-2776}, year = {2018}, pages = {333-362} }