@article{MTMT:32055755, title = {A hálózatok és a kapcsolatok szerepe az innovációban és a tudás áramlásában. Szisztematikus szakirodalmi áttekintés}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32055755}, author = {Bilicz, Dávid}, doi = {10.18414/KSZ.2021.6.674}, journal-iso = {KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE}, journal = {KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE}, volume = {68}, unique-id = {32055755}, issn = {0023-4346}, abstract = {A tanulmány célja, hogy a szisztematikus irodalomelemzés módszerével feltárja a tudáshálózatok tudásáramlásban betöltött szerepével foglalkozó nemzetközi szakirodalom eredményeit. Három fő elemzési szintet vizsgál – egy adott együttműködés, a vállalat partnereinek összessége, illetve a teljes hálózat szintje –, amelyek szerint az irodalomelemzésbe bevont publikációk vizsgálódtak. Összességében elmondható, hogy a központibb szerep általában pozitívan hat egy szereplő tudásszintjére, illetve a kisebb résztvevők központi szereplőkhöz való csatlakozása is előnyös. A hálózati sűrűség szempontjából közel sincs egyetértés arról, hogy a sűrű vagy a ritka hálózat előnyösebb a tudásáramlás szempontjából, utóbbi kifejezetten pozitív lehet olyan szereplők számára, akik sok más résztvevő között képesek tudást közvetíteni. Továbbá a hálózatok résztvevői közötti hasonlóságok és különbözőségek is befolyásolhatják a tudásáramlást és az innovációs képességet.* Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: L14, O19, O30.}, year = {2021}, pages = {674-698}, orcid-numbers = {Bilicz, Dávid/0000-0002-9241-9399} } @article{MTMT:30548710, title = {Egyetemi vállalkozások Magyarországon – újragondolva?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30548710}, author = {Erdős, Katalin}, doi = {10.18414/KSZ.2019.3.305}, journal-iso = {KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE}, journal = {KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE}, volume = {66}, unique-id = {30548710}, issn = {0023-4346}, abstract = {Az egyetemek számos módon járulhatnak hozzá a regionális fejlődéshez. Az egyik lehetséges forma, hogy az egyetemekről kipörgetett (spin-off) cégek hasznosítják a felsőoktatási kutatóhelyeken keletkező tudást. Számuk növelése érdekében jó néhány országban változtattak a szellemitulajdon-joggal, az innovációval és a felsőoktatással kapcsolatos szabályozáson. Az ilyen irányú kezdeményezések Magyarországon körülbelül másfél évtizeddel ezelőtt indultak meg, és azóta több jogszabályt is módosítottak. Jelen tanulmány célja annak vizsgálata, hogy a hazai jogszabályok és az azok nyomán létrejött intézményi szabályozás milyen keretfeltételeket biztosít az egyetemi vállalkozások alapításához és fejlődéséhez Magyarországon, illetve ez mennyire van összhangban a jogalkotó szándékával. A dokumentumelemzésen és interjúkon alapuló vizsgálat eredményei szerint a jelenlegi szabályozási környezet számos akadályt gördít a cégalapítás elé, gátolva ezzel a területben rejlő lehetőségek kiaknázását.* Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: O32, O34.}, year = {2019}, pages = {305-329}, orcid-numbers = {Erdős, Katalin/0000-0003-4364-1695} } @inbook{MTMT:31126691, title = {The role of mid-range universities in kowledge transfer and regional development: the case of five central European regions}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31126691}, author = {Gál, Zoltán and Ptáček, Pavel}, booktitle = {Handbook of Universities and Regional Development}, doi = {10.4337/9781784715717.00023}, unique-id = {31126691}, year = {2019}, pages = {279-300}, orcid-numbers = {Gál, Zoltán/0000-0002-7274-9163} } @article{MTMT:27354812, title = {Il ruolo degli spin-off universitari nel contesto socio-economico locale: analisi degli indicatori di performance e innovazione. The role of university spin-offs in the local socio-economic context. Analysis of performance and innovation indicators}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/27354812}, author = {Christian, Corsi}, doi = {10.3280/MACO2018-001004}, journal-iso = {MANAG CONTROL}, journal = {MANAGEMENT CONTROL}, volume = {22}, unique-id = {27354812}, issn = {2239-0391}, year = {2018}, eissn = {2239-4397}, pages = {73-94} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:27656600, title = {The role of universities in regional development: the Czech Republic and South Moravia in the context of the EU}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/27656600}, author = {PAVEL, PTÁČEK}, booktitle = {21ST INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON REGIONAL SCIENCES. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS}, doi = {10.5817/CZ.MUNI.P210-8970-2018-15}, publisher = {Masarykova Univerzita v Brně}, unique-id = {27656600}, year = {2018}, pages = {125-132} } @article{MTMT:26584367, title = {Knowledge and entrepreneurship creation: what is the connection?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26584367}, author = {Fernandes, Cristina and Ferreira, Joao and Raposo, Mario}, doi = {10.1108/WJEMSD-11-2016-0052}, journal-iso = {WORLD J ENTREP MANAG SUSTAIN DEV}, journal = {WORLD JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT}, volume = {13}, unique-id = {26584367}, issn = {2042-5961}, year = {2017}, eissn = {2042-597X}, pages = {2-15} } @article{MTMT:26131822, title = {Network structure and regional innovation. A study of university–industry ties}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26131822}, author = {Robert, Huggins and Daniel, Prokop}, doi = {10.1177/0042098016630521}, journal-iso = {URBAN STUD}, journal = {URBAN STUDIES}, volume = {54}, unique-id = {26131822}, issn = {0042-0980}, abstract = {The emergence of the network paradigm has led to growing interest in understanding network structures relating to knowledge flows and patterns of regional innovation. This paper explores the structure of knowledge networks stemming from ties between universities and other actors, principally firms. Based upon a network analysis of empirical data for regions across the UK, it is found that the most innovative and economically developed regions are more likely to be the location for actors holding highly central and influential positions within knowledge network architectures. It is concluded that network structures, and resulting stocks of structural network capital, influence patterns of regional innovation and development.}, keywords = {KNOWLEDGE; REGIONS; NETWORKS; innovation; Universities}, year = {2017}, eissn = {1360-063X}, pages = {931-952} } @article{MTMT:3161883, title = {How to get from the periphery into the core? The role of geographical location and scientific performance in network position in the field of neuroscience}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3161883}, author = {Sebestyén, Tamás and Hau-Horváth, Orsolya and Varga, Attila}, doi = {10.1007/s12076-016-0182-6}, journal-iso = {LETT SPAT RESOUR SCI}, journal = {LETTERS IN SPATIAL AND RESOURCE SCIENCES}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {3161883}, issn = {1864-4031}, abstract = {The main research question tackled in this paper is the role geographical position plays in scientific collaboration. In order to answer this question we ensemble a database containing the life-long publication records of best performing scholars in the field of neuroscience. Using this data we record the geographical location and the network position of these authors with respect to belonging to the center or to the periphery in both dimensions and use this information to analyze how moving into the core of the collaboration network is affected by being in the geographical core or periphery. A striking result from our analysis is that having double affiliations in the geographical center and periphery one can significantly improve performance in all respects (publications, citations, network position and knowledge availability), to even higher levels compared to authors exclusively locating in the geographical core.}, keywords = {Neuroscience; Co-authorship networks; ENQ; Network position; Geographical location}, year = {2017}, eissn = {1864-404X}, pages = {297-325}, orcid-numbers = {Sebestyén, Tamás/0000-0002-5596-0151; Varga, Attila/0000-0001-7252-5648} } @techreport{MTMT:26262407, title = {As Universidades Portuguesas e o Desenvolvimento Regional: Um projeto de pesquisa}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26262407}, author = {Cássio, Rolim}, unique-id = {26262407}, year = {2016}, pages = {1} } @article{MTMT:25319427, title = {Organizing the ‘productive transformation of knowledge’: linking university and industry in traditional manufacturing areas}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25319427}, author = {Giacomo, Balduzzi and Michele, Rostan}, doi = {10.1080/13583883.2015.1120340}, journal-iso = {TERTIARY EDUC MANAGE}, journal = {TERTIARY EDUCATION AND MANAGEMENT}, volume = {22}, unique-id = {25319427}, issn = {1358-3883}, year = {2016}, eissn = {1573-1936}, pages = {19-35} } @article{MTMT:3087814, title = {Challenges of Entrepreneurship in a Less Developed Region of Hungary: the ELI-ALPS Laser Research Centre in Szeged}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3087814}, author = {Lengyel, Imre and Lukovics, Miklós and Imreh, Szabolcs}, doi = {10.14665/1614-4007-23-1-006}, journal-iso = {TRANSIT STUD REV}, journal = {TRANSITION STUDIES REVIEW}, volume = {23}, unique-id = {3087814}, issn = {1614-4007}, year = {2016}, eissn = {1614-4015}, pages = {79-96} } @{MTMT:26845596, title = {The Intellectual and Practical Bases of the Application of RIS3 within EU Cohesion Policy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26845596}, author = {Philip, McCann and Raquel, Ortega-Argilés}, booktitle = {The Empirical and Institutional Dimensions of Smart Specialisation}, publisher = {Taylor & Francis Inc.}, unique-id = {26845596}, year = {2016}, pages = {112} } @mastersthesis{MTMT:26135088, title = {Commercialization of university innovation in South Africa}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26135088}, author = {Ramika, Bansi}, unique-id = {26135088}, year = {2016} } @article{MTMT:26135033, title = {Entrepreneurial and network knowledge in emerging economies: A study of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/26135033}, author = {Vanessa, Ratten and Joao, Ferreira and Cristina, Fernandes}, doi = {10.1108/RIBS-11-2015-0076}, journal-iso = {REV INT BUSINESS STRATEGY}, journal = {REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND STRATEGY}, volume = {26}, unique-id = {26135033}, issn = {2059-6014}, year = {2016}, eissn = {1758-8529}, pages = {392-409} } @article{MTMT:25684416, title = {The Knowledge-Innovation Nexus. Its Spatially Differentiated Returns to Innovation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25684416}, author = {Capello, Roberta and Lenzi, Camilla}, doi = {10.1111/grow.12098}, journal-iso = {GROWTH CHANGE}, journal = {GROWTH AND CHANGE}, volume = {46}, unique-id = {25684416}, issn = {0017-4815}, year = {2015}, eissn = {1468-2257}, pages = {379-399} } @inbook{MTMT:25237002, title = {The entrepreneurial university. Case analysis and implications}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25237002}, author = {Foss, Lene and David, V Gibson}, booktitle = {The Entrepreneurial University: Context and Institutional Change}, publisher = {Routledge Publishing}, unique-id = {25237002}, year = {2015}, pages = {249-279} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:25319444, title = {Estimating the Long-Term Economic Impacts of the Spanish Universities on the National Economy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25319444}, author = {Jose, Manuel Pastor Monsalvez Carlos Peraita and Francisco, Pérez}, booktitle = {55th Congress of the European Regional Science Association}, unique-id = {25319444}, year = {2015}, pages = {1} } @article{MTMT:25240057, title = {Estimating the long-term economic impacts of Spanish universities on the national economy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25240057}, author = {José, M Pastor and Carlos, Peraita and Francisco, Pérez}, doi = {10.1111/pirs.12157}, journal-iso = {PAP REG SCI}, journal = {PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE: THE JOURNAL OF THE REGIONAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL}, volume = {95}, unique-id = {25240057}, issn = {1056-8190}, year = {2015}, eissn = {1435-5957}, pages = {673-692} } @inbook{MTMT:25236995, title = {CSR—A New Challenge for Universities? A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of German Universities}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25236995}, author = {Karl-Heinz, Gerholz and Stefan, Heinemann}, booktitle = {New Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility. Locating the Missing Link}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-06794-6_25}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH}, unique-id = {25236995}, year = {2015}, pages = {507-526} } @{MTMT:25237000, title = {The Role of Higher Education in Society and the Changing Institutionalized Features in Higher Education}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25237000}, author = {Pinheiro, R and Wangenge-Ouma, G and Balbachevsky, E and Cai, Y}, booktitle = {The Palgrave International Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-137-45617-5}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan Ltd}, unique-id = {25237000}, year = {2015}, pages = {225-242} } @article{MTMT:25236991, title = {Regional Knowledge Flows and Innovation Policy: A Dynamic Representation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25236991}, author = {Ugo, Fratesi}, doi = {10.1080/00343404.2015.1068930}, journal-iso = {REG STUD}, journal = {REGIONAL STUDIES}, volume = {49}, unique-id = {25236991}, issn = {0034-3404}, year = {2015}, eissn = {1360-0591}, pages = {1859-1872} } @article{MTMT:23880703, title = {Transfer of Knowledge from the University Regional Economy by the "spin-off" Companies}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/23880703}, author = {Adam, Oleksiuk}, journal-iso = {ANNALS OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT/ ROCZNIKI EKONOMII I ZARZĄDZANIA}, journal = {ANNALS OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT/ ROCZNIKI EKONOMII I ZARZĄDZANIA}, volume = {6}, unique-id = {23880703}, issn = {2081-1837}, year = {2014}, pages = {157-169} } @article{MTMT:24190631, title = {Indicators for the Evaluation of Public Engagement of Higher Education Institutions}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/24190631}, author = {Andrea, Vargiu}, journal-iso = {J KNOWL ECON}, journal = {JOURNAL OF THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY}, volume = {5}, unique-id = {24190631}, issn = {1868-7865}, year = {2014}, eissn = {1868-7873}, pages = {562-584} } @mastersthesis{MTMT:24499789, title = {Innovation and Growth: Theoretical Models and Analytical Simulations of Spatial, Clustering and Competition Effects}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/24499789}, author = {Bond-Smith and Steven, Craig}, unique-id = {24499789}, year = {2014} } @misc{MTMT:23798557, title = {"Financing Higher Education when Students and Graduates are Internationally Mobile"}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/23798557}, author = {Marcel, Gérard and Silke, Übelmesser}, unique-id = {23798557}, year = {2014} } @article{MTMT:24190627, title = {Success factors of university-spin-offs: Regional government support programs versus regional environment}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/24190627}, author = {Rolf, Sternberg}, doi = {10.1016/j.technovation.2013.11.003}, journal-iso = {TECHNOVATION}, journal = {TECHNOVATION}, volume = {34}, unique-id = {24190627}, issn = {0166-4972}, year = {2014}, eissn = {1879-2383}, pages = {137-148} } @article{MTMT:24190632, title = {Polarización de la estructura funcional de las capitales de provincia y de autonomía en España: 1981-2011}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/24190632}, author = {Severino, Escolano Utrilla}, doi = {10.3989/estgeogr.201404}, journal-iso = {GAEA BOLETIN}, journal = {GAEA SOCIEDAD ARGENTINA DE ESTUDIOS GEOGRAFICOS. BOLETIN}, volume = {75}, unique-id = {24190632}, issn = {0325-2698}, year = {2014}, pages = {139-175} } @article{MTMT:24499739, title = {Selective Migration, Regional Growth and Convergence: Evidence from Italy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/24499739}, author = {Ugo, Fratesi and Marco, Percoco}, doi = {10.1080/00343404.2013.843162}, journal-iso = {REG STUD}, journal = {REGIONAL STUDIES}, volume = {48}, unique-id = {24499739}, issn = {0034-3404}, year = {2014}, eissn = {1360-0591}, pages = {1650-1668} } @article{MTMT:23477058, title = {Structural elements and dynamics in territorial patterns of innovation: A perspective through European case studies}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/23477058}, author = {Andrea, Caragliu and Camilla, Lenzi}, doi = {10.1111/rsp3.12016}, journal-iso = {REG SCI POL PRAC}, journal = {REGIONAL SCIENCE POLICY & PRACTICE}, volume = {5}, unique-id = {23477058}, issn = {1757-7802}, year = {2013}, eissn = {1757-7802}, pages = {369-383} } @inbook{MTMT:23427331, title = {Institutional and Regional Factors Behind University Patenting in Europe: An Exploratory Spatial Analysis Using EUMIDA Data}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/23427331}, author = {Varga, Attila and Horváth, Márton}, booktitle = {Regional Growth, Development and Competitiveness}, publisher = {Juhász Gyula Felsőoktatási Kiadó}, unique-id = {23427331}, year = {2013}, pages = {143-167}, orcid-numbers = {Varga, Attila/0000-0001-7252-5648} } @mastersthesis{MTMT:25238502, title = {Academic Entrepreneurship in Hungary. The case of Biotechnology}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25238502}, author = {Erdős, Katalin}, unique-id = {25238502}, year = {2013} } @article{MTMT:25550773, title = {Universities' functions in knowledge transfer. a geographical perspective}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25550773}, author = {Fromhold-Eisebith, Martina and Werker, Claudia}, doi = {10.1007/s00168-013-0559-z}, journal-iso = {ANN REGIONAL SCI}, journal = {ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE}, volume = {51}, unique-id = {25550773}, issn = {0570-1864}, year = {2013}, eissn = {1432-0592}, pages = {621-643} } @inbook{MTMT:2207402, title = {Az egyetemek szerepvállalása a regionális innovációs rendszerekben és az innovációs kormányzásban}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2207402}, author = {Gál, Zoltán and Zsibók, Zsuzsanna}, booktitle = {Innovációbarát kormányzás Magyarországon}, unique-id = {2207402}, year = {2013}, pages = {187-220}, orcid-numbers = {Gál, Zoltán/0000-0002-7274-9163; Zsibók, Zsuzsanna/0000-0001-9383-1134} } @inbook{MTMT:2342992, title = {The regional engagement of mid-range universities in Central & Eastern Europe – Sustainable university strategies in the era of post-mass education}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2342992}, author = {Gál, Zoltán}, booktitle = {Challenges for the European Union in the Next Decade: A View from the Danube Region}, unique-id = {2342992}, year = {2013}, pages = {131-151}, orcid-numbers = {Gál, Zoltán/0000-0002-7274-9163} } @article{MTMT:23133386, title = {Área de influência territorial da UFPR}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/23133386}, author = {Junior, Ruiz Garcia and Cássio, Frederico Camargo Rolim}, doi = {10.5380/ret.v8i4.30604}, journal-iso = {RET}, journal = {REVISTA ECONOMIA AND TECNOLOGIA}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {23133386}, issn = {2238-4715}, year = {2013}, eissn = {2238-1988}, pages = {33-44} } @inbook{MTMT:23097542, title = {Globalization, Regional Development, and the Evolving Local University Role: The Case of Vestfold, Norway}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/23097542}, author = {Sverre, J Herstad and Thomas, Brekke}, booktitle = {Universities in Change: Managing Higher Education Institutions in the Age of Globalization}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, unique-id = {23097542}, year = {2013}, pages = {339-359} } @inbook{MTMT:2406677, title = {A vállalkozó egyetem kulcsszereplője. az egyetemi vállalkozó}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2406677}, author = {Erdős, Katalin}, booktitle = {Spin-off cégek, vállalkozók és technológia transzfer a legjelentősebb hazai egyetemeken}, unique-id = {2406677}, year = {2012}, pages = {59-85}, orcid-numbers = {Erdős, Katalin/0000-0003-4364-1695} } @inbook{MTMT:2406713, title = {Fiatal egyetemi kutatók – potenciális akadémiai vállalkozók?. A fiatal kutatók vállalkozási attitűdjének, hajlandóságának és aktivitásának vizsgálata a hazai elitegyetemeken}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2406713}, author = {Makra, Zsolt and Erdős, Katalin}, booktitle = {Spin-off cégek, vállalkozók és technológia transzfer a legjelentősebb hazai egyetemeken}, unique-id = {2406713}, year = {2012}, pages = {175-206}, orcid-numbers = {Erdős, Katalin/0000-0003-4364-1695} } @misc{MTMT:21773027, title = {Knowledge Spillovers and Knowledge Intensive Business Services: An Empirical Study}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/21773027}, author = {Fernandes, Cristina and Ferreira, Joao}, unique-id = {21773027}, year = {2011} } @article{MTMT:1556311, title = {Hálózatelemzés a tudástranszferek vizsgálatában. Régiók közötti tudáshálózatok struktúrájának alakulása Európában}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1556311}, author = {Sebestyén, Tamás}, journal-iso = {STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE}, journal = {STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE}, volume = {89}, unique-id = {1556311}, issn = {0039-0690}, year = {2011}, pages = {667-697}, orcid-numbers = {Sebestyén, Tamás/0000-0002-5596-0151} } @article{MTMT:1424557, title = {Az egyetemi vállalkozó – legenda vagy valóság az európai regionális fejlődés elősegítésére?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1424557}, author = {Erdős, Katalin and Varga, Attila}, journal-iso = {KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE}, journal = {KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE}, volume = {57}, unique-id = {1424557}, issn = {0023-4346}, year = {2010}, pages = {457-472}, orcid-numbers = {Erdős, Katalin/0000-0003-4364-1695; Varga, Attila/0000-0001-7252-5648} } @inbook{MTMT:2406729, title = {Universities and Regional Economic Development. The Entrepreneurial "turn"}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2406729}, author = {Erdős, Katalin}, booktitle = {Évkönyv 2010/2}, unique-id = {2406729}, year = {2010}, pages = {47-56} } @misc{MTMT:21919603, title = {The Academic Entrepreneur: Myth or Reality for Increased Regional Growth in Europe?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/21919603}, author = {Katalin, Erdős and Attila, Varga}, unique-id = {21919603}, year = {2010} } @misc{MTMT:21627360, title = {Globalization, modes of innovation and regional innovation systems}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/21627360}, author = {Sverre, J Herstad and Thomas, Brekke}, unique-id = {21627360}, year = {2010} } @misc{MTMT:21627348, title = {The Academic Entrepreneur: Myth or Reality for Increased Regional Growth in Europe?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/21627348}, author = {Katalain, Erdős and Attila, Varga}, unique-id = {21627348}, year = {2009} } @misc{MTMT:21627354, title = {Selective migration and regional growth: evidence from Italy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/21627354}, author = {Ugo, Fratesi and Marco, Percoco}, unique-id = {21627354}, year = {2009} }