@inbook{MTMT:27144356, title = {Felsgesteinrohmaterialien}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/27144356}, author = {Trnka, G and Götzinger, M}, booktitle = {Archaologie Niederösterreichs}, publisher = {Austrian Academy of Sciences Press; VÖAW}, unique-id = {27144356}, year = {2017}, pages = {392-395} } @{MTMT:26321301, title = {Key raw materials for Neolithic shoe-last celts and axes in Central Europe: their sources and distribution}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26321301}, author = {Prichystal, A}, booktitle = {Connecting Networks Characterising contact by measuring lithic exchange in the European Neolithic}, publisher = {Archaeopress Publishing Ltd}, unique-id = {26321301}, year = {2015}, pages = {1-7} } @{MTMT:2820919, title = {Petroarchaeological research in the Carpathian Basin: methods, results, challenges}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2820919}, author = {T. Biró, Katalin}, booktitle = {Lithic raw material exploitation and circulation in prehistory: A comparative perspective in diverse palaeoenvironments}, unique-id = {2820919}, year = {2014}, pages = {103-115}, orcid-numbers = {T. Biró, Katalin/0009-0006-6919-3404} } @book{MTMT:23760837, title = {Lithic raw materials in Prehistoric times of eastern central Europe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/23760837}, isbn = {9788021064058}, author = {Přichystal, Antonín}, publisher = {Masarykova univerzita}, unique-id = {23760837}, year = {2013} } @article{MTMT:3269238, title = {Metamorphosis of the rock. Depot find of stone tool preforms at Veszprém Kádárta}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3269238}, author = {Antoni, Judit}, doi = {10.1556/AArch.63.2012.1.1}, journal-iso = {ACTA ARCHAEOL ACAD SCI HUNG}, journal = {ACTA ARCHAEOLOGICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE}, volume = {63}, unique-id = {3269238}, issn = {0001-5210}, year = {2012}, eissn = {1588-2551}, pages = {5-42} } @inbook{MTMT:2201170, title = {Csiszolt kőeszközök, őrlőkövek, egyéb megmunkált és megmunkálatlan kőzetanyagú leletek}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2201170}, author = {Horváth, Tünde and Péterdi, Bálint}, booktitle = {Balatonőszöd–Temetői dűlő őskori településrészei}, unique-id = {2201170}, year = {2012}, pages = {403-526}, orcid-numbers = {Horváth, Tünde/0000-0001-6357-400X} } @inbook{MTMT:22969348, title = {Lithic Raw Materials in Hungary: a diachronic presentation on recent advances in Hungarian petroarchaeology}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/22969348}, author = {T. Biró, Katalin}, booktitle = {Sorowce naturalne w Karpatach oraz ich wykorzystanie w pradziejach i wczesnym średniowieczu}, unique-id = {22969348}, year = {2009}, pages = {3-40} } @inproceedings{MTMT:2214924, title = {Rézkori kőeszközök nyersanyag-vizsgálata, petrológiai elemzése Szombathely, Ernuszt kripta (Angolkert u.) lelőhelyről}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2214924}, author = {Viktorik, Orsolya and Farkas, Csilla and Kádár, Marianna and Bendő, Zsolt}, booktitle = {Mōmos VI. : nyersanyagok és kereskedelem : Őskoros Kutatók VI. Összejövetelének konferenciakötete}, unique-id = {2214924}, year = {2009}, pages = {431-450} } @inbook{MTMT:20902855, title = {Kőeszköz-nyersanyagok Magyarország területén}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/20902855}, author = {T. Biró, Katalin}, booktitle = {Az ásványok és az ember a mai Magyarország területén a XVIII. század végéig. Fókuszban az ásványi anyag}, publisher = {Miskolci Egyetemi Kiadó}, unique-id = {20902855}, year = {2008}, pages = {11-37} } @article{MTMT:23530036, title = {A Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum újkőkori és rézkori csiszolt kőszerszámainak régészeti és petrográfiai vizsgálatának eredményei}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/23530036}, author = {Oravecz, H and Józsa, S}, journal-iso = {ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY}, journal = {ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY}, volume = {2}, unique-id = {23530036}, issn = {1786-271X}, year = {2005}, pages = {23-47} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:21998649, title = {Aszód, Papi földek Neolit lelőhely csiszolt kőeszközeinek nyersanyag típusai és azok lehetséges származási helyei}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/21998649}, author = {Judik, K}, booktitle = {Halottkultusz és temetkezés. Őskoros Kutatók III. Összejövetele}, unique-id = {21998649}, year = {2004}, pages = {473-486} } @article{MTMT:21998648, title = {Rock-forming minerals in contact-metamorphosed greenschists of the polished stone artefacts (Neolithic, Slovakia, site Bajč-Medzi kanálmi)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/21998648}, author = {Méres, Š and Hovorka, D and Dubíková, K and Cheben, I}, journal-iso = {SLOVAK GELL MAGAZINE}, journal = {SLOVAK GELL MAGAZINE}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {21998648}, year = {2004}, pages = {153-162} } @article{MTMT:2520667, title = {Archaeological and petrographic investigation of polished stone tools of the Neolithic and Copper Age period from the collection of the Hungarian National Museum}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2520667}, author = {Oravecz, H. and Józsa, Sándor}, journal-iso = {SLOVAK GEOL MAG}, journal = {SLOVAK GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {2520667}, issn = {1335-096X}, year = {2004}, pages = {105-134}, orcid-numbers = {Józsa, Sándor/0000-0001-8219-0044} }