TY - JOUR AU - Andrasev, Sinisa AU - Bobinac, Martin AU - Susic, Nikola TI - Research of black locust and common hackberry stands’ structure in Subotica-Horgos sands and proposed silvicultural measures aimed at their improvement JF - GLASNIK SUMARSKOG FAKULTETA J2 - GLASNIK SUMARSKOG FAKULTETA VL - 2022 PY - 2022 IS - 125 SP - 27 EP - 56 PG - 30 SN - 0353-4537 DO - 10.2298/GSF2225027A UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32921883 ID - 32921883 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Andrašev, Siniša AU - Bobinac, Martin AU - Dubravac, Tomislav AU - Šušić, Nikola TI - Diameter Structure Changes in the Pre-Maturing Black Locust and Common Hackberry Stand in the Subotica-Horgoš Sands under the Influence of a Late Thinning JF - SOUTH-EAST EUROPEAN FORESTRY J2 - SEEFOR-SOUTH-EAST EU VL - 11 PY - 2020 IS - 2 SP - 111 EP - 126 PG - 16 SN - 1847-6481 DO - 10.15177/seefor.20-13 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33029266 ID - 33029266 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Lemke, Andreas AU - Kowarik, Ingo AU - von der Lippe, Moritz TI - How traffic facilitates population expansion of invasive species along roads: The case of common ragweed in Germany JF - JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY J2 - J APPL ECOL VL - 56 PY - 2019 IS - 2 SP - 413 EP - 422 PG - 10 SN - 0021-8901 DO - 10.1111/1365-2664.13287 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30497240 ID - 30497240 N1 - Department of Ecology, Ecosystem Science/Plant Ecology, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research (BBIB), Berlin, Germany Cited By :26 Export Date: 5 January 2023 CODEN: JAPEA Correspondence Address: Lemke, A.; Department of Ecology, Germany; email: a.lemke@tu-berlin.de AB - Because common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., henceforth Ambrosia) has negative effects on human health, it is a common focus for management, which would benefit from a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms by which the species spreads. Road systems are known to be invasion corridors, but the conduit function of vehicles for the rapid spread of Ambrosia along roads and for population extension along roadside verges has not yet been demonstrated convincingly. To quantify the effect of different traffic volumes on the dispersal and population extension of Ambrosia, we used two approaches: First, by combining field experiments along roads with records of the seed rain around single plants, we simulated a combined dispersal kernel that revealed the interactions between primary dispersal and traffic-mediated secondary dispersal. Second, we recorded the seedling recruitment around isolated roadside populations over 2 years to determine how traffic-related parameters affect population extension. The longest traffic-mediated dispersal distances exceeded those of primary dispersal by about one order of magnitude. Traffic volume had a significant positive effect on dispersal distances and on the lateral deposition of seeds on the road verge. Seedling recruitment around isolated roadside populations was significantly higher in the driving direction than against, but only at the distance where the major seed rain of traffic-mediated dispersal is to be expected according to the combined dispersal kernel (3-15 m). Synthesis and applications. This study isolates the effects of road traffic from confounding mechanisms (e.g. mowing machinery, propagule pressure from infested fields) on common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) invasions. Results demonstrate the traffic-mediated dispersal in Ambrosia invasions as a routine and predictable process that facilitates population extension in the direction of traffic along roadsides, depending on traffic volume. This highlights the importance of prioritizing mowing along high use roads and mowing of isolated populations to prevent seed abscission and further spread of common ragweed. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - H, Müller-Schärer AU - Y, Suna AU - B, Chauvel AU - G, Karrer AU - Kazinczi, Gabriella AU - P, Kudsk AU - A G, J M Lansink Oude AU - U, Schaffner AU - C A, Skjoth AU - M, Smith AU - M, Vurro AU - L A, de Weger AU - S T, E Lommen TI - Cross-fertilizing weed science and plant invasion science to improve efficient management: A European challenge JF - BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY J2 - BASIC APPL ECOL VL - 33 PY - 2018 SP - 1 EP - 13 PG - 13 SN - 1439-1791 DO - 10.1016/j.baae.2018.08.003 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3411549 ID - 3411549 N1 - Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland INRA, Agroécologie, Dijon, France Institute of Botany, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Vienna, Austria Institute of Plant Science, Kaposvár University, Kaposvár, Hungary Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Slagelse, Denmark Business Economics group, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, Netherlands CAB International, Delémont, Switzerland University of Worcester, National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit, Institute of Science and the Environment, Worcester, United Kingdom University of Worcester, Institute of Science and the Environment, Worcester, United Kingdom Institute of Sciences of Food Production, National Research Council, Bari, Italy Department of Pulmonology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands Cited By :24 Export Date: 6 February 2024 CODEN: BAEAC Correspondence Address: Müller-Schärer, H.; Département de Biologie, chemin du Musée 10, Switzerland; email: heinz.mueller@unifr.ch LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Lommen, STE AU - Jongejans, E AU - Leitsch-Vitalos, M AU - Tokarska-Guzik, B AU - Zalai, Mihály AU - Müller-Schärer, H AU - Karrer, G TI - Time to cut: population models reveal how to mow invasive common ragweed cost-effectively. JF - NEOBIOTA J2 - NEOBIOTA PY - 2018 IS - 39 SP - 53 EP - 78 PG - 26 SN - 1619-0033 DO - 10.3897/neobiota.39.23398 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/27445442 ID - 27445442 AB - Roadsides are an important habitat for invasive common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., by facilitating seed dispersal. Reducing the size of roadside populations is therefore essential for confining this highly allergenic species. Here, we aim to determine the cost-effectiveness of mowing regimes varying in frequency and timing, by analysing population-level effects and underlying demographic processes. We constructed population models of A. artemisiifolia parameterised by demographic data for four unmanaged reference populations across Europe in two years. We integrated the effects of four experimental mowing regimes along Austrian road sides on plant performance traits of five years and experimental data on seed viability after cutting. All four experimental regimes reduced the projected intrinsic population growth rates (r) compared to the unmanaged controls by reducing plant height and seed viability, thereby counteracting increased size-dependent fecundity. The prevailing 2-cut regime in Austria (cutting during vegetative growth, here in June and just before seed ripening, here in September) performed least well and the reduction in r was mainly due to reduced seed viability after the second cut. The efficacy of the two best experimental regimes (alternative schemes for 2 or 3 cuts) was mainly due to cutting just before female flowering (here in August) by decreasing final adult plant height dramatically and thereby reducing seed numbers. Patterns were consistent across reference populations and years. Whether regimes reduced r below replacement level, however, varied per population, year and the survival rate of the seeds in the soil bank. Our model allowed projecting effects of five theoretical mowing regimes with untested combinations of cuts on r. By plotting r-cost relationships for all regimes, we identified the most cost-effective schemes for each cutting frequency (1–3 cuts). They all included the cut just before female flowering, highlighting the importance of cutting at this moment (here in August). Our work features i) the suitability of a modelling approach for the demography of an annual species with a seed bank, ii) the importance of seed viability in assessing mowing effects, iii) the use of population models in designing cost-effective mowing regimes. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Madurapperuma, Buddhika D. AU - Oduor, Peter G. AU - Anar, Mohammad J. AU - Kotchman, Larry A. TI - Understanding Factors that Correlate or Contribute to Exotic Russian-olive ( Elaeagnus angustifolia ) Invasion at a Wildland–Urban Interface Ecosystem JF - INVASIVE PLANT SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT J2 - INVAS PLANT SCI MANA VL - 6 PY - 2017 IS - 1 SP - 130 EP - 139 PG - 10 SN - 1939-7291 DO - 10.1614/IPSM-D-12-00021.1 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33291953 ID - 33291953 AB - Understanding the ecological distribution range of exotic trees in an arboreal ecosystem is essential to managing natural forest resources sustainably. Forest resource mapping can be applied as a powerful tool in the identification of forest resource threat patterns, and in monitoring ongoing changes associated with a landscape. This study offers an insight on Russian-olive and its impact on a spatially bound ecosystem, namely, Bismarck–Mandan Wildland–Urban Interface (BMWUI). Data from the National Agricultural Imagery Program collected in 2005 and 2010 and in situ reference data were used to estimate the potential habitat of Russian-olive using ArcGIS ArcInfo ® 9.3 (ESRI, Redlands, CA). Russian-olive plants are discernible on aerial photographs with a fine spatial resolution because of silvery gray-green leaves in the upper strata of their canopies. Results showed that Russian-olive occupied 110 ha (272 acres) in BMWUI in 2005 and of that, 13 ha (12%) was in inundated habitats. In addition, Russian-olive in 2010 covered 125 ha within the BMWUI and of that, 25 ha (20%) was in inundated habitats. Russian-olive showed a close association with the silt loam and silty clay soil type, which occurs along the Missouri River floodplain. Our findings revealed that the species is well established in riparian habitats and other open habitats such as roadside and agricultural lands. There is a greater likelihood of lateral spread of Russian-olive throughout the BMWUI that may require active management to avert undesirable conservation impacts. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - THES AU - Stanković, C. TI - Ecological study of invasive planst in the Ramsar sites of Vojvodina. PY - 2017 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31148759 ID - 31148759 LA - Serbian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Martan, V B AU - Šoštarić, R TI - Phytolacca acinosa Roxb.(Phytolaccaceae), a new alien species in the Croatian flora. JF - ACTA BOTANICA CROATICA J2 - ACTA BOT CROAT VL - 75 PY - 2016 IS - 2 SP - 206 EP - 209 PG - 4 SN - 0365-0588 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26421222 ID - 26421222 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Batanjski, Vera AU - Kabas, Eva AU - Kuzmanovic, Nevena AU - Vukojicic, Snezana AU - Lakusic, Dmitar AU - Jovanovic, Slobodan TI - NEW INVASIVE FOREST COMMUNITIES IN THE RIPARIAN FRAGILE HABITATS - THE CASE STUDY FROM RAMSAR SITE CARSKA BARA (VOJVODINA, SERBIA) JF - SUMARSKI LIST J2 - SUMAR LIST VL - 139 PY - 2015 IS - 3-4 SP - 155 EP - 169 PG - 15 SN - 0373-1332 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/24877735 ID - 24877735 N1 - University of Belgrade, Department of Plant Ecology and Geography, Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Gračanička 18, Belgrade, 11000, Serbia Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Jevremovac, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Takovska 43, Belgrade, 11000, Serbia Cited By :2 Export Date: 19 November 2019 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kowalski, T AU - Bilański, P AU - Holdenrieder, O TI - Virulence of Hymenoscyphus albidus and H. fraxineus on Fraxinus excelsior and F. pennsylvanica. JF - PLOS ONE J2 - PLOS ONE VL - 10 PY - 2015 IS - 10 SN - 1932-6203 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26421152 ID - 26421152 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Sladonja, B AU - Sušek, M AU - Guillermic, J TI - Review on Invasive Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) Conflicting Values: Assessment of Its Ecosystem Services and Potential Biological Threat JF - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT J2 - ENVIRON MANAGE VL - 56 PY - 2015 IS - 4 SP - 1009 EP - 1034 PG - 26 SN - 0364-152X DO - 10.1007/s00267-015-0546-5 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25417724 ID - 25417724 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - THES AU - Madurapperuma, B D TI - From Bray-Curtis ordination to Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation: assessing anthropogenically-induced and/or climatically-induced changes in arboreal ecosystems. PY - 2013 SP - 117 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26421350 ID - 26421350 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Madurapperuma, B D AU - Oduor, P G AU - Anar, M J AU - Kotchman, L A TI - Understanding Factors that Correlate or Contribute to Exotic Russian-olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) Invasion at a Wildland–Urban Interface Ecosystem. JF - INVASIVE PLANT SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT J2 - INVAS PLANT SCI MANA VL - 6 PY - 2013 IS - 1 SP - 130 EP - 139 PG - 10 SN - 1939-7291 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26421133 ID - 26421133 LA - English DB - MTMT ER -