@article{MTMT:2015060, title = {Kalokagathia, Arisztotelész és Nagy Sándor}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2015060}, author = {Kertész, István}, journal-iso = {KALOKAGATHIA}, journal = {KALOKAGATHIA}, volume = {32}, unique-id = {2015060}, issn = {1218-1498}, abstract = {The paper prese"ts a" a"alysis O" the mea"i1l/{ ofthe phrase halohagathia. It co"cludes that the halohagathia wa.s a" ethicalrequinme"tfor Gree~ citizellS, who had high level me"tal a"d physical abilities. I" the works ofAristotle the phrases areM a"dhalohagathiaanSJfIO"ytnOlIS. Thegreatphilosophersetasafi"al goal i" his pedagogical system to develop halos hai agathos a"er (ma" havi1l/{ me"tal a"d physical qualities). His pupil, the Macedo"ia" ki1l/{, Alua"der the Great, to a certai" utI"t made real his ideas but parlly foUowed other ainrs. He had i" his perso"ality the features ofa Macedo"ia" ki1l/{, a Greek citize" a"d a" orie"tal despot. He could "ot adhere to Aristotle's moderati{}" as a" orie"tal despot a"d could Mt behave as a Greek citize" while bei1l/{ a Macedo"ia" ki1l/{. SO he foUowed his 0_ road a"d accordi1l/{ to his ow" view delivered the me"tal treasures ofHeUe"ism co"tai"i1l/{ the ideas ofAristotle to the territories ofthe Neara"d the Middle East.}, year = {1994}, pages = {7-19} }