@article{MTMT:3042002, title = {Urodeles from the Lower Pleistocene Somssich Hill 2 palaeovertebrate locality (Villány Hills, Hungary)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3042002}, author = {Szentesi, Zoltán}, journal-iso = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, journal = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {146}, unique-id = {3042002}, issn = {0015-542X}, year = {2016}, eissn = {2559-902X}, pages = {37-46}, orcid-numbers = {Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478} } @article{MTMT:2721185, title = {A Somssich-hegy 2-es lelőhely (Villányi-hegység) alsó-pleisztocén Beremendia fissidens (Mammalia, Soricidae) maradványainak taxonómiai és paleoökológiai vizsgálata. Taxonomic and palaeoecological studies on the Lower Pleistocene Beremendia fissidens (Mammalia, Soricidae) remains from the Somssich Hill 2 locality (Villány Hills)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2721185}, author = {Botka, Dániel Bálint and Mészáros, Lukács}, journal-iso = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, journal = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {145}, unique-id = {2721185}, issn = {0015-542X}, year = {2015}, eissn = {2559-902X}, pages = {73-84}, orcid-numbers = {Botka, Dániel Bálint/0000-0002-6627-4640} } @article{MTMT:2926549, title = {Palaeoecology of the Early Pleistocene Somssich Hill 2 locality (Hungary) based on Crocidura and Sorex (Mammalia, Soricidae) occurrences}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2926549}, author = {Mészáros, Lukács}, journal-iso = {HANTKENIANA}, journal = {HANTKENIANA}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {2926549}, issn = {1219-3933}, year = {2015}, pages = {147-152} } @article{MTMT:2721186, title = {Beremendia (Mammalia, Soricidae) remains from the late Early Pleistocene Somssich Hill 2 locality (Southern Hungary) and their taxonomic, biostratigraphic, palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical relations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2721186}, author = {Botka, Dániel Bálint and Mészáros, Lukács}, doi = {10.17111/FragmPalHung.2014.31.83}, journal-iso = {FRAGM PALAEONTOL HUNG}, journal = {FRAGMENTA PALAEONTOLOGICA HUNGARICA}, volume = {31}, unique-id = {2721186}, issn = {1586-930X}, year = {2014}, pages = {83-115}, orcid-numbers = {Botka, Dániel Bálint/0000-0002-6627-4640} }