TY - JOUR AU - Pang, Kang Ying AU - Liew, Peng Yen AU - Woon, Kok Sin AU - Ho, Wai Shin AU - Alwi, Sharifah Rafidah Wan AU - Klemes, Jirf Jaromir TI - Multi-period multi-objective optimisation model for multi-energy urban-industrial symbiosis with heat, cooling, power and hydrogen demands JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 262 PY - 2023 PG - 14 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2022.125201 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33221384 ID - 33221384 AB - Hydrogen is seen as the future energy that will help decarbonise the emissions of global energy use. Hydrogen -related technologies have recently attracted considerable attention due to their relatively low emissions and high energy yield. Even then, little attention was given to hydrogen's use in energy distribution networks. A renewable-based multi-energy system (RMES) considers power, cooling, heating, and hydrogen energy as utility systems for integrated urban and industrial areas to achieve urban-industrial symbiosis. This paper formulates the RMES as a multi-period mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model to optimise the RMES, which minimises the financial implications and environmental impacts. Renewable solar energy is provided to the system using the photovoltaic solar system for electrical generation and the solar thermal collector for heat generation. Thermal, battery and hydrogen energy storages are integrated into the RMES to mitigate the energy supply and demand fluctuations and intermittency. A comparative analysis is conducted to individually identify the performance of different energy storage systems for economic and environmental objective functions. The comparison findings indicate that ESS performs better with 45% usage increases under objective environmental functions. The multi-objective optimisation using the epsilon-constraint method obtains the Pareto optimal solutions to the proposed multi-objective problem, which the 4th solution (ATC: 782,500 USD/y; ACE: 2,777.03 kg CO2-eq/ y) appears to be the most viable. The solution maintains a high-profit level without sacrificing many opportu-nities for carbon emissions reduction while satisfying both objective functions simultaneously to a degree of satisfaction of 0.75. Overall, the proposed RMES is proven economical and environmentally friendly for implementation; however, the model is needed to optimise the system based on the specific situation. This study provides the optimisation model for energy recovery and technology optimisation in the multi-energy system for urban-industrial symbiosis, which minimises carbon emission and energy cost. This could lead the energy sector to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, considering the economically and environmentally viable. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Andiappan, Viknesh AU - Foo, Dominic C. Y. AU - Tan, Raymond R. TI - Automated targeting for green supply chain planning considering inventory storage losses, production and set-up time JF - JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING J2 - J IND PROD ENG VL - 39 PY - 2022 IS - 5 SP - 341 EP - 352 PG - 12 SN - 2168-1015 DO - 10.1080/21681015.2021.1991015 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997263 ID - 32997263 AB - Aggregate planning has been used to maximize profit of a supply chain over a specified time horizon while satisfying customers' demand. However, previous work on aggregate planning did not consider factors such as inventory sizing, inventory losses, production, and setup time simultaneously. These factors are imperative as they influence a decision-maker's capability to ascertain the true performance of a given supply chain. This research gap is addressed in this work by developing an improved aggregate planning model to optimize inventory allocation in green production supply chains based on inventory storage size, storage losses, production, and set-up time. To demonstrate the applicability of the model, a biochar production supply chain case study was solved. Results from the case study confirm that optimal production and inventory allocation are dependent on storage losses and unit storage costs. These results were compared to those obtained via a published method. The comparison indicated that the presented method yielded more realistic results. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Arya, Deepika AU - Bandyopadhyay, Santanu TI - Uncertainties in the resource conservation problems: a review JF - CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY J2 - CLEAN TECHNOL ENVIRON POLICY VL - 24 PY - 2022 IS - 9 SP - 2681 EP - 2699 PG - 19 SN - 1618-954X DO - 10.1007/s10098-022-02354-6 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33221380 ID - 33221380 AB - Process integration, which started its development in the early 1970s, is an emerging branch of study for conserving various resources. Process integration studies the interdependencies among various process units at the system level and the development and use of tools for holistically designing process networks with generic optimization of resources and sustainable development. The problems addressed in process integration are often referred to as resource conservation or source-sink allocation problems. Most of these problems are solved with precise input parameters. However, due to a wide range of known and unknown factors, these input parameters are uncertain in practical applications. To make the designed network more reliable, these uncertainties should be incorporated at the targeting stage of the problem. Over the years, researchers have used various approaches for managing resource conservation networks under uncertainty. This review examines the different mathematical optimization approaches adopted for handling uncertainties associated with the resource conservation networks along with their practical applications in recent years. The paper primarily examines the four most common approaches used to address uncertainties in process integration: sensitivity analysis, chance-constrained programming, fuzzy optimization, and interval programming. Recent advances in handling uncertainties within the framework of process integration, covering both mathematical programming and Pinch analysis, are also discussed. The review ends with a discussion on the significance and contributions of recent approaches. Some of the important future research directions are also identified to be addressed using process integration and Pinch analysis.[GRAPHICS]. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Batchu, Sai Praneet AU - Hernandez, Borja AU - Malhotra, Abhinav AU - Fang, Hui AU - Ierapetritou, Marianthi AU - Vlachos, Dionisios G. TI - Accelerating manufacturing for biomass conversion via integrated process and bench digitalization: a perspective JF - REACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING J2 - REACT CHEM ENG VL - 7 PY - 2022 IS - 4 SP - 813 EP - 832 PG - 21 SN - 2058-9883 DO - 10.1039/d1re00560j UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32963192 ID - 32963192 AB - We present a perspective for accelerating biomass manufacturing via digitalization. We summarize the challenges for manufacturing and identify areas where digitalization can help. A profound potential in using lignocellulosic biomass and renewable feedstocks, in general, is to produce new molecules and products with unmatched properties that have no analog in traditional refineries. Discovering such performance-advantaged molecules and the paths and processes to make them rapidly and systematically can transform manufacturing practices. We discuss retrosynthetic approaches, text mining, natural language processing, and modern machine learning methods to enable digitalization. Laboratory and multiscale computation automation via active learning are crucial to complement existing literature and expedite discovery and valuable data collection without a human in the loop. Such data can help process simulation and optimization select the most promising processes and molecules according to economic, environmental, and societal metrics. We propose the close integration between bench and process scale models and data to exploit the low dimensionality of the data and transform the manufacturing for renewable feedstocks. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Bogataj, Milos AU - Kravanja, Zdravko AU - Nemet, Andreja TI - Recovery of N-Butanol from a Complex Five-Component Reactive Azeotropic Mixture JF - PROCESSES J2 - PROCESSES VL - 10 PY - 2022 IS - 2 PG - 15 SN - 2227-9717 DO - 10.3390/pr10020364 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997261 ID - 32997261 AB - This paper proposes a concept of a process design for the separation and recovery of n-butanol from a five-component mixture, consisting of n-butanol, isobutanol, formaldehyde, water and methanol. The mixture is a common waste stream in the production of butylated amino resins; therefore, recovery of n-butanol is crucial to the efficiency of the process. The results show that up to 94% of the n-butanol present in the waste stream can be recovered. Under the studied conditions, 99.76% pure n-butanol can be obtained, while formaldehyde, water and methanol are present only in traces. The energy intensity of the process is estimated at 2.42 MJ/kg of purified n-butanol. The economic analysis of the process shows that the process is economically viable over a wide range of production capacities, as evidenced by high net present values and high return on investment values. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Castro Oliveira, Miguel AU - Iten, Muriel AU - Matos, Henrique A. TI - Review on Water and Energy Integration in Process Industry: Water-Heat Nexus JF - SUSTAINABILITY J2 - SUSTAINABILITY-BASEL VL - 14 PY - 2022 IS - 13 SN - 2071-1050 DO - 10.3390/su14137954 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32993714 ID - 32993714 N1 - Low Carbon and Resource Efficiency, R&Di, Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, Grijó, 4415-491, Portugal Centro Recursos Naturais e Ambiente (CERENA), Departamento de Engenharia Química, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Avenida Rovisco Pais 1, Lisboa, 1049-001, Portugal Cited By :4 Export Date: 16 October 2023 Correspondence Address: Oliveira, M.C.; Low Carbon and Resource Efficiency, Portugal; email: dmoliveira@isq.pt Funding details: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, H2020, 810764, UIDB/04028/2020_UIDP/04028/2020 Funding text 1: This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmes under grant agreement “No. 810764” and through CERENA under grant UIDB/04028/2020_UIDP/04028/2020. Funding text 2: Funding: This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmes under grant agreement “No. 810764” and through CERENA under grant LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Chin, H.H. AU - Wang, B. AU - Jia, X. AU - Zeng, M. AU - Freisleben, V. AU - Varbanov, P.S. AU - Klemeš, J.J. TI - Integrated software suite for heat recovery networks and equipment design JF - COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING J2 - COMPUT CHEM ENG VL - 161 PY - 2022 SN - 0098-1354 DO - 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2022.107742 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32850040 ID - 32850040 N1 - Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, 616 69, Brno, Czech Republic Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi, Xi'an, 710049, China EVECO Brno Ltd., Rybkova 1, Brno, 602 00, Czech Republic Export Date: 30 May 2022 CODEN: CCEND Correspondence Address: Wang, B.; Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, Technická 2896/2, 616 69, Czech Republic; email: wang.b@fme.vutbr.cz LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Chin, Hon Huin AU - Liew, Peng Yen AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir TI - Extension of pinch analysis to targeting and synthesis of water recycling networks with multiple contaminants JF - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE J2 - CHEM ENG SCI VL - 248 PY - 2022 PG - 15 SN - 0009-2509 DO - 10.1016/j.ces.2021.117223 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997262 ID - 32997262 AB - An extended targeting and synthesis procedure using the Pinch approach has been developed for material resource conservation networks with multiple contaminants (e.g. water recycling network with multiple constraints). The Sink and Source Composite Curves (CC) are constructed for each contaminant (load vs flowrate). In this work, a 'polygon' rule is introduced for the CCs representation that illustrates the feasibility of the source mixing. The Source CCs for all the contaminants have to be shifted at least until a 'polygon' is formed around the vertices of the Sink CCs, with lines represent the edges of the Source and Sink CCs. The framework first identifies a freshwater target for each sink with Pinch Analysis based on the pre-determined source arrangement. A condition for further reduction of the freshwater is then checked with the proposed algorithm. Pinch Analysis of each sink sequentially enables the freshwater target and the optimal network design with allocated sources flowrates to be determined. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Cotrim, Syntia Lemos AU - Machado, Ageu de Araujo AU - Leal, Gislaine Camila Lapasini AU - Galdamez, Edwin Vladimir Cardoza AU - Ravagnani, Mauro Antonio da Silva Sa TI - Parameters for cost estimation in shell and tube heat exchangers network synthesis: A systematic literature review on 30 years of research JF - APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING J2 - APPL THERM ENG VL - 213 PY - 2022 PG - 14 SN - 1359-4311 DO - 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2022.118801 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33186368 ID - 33186368 AB - Heat exchangers are essential elements used in a wide range of engineering applications. Heat Exchanger Networks (HEN) synthesis and optimization is an important field in process integration and different objective functionshave been used to calculate the network total annual cost. This paper presents a comprehensive review in terms of the published literature on HEN cost calculations, highlighting papers related to the design and optimization of HEN. The main research in HEN's parameters for total cost calculation and its contribution to how these costs are formed, through a systematic literature review is presented in the present paper. It can be noteda gap in this field indicating that apart from a few studies published after 2005 and despite the emergence of new studies on changes in HEN cost functions, the use of more traditional cost calculation models still prevails in the current literature. This review also identifies the current challenges regarding this research field through analysis and comparison. Finally, issues related to cost parameters of objective functions concerning HENoptimization are highlighted and scope for future research is discussed. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Detchusananard, Thanaphorn AU - Wuttipisan, Natnapong AU - Limleamthong, Phantisa AU - Prasertcharoensuk, Phuet AU - Marechal, Francois AU - Arpornwichanop, Amornchai TI - Pyrolysis and gasification integrated process of empty fruit bunch for multi-biofuels production: Technical and economic analyses JF - ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT J2 - ENERG CONVERS MANAGE VL - 258 PY - 2022 PG - 13 SN - 0196-8904 DO - 10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115465 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997256 ID - 32997256 AB - The use of renewable energy sources has been promoted with concern about limited fossil fuels and increased environmental impact. Empty fruit bunch (EFB), which is a valuable biomass residual from palm oil milling processes, is one of the most promising renewable energy sources that can be used to increase the monetary value of EFB through the pyrolysis and gasification integrated process for multi-biofuels production. This work aims to perform technical and economic analyses of the pyrolysis and gasification integrated process using EFB for multi-biofuels production. Firstly, the pyrolysis and gasification integrated process model is developed by using Aspen Plus simulator and employed to determine optimal conditions through a parametric analysis. Then, the design of a heat exchanger network is also incorporated to enhance the energy efficiency of the process using Aspen Energy Analyzer. Finally, the key economic performance indicators, i.e., payback period (PB), net present value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR), of the process are analyzed using Aspen Process Economic Analyzer. The results show that the integrated process should be operated at steam to biochar mass ratio of 2.7, gasifier temperature of 900 C, steam to syngas mass ratio of 3.0, and WGS temperature of 240 degrees C to produce the maximum hydrogen, gases, gasoline, naphtha, kerosene and diesel at 140, 290, 657, 729, 298 and 811 kg h(-1), respectively. Furthermore, in terms of heat integration, the minimum hot and cold utilities are required at 21,554 and 5,247 MJ h(-1), respectively. The economic analysis results indicate that the proposed process is economically feasible and attractive with 5.98 years of PB, $ 249,951,964 of NPV, and 22% of IRR. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Dokl, Monika AU - Gomilsek, Rok AU - Cucek, Lidija AU - Ben Abikoye, null AU - Kravanja, Zdravko TI - Maximizing the power output and net present value of organic Rankine cycle: Application to aluminium industry JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 239 PY - 2022 PG - 23 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2021.122620 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32983492 ID - 32983492 AB - This study presents an integrated design and optimization of an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) for the recovery of waste heat from aluminium production. Non-Linear Programming (NLP) models were developed, with the objectives of maximizing electricity production and the Net Present Value (NPV) of the system. The models account for optimizing the operating conditions and changes in thermodynamic features of the system. The developed models are applied to a case study of Slovenian aluminium company where the performance of three different working fluids (R245fa, R1234yf and R1234ze) are compared. The optimization is performed considering different temperatures and prices of produced hot water and electricity, minimum approach temperature (Delta T-min), concentration of CO2 in flue gas and temperature and flowrate of flue gas. Results show that the selected working fluids for the proposed waste heat-based ORC system have the potential to substitute up to about 830 kW of electricity in a sustainable and economic manner. Out of the three working fluids considered, R245fa showed up to 7.9% efficiency of the ORC cycle and was identified as the best performing working fluid considering both economic viability and the amount of electricity produced by the system, however the refrigerant inherently has higher GHG footprint. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Farahbakhsh, S. AU - Keshtkar, M. M. TI - Economy and energy saving in Kaveh petrochemical methanol complex with emphasis on heat exchanger networks using pinch technology JF - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY J2 - INT J ENVIRON SCI TE PY - 2022 PG - 12 SN - 1735-1472 DO - 10.1007/s13762-022-04113-y UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997259 ID - 32997259 AB - Leading countries in the industry have been using pinch technology for optimal heating of processing plants, especially ones with high energy consumption. Using pinch technology in designing and redesigning the plants results in reducing their energy consumption and making them more environmentally friendly. In the present study, the Kaveh Petrochemical Methanol Complex was optimized based on energy-oriented pinch technology using Aspen Hysys and Aspen Energy software. First, a simulation of different parts of the plant was carried out using Aspen Hysys. Aspen Energy was then used to design the plant's network of heat exchangers. The pinch point for different parts of the plant was obtained through the data of hot and cold streams. This was followed by plotting the composite curve of the streams. After performing the simulation in Aspen Energy software, comprehensive data were obtained from the heat exchanger network at different parts of the plant, including the exchanger area, design specifications, the type and amount of hot and cold utility, etc. Further studies were conducted by redesigning the methanol production cycle retrofit using two LNG heat exchangers. The capital costs increased by around 50%, but operation costs decreased by 53%, and with LNG heat exchangers, the operation costs decreased by an additional 48% as compared to the first cycle. These modifications also lead to a reduction in the thermal load in the methanol cycle. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Fu, Dianliang AU - Nguyen, Truong AU - Lai, Yanhua AU - Lin, Leteng AU - Dong, Zhen AU - Lyu, Mingxin TI - Improved pinch-based method to calculate the capital cost target of heat exchanger network via evolving the spaghetti structure towards low-cost matching JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 343 PY - 2022 PG - 19 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131022 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997252 ID - 32997252 AB - Ahead of heat exchanger network (HEN) design, setting an optimal pinch temperature difference for pinch analysis depends vitally on the capital cost target. Conventional methods based on the spaghetti (SPA) structure ignoring matching optimization might result in calculated cost targets of large deviations. This work evolved the SPA structure via four stages by shifting energy towards low-cost matching. The fourth structure evolved from the SPA structure (ESPA-IV structure) with the lowest-cost matching after loops elimination forms the base to establish the ESPA method. It is validated by numerical experiment and applied to a case reported in literature, meanwhile comparisons are always made to the SPA method. The numerical experiment proves that the ESPA method can obtain capital cost targets with higher accuracy than the SPA method. The target deviations (often within +/- 5%) given by the ESPA method are much lower than those (well above 10%) derived by the SPA method. In the case study, the given HEN is further optimized as hinted by ESPA method results. Of two target methods, the cost target indicated by ESPA method is closer to the optimum capital cost newly derived after optimization. The high accuracy of the ESPA method is further verified. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Gai, Limei AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Van Fan, Yee AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir AU - Nizetic, Sandro TI - Total Site Hydrogen Integration with fresh hydrogen of multiple quality and waste hydrogen recovery in refineries JF - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY J2 - INT J HYDROGEN ENERG VL - 47 PY - 2022 IS - 24 SP - 12159 EP - 12178 PG - 20 SN - 0360-3199 DO - 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.06.1540360-3199 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32963153 ID - 32963153 AB - This paper proposes a novel method combining Pinch Methodology and waste hydrogen recovery, aiming to minimise fresh hydrogen consumption and waste hydrogen discharge. The method of multiple-level resource Pinch Analysis is extended to the level of Total Site Hydrogen Integration by considering fresh hydrogen sources with various quality. Waste hydrogen after Total Site Integration is further regenerated. The technical feasibility and economy of the various purification approaches are considered, demonstrated with a case study of a refinery hydrogen network in a petrochemical industrial park. The results showed that fresh hydrogen usage and waste hydrogen discharge could be reduced by 21.3% and 67.6%. The hydrogen recovery ratio is 95.2%. It has significant economic benefits and a short payback period for Total Site Hydrogen Integration with waste hydrogen purification. The proposed method facilitates the reuse of waste hydrogen before the purification process that incurs an additional environmental footprint. In line with the CircularEconomy principles, hydrogen resource is retained in the system as long as possible before discharge.(c) 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Gil, Juan D. AU - Topa, A. AU - Alvarez, J. D. AU - Torres, J. L. AU - Perez, M. TI - A review from design to control of solar systems for supplying heat in industrial process applications JF - RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS J2 - RENEW SUST ENERG REV VL - 163 PY - 2022 PG - 15 SN - 1364-0321 DO - 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112461 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32980221 ID - 32980221 AB - The use of solar thermal systems to produce heat for industrial processes is a feasible option that is gaining increasing interest in recent years as an initiative toward the zero-carbon energy future. This technology has a place in different processes, yet there is still no consensus on the main methods for sizing or controlling. The design requires the use of specific techniques due to the inconstant nature of solar energy as well as the heterogeneity of some industrial thermal demands. Nevertheless, despite starting from a particular system's design, the dynamic together with the hybrid and nonlinear behavior of the processes involved require adequate control techniques to provide the energy in a usable form and keep the system operating close to the design specifications. This paper presents a literature review concerning research works that address the design and control of solar thermal systems used in industrial contexts. The main objective is to analyze the different techniques used and to highlight their limits, usefulness, and the various industrial sectors where they were applied. The results of this analysis can be seen as a decision-making tool to select the most appropriate design or control strategy for these applications. It has been found that control techniques such as model predictive control can improve key performance metrics in daily operation. However, further development on these kinds of techniques and in holistic optimization methods that exploit the synergies between the operational and design phases is required. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hu, Jianqing AU - Fan, Shanshan AU - Zhang, Bingjian AU - He, Chang AU - Liu, Zuming AU - Chen, Qinglin TI - Optimal design of heat pump integrated low-grade heat utilization systems JF - ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT J2 - ENERG CONVERS MANAGE VL - 260 PY - 2022 PG - 16 SN - 0196-8904 DO - 10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115619 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33221388 ID - 33221388 AB - Recovery and utilization of low-grade heat in the process industries offers considerable economic and environmental benefits. Low-grade heat utilization employs circulating medium for heat transfer between heat sources and sinks. Thus, it is in need to synchronously integrate heat sources, circulating medium and heat sinks. It is extremely challenging for optimal design of low-grade heat utilization systems (LHUS) when considering quantity and quality of heat sources, heat sink requirements, feasible integration technologies and economic performance simultaneously. The current design methods for low-grade heat utilization integrated with upgrading technologies are simplified, narrowing down their integration domain. In this work, integration strategy of LHUS with heat pump technology is first proposed. A novel methodology for optimal design of heat pump integrated low-grade heat utilization systems (HPiLHUS) is developed subsequently for implementing the integration strategy. A modified superstructure characterized by nodes, low-low pressure steam (LLPS) generation module and a heat pump system is presented. The node acts as mixer, splitter or heat exchanger, and thus enables HPiLHUS optimization in all feasible domain. The LLPS generation module provides a promising integration possibility for heat pump technology. The heat pump system aims to upgrade low-grade heat in order to improve energy utilization efficiency. A mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model is formulated for optimal design of LHUS/HPiLHUS. Real-world case studies are employed to demonstrate our method's efficacy and applicability. The results show that integration of heat pump technology with LHUS reduces total annual cost (TAC) by 12.2%, demonstrating huge potential for reduction of energy consumption. Scenario analysis exhibit the advantages of our proposed modified method over conventional methods. Sensitivity analysis shows LLPS generation temperature and excavated heat sink duty have a great impact on TAC, which provides valuable information for implementing the heat pump integration strategy. The proposed methodology can be applied to industrial low-grade heat utilization and thus has a wide scope of applications. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kim, Yurim AU - Lim, Jonghun AU - Shim, Jae Yun AU - Lee, Heedong AU - Cho, Hyungtae AU - Kim, Junghwan TI - Optimizing wastewater heat recovery systems in textile dyeing processes using pinch analysis JF - APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING J2 - APPL THERM ENG VL - 214 PY - 2022 PG - 14 SN - 1359-4311 DO - 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2022.118880 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33221387 ID - 33221387 AB - Textile manufacturing discharges large amounts of wastewater containing significant amounts of thermal energy. The textile dyeing process consists of several complex processes with different operating times, temperatures, and water usage. The absence of a suitable wastewater heat recovery (WWHR) system requires a large amount of energy for heating fresh water and cooling wastewater. Therefore, recovering wastewater while satisfying the operating conditions of each process is crucial. Herein, we suggest an optimal design for WWHR systems to maximize the energy efficiency in the textile dyeing process using pinch analysis by a novel two-step approach. First, the scenarios for all feasible WWHR methods were defined, and the WWHR systems were designed accordingly by integrating a heat pump and heat exchanger. Second, the heat exchanger network of the developed WWHR systems was modified based on pinch analysis to maximize the waste-heat recovery efficiency. Finally, to derive the cost-optimal WWHR system, a techno-economic analysis was conducted. The total annualized cost (TAC), based on the capital and operating cost, was determined based on current and potential future economies. The proposed energy-saving measures reduced the TAC by 28.6% and obtained a payback period of up to 4.3 y. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kuznetsov, Maxim AU - Boldyryev, Stanislav AU - Kenzhebekov, Doskhan AU - Kaldybaeva, Botagoz TI - Improving inter-plant integration of syngas production technologies by the recycling of CO2 and by-product of the Fischer-Tropsch process JF - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY J2 - INT J HYDROGEN ENERG VL - 47 PY - 2022 IS - 74 SP - 31755 EP - 31772 PG - 18 SN - 0360-3199 DO - 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.12.184 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33221381 ID - 33221381 AB - This paper deals with the emission reduction in synthesis-gas production by better inte-gration and increasing the energy efficiency of a high-temperature co-electrolysis unit combined with the Fischer-Tropsch process. The investigated process utilises the by-product of Fischer-Tropsch, as an energy source and carbon dioxide as a feedstock for synthesis gas production. The proposed approach is based on adjusting process streams temperatures with the further synthesis of a new heat exchangers network and optimisation of the utility system. The potential of secondary energy resources was determined using plus/minus principles and simulation of a high-temperature co-electrolysis unit. The proposed technique maximises the economic and environmental benefits of inter-unit integration. Two scenarios were considered for sharing the high-temperature co-electrolysis and the Fischer-Tropsch process. In the first scenario, by-products from the Fischer-Tropsch process were used as fuel for a high-temperature co-electrolysis. Optimisation of secondary energy sources and the synthesis of a new heat exchanger network reduce fuel consumption by 47% and electricity by 11%. An additional environmental benefit is reflected in emission reduction by 25,145 tCO(2)/y. The second scenario uses fossil fuel as a primary energy source. The new exchanger network for the high-temperature co -electrolysis was built for different energy sources. The use of natural gas resulted in total annual costs of the heat exchanger network to 1,388,034 USD/y, which is 1%, 14%, 116% less than for coal, fuel oil and LPG, respectively. The use of natural gas as a fuel has the lowest carbon footprint of 7288 tCO(2)/y. On the other hand, coal as an energy source has commensurable economic indicators that produce 2 times more CO2, which can be used as a feedstock for a high-temperature co-electrolysis. This work shows how in-depth preliminary analysis can optimise the use of primary and secondary energy resources during inter-plant integration. (C) 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Liu, Zhaoli AU - Yang, Lu AU - Yang, Siyu AU - Qian, Yu TI - An extended stage-wise superstructure for heat exchanger network synthesis with intermediate placement of multiple utilities JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 248 PY - 2022 PG - 16 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2022.123372 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997254 ID - 32997254 AB - The heat exchanger network (HEN) synthesis methodologies based on mathematical programming are recognized to be the significant methods to improve energy utilization efficiency and achieve a prominent techno-economic performance. As impacted by the combinatorial and nonconvex nature in the mathematical model, the problem of HEN synthesis may be easily trapped into suboptimal solutions. In this study, an extended stage-wise superstructure with intermediate placement of multiple utilities was presented. The heaters and coolers can be put in different stream split branches at intermediate stages, as opposed to the traditional allocation at stream ends. Such an extended superstructure yielded a more complex mathematical model compared to the stage-wise superstructure. To solve the model, the solution approach based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) was adopted. The local optimizing strategy, the adaptive scheme, the elite strategy and the structure identification and structure control strategy were introduced to enhance the efficiency and improve the search ability of the GA. Finally, the analysis of four examples verifies the validity of the presented meta-heuristics GA with optimization strategies, demonstrating that the proposed method can solve the complex model with acceptable computational effort and obtain better solutions with lower total annual costs than those reported in previous works. (c) 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Ma, Qian AU - Chang, Yuan AU - Yuan, Bo AU - Song, Zhaozheng AU - Xue, Jinjun AU - Jiang, Qingzhe TI - Utilizing carbon dioxide from refinery flue gas for methanol production: System design and assessment JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 249 PY - 2022 PG - 14 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2022.123602 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997255 ID - 32997255 AB - As a main growing greenhouse gas emitter, petroleum refining is responsible for 4%-10% of the global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, of which approximately 25% is derived from fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) units. The flue gas released by FCC units has a high CO2 content (11-17 vol%), creating potential for methanol production when the methane and hydrogen in the dry gas as a byproduct of FCC are considered. To unlock this low-carbon opportunity for refineries, we employed Aspen Plus to develop a methanol synthesis system by recovering the CO(2 )in the flue gas and the methane and hydrogen in the dry gas of an FCC unit. Based on pinch theory, a process heat integration technique was designed and optimized to reduce the energy penalty of the system. The developed system enables an annual CO2 mitigation of 2.80 million tons and boosts the energy efficiency of the FCC units by 2.8%. The system developed by this study is more economically favorable than traditional coal-to-methanol production. The developed system provides technological routes for refineries to achieve large-scale CO2 mitigation, thus advancing the green transition of the petrochemical industry. (C)2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Piedra-Garza, Luis F. AU - Oles, Markus TI - Implementation of Cross-Industrial Networks Targeting CO2 Reduction from a Systemic Approach JF - CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK J2 - CHEM-ING-TECH PY - 2022 PG - 7 SN - 0009-286X DO - 10.1002/cite.202200028 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997251 ID - 32997251 AB - Within the Carbon2Chem (R) project, unavoidable CO2 emissions are used creating a new type of production network comprising a steelworks and chemical production. In the second project phase (2020-2024), the focus lies on additional expansion of already developed cross-industrial networks as well as the implementation of additional ones (i.e., based on alternative CO2 sources) from an integral perspective that includes process simulation, process design, ecological and economic evaluation, and finally scale up. Moreover, the most promising process concepts will be further developed to a higher degree of detail aiming industrial implementation. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Potrc, Sanja AU - Nemet, Andreja AU - Cucek, Lidija AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Kravanja, Zdravko TI - Synthesis of a regenerative energy system-beyond carbon emissions neutrality JF - RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS J2 - RENEW SUST ENERG REV VL - 169 PY - 2022 PG - 16 SN - 1364-0321 DO - 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112924 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33178303 ID - 33178303 AB - To keep temperature rise well below 2 degrees C, production systems should be synthesised in a way that are regen-erative, climate-resilient, and equitable, and to maintain biodiversity to preserve life and meet future human needs with the integrity of nature. In line with this approach, this paper presents a stepwise transition to a regenerative energy system in the EU by 2050, with the aim of going beyond carbon neutrality and achieving annual net negative emissions. A mixed-integer linear programming model is developed with the goal of max-imising the Sustainability Net Present Value while achieving a balanced solution between all the three basic sustainability pillars. In order to obtain a regenerative system design, the annual self-sequestration of CO2 by the Earth was evaluated based on the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere and the change in atmospheric CO2 concentration. The impact of different CO2 emission reduction scenarios on the atmospheric CO2 concen-tration until 2050 was evaluated. The results show that carbon neutrality at the global level could be achieved by 2050 with a 1.63% annual reduction in anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Moreover, the results indicate that if carbon emission neutrality is achieved at the global level in 2050, it could be achieved in the EU as early as 2039, given the Earth's self-sequestration capacity. To go beyond carbon emissions neutrality at the EU level, electricity demand is expected to nearly double, particularly due to the electrification of road transport, the use of heat pumps for heating residential and the tertiary sectors, 6G and IoT widespread out etc. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Qiang, Tan AU - Chen Yuting, null AU - Xu Yanyan, null AU - Shuang, Ye AU - Hao, Xiao AU - Huang Weiguang, null TI - A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for Heat Exchanger Network in Process Industries JF - CHINA PETROLEUM PROCESSING & PETROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY J2 - CHINA PET PROCESS PE VL - 24 PY - 2022 IS - 2 SP - 101 EP - 111 PG - 11 SN - 1008-6234 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33221385 ID - 33221385 AB - To simultaneously improve the quantity and quality of heat recovery in a heat exchanger network (HEN), this study conducts a theory analysis based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Under the premise of maximizing the heat recovery quantity of HEN, (G) over dot(diss) is used as an evaluation index to optimize the quality of heat recovery. Meanwhile, the total annual cost (TAC) is considered as another optimization objective to ensure the economic feasibility of the HEN. A superstructure-based multi-objective mixed integer non-linear programming approach is put forward to solve the trade-off between minimizing (G) over dot(diss) and minimizing TAC. This allows for the optimum HEN structure to be obtained. A well-studied example is solved to highlight the benefits of the proposed method. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Wang, Bohong AU - Zhang, Sheng AU - Guo, Lianghui AU - Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev TI - Graphical approaches for cleaner production and sustainability in process systems JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 366 PY - 2022 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132790 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33022208 ID - 33022208 N1 - National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Harbour Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation Technology/Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Petrochemical Environmental Pollution Control, Zhejiang Ocean University, No.1, Haida South Road, Zhoushan, 316022, China Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology – VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, Brno, 616 69, Czech Republic Department of Energy, Faculty of Environmental and Energy Engineering Cracow University of Technology, Al. Jana Pawła II 37, Cracow, 31-864, Poland National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety/Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Fuxue Road No.18, Changping District, Beijing, 102249, China Cited By :6 Export Date: 16 October 2023 CODEN: JCROE Correspondence Address: Wang, B.; National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Harbour Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation Technology/Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Petrochemical Environmental Pollution Control, No.1, Haida South Road, China; email: wangbh@zjou.edu.cn Funding details: 11025092122 Funding details: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 Funding details: Xi'an Eurasia University, EU, 956255 Funding text 1: This work was funded by the EU project “Renewable energy system for residential building heating and electricity production – RESHeat”, Grant Agreement # 956255, Science Foundation of Zhejiang Ocean University ( 11025092122 ), and “Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL”, project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 funded by EU “CZ Operational Programme Research, Development and Education ”, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research and innovation programme. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Wang, Chen AU - Cui, Qi AU - Dai, Zhaofeng AU - Zhang, Xiaosong AU - Xue, Lu AU - You, Zhanping AU - She, Xiaohui TI - Performance analysis of liquid air energy storage with enhanced cold storage density for combined heating and power generation JF - JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE J2 - J ENERGY STORAGE VL - 46 PY - 2022 PG - 14 SN - 2352-152X DO - 10.1016/j.est.2021.103836 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997257 ID - 32997257 AB - Liquid air energy storage (LAES), as a grid-scale energy storage technology, is promising for decarbonization and carbon-neutrality of energy networks. In the LAES, off-peak electricity or renewable energy is stored in the form of liquid air (i.e. air liquefaction); when electricity is needed, the liquid air is evaporated to generate electricity and meanwhile releases a great deal of cold energy in a temperature range of 85-300 K. The released cold energy is usually recovered for improving the air liquefaction, where fluids are popular as both cold recovery and storage media with the benefits of straightforward control strategy and high efficiency. However, two kinds of fluids are usually required to work together for cold recovery and storage (baseline LAES) as single fluid is not able to work in such a large temperature span (85-300 K). This leads to a four-tank configuration, making the cold storage bulky and complex. To address this issue, this paper investigates various fluids and it is found that their temperature ranges could be extended when they are under pressure (i.e., pressurized fluids). This makes it possible to recover and store the cold energy from liquid air by single pressurized fluid with a two-tank configuration, thus increasing cold storage density and decreasing capital cost. Therefore, a novel LAES configuration is proposed and analysed with pressurized propane (1 MPa) as an example for cold recovery and storage. Simulation results show that the proposed LAES system increases the volumetric cold storage density by ~52% and improves the system energy storage density by 16.7% compared to the baseline LAES system . This saves the capital cost of cold storage by 37% and reduces the system capital cost by ~7%. Besides, the proposed LAES system shows an electrical round trip efficiency of ~50% and a combined heat and power efficiency of 74.9-81%. This study provides a feasible way to improve energy storage density and economic benefits of the LAES system. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Wang, Kan AU - Hu, Jianqing AU - Tang, Qiaoqiao AU - He, Chang AU - Zhang, Bingjian AU - Chen, Qinglin TI - An engineering target-oriented multi-scenario heat exchanger network retrofit methodology with consideration of exergoeconomic assessment JF - ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY J2 - ENVIRON DEV SUSTAIN PY - 2022 PG - 25 SN - 1387-585X DO - 10.1007/s10668-021-02058-9 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32963194 ID - 32963194 AB - Energy efficiency in process systems has attracted increasing attention due to the benefits of decreased greenhouse gas emissions and improvements in sustainability. As a vital solution, the retrofit of heat exchanger networks (HENs) mainly focuses on recombining the existing heat exchangers or modifying the HEN topology by adding/removing heat exchangers. Yet, there are still challenges that need to be addressed for HENs retrofit problems. In this paper, a systematic HENs retrofit methodology with exergoeconomic assessment is proposed. To be consistent with the actual industrial application, three retrofit scenarios, namely heat transfer area distribution retrofit, topology retrofit without additional heat exchangers, and topology retrofit with additional heat exchangers, are considered in the retrofit optimization model. A typical HEN retrofit case in the crude distillation unit is tested. The comparative results indicate that the Scenarios 2 and 3 outperform the Scenario 2 since they have a relatively high annual profit ($3.42MM and $3.47MM) and a low exergy destruction coefficient (0.321 and 0.303). This study is helpful to address the engineering target-oriented HENs retrofit problems by considering different practical retrofit levels. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Watanapanich, Supaluck AU - Li, Sung-Ta AU - Lee, Jui-Yuan TI - Optimal integration of organic Rankine cycles into process heat exchanger networks: A simultaneous approach JF - ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT J2 - ENERG CONVERS MANAGE VL - 260 PY - 2022 PG - 16 SN - 0196-8904 DO - 10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115604 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997253 ID - 32997253 AB - Organic Rankine cycles can produce power from various low-to-medium temperature heat sources efficiently, and may be integrated into industrial processes to recover low-grade waste heat for improved energy efficiency. This paper presents a mathematical programming model for the synthesis of organic Rankine cycle-integrated heat exchanger networks. The model is based on an organic Rankine cycle representation of four alternative configurations and a modified stage-wise superstructure, where heat exchange between process streams and organic Rankine cycle streams can take place in all the stages. In addition, the flowrate and operating temperatures of the working fluid are treated as variables, and its thermodynamic properties (e.g. enthalpies and pump/ turbine outlet temperatures) are correlated as functions of the temperatures. This allows the organic Rankine cycle and the heat exchanger network to be optimised simultaneously, with the objective of maximising the net power output or minimising the overall energy cost. Two literature examples are used to illustrate the proposed approach. The results show that apart from producing power, the organic Rankine cycle can reduce the cold utility consumption by up to 26% when integrated with a process. Furthermore, the overall energy cost can be minimised by increasing the net power output optimally (by 54.6%), despite increased hot (+38.9%) and cold utility requirements (+19.5%). The proposed approach is thus useful in assessing the benefits from process integration of organic Rankine cycles. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Xiao, Yuan AU - Cui, Guomin AU - Zhang, Guanhua AU - Ai, Lianzhong TI - Parallel optimization route promoted by accepting imperfect solutions for the global optimization of heat exchanger networks JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 336 PY - 2022 PG - 26 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.130354 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997260 ID - 32997260 AB - The global optimization of heat exchanger network synthesis remains a hotspot and challenge in the field of chemical process integration. The random walk algorithm with compulsive evolution has shown good performance in avoiding entrapment in the local optima by accepting imperfect solutions with a certain mutation probability. This work first investigates the detailed effects of accepting imperfect solutions on the continuity of optimization and the efficiency of global optimization by analyzing the imperfect solutions generated in the optimization process. Then, a novel parallel optimization route is established to balance the global and local search ability by combing basic and fine-search optimization levels. Additionally, enhancing strategies promoted by accepting imperfect solutions and large step lengths are integrated into the parallel optimization route to further improve the efficiency of structure evolution and global optimization. Finally, three case studies are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method and discuss the roles of each module and different module combinations in facilitating the global search. Many promising results with more structure possibilities are obtained in each case study, with the obtained optimal solutions being lower than most reported in the literature. This indicates the effectiveness of the proposed method in facilitating the structure evolution and global optimization for heat exchanger network synthesis. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Yao, Zhang AU - Yuxing, Zhang AU - Yaqian, Kong AU - Sobhani, Behnam TI - Research on an integrated power and freshwater generation system from natural gas energy and geothermal sources JF - DESALINATION J2 - DESALINATION VL - 525 PY - 2022 PG - 17 SN - 0011-9164 DO - 10.1016/j.desal.2021.115494 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997258 ID - 32997258 AB - Waste heat recovery can recognize as a promising option for responding to the thermodynamic effectiveness and environmental issues through well-organized designs of multigeneration systems. Hence, this paper introduces a novel hybridization of a flash-binary geothermal cycle, a gas turbine cycle, an organic flash cycle, and a multi effect desalination subsystem to reach efficient cogeneration of electricity and freshwater regarding the smart use of waste heat. The capability of the proposed system is analyzed based on energy, exergy, exergoeconomic, and economic perspectives, where the net present value and payback were considered as the system's evaluation criteria from the economic viewpoint. Accordingly, the multi-objective grey wolf optimization algorithm in conjunction with the LINMAP decision-making approach has been utilized to optimize the system and specify the optimal conditions in three optimization scenarios. According to the base operation conditions, the system has an exergy efficiency of 37.45% with a power generation capacity of 19.02 MW, a total freshwater rate of 38.69 kg/s, and a total profit and payback period of 60.07 $M and 3.75 years. Besides, the triple-objective optimization illustrated the exergy efficiency, profitability, and payback period of 38.41%, 62.71 M$, and 3.26 years, respectively. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Zhang, Yanmei AU - Li, Zhiwei AU - Aviso, Kathleen B. AU - Jia, Xue-Xiu AU - Zhang, Peidong AU - Tan, Raymond R. AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir AU - Wang, Fang AU - Jia, Xiaoping TI - Industrial water network vulnerability analysis using dynamic inoperability input-output model JF - JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT J2 - J ENVIRON MANAGE VL - 314 PY - 2022 PG - 10 SN - 0301-4797 DO - 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115015 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33221386 ID - 33221386 AB - Industrial parks provide opportunities for Process Integration among different enterprises. Inter-Plant Water Network Integration is an effective strategy for water conservation. However, increased interplant linkages can make the entire system vulnerable to cascading failures in case of loss of water flow in some plants. The potential indirect impact of water shortages on such integrated systems may not be evident without the use of appropriate models. This work defines inoperability as the fractional loss of water flow relative to normal operations. A comparison between the applicability of demand-driven versus supply-driven Inoperability Input-output Model (IIM) is conducted. Then, a Vulnerability Assessment Framework which integrates vulnerability indicators into the Dynamic Input-Output Model (DIIM) is developed to analyse failure propagation in water networks in an industrial park. The DIIM is then applied to simulate the cascading effects of disturbances. From a time perspective, the vulnerabilities of the industrial parks With Integrated Optimal Water Network (WWN) and Without Integrated Optimal Water Network (WOWN) are assessed considering robustness, adaptability, and recoverability as the indicators. The results indicate that supply-driven IIM is more suitable for cascading failure analysis of water networks. The average inoperability at 16% from supply-driven IIM is higher than that from demand-driven IIM. In the freshwater disturbance scenario, the dependence of the plant on freshwater is proportional to the rate of inoperability change, the time to reach a new equilibrium. In this study, the robustness of WWN is about fivefold that of WOWN, but the recovery rate is only one-sixth of the latter. This work can help identify system vulnerabilities and provide a scientific insight for the development of park-wide water management strategies. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Ahmetovic, Elvis AU - Kravanja, Zdravko AU - Ibric, Nidret AU - Grossmann, Ignacio E. AU - Savulescu, Luciana E. TI - State of the art methods for combined water and energy systems optimisation in Kraft pulp mills JF - OPTIMIZATION AND ENGINEERING J2 - OPTIM ENG PY - 2021 PG - 22 SN - 1389-4420 DO - 10.1007/s11081-021-09612-4 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310914 ID - 32310914 AB - This paper presents a state-of-the-art overview of water and energy optimisation methods with applications to Kraft pulp mills. The main conclusions are highlighted, and several research gaps are identified and proposed for future research. Kraft processes have the potential to be adapted to biorefineries for producing biofuels and other high-value products from wood biomass. Biorefineries enable opportunities to increase the revenue of the process, reduce fossil fuels usage and greenhouse gas emissions. However, to ensure an effective Kraft process transformation, the existing mill infrastructure needs to be consolidated. In this sense, the water system, the heat exchanger network and the utility system should all be optimised together. A series of systematic methods (process integration-conceptual and mathematical programming) have been identified in the literature, along with the results of several case studies that reduce water and energy consumption in Kraft processes. Initial studies in this field considered and solved separate water and energy integration problems, but recent works have been focused on the development of methods for combined water and energy integration and their application to various processes. Typical savings lead to freshwater consumption decreases between 20 and 80% and energy consumption reductions between 15 and 40%. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Alhajri, Ibrahim H. AU - Gadalla, Mamdouh A. AU - Abdelaziz, Omar Y. AU - Ashour, Fatma H. TI - Retrofit of heat exchanger networks by graphical Pinch Analysis - A case study of a crude oil refinery in Kuwait JF - CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING J2 - CASE STUD THERM ENG VL - 26 PY - 2021 PG - 16 SN - 2214-157X DO - 10.1016/j.csite.2021.101030 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310907 ID - 32310907 AB - Energy integration of the existing chemical and petrochemical facilities is regarded as a keystone for sustainable energy systems. It is widely known that a considerable number of the petrochemical industries are not applying efficient heat exchanger network (HEN) systems to minimise the use of external utilities. In the present study, a Pinch Analysis-based graphical approach is used to retrofit an existing HEN for optimising a crude oil distillation operation. The existing HEN is represented using T-hot-T-cold diagram, where the cold stream temperatures are plotted on the x-axis and the hot stream temperatures are plotted on the y-axis, for each exchanger unit. The graphical approach is applied to a real case study of a petroleum refinery plant located in Kuwait with the objective of performing energy analysis and retrofitting the existing HEN. Retrofit modifications are extracted from the graphical representation to enable scenarios for energy and emission reduction. The application of the proposed approach resulted in substantial energy savings of about 10.4 MW compared to the current operation, leading to annual operating cost savings of about MM$2 and less than one-year payback time. Overall, this study provides tools to address the energy traits in crude preheat trains of industrial feature, which can improve the overall economic-environmental sustainability of existing refineries. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Angsutorn, Natchanon AU - Siemanond, Kitipat AU - Chuvaree, Rungroj TI - A robust design method for retrofit of industrial heat exchanger networks using modified stage-wise model JF - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE J2 - CHEM ENG SCI VL - 229 PY - 2021 PG - 25 SN - 0009-2509 DO - 10.1016/j.ces.2020.116005 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310918 ID - 32310918 AB - For over 20 years, various heat exchanger network (HEN) retrofit methods based on mathematical programming have been studied and proposed. However, determining suitable heat exchanger network retrofit designs for industries still remains a challenge. Most retrofit methods have limitations in terms of computational time and feasibility, and their proposed solutions involve mostly heat exchanger modifications and relocations which could be impractical and uneconomical. To overcome these limitations, this paper presents a robust heat exchanger network retrofit method for industrial applications which relies on mathematical programming under specific retrofit concepts and an effective solving strategy. The retrofit concepts reduce mathematical difficulties and provide heat exchanger networks that are practical for industries. The solving strategy provides a sustainable systematic solving method which guarantees good feasible solutions within a reasonable computational time. Finally, the performance of the proposed heat exchanger network retrofit method is illustrated and compared throughout three various scale examples. (c) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Aviso, Kathleen B. AU - Lee, Jui-Yuan AU - Ubando, Aristotle T. AU - Tan, Raymond R. TI - Fuzzy optimization model for enhanced weathering networks using industrial waste JF - CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY J2 - CLEAN TECHNOL ENVIRON POLICY PY - 2021 PG - 17 SN - 1618-954X DO - 10.1007/s10098-021-02053-8 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310915 ID - 32310915 N1 - Chemical Engineering Department, De La Salle University, 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila, 0922, Philippines Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, 10608, Taiwan Mechanical Engineering Department, De La Salle University, 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila, 0922, Philippines Cited By :11 Export Date: 17 October 2023 Correspondence Address: Aviso, K.B.; Chemical Engineering Department, 2401 Taft Avenue, Philippines; email: kathleen.aviso@dlsu.edu.ph AB - Enhanced weathering is a negative emissions technology based on the accelerated weathering of alkaline minerals. Such materials can be reduced to a fine powder and applied to land sinks to maximize the area exposed for reaction with rainwater and dissolved CO2. The carbon is captured in the form of bicarbonate ions in the runoff, which ultimately carries it to the ocean for virtually permanent sequestration. Enhanced weathering has been demonstrated in proof-of-concept laboratory and field tests, but scale-up to a level that delivers significant CO2 removal is still an engineering challenge that requires a system-level perspective. Future enhanced weathering networks should be planned like industrial supply chains, taking into account constraints in the supply of alkaline minerals and the availability of land sinks. Optimization of such networks should also take into account techno-economic uncertainties that are inherent in any emerging technology. To fill this research gap, this work develops a fuzzy mixed-integer linear programming model for optimal planning of enhanced weathering networks. The model is capable of handling multiple conflicting objectives and accounting for system uncertainties. The use of the model is illustrated with two case studies. First, a pedagogical example is solved; then, the model is demonstrated for a realistic scenario which shows that 0.69% of Taiwan's CO2 emissions can be offset by the use of blast furnace slag for enhanced weathering.[GRAPHICS]. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Boldyryev, Stanislav AU - Gil, Tatyana TI - Debottlenecking of existing hydrocracking unit by improved heat recovery for energy and carbon dioxide savings JF - ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT J2 - ENERG CONVERS MANAGE VL - 238 PY - 2021 PG - 14 SN - 0196-8904 DO - 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114164 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310902 ID - 32310902 AB - The problem of energy use is one of the challenges of modern society. It is connected not only with the generation of harmful emission but also with the use of other associated resources. Energy efficiency in industry is one of the cleanest energy sources due to not generating energy. Current work proposes an approach for reducing primary energy use and harmful emissions at the oil refinery via thermodynamic analysis of process and energy streams and definition of an energy recovery potential. The proposed approach is based on the systematic reduction of energy consumption by an energy audit, a detailed process and units simulation, improved energy recovery and identifying the most reliable and economically viable process changes. It includes the heat and utility exchanger network analysis by grid diagram to find an energy gap and main drawbacks. The case study represents an application of the proposed method at the hydrocracking unit, where a considerable potential for energy efficiency was identified and utilised. The retrofit option was developed to show how debottlenecking and process changes contributes to overall operational efficiency. As a result, the energy consumption was cut by 54% and the economic efficiency of the proposed process changes confirmed by the discounted payback period of 9.5 months, excluding the time for the detailed design, equipment purchase, installation and start-up. Environmental results demonstrate the annual saving of 18,915 tons of carbon dioxide. Due to the slowing down of global economic growth, more attention should be paid to the modernisation of existing process plants. It may speed up the transition to an environmentally friendly economy and help solving global problems. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Chang, Chenglin AU - Liao, Zuwei AU - Costa, Andre L. H. AU - Bagajewicz, Miguel J. TI - Globally optimal synthesis of heat exchanger networks. Part III: Non-isothermal mixing in minimal and non-minimal networks JF - AICHE JOURNAL J2 - AICHE J PY - 2021 PG - 15 SN - 0001-1541 DO - 10.1002/aic.17393 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310901 ID - 32310901 AB - In this work, the enumeration algorithms presented in Parts I and II for the globally optimal synthesis of minimal and non-minimal heat exchanger networks are extended to consider non-isothermal mixing. New mathematical models, including non-isothermal mixing constraints, are proposed to target the bounds of energy consumption and the binding exchanger minimum approximation temperature. These models are solved using the algorithms, which involve solving systems of equations instead of mathematical programming. Three global optimization strategies are proposed to optimize each enumerated structure, involving the use of a global solver directly, or the use of a Golden Search based on energy consumption and a flowrate optimization model considering non-isothermal mixing. The flowrate optimization model is reformulated as a convex problem, which is solved by using nonlinear programming or a mathematical programming-free methodology, that is, solving Karush-Kuhn-Tucker equations. A new Global Optimum Search Algorithm is developed and examples are tested comparing different optimization strategies. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Chin, Hon Huin AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Liew, Peng Yen AU - Klemes, Jaromir TI - Pinch-based targeting methodology for multi-contaminant material recycle/reuse JF - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE J2 - CHEM ENG SCI VL - 230 PY - 2021 PG - 22 SN - 0009-2509 DO - 10.1016/j.ces.2020.116129 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310917 ID - 32310917 AB - This work presents a systematic resource targeting procedure in the domain of multiple contaminants water recycling/reuse network. A resource-allocation model was developed and modified to determine the model characteristics, to obtain the optimal solution. By inferring from the formulations, it is recognised that each water sink is constrained by a certain contaminant. This plays a vital role in determining the assignment of sinks to the proper contaminants cascade, classifying them to below or above the Pinch Region, and the source allocation strategy. Multiple Targeting Pinch Diagrams with Source and Sink Composite Curves then should be plotted for each contaminant. Each contaminant is assigned a specific separate Pinch Plot and analysed sequentially until the demands of all sinks are fulfilled. The credibility of the novel approach is demonstrated by several industrial case studies encompassing problems with a fresh and impure resource. The method provides insights into the problem while providing the minimum resource target. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Clauser, Nicolas M. AU - Felissia, Fernando E. AU - Area, Maria C. AU - Vallejos, Maria E. TI - A framework for the design and analysis of integrated multi-product biorefineries from agricultural and forestry wastes JF - RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS J2 - RENEW SUST ENERG REV VL - 139 PY - 2021 PG - 17 SN - 1364-0321 DO - 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110687 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310910 ID - 32310910 AB - Sustainable biomass valorization, as agricultural and forestry wastes, and the development of conversion processes could bring additional benefits like solving the residue disposal, generating renewable biofuels and bio-based chemicals, reducing net greenhouse gas emissions, and creating more manufacturing jobs, among others. The commercialized processes based on the biorefinery concept are increasing in chemicals and biofuels production, which can be integrated into the conventional manufacturing processes. These processes generated dilute aqueous streams with numerous side products and waste streams. The biorefinery schemes on an industrial scale require the process design and technical and economic assessment to establish its viability and to elucidate its potential socioeconomic effect at local and regional levels. The reviewed literature shows the obtaining of several marketable industrial interest products with high yields of the final product. The most significant variables and parameters should be established and enhanced to attain efficient and profitable processes. The diverse schemes of biorefinery can be assessed based on the process design, the mass, and energy integration, economic assessment, and risk and sensibility analysis. This work presents a framework for the design, analysis, and assessment of biorefinery schemes. They could be integrated into agricultural and forestry waste production chains for their valorization. Sections 1-5 define the steps to follow for the design, analysis, and assessment of biorefinery schemes. A case study to demonstrate the application of the proposed scheme is shown in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7, some challenges in the design and analysis of a multi-product biorefinery are presented. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Elsido, Cristina AU - Cremonesi, Andrea AU - Martelli, Emanuele TI - A novel sequential synthesis algorithm for the integrated optimization of Rankine cycles and heat exchanger networks JF - APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING J2 - APPL THERM ENG VL - 192 PY - 2021 PG - 15 SN - 1359-4311 DO - 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.116594 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310904 ID - 32310904 AB - The research theme of this work is the optimization of the heat integration and heat recovery in energy systems and chemical processes, specifically, the optimal synthesis and design of Rankine cycles (e.g., heat recovery cycles, heat pump cycles, etc.) integrated with the heat exchanger network. The challenging synthesis problem is formulated as a Mixed Integer NonLinear Program and tackled with a novel sequential algorithm based on the idea of optimizing the independent mass flow rates of the Rankine cycle superstructure with a derivative-free algorithm. At the lower level, for fixed Rankine cycle and utility mass flow rates, the synthesis of the heat exchanger network is performed with an efficient sequential algorithm. The proposed algorithm is compared against three state-of the-art approaches on six real-world case studies including Organic Rankine cycles, heat pumps/CHP cycles and heat recovery steam cycles with multiple pressure levels. Results indicate that the proposed algorithm finds optimal or near-optimal design solutions for all case studies proving its applicability as an effective design tool. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Emel’yanov, I. I. AU - Ziyatdinov, N. N. AU - Lapteva, T. V. AU - Ryzhova, A. A. AU - Semin, R. V. TI - Automated Process Design of the Optimal Heat-Exchange Network of a Mash Distillation Plant JF - THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING J2 - THEOR FOUND CHEM ENG VL - 55 PY - 2021 IS - 6 SP - 1133 EP - 1151 PG - 19 SN - 0040-5795 DO - 10.1134/S0040579521060026 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32669146 ID - 32669146 N1 - Export Date: 17 October 2023 Correspondence Address: Ziyatdinov, N.N.; Kazan National Research Technological UniversityRussian Federation; email: nnziat@yandex.ru Funding details: Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, 075-00315-20-01 Funding text 1: This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Foundation, grant no. 075-00315-20-01. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Fan, Yee Van AU - Jiang, Peng AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir AU - Liew, Peng Yen AU - Lee, Chew Tin TI - Integrated regional waste management to minimise the environmental footprints in circular economy transition JF - RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING J2 - RESOUR CONSERV RECY VL - 168 PY - 2021 PG - 13 SN - 0921-3449 DO - 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105292 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32301089 ID - 32301089 AB - The building of new waste treatment plants has not been closely following the Circular Economy (CE) hierarchy, and the incurred cost and social acceptance have been challenging. Integrated regional waste management by waste trading can offer the sharing of resources to achieve a mutually beneficial system in CE transition. This study aims to minimise the environmental footprints, with the consideration of economic feasibility, in integrated regional waste management by developing an extended Pinch Analysis-based targeting method. The proposed graphical decision-support method is applied to a case study where the waste trading amongst Central Europe (Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, and Slovakia) is considered. A monthly waste trading network is identified with Germany, and Austria serves as the country with a surplus of waste treatment capacity. The pessimistic estimation indicated that the GHG emission of the waste trading design is 0.311 t CO(2)eq/t of waste, where the GHG emission of 1 t waste is reduced by 20 kg - 30 kg compared to the baseline scenario. The assessment suggested that when the amount of waste to be transported by lorry is >5 t and the transport distance to the incineration plant compared to the landfill is less than similar to 500 - 940 km, waste trading for recovery offers a lower net GHG emission. However, to prevent pollution haven and to consider the economic feasibility, the landfill fees have to be increased significantly. The developed method can identify integrated waste management network for different levels of administrative division to minimise environmental footprints. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hosseinnia, Seyed Mojtaba AU - Sorin, Mikhail TI - A systematic pinch approach to integrate stratified thermal energy storage in buildings JF - ENERGY AND BUILDINGS J2 - ENERGY BUILD VL - 232 PY - 2021 PG - 19 SN - 0378-7788 DO - 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110663 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310916 ID - 32310916 AB - In this study, dynamic streams including space heating, domestic hot water, renewable solar thermal energy and waste heat such as gray water are extracted from a typical multi-family building under extreme winter conditions for one day or 24 h. The maximum heat recovery (MHR) is targeted through an adapted time slice model (TSM) of pinch analysis. Time slices are selected such that all changes in dynamic heat capacity flow rates can be included in the pinch analysis. Moreover, charging and discharging streams of the thermal energy storage (TES) is calculated based on the adapted TSM graphical approach. The integration of a heat pumping system, gray water and solar thermal collectors through mixed direct/indirect heat recovery (i.e. via TES) can reduce hot utility usage in the studied case by as much as 72 percent. An appropriate heat exchanger (HE) and TES network is proposed for the test building to benefit from this underutilized resource. Additionally, the dynamic thermal behavior of the proposed stratified TES is numerically investigated. The results reveals that combined heat loss and thermocline thickness can reduce the heat recovery from TES tank by 10 percent, which is 2 percent of MHR in the test building. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Ibric, Nidret AU - Ahmetovic, Elvis AU - Kravanja, Zdravko TI - Simultaneous optimisation of heat and power integration of evaporation-crystallisation systems: a case study of distiller waste from Solvay process JF - OPTIMIZATION AND ENGINEERING J2 - OPTIM ENG PY - 2021 PG - 43 SN - 1389-4420 DO - 10.1007/s11081-021-09641-z UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310909 ID - 32310909 AB - This paper addresses the synthesis of combined evaporation-crystallisation systems for the recovery of valuable materials from waste in line with sustainable development and circular economy concepts. The primary focus of this work is the utilisation of distiller waste from the Solvay process, which comprises sodium chloride (NaCl), calcium chloride (CaCl2) and water (H2O). The superstructure optimisation of a heat and power integrated evaporation-crystallisation system is performed by solving the proposed Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) model. The superstructure extends our recent research to include the partial crystallisation of NaCl and the production of concentrated CaCl2 solution. To address the considered case study, a thermodynamic model for multi-component electrolytic systems is developed. A three-step solution strategy is proposed to circumvent a problem with nonlinearities and to solve the overall MINLP model. The optimal design of a heat-integrated evaporation-crystallisation system with mechanical vapour compression is presented and the main conclusions are highlighted. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Ismail, Muhammad Imran AU - Yunus, Nor Alafiza AU - Hashim, Haslenda TI - Integration of solar heating systems for low-temperature heat demand in food processing industry - A review JF - RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS J2 - RENEW SUST ENERG REV VL - 147 PY - 2021 PG - 15 SN - 1364-0321 DO - 10.1016/j.rser.2021.111192 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32963193 ID - 32963193 AB - The future of climate-resilient energy systems relies on the transition to incorporate renewable energy with energy storage, such as solar energy. Solar thermal provides desirable thermal energy (heat) for industry, commercial, and residential sectors. Significant attempts have been made to improve the design and its integrated systems, thus reducing the costs and making the technology more competitive for industrial applications. This paper evaluates the solar thermal potential and the economic feasibility standard of the technology from low-temperature heat demand up to 100 degrees C by focusing on the food industry. Throughout this review, theoretical concepts, design types, and recent developments related to this sector's integration systems are explored. This study also highlights the integrated systems gap and emphasises the assessment of integration points and the range of operating temperature. This review aims to assist industries in the food processing sector to keep them abreast with the latest solar technology developments for the food industry. Up to 2020, at least 95 solar thermal plants with a total capacity of 41 MWth had been installed globally for the food industry. The flat plate collectors were the most applied solar collectors in the food industry, represented by 38%. It has been shown that the most common heat applications are pre-heating, cleaning and pasteurisation. The configuration and design of the integration framework for this sector rely primarily on each application's specific features and nature of the process. Based on the installed solar thermal plant, 27% was used for heating of make-up water. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Jain, Sheetal AU - Chin, Hon Huin AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir AU - Bandyopadhyay, Santanu TI - Multiobjective Pinch Analysis for Resource Conservation in Constrained Source-Sink Problems JF - INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH J2 - IND ENG CHEM RES VL - 60 PY - 2021 IS - 48 SP - 17596 EP - 17610 PG - 15 SN - 0888-5885 DO - 10.1021/acs.iecr.1c00831 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32935237 ID - 32935237 AB - Resource conservation strategies play a vital role in the manufacturing and process industries to fulfill environmental discharge and societal responsibilities. This paper aims to conserve resources with multiple objectives in a constrained source-sink resource conservation network. A special type of network, known as segregated targeting problems with multiple external resources (ERs), is considered in this work. The problem contains a set of zones with their own demands and a dedicated resource specified for individual zones. A set of internal sources which are available freely for reuse, as well as the ERs, are also available to be shared among all the zones. The purpose of this work is to apply pinch analysis principles for optimizing the multiple objectives associated with multiple resources in a segregated targeting problem. The first step includes the targeting of each zone individually without considering ERs for maximum internal reuse efficiency and to determine the pinch points of each zone. Using these pinch points, a novel prioritizing indicator, termed the multiobjective extended prioritized cost, is proposed in this work. The indicator identifies the zones' targeting sequences graphically and dictates the addition of ERs to different zones to optimize multiple objectives simultaneously. The Pareto-optimal solutions for the problem are identified by graphical visualization based on different weighting coefficients. Two different examples, a representative case study and a water conservation network, demonstrate the proposed methodology. The proposed method is applicable in conserving multiple resources in a constrained source-sink reuse network considering multiple objectives. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Lawal, Musa AU - Alwi, Sharifah Rafidah Wan AU - Manan, Zainuddin Abdul AU - Ho, Wai Shin TI - Industrial symbiosis tools-A review JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 280 PY - 2021 PG - 20 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124327 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32301212 ID - 32301212 AB - Sustainability and Industrial Ecology (IE) are the main drivers of industrial symbiosis (InSys) and ecoindustrial parks (EIPs). InSys, therefore, extends the idea of industrial ecology (IE) to the industrial sector by adopting a resource-efficient approach where one firm uses the unused or residual resources (materials, energy, water, assets, logistics, and expertise) of another firm. The aim is to enhance a sustainable and cleaner production in an environmentally friendly way, one in which generation of wastes and emission of greenhouse gases (including CO2) is minimized. Although previous literatures have investigated existing InSys tools, the utilization of the process integration (PI) tools for InSys design and planning has mostly operated in isolation of each other and thus concentrated on individual resources which makes the it hard for InSys designers to select the best tools. Furthermore, there is a dearth in research on comprehensive and integrated resource optimization, which considers the integration of all resources (such as energy, water, power, carbon and wastes) within InSys simultaneously. Therefore, this study investigated and surveyed available literatures in order to identify and develop a more comprehensive description of InSys tools, through the analysis of related methodologies and applications by integration of various resources optimization tools together for the design and establishment of ElPs. The tools are inclusive of both insight-based Pinch Analysis and mathematical optimization models approaches. The review also conducted a bibliometric analysis of some keywords using Scopus over a span of twenty-two years (1998-2019). Through the insights and understanding gained from the review, designers will be more equipped to make a more informed choice of working tools to utilize. Finally, suggestions were offered on some tools that will enhance the integration of eco-industrial parks to minimize fresh water/wastewater, minimize fuel use and reduce GHGs emissions and the minimization of cooling, heating and power requirements in Total Sites. The review of integrated resource optimization tools is then followed by identifying future research directions and development. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Liu, Shuoshi AU - Yang, Lu AU - Chen, Bokun AU - Yang, Siyu AU - Qian, Yu TI - Comprehensive energy analysis and integration of coal-based MTO process JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 214 PY - 2021 PG - 16 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2020.119060 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310906 ID - 32310906 AB - With low oil prices, the existing coal-to-olefin enterprises are forced to improve profitability by reducing energy consumption. This paper studies the comprehensive energy analysis and integration of coal based MTO process. Process simulation is established first and is validated by comparing with the industrial data. Energy analysis of the MTO process was then conducted, calculating relevant information of each heat exchange stream. The heat exchanger network synthesis was proposed by using gradual optimization integration strategy based on the T-H diagram. It was found that the hot energy of purified water and steam condensate could be fully utilized. The cold energy of ethylene tower could replace partial-24 degrees C refrigerant. It was also found that there is the possibility of multi-stage heat transfer in this process. The maximum energy recovery is achieved under the principle of energy cascade utilization and stepwise matching. The result showed that the new design decreases the utility duty and the required exchanger area by 4.76% and 8.63% compared with the industrial process. The capital cost, operation cost and total annual cost of total site are 8.17,14.64 and 17.27 million $, which are 8.29%, 2.78% and 3.66% less than the industrial design. (c) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Olabi, A. G. AU - Elsaid, Khaled AU - Sayed, Enas Taha AU - Mahmoud, Mohamed S. AU - Wilberforce, Tabbi AU - Hassiba, Raid J. AU - Abdelkareem, Mohammad Ali TI - Application of nanofluids for enhanced waste heat recovery: A review JF - NANO ENERGY J2 - NANO ENERGY VL - 84 PY - 2021 PG - 35 SN - 2211-2855 DO - 10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.105871 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310911 ID - 32310911 AB - Heat is the most common form of energy either in final or intermediate forms, with the latter enabling energy conversion to other useful forms. Heat is primarily sourced from fossil fuels representing about 80% of the global primary energy supply. However, heat is usually associated with high energy losses as waste heat (WH). Energy conversion losses amount to about 88% of the global energy supply, with about 50% of such losses as WH. Waste heat recovery (WHR) is aiming at recovering such energy losses either as heat, work, or power. Nanofluids (NFs) have been evolved recently as high-performance heat transfer fluids. The use of NFs to improve WHR is very promising in terms of recovery efficiency, potential, and feasibility. For instance, the use of graphene/water NF for WHR from combustion stack gas has resulted in about 25% increase in energy recovery efficiency. Similarly, the use of nanoparticles enhanced phase change material for WHR from steelworks has successfully been used to drive the distillation process increasing the energy capacity of the system by about 2.76 times. The simulations of using Ag/Pentane NF for organic Rankine cycle has increased the overall system efficiency from 11% to 14% at 30% lower exergy destruction and 14% less carbon footprint. This review aims at discussing the application of NFs for improved WHR in different applications. The review discusses first the different WH sources and recovery approaches. Then, the properties and performance of NFs for WHR are thoroughly discussed. The review discusses as well the different thermo-economic and environmental aspects of WHR using NFs. The potential challenges and future aspects associated with the application of NFs for WHR are additionally discussed. Finally, the review provides constructive recommendations and conclusions, shading light on research needs and future perspectives to optimize the performance of such systems. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Quintero, Viviana AU - Gonzalez-Quiroga, Arturo AU - Gonzalez-Delgado, Angel Dario TI - A Hybrid Methodology to Minimize Freshwater Consumption during Shrimp Shell Waste Valorization Combining Multi-Contaminant Pinch Analysis and Superstructure Optimization JF - POLYMERS J2 - POLYMERS-BASEL VL - 13 PY - 2021 IS - 11 PG - 13 SN - 2073-4360 DO - 10.3390/polym13111887 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310908 ID - 32310908 AB - The conservation and proper management of natural resources constitute one of the main objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development designed by the Member States of the United Nations. In this work, a hybrid strategy based on process integration is proposed to minimize freshwater consumption while reusing wastewater. As a novelty, the strategy included a heuristic approach for identifying the minimum consumption of freshwater with a preliminary design of the water network, considering the concept of reuse and multiple pollutants. Then, mathematical programming techniques were applied to evaluate the possibilities of regeneration of the source streams through the inclusion of intercept units and establish the optimal design of the network. This strategy was used in the shrimp shell waste process to obtain chitosan, where a minimum freshwater consumption of 277 t/h was identified, with a reuse strategy and an optimal value of US $5.5 million for the design of the water network. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Soltesz, Andrej AU - Zelenakova, Martina AU - Cubanova, Lea AU - Sugarekova, Maria AU - Abd-Elhamid, Hany TI - Environmental Impact Assessment and Hydraulic Modelling of Different Flood Protection Measures JF - WATER J2 - WATER-SUI VL - 13 PY - 2021 IS - 6 PG - 24 SN - 2073-4441 DO - 10.3390/w13060786 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310912 ID - 32310912 AB - The most appropriate method to protect settlements and economically important sites from flood hazard, is the implementation of flood protection measures in stream catchments and protected localities, which contribute to reduce the peak flow and distribution of the flood wave over a longer period of time. If such measures are not realistic or ineffective, it is necessary to focus on flood protection directly on the area of the protected side or its vicinity. Where the lag time between the flood threat detection and actual flood onset is short, one possible measure is to increase the capacity of the watercourse, very often in combination with other flood mitigation measures in the protected area. The engineering approach to flood protection is the subject of many scientific research studies. Permission for flood protection structures depends on their environmental impact assessment (EIA), according to Law no. 24/2002 Coll. on Environmental Impact Assessment in the Slovak Republic, annex no. 8 (list of activities subject to EIA). Based on the EIA, it is possible to select the best alternative of flood protection, i.e., the alternative with the lowest risk impact on the environment. This paper aims to analyse the flood protection measures along the Lukavica stream (central Slovakia), applying hydraulic models. The best alternative with the lowest impact on the environment, assessed using the risk analysis method, consists of detention reservoir construction. An effective combination of environmental impact assessment and hydraulic modelling contribute to the selection of an effective flood protection measure in the territory. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Van Fan, Yee AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir AU - Romanenko, Sergey Vladimirovich TI - Urban and industrial symbiosis for circular economy: Total EcoSite Integration JF - JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT J2 - J ENVIRON MANAGE VL - 279 PY - 2021 PG - 13 SN - 0301-4797 DO - 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111829 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32301088 ID - 32301088 AB - The paper presents an extension of Pinch Analysis and namely, Total Site Process Integration. It benefits from up to date developments and introduction of Total EcoSite Integration for urban and industrial symbiosis. An important development is Pinch Analysis for Solid Waste Integration which is a crucial step for the symbiosis in a circular economy. As the potential EcoSites are usually extensive and cover various units, a methodology based on clusters has been used. The solution has been supported by graphical tools using the analogy with already implemented extensions of Pinch Analysis. The results of a demonstration case study revealed the potential of the novel approach. The identified integrated design increased the energy recovered from the solid waste by 11.39 MWh/d and diverted 2 t/d of the waste from the landfill, benefiting both the urban and industrial site. The proposed approach is also capable of minimising the requirement of energy-intensive thermal drying for waste whenever the process allowed, subsequently offer a solution with lower environmental footprint and cost. For future work, a even more comprehensive case study can be conducted by considering the other forms of the waste, recovery process and drying approaches. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Wang, Bohong AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir AU - Gai, Limei AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Liang, Yongtu TI - A Heat and Power Pinch for Process Integration targeting in hybrid energy systems JF - JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT J2 - J ENVIRON MANAGE VL - 287 PY - 2021 PG - 5 SN - 0301-4797 DO - 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112305 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32308942 ID - 32308942 AB - Hybrid energy systems have been widely used for residential and industrial purposes. In this system, the total energy requirement of each unit can be met with heat and electricity. Pinch Analysis becomes a widely used tool for Process Integration, and using Pinch Analysis for Heat Integration is well-established. However, for the combined heat and power system, the theory and the corresponding tool deserve some more development. This paper extended the Pinch Analysis concept and proposed a Heat and Power Pinch Analysis to target the amount of heat that should be recovered from the hybrid energy system. Heat and Power Composite Curve (HPCC) is developed to visualise the total energy and the separated heat and power (electricity) requirement of a hybrid energy system in a working time period. The amount of outsourced electricity that should be purchased, and stored electricity at the startup period, and the extra electricity generated by the system at the end of the working period can be demonstrated. A case is studied to illustrate the steps of using this tool, two scenarios are discussed, and the targets are shown. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Wang, Bohong AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir AU - Li, Nianqi AU - Zeng, Min AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Liang, Yongtu TI - Heat exchanger network retrofit with heat exchanger and material type selection: A review and a novel method JF - RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS J2 - RENEW SUST ENERG REV VL - 138 PY - 2021 PG - 26 SN - 1364-0321 DO - 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110479 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32301205 ID - 32301205 N1 - Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology – VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, Brno, 616 69, Czech Republic Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710049, China National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety/Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Fuxue Road No.18, Changping District, Beijing, 102249, China Cited By :50 Export Date: 17 October 2023 CODEN: RSERF Correspondence Address: Wang, B.; Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, Technická 2896/2, Czech Republic; email: wang.b@fme.vutbr.cz Funding details: European Commission, EC, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 Funding details: Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT Funding details: Xi’an Jiaotong University, XJTU Funding details: Vysoké Učení Technické v Brně, BUT Funding details: National Key Research and Development Program of China, NKRDPC, 2018YFE0108900 Funding details: SINOPEC Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology, SRIPT Funding text 1: The project LTACH19033 “Transmission Enhancement and Energy Optimised Integration of Heat Exchangers in Petrochemical Industry Waste Heat Utilisation”, under the bilateral collaboration of the Czech Republic and the People's Republic of China (partners Xi'an Jiaotong University and Sinopec Research Institute Shanghai; SPIL VUT, Brno University of Technology and EVECO sro, Brno), programme INTER-EXCELLENCE, INTER-ACTION of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports; and by National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFE0108900). Additional funding came from the EU project “Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL”, project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 funded by EU “CZ Operational Programme Research, Development and Education”, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research. AB - Heat Integration with heat exchanger network (HEN) is a widely used way to save energy and improve efficiency. Varied types of heat exchangers and materials would influence the investment cost and affect the design of HEN retrofit. This paper critically reviews the features of various types of heat exchangers, their working conditions and investment costs, as well as the state-of-the-art of the current methods for HEN synthesis and retrofit, to introduce a framework for HEN retrofit which considers heat exchanger and material selection. The proposed framework divides the retrofit design process into two stages, diagnosis and optimisation. In the diagnosis stage, two graphical decision-making tools, the Shifted Retrofit Thermodynamic Grid Diagram with Shifted Heat Exchanger Temperature Range (SRTGD-SHTR) and Shifted Material Temperature Range (SRTGD-SMTR) are proposed for analysis and diagnosis of the existing HEN to determine feasible retrofit plans with pre-selected heat exchangers and materials. In the optimisation stage, the constrained particle swarm optimisation algorithm is applied to optimise the plans made in the first stage and minimise the total annual cost. A case study demonstrates a possible implementation of the proposed framework. The suitable types for new heat exchangers and their materials are selected, and the retrofitted design can reduce the utility cost by 8.9% compared with the existing HEN. This framework can be applied easily with a sound solution for HEN retrofit. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Wang, Bohong AU - Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Zeng, Min AU - Liang, Yongtu TI - Heat Exchanger Network synthesis considering prohibited and restricted matches JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 225 PY - 2021 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2021.120214 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32071505 ID - 32071505 N1 - Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology – VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, Brno, 616 69, Czech Republic Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710049, China National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety/MOE Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering/Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Fuxue Road No.18, Changping District, Beijing, 102249, China Cited By :10 Export Date: 16 October 2023 CODEN: ENEYD Correspondence Address: Wang, B.; Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, Technická 2896/2, Czech Republic; email: wang.b@fme.vutbr.cz Funding details: European Commission, EC, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 Funding details: Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT Funding details: Xi’an Jiaotong University, XJTU Funding details: Vysoké Učení Technické v Brně, BUT Funding details: National Key Research and Development Program of China, NKRDPC, 2018YFE0108900 Funding details: SINOPEC Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology, SRIPT Funding text 1: The project LTACH19033 “Transmission Enhancement and Energy Optimised Integration of Heat Exchangers in Petrochemical Industry Waste Heat Utilisation”, under the bilateral collaboration of the Czech Republic and the People’s Republic of China (partners Xi’an Jiaotong University and Sinopec Research Institute Shanghai; SPIL VUT, Brno University of Technology and EVECO sro, Brno), programme INTER-EXCELLENCE, INTER-ACTION of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports LTACH19033 . The EU project “Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL”, project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 funded by EU “CZ Operational Programme Research, Development and Education”, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research; and National Key Research and Development Program of China ( 2018YFE0108900 ). LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Xiao, Yuan AU - Kayange, Heri Ambonisye AU - Cui, Guomin AU - Li, Wanzong TI - Node dynamic adaptive non-structural model for efficient synthesis of heat exchanger networks JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 296 PY - 2021 PG - 18 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126552 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310903 ID - 32310903 AB - Balancing the trade-off between structural diversity (solution space) and optimization efficiency is an urgent challenge in the modeling and global optimization of heat exchanger network synthesis problems. This paper presents a node dynamic adaptive non-structural model without stream splitting to enhance optimization efficiency under the premise of ensuring an adequate solution space. The node based non-structural stream matching mechanism can be used to make the solution space scalable and achieve the efficacy of multi-stage stage-wise superstructure with a finite number of nodes. Two node dynamic adaptive strategies (uniformly distributed and random) are established to periodically adjust the number of nodes in process streams and the node distribution of existing heat exchanger units, thereby preventing a decrease in computational efficiency due to an excess number of preset nodes while still satisfying the solution space requirements. The node dynamic adaptive non-structural model is optimized using the random walk algorithm with compulsive evolution. The proposed method was applied to four well-known heat exchanger network case studies. High-quality solutions were obtained, and they are more economical than most of the optimal results previously reported in the literature. These results demonstrate the enhanced computational efficiency and applicability of the proposed synthesis method based on a node dynamic adaptive non-structural model for efficiently solving largescale heat exchanger network synthesis problems. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Yang, Minbo AU - Li, Zhendong AU - Feng, Xiao AU - Wang, Yufei TI - Conceptual approach for simultaneous targeting and design of refinery desulfurization solvent network JF - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DESIGN J2 - CHEM ENG RES DES VL - 175 PY - 2021 SP - 1 EP - 9 PG - 9 SN - 0263-8762 DO - 10.1016/j.cherd.2021.08.032 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32997264 ID - 32997264 AB - With the increasing supply of sour crude oil and rising demand of low-sulfur fuel oil products, desulfurization becomes important in refineries, leading to notable energy cost for desulfurization solvent regeneration. This paper presents the integration of desulfurization solvent network and develops a systematic targeting and design method in order to improve the overall solvent utilization. First, the desulfurization solvent sink/source and desulfurization solvent network are defined referring to the characteristics of desulfurization units. Next, a novel problem table method is developed to identify the minimum fresh solvent consumption and design the desulfurization solvent network simultaneously. A case study is conducted to provide quantitative insights in designing desulfurization solvent network and saving fresh desulfurization solvent. Such integration reduces the fresh solvent consumption by 25% and has a good practicability. (c) 2021 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Zhang, Lingwei AU - Wang, Yufei AU - Feng, Xiao TI - A Framework for Design and Operation Optimization for Utilizing Low-Grade Industrial Waste Heat in District Heating and Cooling JF - ENERGIES J2 - ENERGIES VL - 14 PY - 2021 IS - 8 PG - 21 SN - 1996-1073 DO - 10.3390/en14082190 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310913 ID - 32310913 AB - In the process industry, a large amount of low-grade waste heat is discharged into the environment. Furthermore, district heating and cooling systems require considerable low-grade energy. The integration of the two systems has great significance for energy saving. Because the energy demand of consumers varies in periods, the design and operation of an industrial waste heat recovery system need to match with the fluctuations of district energy demand. However, the impact of the periodic changes on the integration schemes are not considered enough in existing research. In this study, a framework method for solving above problem is proposed. Industrial waste heat was integrated with a district heating and cooling system through a heat recovery loop. A three-step mathematical programming method was used in design and operation optimization for multiperiod integration. A case study was conducted, and the results show that the multiperiod optimization method can bring significant benefits to the system. By solving the mixed integer nonlinear programming model, the optimal operation plans of the integration in different periods can be obtained. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Zirngast, Klavdija AU - Kravanja, Zdravko AU - Pintaric, Zorka Novak TI - An improved algorithm for synthesis of heat exchanger network with a large number of uncertain parameters JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 233 PY - 2021 PG - 10 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2021.121199 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32310905 ID - 32310905 AB - This paper presents an improved method for the Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) synthesis of flexible Heat Exchanger Network with a large number of uncertain parameters. Typically, such a problem is written as a multi-scenario two-stage stochastic model with recourse which is difficult to solve because the size of the model grows exponentially with the number of uncertain parameters. The exponential growth could be avoided by decomposing the model into simpler problems that are solved sequentially in a small number of scenarios. In this work, the determination of the first-stage variables (process topology and unit sizes) and the second-stage variables (operating and control variables) is decomposed into several steps where they are determined separately. This is achieved by iteratively solving smaller two-scenario MINLP and one scenario Nonlinear Programming (NLP) subproblems. In this way, the size of the problem remains independent of the number of uncertain parameters. The innovation of this study is the introduction of correction factors for the second-stage variables into the objective function when determining the first-stage variables. In this way, better trade-offs are found that mitigate the unpleasant effect of decomposition. The synthesis of the heat exchanger network shows that the implementation of correction factors improves the optimal result by 7.6%. (c) 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Ahmed, Razan AU - Shehab, Shaza AU - Al-Mohannadi, Dhabia M. AU - Linke, Patrick TI - Synthesis of integrated processing clusters JF - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE J2 - CHEM ENG SCI VL - 227 PY - 2020 PG - 15 SN - 0009-2509 DO - 10.1016/j.ces.2020.115922 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31688495 ID - 31688495 AB - Sustainable development goals imply tight integration of energy and material resources across the processing industry. This translates into a need to identify combinations of conversion processes that together can synergistically convert raw materials and energy resources into value added products. A method for the synthesis of optimal processing clusters is proposed to address this need. A novel problem representation allows to account for any resources and processes through resource lines. Generic process modules interact with resource lines and facilitate conversions of material and/or energy resources. The resulting network representation is the basis for an optimisation problem formulation, the solution of which allows to determine the optimal network of resource inputs, outputs and exchanges together with the existence and capacities of the optimal combination of processes. The method is applied to determine optimal CO2 utilisation and sequestration clusters with only "green" additional inputs air, water and renewable electricity. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Al-Mohannadi, Dhabia M. AU - Linke, Patrick TI - Optimal Utilization of Natural Gas in Processing Clusters with Reduced CO(2)Emissions through Material and Energy Integration JF - ENERGY TECHNOLOGY J2 - ENERGY TECHNOL-GER VL - 8 PY - 2020 IS - 8 PG - 19 SN - 2194-4288 DO - 10.1002/ente.201901381 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31488387 ID - 31488387 AB - Different options exist for the utilization of natural gas either as fuel or as natural gas conversion into value-added products. Even though natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel, its use generates CO(2)emissions. This challenges the industry to achieve carbon emission reduction targets without compromising profitability. Herein, an optimization approach is presented to simultaneously consider natural gas distribution to plants together with carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) options, while also taking into account energy integration options to achieve synergies across alternative CO2-integrated natural gas utilization paths. The approach combines natural gas with a CCUS network synthesis model. It incorporates a utility system model, which is optimized to identify the most profitable natural gas use in an industrial cluster that meets a given overall emissions constraint for the cluster. The approach aims to benefit engineers charged with the holistic planning of future profitable, low-emission industrial clusters. The approach is illustrated with an example that considers an industrial cluster with typical natural gas conversion industrial plants, common infrastructure, and CCUS options. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Bandyopadhyay, Santanu TI - Interval Pinch Analysis for Resource Conservation Networks with Epistemic Uncertainties JF - INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH J2 - IND ENG CHEM RES VL - 59 PY - 2020 IS - 30 SP - 13669 EP - 13681 PG - 13 SN - 0888-5885 DO - 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c02811 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31450046 ID - 31450046 AB - Pinch Analysis helps in achieving sustainable development through conserving resources in various source-sink resource conservation networks. Diverse applications and methodologies of Pinch Analysis primarily consider only exact and precise parameters without accounting for variabilities and uncertainties. With the unavailability of past data and lack of proper understanding of different operations involved, designers have to account for epistemic uncertainties during synthesizing source-sink networks. Such epistemic uncertainties can be represented as interval numbers, with upper and lower limits. An interval linear programming formulation, incorporating uncertain network parameters as interval numbers, is developed in this paper to address resource conservations in real-world problems. Two alternate approaches, a fuzzy satisfaction approach and a novel best- worst method, are proposed and solved using the principles of Pinch Analysis. Proposed methodologies to address the interval Pinch Analysis are illustrated through diverse examples (such as water conservation networks, industrial solvent selections to reduce environmental risk, and biochar-based carbon management networks), and proposed approaches are compared. It is concluded that the range of optimal resource requirement is lower for the best-worst approach with significantly reduced options for topological trap due to pinch-jump. Furthermore, the underlying physical understandings of Pinch Analysis are explored, and their implications to appropriately handle epistemic uncertainties during the synthesis of such networks are demonstrated. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Cassanello, Matteo AU - Liang, Yingzong AU - Hui, Chi Wai TI - A shortcut method for simultaneous energy and heat exchange area optimization with variable stream conditions JF - APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING J2 - APPL THERM ENG VL - 175 PY - 2020 PG - 14 SN - 1359-4311 DO - 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.115363 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31500281 ID - 31500281 AB - Estimating the heat transfer area for heat integration problems with variable stream temperatures and flowrates using conventional methods can be computationally demanding. The problem becomes more challenging when the minimum approach temperature for the heat recovery (Delta T-min) is set to be a variable. This paper presents a novel area targeting shortcut method capable of estimating the total heat exchange surface using the area comprised between the two balanced composite curves, the total amount of heat transferred across the system and the Delta T-min. This This innovative technique avoids the use of disjunctive formulations, greatly reduces the number of binary variables and therefore significantly shortens the solution time. Four case studies are tackled to show the numerical performance of the new approach. Results show that, in spite of its apparent simplicity, the proposed method is able to yield reliable and accurate results with a much lower CPU time when compared to existing alternative approaches. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Chen, Yuting AU - Wang, Lei AU - Xu, Yanyan AU - ye, shuang AU - Huang, Weiguang TI - A Multi-Objective Optimization Method for Organic Rankine Cycle Integrated with the Heat Exchanger Network JF - INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH J2 - IND ENG CHEM RES VL - 59 PY - 2020 IS - 40 SP - 18039 EP - 18049 PG - 11 SN - 0888-5885 DO - 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c02970 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31606964 ID - 31606964 N1 - cited By 3 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Gomilsek, Rok AU - Cucek, Lidija AU - Homsak, Marko AU - Tan, Raymond R. AU - Kravanja, Zdravko TI - Carbon Emissions Constrained Energy Planning for Aluminum Products JF - ENERGIES J2 - ENERGIES VL - 13 PY - 2020 IS - 11 PG - 18 SN - 1996-1073 DO - 10.3390/en13112753 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31500285 ID - 31500285 AB - The production of primary aluminum is an energy-intensive industry which produces large amounts of direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, especially from electricity consumption. Carbon Emissions Constrained Energy Planning proved to be an efficient tool for reducing energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. This study focuses on energy planning constrained by CO2 emissions and determines the required amount of CO2 emissions from electricity sources in order to meet specified CO2 emission benchmark. The study is demonstrated on and applied to specific aluminum products, aluminum slugs and aluminum evaporator panels. Three different approaches of energy planning are considered: (i) an insight-based, graphical targeting approach, (ii) an algebraic targeting approach of cascade analysis, and (iii) an optimization-based approach, using a transportation model. The results of the three approaches show that approximately 2.15 MWh of fossil energy source should be replaced with a zero-carbon or 2.22 MWh with a low-carbon energy source to satisfy the benchmark of CO2 emissions to produce 1 t of aluminum slug; however, this substitution results in higher costs. This study is the first of its kind demonstrated on and applied to specific aluminum products, and represents a step forward in the development of more sustainable practices in this field. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hégely, László AU - Láng, Péter TI - Reduction of the energy demand of a second-generation bioethanol plant by heat integration and vapour recompression between different columns JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 208 PY - 2020 PG - 14 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2020.118443 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31409663 ID - 31409663 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kantor, Ivan AU - Robineau, Jean-Loup AU - Butun, Hur AU - Marechal, Francois TI - A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Formulation for Optimizing Multi-Scale Material and Energy Integration JF - FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH J2 - FRONT ENERGY RES VL - 8 PY - 2020 PG - 20 SN - 2296-598X DO - 10.3389/fenrg.2020.00049 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31500283 ID - 31500283 AB - This research presents a mathematical formulation for optimizing integration of complex industrial systems from the level of unit operations to processes, entire plants, and finally to considering industrial symbiosis opportunities between plants. The framework is constructed using mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) which exhibits rapid conversion and a global optimum with well-defined solution methods. The framework builds upon previous efforts in process integration and considers materials and energy with thermodynamic constraints imposed by formulating the heat cascade within the MILP. The model and method which form the fundamentals of process integration problems are presented, considering exchange restrictions and problem formulation across multiple time-scales to provide flexibility in solving complex design, planning, and operational problems. The work provides the fundamental problem formulation, which has not been previously presented in a comprehensive way, to provide the basis for future work, where many process integration elements can be appended to the formulation. A case study is included to demonstrate the capabilities and results for a simple, fictional, example though the framework and method are broadly applicable across scale, time, and plant complexity. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír AU - Wang, Qiu-Wang AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Zeng, Min AU - Chin, Hon Huin AU - Lal, Nathan Sanjay AU - Li, Nian-Qi AU - Wang, Bohong AU - Wang, Xue-Chao AU - Walmsley, Timothy Gordon TI - Heat transfer enhancement, intensification and optimisation in heat exchanger network retrofit and operation JF - RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS J2 - RENEW SUST ENERG REV VL - 120 PY - 2020 SN - 1364-0321 DO - 10.1016/j.rser.2019.109644 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31004267 ID - 31004267 N1 - Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology – VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, Brno, 616 69, Czech Republic Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering, Ministry of Education, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710049, China Energy Research Centre, School of Engineering, University of Waikato, Hillcrest Rd., Hamilton, 3216, New Zealand Cited By :36 Export Date: 23 September 2021 CODEN: RSERF Correspondence Address: Walmsley, T.G.; Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, Technická 2896/2, Czech Republic; email: spil@fme.vutbr.cz Funding details: Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT Funding details: Vysoké Učení Technické v Brně, BUT Funding details: National Key Research and Development Program of China, NKRDPC, 2018YFE0108900 Funding text 1: This work has been supported by the project LTACH19033 “ Transmission Enhancement and Energy Optimised Integration of Heat Exchangers in Petrochemical Industry Waste Heat Utilisation ”, under the bilateral collaboration of the Czech Republic and the People's Republic of China (partners Xi'an Jiaotong University and Sinopec Research Institute Shanghai; SPIL VUT, Brno University of Technology and EVECO sro, Brno), programme INTER-EXCELLENCE, INTER-ACTION of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports ; and by National Key Research and Development Program of China ( 2018YFE0108900 ). Funding text 2: This work has been supported by the project LTACH19033 ?Transmission Enhancement and Energy Optimised Integration of Heat Exchangers in Petrochemical Industry Waste Heat Utilisation?, under the bilateral collaboration of the Czech Republic and the People's Republic of China (partners Xi'an Jiaotong University and Sinopec Research Institute Shanghai; SPIL VUT, Brno University of Technology and EVECO sro, Brno), programme INTER-EXCELLENCE, INTER-ACTION of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports; and by National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFE0108900). LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Mencarelli, Luca AU - Chen, Qi AU - Pagot, Alexandre AU - Grossmann, Ignacio E. TI - A review on superstructure optimization approaches in process system engineering JF - COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING J2 - COMPUT CHEM ENG VL - 136 PY - 2020 SN - 0098-1354 DO - 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2020.106808 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31269118 ID - 31269118 N1 - IFP Energies nouvelles, Solaize, France Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, United States Cited By :95 Export Date: 16 October 2023 CODEN: CCEND Correspondence Address: Grossmann, I.E.; Department of Chemical Engineering, United States; email: grossmann@cmu.edu Funding details: U.S. Department of Energy, USDOE Funding details: Office of Fossil Energy, FE Funding text 1: We graciously acknowledge funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy's Crosscutting Research, Simulation-Based Engineering Program through the Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES). LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Moreno-Leiva, Simon AU - Haas, Jannik AU - Junne, Tobias AU - Valencia, Felipe AU - Godin, Helene AU - Kracht, Willy AU - Nowak, Wolfgang AU - Eltrop, Ludger TI - Renewable energy in copper production: A review on systems design and methodological approaches JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 246 PY - 2020 PG - 14 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118978 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31500247 ID - 31500247 AB - Renewable energy systems are now accepted to be mandatory for climate change mitigation. These systems require a higher material supply than conventional ones. Particularly, they require more copper. The production of this metal, however, is intensive in energy consumption and emissions. Therefore, renewable energy systems must be used to improve the environmental performance of copper production.We cover the current state of research and develop recommendations for the design of renewable energy systems for copper production. To complement our analysis, we also consider studies from other industries and regional energy systems.We provide six recommendations for future modeling: (a) current energy demand models for copper production are overly simplistic and need to be enhanced for planning with high levels of renewable technologies; (b) multi-vector systems (electricity, heat, and fuels) need to be explicitly modeled to capture the readily available flexibility of the system; (c) copper production is done in arid regions, where water supply is energy-intensive, then, water management should be integrated in the overall design of the energy system; (d) there is operational flexibility in existing copper plants, which needs to be better understood and assessed; (e) the design of future copper mines should adapt to the dynamics of available renewable energy sources; and (f) life cycle impacts of the components of the system need to be explicitly minimized in the optimization models.Researchers and decision-makers from the copper and energy sector will benefit from this comprehensive review and these recommendations. We hope it will accelerate the deployment of renewables, particularly in the copper industry. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Musonye, Fenwicks S. AU - Ndiritu, Hiram AU - Kinyua, Robert TI - Modeling and simulation of heat balance and internal heat recovery targets through a combination of stream specific minimum temperature difference and polynomial temperature coefficients of specific heat capacities using pinch analysis JF - AIMS ENERGY J2 - AIMS ENERGY VL - 8 PY - 2020 IS - 4 SP - 652 EP - 668 PG - 17 SN - 2333-8326 DO - 10.3934/energy.2020.4.652 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31688776 ID - 31688776 AB - Existing heat balancing and energy targeting model in Pinch Analysis rely on use of interpolated values of specific heat capacities and global values of minimum temperature difference Delta T-min, respectively. Even though this model is useful in estimation of the maximum internally recoverable heat recoverable in processing plants, it does not adequately represent the actual state properties of industrial processes. Specific heat capacities of fluids are polynomial functions of temperature of material under processing. The values of Delta T-min also vary depending on the nature of the process stream under analysis.In this study, improvement to the heat balancing and energy targeting processes of pinch analysis was proposed. The study combined the use of stream specific values of Delta T-min and polynomial temperature functions of specific heat capacities for heat targeting model. This was coded and executed using a PHP program. The model performance was tested using data from three thermochemical plants, Plant A, B and C, which process linear alkyl benzene sulphonic acid, dairy products and ethanol, respectively.The proposed method for heat balancing computed more heating requirements for plant A, B and C by 0.37%, 0.65% and 0.72% respectively, compared to the traditional method of heat balancing. The cooling loads for Plant A and B were less by 2.23% and 32.52% respectively, while for Plant C, they were more by 0.64%. The computed internally recoverable heat targets were more by 1.5%, 4.5% and 2.2% for Plants A, B and C. Simulations of the proposed model were carried out over a range of temperature targets, for different process streams. For gaseous process streams, heating and cooling load requirements were less. Reverse behavior was observed in liquid and steam containing streams, where the heating and cooling load requirements were more. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Orosz, Ákos AU - Friedler, Ferenc TI - Multiple-solution heat exchanger network synthesis for enabling the best industrial implementation JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 208 PY - 2020 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2020.118330 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31609075 ID - 31609075 N1 - Department of Computer Science and Systems Technology, University of Pannonia, Egyetem u. 10, Veszprém, 8200, Hungary Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Szentkirályi u. 28, Budapest, 1088, Hungary Széchenyi István University, Egyetem tér 1, Győr, 9026, Hungary Cited By :24 Export Date: 18 November 2022 CODEN: ENEYD Correspondence Address: Friedler, F.; Széchenyi István University, Egyetem tér 1, Hungary; email: f.friedler@ga.sze.hu LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Pavao, Leandro V AU - Caballero, Jose A. AU - Ravagnani, Mauro A. S. S. AU - Costa, Caliane B. B. TI - A pinch-based method for defining pressure manipulation routes in work and heat exchange networks JF - RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS J2 - RENEW SUST ENERG REV VL - 131 PY - 2020 PG - 17 SN - 1364-0321 DO - 10.1016/j.rser.2020.109989 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31689416 ID - 31689416 AB - Aiming for more energetically efficient and sustainable solutions, academic attention to work and heat integration (WHI) has grown in the last decade. Simultaneous models for work and heat exchanger network (WHEN) synthesis often derive from heat integration (HI) frameworks. However, it can be noted that simultaneous optimization models for WHI are considerably more complex to solve than in the HI case. The design of efficient pressure manipulation routes (i.e., allocation and sizing of compression and expansion machinery) in process streams prior to heat exchange match allocation can make the optimization procedure more efficient. This work proposes a systematic procedure based on a model that employs Pinch Analysis concepts for defining these routes based on capital and operating cost targets. The solution approach is a hybrid meta-heuristic method based on Simulated Annealing (SA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The obtained routes are then converted into a HI problem by fixing pressure manipulation unit sizes. The detailed HI solution is finally transferred into a WHI optimization model as initial design. In the two tackled examples, the total annual costs (TAC) predicted by the Pinch-based model differed by 0.5% and 1.2% from the final optimized WHEN obtained in the detailed WHI framework. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Pavao, Leandro V. AU - Caballero, Jose A. AU - Ravagnani, Mauro A. S. S. AU - Costa, Caliane B. B. TI - An extended method for work and heat integration considering practical operating constraints JF - ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT J2 - ENERG CONVERS MANAGE VL - 206 PY - 2020 PG - 17 SN - 0196-8904 DO - 10.1016/j.enconman.2020.112469 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31500263 ID - 31500263 AB - The development of methodologies for the simultaneous work and heat integration has increasingly been the focus of recent research. Approaches may vary among optimization and heuristic-based methods considering direct and indirect work exchange, in addition to, or with the development of new strategies for heat recovery. This work presents a strategy for the synthesis of work and heat exchange networks (WHEN) considering the use of single-shaft-turbine-compressor (SSTC) units. The method is based on a meta-heuristic approach and aims fundamentally at synthesizing WHEN that may operate within industrial-like conditions, which are often narrower than those considered in the literature due to simplification assumptions. Therefore, in the present work, practical temperature upper/lower-bound constraints are considered for pressure manipulation units, and the number of coupled units per shaft is limited. Evidently, these constraints yield additional difficulties for the optimization method. The method considers inlet and outlet temperatures as decision variables in the units of a block-based model, making the maintenance of solutions within feasible range more efficient during the optimization runs. Moreover, a new Simulated Annealing (SA) based strategy is developed for deciding optimal compressor/turbine couplings in a model that considers a preset number of "slots" per shaft. The method aims at minimizing total annual costs (TAC) and is tested over four case studies. The first two are used both as benchmark for TAC comparison to those reported in the literature as well as for testing the new constraints. The other two cases are investigated for TAC and energy-wise improvements to original designs. Considerable economic improvements and better use of energy are attained in all cases. For the two benchmark studies, solutions with TAC 1.5% and 4.3% lower than literature designs were found. For the industrial cases, energy requirements were overall reduced. For instance, in example 3, no external power source is required, while literature solutions present power shortage. In example 4, compression power requirements were reduced by 9.9%. The method also proved efficient in maintaining solutions within practical operating ranges. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Rathjens, Matthias AU - Fieg, Georg TI - A novel hybrid strategy for cost-optimal heat exchanger network synthesis suited for large-scale problems JF - APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING J2 - APPL THERM ENG VL - 167 PY - 2020 PG - 19 SN - 1359-4311 DO - 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2019.114771 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31500273 ID - 31500273 AB - In this work optimal synthesis of heat exchanger networks (HENs) is focused on, namely the minimization of total annual costs (TAC). An efficient combination of optimization strategies for HEN synthesis is presented. A novel strategy for local optimization in the continuous space is developed and embedded in a stochastic global search with a tailored genetic algorithm using a stage-wise superstructure. The novel strategy is based on structure identification and changing the reference system for optimization. This strategy reduces the number of optimization variables and is able to simplify HEN structures thus enabling particularly well performing local search. Eight frequently studied medium- to large-scale problems from literature are investigated and evaluated. The application of the proposed algorithm was able to find configurations with consistently lower TAC compared to previously reported solutions. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Reddick, Christopher AU - Sorin, Mikhail AU - Bonhivers, Jean-Christophe AU - Laperle, Dominic TI - Waste heat and renewable energy integration in buildings JF - ENERGY AND BUILDINGS J2 - ENERGY BUILD VL - 211 PY - 2020 PG - 15 SN - 0378-7788 DO - 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109803 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31458115 ID - 31458115 AB - Buildings consume roughly a quarter of the annual global energy supply. Pinch analysis has been successfully applied to industrial processes, and more recently to locally integrated energy sectors. Pinch analysis minimizes the amount of energy that must be supplied to a process to achieve the desired outcome: products in the case of industries; occupant comfort and domestic hot water use in the case of buildings. For the first time pinch analysis is applied in an all-inclusive way to an individual building, integrating waste heat (e.g. greywater) and renewable energy (e.g. solar). A methodological novelty is added to the pinch analysis method to include both continuous and time dependent thermal sources and sinks. The usual hot stream to cold stream heat transfer is replaced as follows: hot stream reserve; hot stream to cold stream heat transfer; cold stream reserve. For a test building, the pinch temperature changes with time: 27.5 degrees C from October to May, 47.5 degrees C from June to September. The pinch temperature and its relationship to solar heating and heat pumping are discussed. Innovative design solutions and economic analyses are presented. Depending on the chosen design solution, primary energy (i.e. electricity) consumption can be reduced by 50%. (c) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Safder, Usman AU - Ifaei, Pouya AU - Yoo, ChangKyoo TI - A novel approach for optimal energy recovery using pressure retarded osmosis technology: Chemical exergy pinch analysis - Case study in a sugar mill plant JF - ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT J2 - ENERG CONVERS MANAGE VL - 213 PY - 2020 PG - 13 SN - 0196-8904 DO - 10.1016/j.enconman.2020.112810 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31479911 ID - 31479911 AB - In the present study, pinch analysis is extended taking chemical exergy concept into account. The novel chemical exergy pinch analysis is proposed for sustainable power production by an economic application of pressure retarded osmosis membranes in chemical industries. Chemical exergy composite curves and chemical exergy cascade tables are developed as graphical and numerical tools, respectively. The tools are used to obtain maximum waste energy recovery by achieving various targets and determining the pinch point in a salinity gradient network. Thus, maximum energy recovery and minimum waste treatment are targeted, simultaneously. Moreover, a mathematical model follows the chemical exergy pinch analysis for an economic evaluation of pressure retarded osmosis-retrofitted industries under three probable scenarios. A sugar mill plant is simulated as the case study to validate the model-based analysis. The results showed that chemical exergy pinch analysis could efficiently provide the optimal pressure retarded osmosis -retrofitted industrial networks for decision-making. Having analysed the complex chemical exergy streams by chemical exergy pinch analysis, 11.30 MW net power is recovered with 0.038 $/kWh levelized cost of energy in the case study. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Santamaria, Federico Lozano AU - Macchietto, Sandro TI - Online Integration of Optimal Cleaning Scheduling and Control of Heat Exchanger Networks under Fouling JF - INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH J2 - IND ENG CHEM RES VL - 59 PY - 2020 IS - 6 SP - 2471 EP - 2490 PG - 20 SN - 0888-5885 DO - 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b04531 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31500278 ID - 31500278 AB - Fouling mitigation is paramount to maintaining the reliable and efficient operation of a heat exchanger network (HEN). From the operational perspective, fouling can be mitigated by changing the flow distribution in the network (control actions), or performing periodic cleanings of the units (scheduling actions). Flow control and scheduling have usually been considered independently, ignoring their interaction. This paper presents an online methodology and implementation that integrates control and scheduling decisions for fouling mitigation in HEN, using first principle models of the heat exchangers subject to fouling. A multiloop NMPC/MHE scheme is proposed to estimate the current state of the HEN, and then define the optimal flow distribution and cleaning schedule over a moving horizon. It is shown that this online scheme reacts rapidly to disturbances and copes with model-plant mismatch by updating the model parameters at an appropriate frequency. The methodology is demonstrated on a real industrial case study involving crude oil fouling in the preheat train of a refinery. Application of the methodology shows that (i) significant economic benefits result relative to the actual historical operation, (ii) the online integration achieves a lower operating cost than that of the optimization of control or scheduling individually, (iii) the effect of disturbances is important and the scheme rejects them efficiently, (iv) updating the prediction models deals effectively with plant-model mismatch and process variability, and gives a sufficiently accurate representation of the underlying process, and (v) the computational effort required to solve all optimization problems is low and allows for the practical online implementation of the scheme. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Sy, C. L. AU - Aviso, K. B. AU - Cayamanda, C. D. AU - Chiu, A. S. F. AU - Lucas, R. I. G. AU - Promentilla, M. A. B. AU - Razon, L. F. AU - Tan, R. R. AU - Tapia, J. F. D. AU - Torneo, A. R. AU - Ubando, A. T. AU - Yu, D. E. C. TI - Process integration for emerging challenges: optimal allocation of antivirals under resource constraints JF - CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY J2 - CLEAN TECHNOL ENVIRON POLICY VL - 22 PY - 2020 IS - 6 SP - 1359 EP - 1370 PG - 12 SN - 1618-954X DO - 10.1007/s10098-020-01876-1 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31492922 ID - 31492922 N1 - Center for Engineering and Sustainable Development Research, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines AnimoLabs Foundation, Inc., Manila, Philippines Lasallian Institute for Development and Educational Research, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines Jesse M. Robredo Institute of Governance, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines Center for Natural Sciences and Environmental Research, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines Cited By :11 Export Date: 17 October 2023 Correspondence Address: Tan, R.R.; Center for Engineering and Sustainable Development Research, Philippines; email: raymond.tan@dlsu.edu.ph AB - The global scientific community has intensified efforts to develop, test, and commercialize pharmaceutical products to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Trials for both antivirals and vaccines are in progress; candidates include existing repurposed drugs that were originally developed for other ailments. Once these are shown to be effective, their production will need to be ramped up rapidly to keep pace with the growing demand as the pandemic progresses. It is highly likely that the drugs will be in short supply in the interim, which leaves policymakers and medical personnel with the difficult task of determining how to allocate them. Under such conditions, mathematical models can provide valuable decision support. In particular, useful models can be derived from process integration techniques that deal with tight resource constraints. In this paper, a linear programming model is developed to determine the optimal allocation of COVID-19 drugs that minimizes patient fatalities, taking into account additional hospital capacity constraints. Two hypothetical case studies are solved to illustrate the computational capability of the model, which can generate an allocation plan with outcomes that are superior to simple ad hoc allocation.[GRAPHICS]. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Tarighaleslami, Amir H. AU - Ghannadzadeh, Ali AU - Atkins, Martin J. AU - Walmsley, Michael R. W. TI - Environmental life cycle assessment for a cheese production plant towards sustainable energy transition: Natural gas to biomass vs. natural gas to geothermal JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 275 PY - 2020 PG - 11 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122999 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31688500 ID - 31688500 AB - The dairy processing industry is considered as one of the most electricity demanding industry among the process industries in New Zealand, which utilises fossil fuels for both process heat and utility generation including electricity. Fossil fuel combustion inherently produces and releases harmful chemicals to the environment as well as causing other environmental impacts, which make it essential to move towards renewable energy resources. This paper compares two renewable energy options to be introduced to the energy mix in order to moderate the environmental impacts of cheese production in a dairy processing factory during the energy transition period. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is used in conjunction with the concept of Cumulative Exergy Demand as an aggregated parameter in order to evaluate the environmental sustainability of the proposed energy mix. LCA confirms that without retrofitting the core of the cheese processing technology at this stage, it is possible to reduce several environmental impacts through the step-wise introduction of renewable energy into the energy mix. At each stage, 33% renewable energy is introduced to the energy mix where four different energy transition scenarios were investigated. The scenarios were supported by Monte Carlo simulation, which proves each defined energy transition scenario is sensitive to the step changes. In addition, it quantifies the independency of each scenario. The results showed that out of the 12 studied environmental impact categories, the natural gas based scenario, Scenario 1, has the lowest Human Health - Photochemical Oxidant Formation potential impact (1.44E-11 DALY), whereas renewable energy options (biomass and geothermal) have lower burdens regarding the other environmental impact categories. Having compared the scenarios associated with biomass and geothermal, it is observed that the geothermal-based scenarios have lower environmental burdens regarding the majority of impact categories. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Tian, Yitong AU - Jin, Yuhui AU - Li, Shaojun TI - Modeling and optimization of inter-plant indirect heat exchanger networks by a difference evolutionary algorithm JF - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE J2 - CHEM ENG SCI VL - 227 PY - 2020 PG - 19 SN - 0009-2509 DO - 10.1016/j.ces.2020.115924 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31688496 ID - 31688496 AB - Inter-plant indirect heat integration via intermediate fluid circuit is an efficient energy-saving and heat recovery method, but traditional optimization methods, such as sequential synthesis, may not provide the best solutions. This paper addresses a multi-plant indirect heat exchanger network problem using a two-layer simultaneous synthesis method. To reduce the nonlinear constraints in the simultaneous heat exchanger network model, the outer layer uses a differential evolution algorithm to determine the temperatures of the intermediate fluid, while the inner layer uses a deterministic method to obtain the heat capacity flow rate of the intermediate fluid and the heat exchanger network configuration. Optimization was performed to minimize the total annualized cost, as the sum of utility cost, heat exchanger cost, pump cost, and pipe cost. The differential evolution algorithm in the outer layer improved the simultaneous synthesis efficiency in the inner MINLP model and also provided better results in the case studies. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Wang, Bohong AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Zeng, Min TI - An Extended Grid Diagram for Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Considering Heat Exchanger Types JF - ENERGIES J2 - ENERGIES VL - 13 PY - 2020 IS - 10 PG - 14 SN - 1996-1073 DO - 10.3390/en13102656 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31478198 ID - 31478198 AB - Heat exchanger network (HEN) retrofit is a vital task in the process design to improve energy savings. Various types of heat exchangers such as shell and tube, double-pipe, compact plate, and spiral tube have their working temperature ranges and costs. Selecting suitable types of heat exchangers according to their temperature ranges and costs is a crucial aspect of industrial implementation. However, considering the type of heat exchangers in the HEN retrofit process is rarely seen in previous publications. This issue can be solved by the proposed Shifted Retrofit Thermodynamic Grid Diagram with the Shifted Temperature Range of Heat Exchangers (SRTGD-STR). The temperature ranges of six widely used heat exchanger types are coupled in the grid diagram. This diagram enables the visualisation of identifying the potential retrofit plan of HEN with heat-exchanger type selection. The retrofit design aims to minimise utility cost and capital cost. An illustrative example and a case study are presented to show the effectiveness of the method. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Wang, Bohong AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Chin, Hon Huin AU - Wang, Qiu-Wang AU - Zeng, Min TI - Heat exchanger network retrofit by a shifted retrofit thermodynamic grid diagram-based model and a two-stage approach JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 198 PY - 2020 PG - 17 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2020.117338 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31458125 ID - 31458125 AB - Graphical tools are useful in the heat exchanger network (HEN) retrofit to maximise energy savings. The disadvantage of heuristic rules, which are usually applied to make retrofit decisions using graphical tools, is that they could lead to sub-optimal solutions. The presented study developed a two-stage method for HEN retrofit. In the first stage, a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is formulated based on the structure of the shifted retrofit thermodynamic grid diagram (SRTGD) to minimise the utility cost and investment. The non-linear equations for the investment cost calculation were linearised, and the parameters in the linearised equations were obtained using data regression. In the second stage, a particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithmwas selected and applied to adjust the inlet and outlet temperatures of heat exchangers with the aim of minimising the payback period on the basis of the first-stage solution. The proposed two-stage procedure combines the strengths of the MILP and PSO methods, offering convenient interfaces for user interaction and results interpretation. Two cases were studied to verify the effectiveness of the method. Case 1 and Case 2 decreased the payback period by 11.6% and 21.7% compared to the results obtained in previous retrofit applications. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Wang, Chen AU - Akkurt, Nevzat AU - Zhang, Xiaosong AU - Luo, Yimo AU - She, Xiaohui TI - Techno-economic analyses of multi-functional liquid air energy storage for power generation, oxygen production and heating JF - APPLIED ENERGY J2 - APPL ENERG VL - 275 PY - 2020 PG - 17 SN - 0306-2619 DO - 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115392 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31689417 ID - 31689417 AB - Liquid air energy storage (LAES) is increasingly popular for decarbonizing the power network. At off-peak time, ambient air after purification is liquefied and stored; at peak time, the liquid air is discharged to generate power. One of the key challenges for the LAES system is the lower economic benefit as peak electricity is usually the only source of income, leading to a longer payback period of similar to 15 years. To address this issue, this paper, for the first time, proposes a multifunctional LAES system, which not only generates peak electricity but also provides pure oxygen and heating. The proposed system is composed of an air separation unit (ASU), a nitrogen liquefaction unit (NLU) and a power generation unit (PGU). Thermodynamic and economic analyses are carried out on the proposed system. Compared with the baseline LAES system (NLU + PGU), the multifunctional LAES system has a lower round trip efficiency of similar to 0.39 due to the extra electricity consumption by the ASU. However, it shows a much better economic performance with additional benefits from pure oxygen and heating. In a project life-span of 30 years, the multifunctional LAES system (10 MW/80 MWh) has a short payback period of similar to 5.7 years. Furthermore, it has a savings-to-investment ratio of 3.12, which is similar to 153% higher than that of the baseline LAES system. Investigation on the system operation strategy suggests that the ASU should operate at full time. The proposed system provides a feasible way to improve the economic benefits of the LAES system, thus promoting its wide applications. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Xiao, Yuan AU - Kayange, Heri Ambonisye AU - Cui, Guomin TI - Heat integration of energy system using an integrated node-wise non-structural model with uniform distribution strategy JF - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER J2 - INT J HEAT MASS TRANS VL - 152 PY - 2020 PG - 15 SN - 0017-9310 DO - 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.119497 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31500268 ID - 31500268 AB - The present paper proposes an original node-wise non-structural model (NW-NSM) with no stream splits for the heat integration of energy system. Global optimization approaches using structural models such as the stage-wise superstructure model, have limitations for heat exchanger network synthesis. Instead of complying with the typical fixed multi-stage network frameworks of stage-wise superstructures, the new model generates stream matches by randomly connecting preset nodes in the hot and cold streams. Then, the NW-NSM is optimized using the random walk algorithm with compulsive evolution. Furthermore, the effects of nodes on the solution space and performance of the NW-NSM are analyzed. Finally, a uniform distribution strategy for node locations of existing heat exchangers is used to expand the solution space and to ensure the generation of all possible stream matches. The combination of a flexible model and stochastic algorithm improves the global optimization. The model was applied to medium and large-scale case studies to verify the feasibility and high efficiency of the NW-NSM with respect to the global optimization of heat exchanger networks. The model achieved more economical results compared to other models previously presented in the literature. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Yang, Kunru AU - Liu, Shirun AU - He, Chang AU - Zhang, Bingjian AU - Chen, Qinglin AU - Pan, Ming TI - Improving energy saving of crude oil distillation units with optimal operations JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 263 PY - 2020 PG - 13 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121340 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31500270 ID - 31500270 AB - As the most energy intensive sector in refinery industry, crude oil distillation unit can affect the overall energy consumption of a plant by up to 20%. Improving energy saving is an important factor of cleaner production and environmental impacts for crude oil distillation units. Many technologies regarding retrofit of heat exchanger network and optimal operations have been proposed to increase the energy and economic efficiencies of crude oil distillation units in the last decades. However, it is still a challenge of implementing traditional methods in practice, for instance, retrofitting are commonly restricted by process topology, safety and maintenance constraints and may lead to high capital costs because of considerable civil works; while operation models usually suffers from the computational difficulty caused by complex unit performances. To deal with the above problems, this paper presents an optimal operation strategy for improving energy efficiency of crude oil distillation units without any structural modifications. First, detailed process operations are formulated and expressed as a complex nonlinear programming model, which is then solved with a double-loop algorithm. The objective of the proposed method is to minimize process energy utilization while retain its economic benefit. This work provides an efficient tool to help engineers handily adjust process key parameters to achieve higher energy saving than the traditional approaches, especially up to 1.06 MWof energy reduction without additional retrofit investment in an industrial case. This is also equivalent to 2800 tons of CO2 emission reduction per year, and thus intensifying the overall sustainability profile of the crude oil distillation processes. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Yang, Minbo AU - Li, Ting AU - Feng, Xiao AU - Wang, Yufei TI - A simulation-based targeting method for heat pump placements in heat exchanger networks JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 203 PY - 2020 PG - 9 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2020.117907 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31397524 ID - 31397524 AB - Heat integration of heat pumps and heat exchanger networks is of great interest because it can utilize low-temperature heat source to supply high-temperature heat sink, saving both hot and cold utilities. In this work, a simulation-based targeting method is proposed for placement of heat pumps in heat exchanger networks to reduce energy consumption. This method combines pinch analysis and rigorous process simulation. Based on the powerful fluid property database, the heat pump system is modelled in Aspen HYSYS. The Problem Table Algorithm is employed to target the demands of hot and cold utilities. Aspen HYSYS and Matlab are then coupled to realize the data transfer between the simulation model and mathematical model, formulating a simulation-based optimization model. The Genetic Algorithm is adopted to solve the formulated model to obtain the best placement of the heat pump. Two cases are analyzed with several working fluids to illustrate the applicability of this method. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Yang, Minbo AU - Yang, Jiaxin AU - Feng, Xiao AU - Wang, Yufei TI - Insightful Analysis and Targeting of the Optimal Hot Feed toward Energy Saving JF - INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH J2 - IND ENG CHEM RES VL - 59 PY - 2020 IS - 2 SP - 835 EP - 845 PG - 11 SN - 0888-5885 DO - 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b05989 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31500271 ID - 31500271 AB - Feed of hot material from the upstream process is a strategy to improve energy efficiency, but the energy saving contributed by hot feed depends on the characteristics of the feed stream and receiving process. In this work, we present an insightful analysis of introducing hot feed into a process based on pinch technology. The changes of the grand composite curve, pinch temperature, and utility demands with an increase in the hot feed temperature are presented, and the reasons for such changes are explored. A graphical method is then developed to target the optimal hot feed temperature that minimizes the hot utility consumption. In addition, for a heat exchanger network design that does not match the grand composite curve, an improved graphical method employing the actual cold composite curve is proposed to target the optimal hot feed temperature. A wax oil hydrogenation process is analyzed to illustrate the proposed targeting methods. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Zamora, Juan M. AU - Hidalgo-Munoz, Monica G. AU - Pedroza-Robles, Luis E. AU - Nunez-Serna, Rosa I TI - Optimization and utilities relocation approach for the improvement of heat exchanger network designs JF - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DESIGN J2 - CHEM ENG RES DES VL - 156 PY - 2020 SP - 209 EP - 225 PG - 17 SN - 0263-8762 DO - 10.1016/j.cherd.2020.01.024 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31500275 ID - 31500275 AB - Heat exchanger network (HEN) synthesis methodologies aim at developing cost effective designs with the best possible topology and optimal values of the decision variables. Although most of the HEN synthesis approaches have focused on obtaining network designs with utilities placed in extreme positions, several works have recently tackle the synthesis problem pursuing an optimal placement of utilities within the heat exchange sequences of the process streams. To this purpose, extended HEN superstructures with sophisticated mixed-integer nonlinear programming models and solution algorithms have been developed. However, due to the combinatorial and nonconvex nature of the problem, sub-optimal designs are frequently obtained even for relatively small synthesis problems. In this work the optimal placement of utilities within HEN designs is reconsidered as a final stage of HEN synthesis methodologies in which a base network design has already been produced. An optimization and utilities relocation approach is presented to explore the generation of improved network designs, with modified topologies that place heaters and coolers in alternative challenging positions with respect to their original placement in the base network design. Four illustrative examples are presented to show that enhanced designs with reduced total annual costs can be developed with the proposed methodology. (C) 2020 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Zhang, Hongliang AU - Huang, Xiaohuang AU - Peng, Fuyu AU - Cui, Guomin AU - Huang, Tengchao TI - A novel two-step synthesis method with weakening strategy for solving large-scale heat exchanger networks JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 275 PY - 2020 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123103 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31384867 ID - 31384867 N1 - cited By 11 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Ziyatdinov, N. N. AU - Emel'yanov, I. I. AU - Lapteva, T. V. AU - Ryzhova, A. A. AU - Ignat'ev, A. N. TI - Method of Automated Synthesis of Optimal Heat Exchange Network (HEN) Based on the Principle of Fixation of Variables JF - THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING J2 - THEOR FOUND CHEM ENG VL - 54 PY - 2020 IS - 2 SP - 258 EP - 276 PG - 19 SN - 0040-5795 DO - 10.1134/S0040579520020189 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31479931 ID - 31479931 AB - A new approach to the synthesis of a multistage heat exchange network is proposed based on the principle of fixation of variables. This principle enables one to reduce a discrete-continuous programming problem to a sequence of linear and nonlinear programming problems. For their formalization, a new variant of the superstructure of a heat exchange network is put forward which includes all the possible flow patterns of material and heat streams. A computational experiment has proven that this problem is multiextremal. The vertical decomposition of the superstructure decreases the number of local minima of an economic criterion and reduces the computational difficulty of the synthesis problem, which is useful for modeling large-scale engineering systems. The performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by a number of model examples in comparison with that of the efficient SYNHEAT software. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Ziyatdinov, N. N. AU - Emel'yanov, I. I. AU - Chen, Qi AU - Grossmann, I. E. TI - Optimal heat exchanger network synthesis by sequential splitting of process streams JF - COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING J2 - COMPUT CHEM ENG VL - 142 PY - 2020 PG - 17 SN - 0098-1354 DO - 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2020.107042 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31689420 ID - 31689420 AB - The paper introduces a new iterative sequential method for optimal heat exchanger network synthesis, that relies on an assignment problem. This method considers the splitting of hot and cold process streams, and uses a decomposition that fixes the split fractions for process streams at each subproblem. We apply this method to several heat integration problems to demonstrate its performance and efficiency. It is also compared with stage-wise superstructure optimization using mixed-integer nonlinear programming. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Al-Mohannadi, Dhabia M. AU - Linke, Patrick AU - Shah, Nialy ED - Kiss, AA ED - Ozkan, L ED - Lakerveld, R ED - Zondervan, E TI - A multi-objective multi-period optimization of carbon integration networks in industrial parks T2 - 29th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering PB - Elsevier Science CY - Amsterdam SN - 9780128186343 T3 - Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, ISSN 1570-7946 ; 46. PY - 2019 SP - 487 EP - 492 PG - 6 DO - 10.1016/B978-0-12-818634-3.50082-5 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31045256 ID - 31045256 AB - The direct link between climate change and anthropogenic industrial activity resulted in a need more prominent than ever to cut emissions. At the Paris climate conference (COP21), 195 countries adopted a legally binding global climate deal to put the world on track to avoid dangerous climate change effects. This sets a challenge for many countries to draft sustainable climate policies by 2030. Climate change has social, environmental and economic consequences. Therefore, it is important to understand the impact of these interconnected factors on climate strategies. Multi-period carbon integration allows carbon reduction over a certain time horizon. The multi-period planning approach identified allocation of carbon dioxide between sources and potential sinks in each period, compared cost elements simultaneously and resulted in a low cost network across all periods. In this work the approach was expanded to evaluate two conflicting objectives. An example was solved to assess climate policies under two objectives. Good carbon reductions were achieved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Bandyopadhyay, Rajarshi AU - Alkilde, Ole Frej AU - Upadhyayula, Sreedevi TI - Applying pinch and exergy analysis for energy efficient design of diesel hydrotreating unit JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 232 PY - 2019 SP - 337 EP - 349 PG - 13 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.277 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31045369 ID - 31045369 AB - Pinch Analysis (PA) and Exergy Analysis have been used, either independently or in combination, for energy integration of process plants. This paper discusses a methodology to apply PA and Exergy Analysis during design of a new process plant to make it energy efficient, using Diesel Hydrotreating Unit (DHT) as an example. PA has been used to estimate the Minimum Energy Requirement (MER), to select utilities and to design the optimal Heat Exchanger Network (HEN). Exergy Analysis is then performed to pinpoint the sources of energy inefficiency in the whole plant and suggest improvements. The application of these two techniques has helped in energy integration of the plant during the design phase itself. Two common layouts of diesel hydrotreating unit-the 'hot separator layout' and the 'cold separator layout'-have been studied. The minimum Total Annualized Cost (TAC) is similar to 7.6 M(sic)/y and similar to 10 M(sic)/y for the hot separator layout and the cold separator layout respectively. Exergy destroyed is 27.15 MW (7.9% of exergy input) and 50.18 MW (6.7% of exergy input) respectively for the hot separator layout and the cold separator layout. Exergy Analysis reveals that the energy efficiency can be improved for air coolers, fired heaters and letdown valves. (C)2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Cucek, Lidija AU - Boldyryev, Stanislav AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir AU - Kravanja, Zdravko AU - Krajacic, Goran AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Duic, Neven TI - Approaches for retrofitting heat exchanger networks within processes and Total Sites JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 211 PY - 2019 SP - 884 EP - 894 PG - 11 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.11.129 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30527167 ID - 30527167 N1 - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia Centre for Integrated, Energy Saving, Environmentally Friendly Processes (INESEF Centre), ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory - SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology – VUT Brno, Brno, Czech Republic Department of Energy, Power and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia Cited By :23 Export Date: 7 April 2021 CODEN: JCROE Correspondence Address: Čuček, L.; Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Slovenia; email: lidija.cucek@um.si Funding details: European Commission, EC, 39, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 Funding details: Ministarstvo Obrazovanja, Znanosti i Sporta, MZOS Funding details: Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost RS, ARRS, P2-0032, P2-0377 Funding details: Univerza v Mariboru, UM Funding details: Erzincan Üniversitesi, EU Funding text 1: The authors acknowledge the financial supports from Slovenian Research Agency (programs P2-0032 and P2-0377), from SCOPES joint research project CAPE-EWWR ‘Computer Aided Process Engineering applied to energy, water and waste reduction during process design and operation’ from Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, for bilateral projects between Slovenia and Croatia ‘Planning of 100% RES communities by use and combination of Total Site Integration and Renewislands methodologies’ and ‘Integration of renewable energy within energy systems’ by the EU project “Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL” project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 funded by EU “CZ Operational Programme Research and Development, Education” Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research, in a collaboration agreement with the University of Maribor, Slovenia and EC under project CARBEN (NEWFELPRO Grant Agreement No. 39). Funding text 2: The authors acknowledge the financial supports from Slovenian Research Agency (programs P2-0032 and P2-0377 ), from SCOPES joint research project CAPE-EWWR ‘Computer Aided Process Engineering applied to energy, water and waste reduction during process design and operation’, from Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia , for bilateral projects between Slovenia and Croatia ‘Planning of 100% RES communities by use and combination of Total Site Integration and Renewislands methodologies’ and ‘Integration of renewable energy within energy systems’, by the EU project “Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL ”, project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 funded by EU “CZ Operational Programme Research and Development, Education”, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research, in a collaboration agreement with the University of Maribor , Slovenia and EC under project CARBEN ( NEWFELPRO Grant Agreement No. 39 ). Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia Centre for Integrated, Energy Saving, Environmentally Friendly Processes (INESEF Centre), ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory - SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology – VUT Brno, Brno, Czech Republic Department of Energy, Power and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia Cited By :25 Export Date: 10 July 2021 CODEN: JCROE Correspondence Address: Čuček, L.; Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Slovenia; email: lidija.cucek@um.si Funding details: European Commission, EC, 39, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 Funding details: Ministarstvo Obrazovanja, Znanosti i Sporta, MZOS Funding details: Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost RS, ARRS, P2-0032, P2-0377 Funding details: Univerza v Mariboru, UM Funding details: Erzincan Üniversitesi, EU Funding text 1: The authors acknowledge the financial supports from Slovenian Research Agency (programs P2-0032 and P2-0377), from SCOPES joint research project CAPE-EWWR ‘Computer Aided Process Engineering applied to energy, water and waste reduction during process design and operation’ from Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, for bilateral projects between Slovenia and Croatia ‘Planning of 100% RES communities by use and combination of Total Site Integration and Renewislands methodologies’ and ‘Integration of renewable energy within energy systems’ by the EU project “Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL” project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 funded by EU “CZ Operational Programme Research and Development, Education” Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research, in a collaboration agreement with the University of Maribor, Slovenia and EC under project CARBEN (NEWFELPRO Grant Agreement No. 39). Funding text 2: The authors acknowledge the financial supports from Slovenian Research Agency (programs P2-0032 and P2-0377 ), from SCOPES joint research project CAPE-EWWR ‘Computer Aided Process Engineering applied to energy, water and waste reduction during process design and operation’, from Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia , for bilateral projects between Slovenia and Croatia ‘Planning of 100% RES communities by use and combination of Total Site Integration and Renewislands methodologies’ and ‘Integration of renewable energy within energy systems’, by the EU project “Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL ”, project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 funded by EU “CZ Operational Programme Research and Development, Education”, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research, in a collaboration agreement with the University of Maribor , Slovenia and EC under project CARBEN ( NEWFELPRO Grant Agreement No. 39 ). Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia Centre for Integrated, Energy Saving, Environmentally Friendly Processes (INESEF Centre), ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory - SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology – VUT Brno, Brno, Czech Republic Department of Energy, Power and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia Cited By :25 Export Date: 1 September 2021 CODEN: JCROE Correspondence Address: Čuček, L.; Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Slovenia; email: lidija.cucek@um.si Funding details: European Commission, EC, 39, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 Funding details: Ministarstvo Obrazovanja, Znanosti i Sporta, MZOS Funding details: Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost RS, ARRS, P2-0032, P2-0377 Funding details: Univerza v Mariboru, UM Funding details: Erzincan Üniversitesi, EU Funding text 1: The authors acknowledge the financial supports from Slovenian Research Agency (programs P2-0032 and P2-0377), from SCOPES joint research project CAPE-EWWR ‘Computer Aided Process Engineering applied to energy, water and waste reduction during process design and operation’ from Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, for bilateral projects between Slovenia and Croatia ‘Planning of 100% RES communities by use and combination of Total Site Integration and Renewislands methodologies’ and ‘Integration of renewable energy within energy systems’ by the EU project “Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL” project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 funded by EU “CZ Operational Programme Research and Development, Education” Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research, in a collaboration agreement with the University of Maribor, Slovenia and EC under project CARBEN (NEWFELPRO Grant Agreement No. 39). Funding text 2: The authors acknowledge the financial supports from Slovenian Research Agency (programs P2-0032 and P2-0377 ), from SCOPES joint research project CAPE-EWWR ‘Computer Aided Process Engineering applied to energy, water and waste reduction during process design and operation’, from Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia , for bilateral projects between Slovenia and Croatia ‘Planning of 100% RES communities by use and combination of Total Site Integration and Renewislands methodologies’ and ‘Integration of renewable energy within energy systems’, by the EU project “Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL ”, project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000456 funded by EU “CZ Operational Programme Research and Development, Education”, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research, in a collaboration agreement with the University of Maribor , Slovenia and EC under project CARBEN ( NEWFELPRO Grant Agreement No. 39 ). AB - This study presents developed approaches that could be used for retrofitting of existing heat exchanger networks (HENS) within individual processes and industrial sites to achieve lower energy consumption, cost savings and emission reduction. Successful industrial applications are further presented, and future challenges are identified. Approaches used for retrofitting of existing HENs are based on heuristics, on thermodynamic analysis and insights Pinch Analysis and recently developed Bridge Analysis, on numerical optimisation - Mathematical Programming, and on hybrid or combined approaches which are based on a combination of heuristics, physical insights and/or numerical optimisation. Optimisation-based approaches could be further divided into deterministic and stochastic (probabilistic) methods. Those systematic approaches (all approaches except pure heuristics) use either sequential (divided into sub-problems) or simultaneous synthesis methods. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Demirel, Salih Emre AU - Li, Jianping AU - Hasan, M. M. Faruque TI - A General Framework for Process Synthesis, Integration, and Intensification JF - INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH J2 - IND ENG CHEM RES VL - 58 PY - 2019 IS - 15 SP - 5950 EP - 5967 PG - 18 SN - 0888-5885 DO - 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b05961 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31045375 ID - 31045375 AB - Process synthesis, integration, and intensification are the three pillars of process design. Current synthesis and integration methods are able to find optimal design targets and process configurations when all the alternatives are known beforehand. Process intensification, on the other hand, combines multiple physicochemical phenomena and exploits their interactions to create innovative designs. Often times, these designs are not known beforehand, and a phenomena-level representation of chemical processes are required to identify them. This disconnection between the three paradigms limits the ability to systematically discover optimal design pathways. We demonstrate that the building block representation, originally proposed in our earlier work on process intensification (Demirel, Li, and Hasan, Comput. Chem. Eng., 2017, 150, 2-38), has the potential to bridge this gap. Depending on the attributes assigned to the interior and the boundaries of these two-dimensional abstract building blocks, they can represent various intensified or isolated phenomena at the lowest level, various tasks at the equipment level, and various unit operations at the flowsheet level. This common multiscale representation enables an mixed-integer nonlinear optimization-based single framework for the sequential or simultaneous synthesis, integration, and intensification of chemical processes. Such a general framework is critical to reduce the risk of eliminating potential intensification pathways and candidate flowsheets at the conceptual design stage. The framework is demonstrated using a case study on an ethylene glycol process. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Elias, Andrew Milli AU - Giordano, Roberto de Campos AU - Secchi, Argimiro Resende AU - Furlan, Felipe Fernando TI - Integrating pinch analysis and process simulation within equation-oriented simulators JF - COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING J2 - COMPUT CHEM ENG VL - 130 PY - 2019 PG - 8 SN - 0098-1354 DO - 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2019.106555 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31045365 ID - 31045365 AB - Process integration techniques may increase productivity and profitability while, at the same time, reducing environmental impacts. In this work, pinch analysis (one of the most popular energy-integration methodologies) was integrated into an equation-oriented simulator, providing energy integration in simulation time, without an external convergence loop. Based on four case studies, pinch analysis was showed to overestimate the optimal total annual cost within a maximum deviation of 10.7%, compared to superstructure-based optimization approaches, providing a near-optimal solution. This is well suited for the initial stages of process synthesis, where only rough estimates of process costs are sought. The methodology was also applied to a bioethanol biorefinery, containing more than 27,000 variables. Energy integration reduced steam consumption by up to 12.8%, increasing plant productivity. An additional advantage of the integrated pinch analysis is that it increased the robustness to the process simulation, by replacing heat exchangers by the pinch formulae. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Fan, Yee Van AU - Chin, Hon Huin AU - Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír AU - Varbanov, Petar Sabev AU - Liu, Xia TI - Optimisation and process design tools for cleaner production JF - JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION J2 - J CLEAN PROD VL - 247 PY - 2019 SN - 0959-6526 DO - 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119181 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30944194 ID - 30944194 N1 - Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, Brno, 616 69, Czech Republic SINOPEC Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Shanghai, 201208, China Cited By :15 Export Date: 5 April 2021 CODEN: JCROE Correspondence Address: Fan, Y.V.; Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, Technická 2896/2, Czech Republic; email: fan@fme.vutbr.cz Funding details: European Commission, EC, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000456 Funding details: SINOPEC Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, SINOPEC Funding text 1: The EU supported project Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory ? SPIL funded as project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000456, by Czech Republic Operational Programme Research and Development, Education, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research based on the SPIL project have been gratefully acknowledged in collaboration with Research Institute of Sinopec, Shanghai, China. Funding text 2: The EU supported project Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL funded as project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000456 , by Czech Republic Operational Programme Research and Development, Education, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research based on the SPIL project have been gratefully acknowledged in collaboration with Research Institute of Sinopec, Shanghai, China. Funding Agency and Grant Number: EU - Czech Republic Operational Programme Research and Development, Education, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research based on the SPIL project [CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000456] Funding text: The EU supported project Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory e SPIL funded as project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000456, by Czech Republic Operational Programme Research and Development, Education, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research based on the SPIL project have been gratefully acknowledged in collaboration with Research Institute of Sinopec, Shanghai, China. Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, Brno, 616 69, Czech Republic SINOPEC Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Shanghai, 201208, China Cited By :20 Export Date: 11 July 2021 CODEN: JCROE Correspondence Address: Fan, Y.V.; Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, Technická 2896/2, Czech Republic; email: fan@fme.vutbr.cz Funding details: European Commission, EC, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000456 Funding details: SINOPEC Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, SINOPEC Funding text 1: The EU supported project Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory ? SPIL funded as project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000456, by Czech Republic Operational Programme Research and Development, Education, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research based on the SPIL project have been gratefully acknowledged in collaboration with Research Institute of Sinopec, Shanghai, China. Funding text 2: The EU supported project Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL funded as project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000456 , by Czech Republic Operational Programme Research and Development, Education, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research based on the SPIL project have been gratefully acknowledged in collaboration with Research Institute of Sinopec, Shanghai, China. Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Technická 2896/2, Brno, 616 69, Czech Republic SINOPEC Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Shanghai, 201208, China Cited By :22 Export Date: 30 August 2021 CODEN: JCROE Correspondence Address: Fan, Y.V.; Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL, Technická 2896/2, Czech Republic; email: fan@fme.vutbr.cz Funding details: European Commission, EC, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000456 Funding details: SINOPEC Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, SINOPEC Funding text 1: The EU supported project Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory ? SPIL funded as project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000456, by Czech Republic Operational Programme Research and Development, Education, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research based on the SPIL project have been gratefully acknowledged in collaboration with Research Institute of Sinopec, Shanghai, China. Funding text 2: The EU supported project Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL funded as project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000456 , by Czech Republic Operational Programme Research and Development, Education, Priority 1: Strengthening capacity for quality research based on the SPIL project have been gratefully acknowledged in collaboration with Research Institute of Sinopec, Shanghai, China. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Gatzioura, Anna AU - Sanchez-Marre, Miquel AU - Gibert, Karina TI - A Hybrid Recommender System to Improve Circular Economy in Industrial Symbiotic Networks JF - ENERGIES J2 - ENERGIES VL - 12 PY - 2019 IS - 18 PG - 24 SN - 1996-1073 DO - 10.3390/en12183546 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31045364 ID - 31045364 AB - Recently, the need of improved resource trading has arisen due to resource limitations and energy optimization problems. Various platforms supporting resource exchange and waste reuse in industrial symbiotic networks are being developed. However, the actors participating in these networks still mainly act based on predefined patterns, without taking the possible alternatives into account, usually due to the difficulty of properly evaluating them. Therefore, incorporating intelligence into the platforms that these networks use, supporting the involved actors to automatically find resources able to cover their needs, is still of high importance both for the companies and the whole ecosystem. In this work, we present a hybrid recommender system to support users in properly identifying the symbiotic relationships that might provide them an improved performance. This recommender combines a graph-based model for resource similarities, while it follows the basic case-based reasoning processes to generate resource recommendations. Several criteria, apart from resource similarity, are taken into account to generate, each time, the list of the most suitable solutions. As highlighted through a use case scenario, the proposed system could play a key role in the emerging industrial symbiotic platforms, as the majority of them still do not incorporate automatic decision support mechanisms. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hafizan, Ainur Munirah AU - Klemes, Jiri Jaromir AU - Alwi, Sharifah Rafidah Wan AU - Manan, Zainuddin Abdul AU - Abd Hamid, Mohd Kamaruddin TI - Temperature Disturbance Management in a Heat Exchanger Network for Maximum Energy Recovery Considering Economic Analysis JF - ENERGIES J2 - ENERGIES VL - 12 PY - 2019 IS - 4 PG - 30 SN - 1996-1073 DO - 10.3390/en12040594 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31045367 ID - 31045367 AB - The design of heat exchanger networks (HEN) in the process industry has largely focused on minimisation of operating and capital costs using techniques such as pinch analysis or mathematical modelling. Aspects of operability and flexibility, including issues of disturbances affecting downstream processes during the operation of highly integrated HEN, still need development. This work presents a methodology to manage temperature disturbances in a HEN design to achieve maximum heat recovery, considering the impact of supply temperature fluctuations on utility consumption, heat exchanger sizing, bypass placement and economic performance. Key observations have been made and new heuristics are proposed to guide heat exchanger sizing to consider disturbances and bypass placement for cases above and below the HEN pinch point. Application of the methodology on two case studies shows that the impact of supply temperature fluctuations on downstream heat exchangers can be reduced through instant propagation of the disturbances to heaters or coolers. Where possible, the disturbances have been capitalised upon for additional heat recovery using the pinch analysis plus-minus principle as a guide. Results of the case study show that the HEN with maximum HE area yields economic savings of up to 15% per year relative to the HEN with a nominal HE area. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hong, Xiaodong AU - Liao, Zuwei AU - Sun, Jingyuan AU - Jiang, Binbo AU - Wang, Jingdai AU - Yang, Yongrong TI - Transshipment type heat exchanger network model for intra- and inter-plant heat integration using process streams JF - ENERGY J2 - ENERGY VL - 178 PY - 2019 SP - 853 EP - 866 PG - 14 SN - 0360-5442 DO - 10.1016/j.energy.2019.04.112 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31045024 ID - 31045024 AB - Heat integration (HI) is an important aspect of chemical process design owing to significant energy saving. This strategy can be applied to complex of closely located plants, referred as Inter-Plant Heat Integration, to further reduce energy consumption. It is known that heat exchanger network (HEN) synthesis is regarded as a NP-hard problem. The non-linearity of models generally makes it difficult to obtain global optimal solutions, even local solutions without initial points. It is significant to develop a model which is easy to solve. In this paper, a new transshipment type model for IPHI directly using process streams is developed, while simultaneously optimizing the total annual cost of intra-plant and interplant HEN, including the piping and pumping cost. Thus, the interconnection between intra-plant and inter-plant HENs can be considered during optimization. New formulations are developed to keep track of the transportation of process streams across plants, so as to calculate the piping and pumping cost and compare different inter-plant heat integration opportunities. Case studies show that better results with lower TAC can be obtained, compared to literature. Besides, owing to the characteristic of more structures embedded in the model, results with unique structures can be obtained by the proposed model. LA - English DB - MTMT ER -