TY - JOUR AU - Krupski, Mateusz AU - Kabała, Cezary AU - Mackiewicz, Maksym AU - Sady-Bugajska, Agata AU - Tietz, Bartosz AU - Dudek, Michał TI - Investigating soils of barrows in the Rozumice Forest (SW Poland) – Dynamics of soil and landscape evolution in a Central European loess plateau JF - JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS J2 - J ARCHAEOL SCI REP VL - 58 PY - 2024 SN - 2352-409X DO - 10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104722 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35196104 ID - 35196104 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Takács, Attila AU - Szabóky, Csaba AU - Bozsó, Miklós AU - Lendvai, Gábor TI - First record of Coleophora gazella Toll, 1952 in Central Europe with notes on its biology JF - Animal Taxonomy and Ecology VL - 2024 PY - 2024 SN - 3004-300X DO - 10.1556/1777.2024.00007 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35051561 ID - 35051561 AB - During the past years, we found a new Coleophora taxon in Hungary that proved to be unknown for the fauna of the country. We identified the unknown specimens using combined information from morphological examination including the female genitalia and genetic analyses. We sequenced the Cytochrome Oxidase “COI” gene of the mitochondrial DNA, and used the resultant base-pair sequence for species identification, using the BOLD platform, and for preparing a phylogenetic tree with the most closely related taxa involved. Our results show that larval and adult morphology, genitalia structure, and the sequence of the COI region of the unknown specimens are most similar to those of Coleophora gazella Toll, 1952. The habitats of the species in Hungary are strongly isolated from the nearest population in Turkey (Anatolia). We also studied habitat characteristics and life history of the species, which are briefly presented in this paper. The article contains four figures and two tables. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Chendev, Yu.G. AU - Tishkov, A.A. AU - Puzanova, T.A. AU - Kurbanova, F.G. AU - Sarapulkin, V.А. AU - Tregub, T.F. AU - Ponomarenko, E.V. TI - Реконструкция палеосреды на основе комплексного исследования почв высокой поймы реки Воронеж в Липецкой области [Reconstruction of Paleoenvironments of Lipetzk Oblast Based on Multiproxy Analysis of Paleosols in the Voronezh River Floodplain] JF - IZVESTIJA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR SERIJA GEOGRAFICESKAJA: IZVESTIA RAN SERIA GEOGRAFICHESKAJA J2 - IZV AKAD NAUK SSSR SER GEOGR VL - 87 PY - 2023 IS - 5 SP - 713 EP - 734 PG - 22 SN - 2587-5566 DO - 10.31857/S2587556623050035 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34620802 ID - 34620802 N1 - Belgorod State National Research University, Institute of Earth Sciences, Belgorod, Russian Federation Institute of Geography, RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation Ottawa University, Ottawa, Canada Export Date: 18 February 2024 Correspondence Address: Chendev, Yu.G.; Belgorod State National Research University, Russian Federation; email: sciences@mail.ru Funding details: Russian Academy of Sciences, РАН, FMWS-2019-0008, АААА-А19-119021990092-1 Funding details: Russian Science Foundation, RSF, 19-18-00327 Funding text 1: The study was executed under support of Russian Science Foundation, project no. 19-18-00327. Present research performed in the framework of the State Task of the Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences no. АААА-А19-119021990092-1 (FMWS-2019-0008). AB - The results of paleosol and paleogeographic reconstructions on the new key site “Bol’shaya Kuzminka” within the northern part of the forest-steppe zone of the East European Plain (the high floodplain of the Voronezh River, the northern outskirts of the Bolshaya Kuzminka village, Lipetsk Oblast) are presented. To determine the age of alluvial deposits at different depths within the soil profiles, we used archaeological artefacts, Pleistocene faunal remains, soil humus, and charcoal. We reconstructed two main stages of floodplain formation during the Holocene: the early phase of low-intensity alluvial accumulation (beginning of the Holocene to the end of the Atlantic period, with mean rate of sedimentation–0.6 cm per 100 yr) and the late phase of increasing alluvial sedimentation (the second part of the Holocene, with mean rate of sedimentation–1.3 cm per 100 yr). Analysis of a closed depression within the floodplain allowed to reconstruct a complex synlithogenic soil profile with relic traces of three paleosols: a dark-colored Chernozem-like paleosol of the first half of the Holocene, the Luvisol of the Subboreal climatic phase (Gray Forest Soil), and the Stagnic Phaeozem (Chernozem-Meadow Soil) of the Subatlantic climatic phase of the Holocene. Flat areas around depressions hosted grassland vegetation; Stagnic Phaeozems (Meadow-Cheronozem soils) were formed here during the entire Holocene synchronic with alluvial sediments’ deposition. Palynological analysis of floodplain soils and deposits indicated that forests developed in the trend of widespread their areas on adjacent watersheds since the beginning of Subboreal period. Anthropogenic impact on soils and plant cover was noticeable from the Subatlantic period, and its intensity was increasing over time. Introduction of anthropochores was the main anthropogenic signal that resulted from utilizing floodplains and gullies as pastures and ploughlands. © 2023 Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. LA - Russian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kurbanova, Fatima AU - Makeev, Alexander AU - Aseyeva, Elena AU - Kust, Pavel AU - Khokhlova, Olga AU - Puzanova, Tatiana AU - Sverchkova, Alena AU - Kozmirchuk, Igor TI - Pedogenic response to Holocene landscape evolution in the forest-steppe zone of the Russian Plain JF - CATENA J2 - CATENA VL - 220 PY - 2023 PG - 22 SN - 0341-8162 DO - 10.1016/j.catena.2022.106675 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33234486 ID - 33234486 N1 - Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119017, Moscow, Staromonetnyi per, 29, str. 4, Russian Federation Faculty of Soil Science, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gori, 1-12, Moscow, 119992, Russian Federation Faculty of Geography, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gori 1, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Pyzhevsky lane 7, building 2, Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institutskaya street 2, Pushchino, 142290, Russian Federation Foundation of Regional Studies of Lipetsk region, Semashko street 1, Tyunino settlement, Zadonsky district, Lipetsk region, Russian Federation Cited By :1 Export Date: 12 June 2023 CODEN: CIJPD Correspondence Address: Kurbanova, F.; Institute of Geography, 29, str. 4, Russian Federation; email: fatima.kurbanova@igras.ru AB - Soils buried under five defensive ramparts of the Early Iron and Middle Ages were studied in the forest-steppe zone of the Russian Plain (Lipetsk region, Russia). The time of the burial differs from each other for hundred years allowing studying variation of soil properties based on short-term chronosequences within these ranges and reconstructing the comparatively short climatic trends. Similar topographic positions, particle-size distribution, bulk elemental composition, and major morphological features were the base for comparing buried and surface soils, aiming to link the differences in the pedofeatures with climatic fluctuations. The studied soils display polygenetic features that were formed under forest (clay cutans) or steppe (carbonate neoformations, mollic horizons) environments. Generally, the Early Iron Age environment was similar to the modern one, which is confirmed by the similarity between the soil buried similar to 2500 yrs BP and the surface soils (Greyzemic Luvic Phaeozems). The detailed chronosequence allows distinguishing alternating humid and arid phases during the studied time interval. Soil response to climatic phases is recorded by rather dynamic pedofeatures: carbonate, gypsum and greyzemic properties, and the properties of the mollic horizon. Following climatic fluctuations, these pedofeatures can appear and then be erased or transformed, evidenced by a multi-layered cutan complex with alternating clay and carbonate coatings. As a result, the surface soils of the study area are polygenetic and combine features formed under steppe and forest environments. The alternating phases of forest and steppe pedogenesis throughout the entire Holocene, especially in the Late Holocene, when ancient tribes influenced the studied areas, testifies against the decisive role of anthropogenic input in the formation of Chernozems. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Bede, Ádám AU - Valkó, Orsolya AU - Deák, Balázs TI - Az öcsödi Mogyorós-halom tájökológiai jellemzése JF - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY J2 - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / J LANDSCAPE ECOL VL - 20 PY - 2022 IS - Suppl. 1 SP - 43 EP - 61 PG - 19 SN - 1589-4673 DO - 10.56617/tl.3148 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33072463 ID - 33072463 N1 - Export Date: 2 December 2022 Correspondence Address: Bede, Á.; Lendület Seed Ecology Research Group, Alkotmány, út 2–4, Hungary; email: bedeadam@gmail.com AB - A Mogyorós-halom Öcsöd és Békésszentandrás határán fekszik, a 18. században már határpont volt. A népvándorlás korában temetőt, a középkorban falvat létesítettek itt különböző népcsoportok. A 18. század végén már tanyásodott agrárkörnyezetben ábrázolják, az 1970-es évekig jellemzően szántották a területet. A kurgánt az évszázadok során számos bolygatás érte (szántás, régészeti feltárás, bányászás, háromszögelési pont létesítése, szemétlerakás stb.). Ennek ellenére oldalain szárazgyepi és rétsztyeppi növénytársulások maradtak fenn. Fontosabb fajai: kecskebúza (Aegilops cylindrica), bíborfekete hagyma (Allium atropurpureum), cingár gombafű (Androsace elongata), bárányüröm (Artemisia pontica), pettyegetett őszirózsa (Aster sedifolius), vastövű imola (Centaurea scabiosa), sáfrányos imola (Centaurea solstitialis), pusztai gyújtoványfű (Linaria biebersteinii), nyúlánk sárma (Ornithogalum brevistylum). A kurgán jelenleg elhanyagolt állapotban van, növényzete természetvédelmi kezelést – például rendszeres kaszálást – igényelne. Hosszú távon célszerű lenne az inváziós növényfajok eltávolítása, valamint a halomtest hiányzó részeinek helyreállítása is. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Braun, Ádám AU - Dani, János AU - Kulcsár, Gabriella AU - Milinkó, István AU - Kovács, Gabriella AU - Volker, Heyd AU - Pető, Ákos TI - Hajdúnánás–Zagolya ETA-01 kurgán (Hajdú-Bihar Megye) régészeti talajtani és geokémiai adatokra alapozott rétegtani vizsgálata JF - ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY J2 - ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY VL - 19 PY - 2022 IS - 3 SP - 289 EP - 301 PG - 13 SN - 1786-271X DO - 10.55023/issn.1786-271X.2022-020 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33288403 ID - 33288403 AB - A kurgánok kiemelkedő fontosságú tájelemei a közép-kelet-európai síkságoknak mind ökológiai, talajtani és régészeti szempontból, így a hazai geoarcheológiai kutatások fontos alanyai. A régmúltban emelt síremlékek időkapszulaként információt őriznek az építőikről és környezetükről. A kézzel fogható tárgyi emlékeken túl az építés során eltemetődött talaj és maga a halomtest is információkkal szolgálhat, ha megvizsgáljuk talajtani és geokémiai sajátosságait. A Hajdúnánás–Zagolya dűlőben feltárt ETA-01 gödörsíros (Jamnaja) temetkezési halomból összesen 39 elem került vizsgálatra. A talajminták királyvízzel oldható frakcióját vizsgáltuk ICP-MS és MP-AES módszerekkel. Az elemkoncentrációk sokváltozós statisztikai módszerekkel történő kiértékelésével feltártuk a talajtani módszerrel kialakított szintek, rétegek és a talaj kémiai összetétele közötti kapcsolatot. A csoportok közötti különbségekből pedig azok eredeteire kerestünk választ. A geokémiai eredmények alapján kialakult csoportosulások jól megfeleltethetőek a talajtan módszerével megállapítható szinteknek. A geoarcheológiai vizsgálat során nyert adatok segítségével az egyes csoportok közti különbségek értelmezése vált lehetővé. A klaszterek közötti különbség megmutatta genetikai kapcsolatukat, és rávilágított a rétegek eredetére. A korabeli Zagolya-dűlő talajtani viszonyairól árulkodik a halom alatt eltemetett talajtakaró. Egy csernozjom talajfejlődéssel jellemezhető talajba mélyítették a halom központjában megtalált alaptemetkezést. Az eltemetett talaj felszínére egy szürkés sárga anyagból emeltek magasítást, amelyet nem a környezet humuszos termőrétegéből hordtak meg. A temetkezési hely tágabb tájföldrajzi környezetében előforduló alapkőzetből származhatott ez az anyag, amelynek gyűjtési helye a Zagolya-dűlőben futó vízfolyások természetes feltáródási pontjai lehettek. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Centeri, Csaba TI - Sörárpától a tájökológiai vizuális planációig : Barczi Attila munkássága JF - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY J2 - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / J LANDSCAPE ECOL VL - 20 PY - 2022 IS - Suppl. 1 SP - 9 EP - 23 PG - 15 SN - 1589-4673 DO - 10.56617/tl.3144 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33072405 ID - 33072405 AB - Ez a rövid áttekintő cikk tisztelgés Barczi Attila munkássága előtt. Elsősorban az MTMT (Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára, www.mtmt.hu) adatbázisában szereplő művek szolgáltatták az alapot Barczi Attila tevékenységének bemutatásához, tudományos és ismeretterjesztő publikációiról is szó lesz, az első lépésektől az utolsó rögzített publikációkig. Az olvasó láthatja, hogy milyen tématerületeket érintett a munkássága során, kezdve a kesztölci Fehér-szirttel, amely vissza-visszatérő motívum a publikációk és diplomatervesek körében is. Attila kedvelt földrajzi régiója a Balaton környéke volt, doktori disszertációját a Tihanyi-félszigeten végzett kutatásaiból írta. A Tihanyi-félsziget mindig a kedvelt területek között maradt, így az általa épített iskola famulusai, így jómagam is ide terveztem az egyik mintaterületemet; de Grónás Viktor – aki egyike volt az első tanítványainak – szintén itteni felmérésekből készítette a doktori dolgozatát. Sok, az élete végéig a tudományos pályán „ragadt” szakemberhez hasonlóan Attila is gyakran, főleg pályája kezdetén egy-egy részletét vizsgálta a természetes környezetnek, majd az idő előrehaladtával, az egyre tágabb látókörnek, és az elmélyülő ismereteknek köszönhetően alkalmazott és gyakorlati témákkal és a nagy egészet átlátó szemlélettel vizsgálta a tájat, annak minden elemével és agroökológiai potenciáljával. A területi vetületen túl a kedvenc kutatási témája a kunhalmokhoz kapcsolódott, iskolateremtő munkáját is sokan innen ismerik hazánkból és külföldről is. Egész életében büszke volt rá, és áthatotta a mindennapjait, hogy a Stefanovits Iskola tagjának tekintette magát, és a professzor úr által képviselt irányzatot tanította és alkalmazta mind az oktatásban, mind a terepmunkában és a publikációs tevékenysége során is. Szintén meg kell említenünk, hogy kiváló fotográfus is volt, saját fényképei díszítik az általa készített cikkeket, könyvfejezeteket, ismeretterjesztő „tájfüzeteket”, és egyéb kiadványokat. Kiemelten fontosnak tartotta a tudományos ismeretterjesztést. Mindezek során, illetve mellett foglalkozott a tájváltozás vizsgálatával, talajvédelemmel, talajnedvességgel, talajtömörödéssel, talaj–növény kapcsolatokkal, kőzetekkel, ásványokkal, földrajzzal és a pálinkakészítés rejtelmeivel is. Munkássága kiemelkedő, érdekes, színes és gyakran hiánypótló. 2020 márciusa óta hagyott pótolhatatlan űrt a hazai tudományos életben és az egyetemi oktatásban. Publikációi segítségével azok számára is örökké emlékezetes lesz, aki már nem ismerték. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Makeev, Alexander AU - Rusakov, Alexey AU - Kurbanova, Fatima AU - Khokhlova, Olga AU - Kust, Pavel AU - Lebedeva, Marina AU - Milanovskiy, Evgeniy AU - Egli, Markus AU - Denisova, Elizaveta AU - Aseyeva, Elena AU - Rusakova, Elena AU - Mihailov, Evgeniy TI - Soils at archaeological monuments of the Bronze Age – A key to the Holocene landscape dynamics in the broadleaf forest area of the Russian Plain JF - QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL J2 - QUATERN INT VL - 590 PY - 2021 SP - 26 EP - 47 PG - 22 SN - 1040-6182 DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.09.015 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31778650 ID - 31778650 N1 - Soil Science Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gori, MSU, 1-12, Moscow, 119992, Russian Federation Faculty of Geography, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gori, MSU, 1-12, Moscow, 119992, Russian Federation Saint Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institutskaya street, 2, Pushchino142290, Russian Federation Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Pyzhevsky lane, 7, Moscow, 109017, Russian Federation Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zurich, 8057, Switzerland Chuvash State Institute of Humanitarian Sciences, Cheboksary, Moscow avenue, 29, Russian Federation Cited By :6 Export Date: 4 March 2022 Correspondence Address: Makeev, A.; Soil Science Faculty, 1-12, Russian Federation; email: makeevao@gmail.com LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hildebrandt-Radke, Iwona AU - Makarowicz, Przemysław AU - Matviishyna, Zhanna N. AU - Parkhomenko, Aleksandr AU - Lysenko, Sergiy D. AU - Kochkin, Igor T. TI - Late Neolithic and Middle Bronze Age barrows in Bukivna, Western Ukraine as a source to understand soil evolution and its environmental significance JF - JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS J2 - J ARCHAEOL SCI REP VL - 32 PY - 2020 SN - 2352-409X DO - 10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.102185 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30842605 ID - 30842605 N1 - Cited By :2 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Hildebrandt-Radke, I.; Institute of Geocecology and Geoinformation, B. Krygowskiego 10, Poland; email: hilde@amu.edu.pl Funding text 1: Research for this article was conducted as part of the project ‘Bukivna. An elite necropolis of the Komarów culture on the Dniester’ ( 2011/03/B/HS3/00839 ), funded by the National Science Centre of Poland . We would like to thank the reviewers for their needed suggestion to the article. The authors wish to express special thanks to Michael Irobi PhD for making linguistic corrections. Erratum AB - Barrows play an important role in paleoenvironmental studies. This research, conducted on macromorphology (descriptive), micromorphology (thin-section), physical and chemical properties of a burial mound necropolis located in the western part of Ukraine (near Bukivna village), aimed to reconstruct the climatic conditions and landscape of the area during the Late Neolithic and Middle Bronze Ages, when they were erected. The analysis of pedogenic and post-depositional processes has made it possible to determine the evolution of soils beginning around 4000 BP. Three phases of change in vegetation, climate, and soil conditions have been distinguished. Between 6000 and 4200 BP, the brown forest soil formed at the beginning of Subboreal period. Later, the formation of chernozems (Chernozems) took place between 4200 and 3300 BP, chernozems (Chernozems) formed, at an increasing rate as meadow and meadow-forest which led to the continental climate spread through the area, while in the Forecarpahians forest areas their transformation into gray forest soils (Luvic Phaeozems) is visible, and podzolized brown soils (Dystric or Haplic Cambisols) developed about 150 BP in a cooler and much more humid climate conditions than were present in the beginning of the Subboreal period. From the present study it was concluded that post-depositional processes, such as podzolization, lessivage, and illimerization, change the original properties of soils, while others, like the activity of fauna, result in krotovinas filled with original humus, and makes it easier to recognize fossil soils. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Niculita, Mihai TI - Geomorphometric Methods for Burial Mound Recognition and Extraction from High-Resolution LiDAR DEMs JF - SENSORS J2 - SENSORS-BASEL VL - 20 PY - 2020 IS - 4 PG - 30 SN - 1424-8220 DO - 10.3390/s20041192 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31432828 ID - 31432828 N1 - Cited By :3 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Niculiță, M.; Department of Geography, Romania; email: mihai.niculita@uaic.ro Funding text 1: Funding: This work was supported by a grant of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Ias,i, within the Research Grants program, Grant UAIC, code GI-UAIC-2017-07. AB - Archaeological topography identification from high-resolution DEMs (Digital Elevation Models) is a current method that is used with high success in archaeological prospecting of wide areas. I present a methodology through which burial mounds (tumuli) from LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) DEMS can be identified. This methodology uses geomorphometric and statistical methods to identify with high accuracy burial mound candidates. Peaks, defined as local elevation maxima are found as a first step. In the second step, local convexity watershed segments and their seeds are compared with positions of local peaks and the peaks that correspond or have in vicinity local convexity segments seeds are selected. The local convexity segments that correspond to these selected peaks are further fed to a Random Forest algorithm together with shape descriptors and descriptive statistics of geomorphometric variables in order to build a model for the classification. Multiple approaches to tune and select the proper training dataset, settings, and variables were tested. The validation of the model was performed on the full dataset where the training was performed and on an external dataset in order to test the usability of the method for other areas in a similar geomorphological and archaeological setting. The validation was performed against manually mapped, and field checked burial mounds from two neighbor study areas of 100 km(2) each. The results show that by training the Random Forest on a dataset composed of between 75% and 100% of the segments corresponding to burial mounds and ten times more non-burial mounds segments selected using Latin hypercube sampling, 93% of the burial mound segments from the external dataset are identified. There are 42 false positive cases that need to be checked, and there are two burial mound segments missed. The method shows great promise to be used for burial mound detection on wider areas by delineating a certain number of tumuli mounds for model training. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Vrydaghs, Luc AU - Devos, Yannick TI - Visibility, Preservation and Colour: A Descriptive System for the Study of Opal Phytoliths in (Archaeological) Soil and Sediment Thin Sections JF - ENVIRONMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY J2 - ENVIRON ARCHAEOL VL - 25 PY - 2020 IS - 2 SP - 170 EP - 177 PG - 8 SN - 1461-4103 DO - 10.1080/14614103.2018.1501867 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31432829 ID - 31432829 N1 - Cited By :3 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Vrydaghs, L.; Centre de Recherches en Archéologie et Patrimoine, Belgium; email: luc_vrydaghs@yahoo.co.uk Funding details: Universiteit Gent Funding text 1: The authors wish to thank the Brussels Capital Region for financing this research as well as the Provincie Antwerpen which provided some material relevant to the present study. Prof. Dr Em.?G.?Stoops (Ghent University) and M.?Portillo (University of Reading) are acknowledged for their pertinent comments on a previous version of the present paper. The authors also acknowledge the anonymous reviewers for their comments on this manuscript. AB - Phytoliths are abundantly reported in (archaeological) soil thin sections. However, standard description systems are largely missing. The purpose of this paper is to present a descriptive system describing three aspects of phytoliths in soil thin sections: visibility, preservation and colour (VPC). The visibility expresses to which extent the phytoliths are masked or surrounded by fine material. The preservation is an indicator for the physico-chemical alterations that affected the phytoliths. Finally, colour is an indicator of the charring of the organic material surrounding the phytoliths. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - CEZARY, KABAŁA AU - PRZEMYSŁAW, CHARZYÑSKI AU - Czigány, Szabolcs AU - Novák, Tibor József AU - SAKSA, MARTIN AU - ŒWITONIAK, MARCIN TI - Suitability of World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) to describe and classify chernozemic soils in Central Europe JF - SOIL SCIENCE ANNUAL J2 - SOIL SCI ANN VL - 70 PY - 2019 IS - 3 SP - 244 EP - 257 PG - 14 SN - 2300-4967 DO - 10.2478/ssa-2019-0022 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31126614 ID - 31126614 N1 - Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Soil Science and Environmental Protection, ul. Grunwaldzka 53, Wrocław, 50-375, Poland Nicolaus Copernicus University, Department of Soil Science and Landscape Management, ul. Lwowska 1, Toruń, 87-100, Poland University of Pécs, Department of Physical and Environmental Geography, 6 Ifjúság u., Pécs, 7624, Hungary University of Debrecen, Department for Landscape Protection and Environmental Geography, Egyetem tér 1, Debrecen, 4002, Hungary National Agricultural and Food Centre, Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute, Gagarinova 10, Bratislava, 82713, Slovakia Export Date: 24 February 2020 Correspondence Address: Kabała, C.; Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Soil Science and Environmental Protection, ul. Grunwaldzka 53, Poland; email: cezary.kabala@upwr.edu.pl LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kabała, Cezary AU - Przybył, Agnieszka AU - Krupski, Mateusz AU - Łabaz, Beata AU - Waroszewski, Jarosław TI - Origin, age and transformation of Chernozems in northern Central Europe – New data from Neolithic earthen barrows in SW Poland JF - CATENA J2 - CATENA VL - 180 PY - 2019 SP - 83 EP - 102 PG - 20 SN - 0341-8162 DO - 10.1016/j.catena.2019.04.014 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30842556 ID - 30842556 N1 - Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Soil Science and Environmental Protection, Grunwaldzka 53, Wrocław, 50-357, Poland University of Wrocław, Institute of Archaeology, Szewska 48, Wrocław, 50-139, Poland Archeolodzy.org Foundation, Wrocław, Poland Cited By :12 Export Date: 12 February 2021 CODEN: CIJPD Correspondence Address: Kabała, C.; Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Grunwaldzka 53, Poland; email: cezary.kabala@upwr.edu.pl Funding details: 2014/15/B/ST10/04606, 2017/24/T/HS3/00314, 2017/25/B/HS3/01442 Funding text 1: The research and paper preparation was financed by the National Science Centre of Poland - grant Opus 8 No 2014/15/B/ST10/04606 – pedological part, and grants Opus 13 No 2017/25/B/HS3/01442 and Etiuda 5 No 2017/24/T/HS3/00314 – an archaeological part. The manufacturing of thin sections was supported by the Archaeologia Silesiae Science Foundation, thanks to Mirosław Furmanek. Micromorphological observations were conducted at the Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Wrocław, by kind permission of Piotr Gunia and Marek Awdankiewicz. Many thanks to Yannick Devos and Luc Vrygadhs for making the work with the thin slides even more fascinating and to Maksym Mackiewicz for his help with preparing some of the figures. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Labaz, Beata AU - Kabala, Cezary AU - Dudek, Michal AU - Waroszewski, Jaroslaw TI - Morphological diversity of chernozemic soils in south-western Poland JF - SOIL SCIENCE ANNUAL J2 - SOIL SCI ANN VL - 70 PY - 2019 IS - 3 SP - 211 EP - 224 PG - 14 SN - 2300-4967 DO - 10.2478/ssa-2019-0019 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31565307 ID - 31565307 N1 - Cited By :5 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Łabaz, B.; Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, ul. Grunwaldzka 53, Poland; email: beata.labaz@upwr.edu.pl AB - Diverse chernozemic soils featured by thick mollic horizon, rich in humus, dark-coloured, structural, and saturated with base cations are relatively common in the loess-belt of SW Poland. It is postulated, that most of these soils may have similar initial (chernozemic) history of thick humus horizon, related to climate conditions and vegetation in the Late Pleistocene and the Neolithic periods. However, these soils exist on various bedrocks and under different moisture conditions that led to the development accompanying features and variable classification of soils, both in Polish and international soil classifications. The aim of the paper is to presents the most important variants of loess-derived chernozemic soils of SW Poland, in relation to local conditions, which influenced soil transformation and present spatial diversification. 'Typical' chernozems (WRB: Calcic Chernozems), which have a mollic horizon and secondary carbonates, but are free of strong redoximorphic features, are rather uncommon in the region. Whereas, the black earths (WRB: Gleyic/Stagnic Chemozems/Phaeozems), featured by the presence of mollic horizon and strong gleyic or stagnic properties in the middle and bottom parts of the profiles, are predominant loess-derived chernozemic soils in SW Poland. Their most specific forms, developed on the clayey bedrock, are black earths with a vertic horizon (WRB: Vertic Stagnic Phaeozems). The strongly leached chernozemic soils developed over permeable subsoils, lacking carbonates and free of (strongly developed) stagnic/gleyic properties are called grey soils, often featured by the presence of subsurface diagnostic horizons cambic or luvic (WRB: Cambic/Luvic Phaeozems). LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Makeev, Alexander AU - Aseyeva, Elena AU - Rusakov, Alexey AU - Sorokina, Ksenia AU - Puzanova, Tatiana AU - Khokhlova, Olga AU - Kust, Pavel AU - Kurbanova, Fatima AU - Chernov, Timofey AU - Kutovaya, Olga AU - Lebedeva, Marina AU - Mihailov, Evgeniy TI - The environment of the Early Iron Age at the southern fringe of the forest zone of the Russian plain JF - QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL J2 - QUATERN INT VL - 502 PY - 2019 SP - 218 EP - 237 PG - 20 SN - 1040-6182 DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.04.002 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30956597 ID - 30956597 N1 - Soil Science Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Goru, MSU, 1-12, Moscow, 119992, Russian Federation Faculty of Geography, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Goru, MSU, 1-12, Moscow, 119992, Russian Federation Saint Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, ulitsa Institutskaya, 2, Pushchino, 142290, Russian Federation Dokuchaev Soil Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Pyzhevsky lane, 7, Moscow, 109017, Russian Federation Chuvash State Institute of Humanitarian Sciences, Moscow Avenue, 29, Cheboksary, Russian Federation Institute of Geography, Russian Academyof Sciences, Staromonetniy Pereulok 29, Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation Cited By :5 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Makeev, A.; Soil Science Faculty, Leninskie Goru, MSU, 1-12, Russian Federation; email: makeevao@gmail.com Funding details: Russian Science Foundation, RSF, 16-17-10280, 14-27-00133 Funding text 1: This research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 16-17-10280 ). Radiocarbon dating and phytolith analysis was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 14-27-00133 ). AB - Landscape response to the Late Holocene climatic cycles was studied on the base of detailed morphological, analytical and micro-biomorphic research of a soil buried under fortification earth wall of the Early Iron Age (around 2000 yr. B.P) and a surface soil. Both soils formed on similar surfaces with the same lithology (mantle loam underlain by calcareous loess), at the same elevation, and in close proximity to each other. The buried soil has a complete profile that was influenced by human activity prior to the burial and subjected to diagenesis after the burial. In addition, both soils (Retisols) show similar morphology and key analytical features indicating close similarity of the landscapes in the study area that existed in the Early Iron Age and those that are present nowadays. Micro-biomorphic assemblages (phytoliths, pollen, microbial genes) support this conclusion. Landscape stability at the southern fringe of the forest zone makes it possible to establish the northern limit of the wide belt, which stretches out from dry steppe to northern forest-steppe, where landscape shifts influenced by the Late Holocene climatic cycles occurred. The features of the diagnostic horizons of the studied Retisols are indicators of stability in the studied time/space range. The study of microbial genes, which was performed in the studied soils for the first time, showed that both content and taxonomic structure of soil microbial communities, are promising paleoclimatic proxies as well as a record of diagenetic changes in buried soils. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Szilágyi, Gábor AU - Náfrádi, Katalin AU - Sümegi, Pál TI - A preliminary chronological study to understand the construction phases of a Late Copper–Early Bronze Age kurgan (kunhalom) JF - CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY J2 - CENT EUR GEOL VL - 62 PY - 2019 IS - 1 SP - 27 EP - 55 PG - 29 SN - 1788-2281 DO - 10.1556/24.61.2018.11 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30413691 ID - 30413691 N1 - Import hibák 2019-01-29 10:46 {"M3":"doi: 10.1556/24.61.2018.11"} doi: 10.1556/24.61.2018.11 Cited By :1 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Szilágyi, G.; Department of Nature Protection, Sumen Utca 2, Hungary; email: szilagyigabor@hnp.hu Funding text 1: The authors would like to thank Balázs Pál Sümegi and Tünde Töro˝csik for assisting in the sedimentological and magnetic susceptibility measurements, as well as Dr. Dávid Gergely Pál for assisting in the geochemical measurements. They would also like to express their special thanks to the Hortobágy National Park Directorate for the financial support provided. AB - The aim of this study is to identify the milestones of landscape evolution around the Ecse Mound (Karcag-Kunmadaras, Hortobágy National Park, Hungary) in the Holocene period by sedimentological and malacological analysis of strata underneath and within the body of the kurgan concerned, including that of the same characteristics of the artificially piled layers. An undisturbed core drilling was carried out and the sedimentological properties of both the mound and of the substrate baserock were revealed, analysis of which has been supported by three radiocarbon (AMS) measurements. The baserock formation during the last phase of the Ice Age, Middle and Upper Pleniglacial, and Late Glacial phases was followed by soil development in the Holocene, while the mound was constructed in two phases at the end of the Copper Age by the communities of the Pit Grave (Yamna or Ochre Grave) Culture. By publishing these preliminary data, it is also intended to draw attention to the need of focused research efforts by standardized methodology in kurgan research, in order to make the results of different studies consistent and comparable. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Kaczorek, Danuta AU - Vrydaghs, Luc AU - Devos, Yannick AU - Pető, Ákos AU - Effland, William R. ED - Stoops, G ED - Marcelino, V ED - Mees, F TI - Biogenic Siliceous Features T2 - Interpretation of Micromorphological Features of Soils and Regoliths. 2nd ed. PB - Elsevier Science CY - Oxford CY - Amsterdam SN - 9780444635228 PY - 2018 SP - 157 EP - 176 PG - 20 DO - 10.1016/B978-0-444-63522-8.00007-3 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31780066 ID - 31780066 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Rákóczi, Attila TI - The Hungarian kurgans as part of the european landscape heritage JF - HUNGARIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT LAND USE BIODIVERSITY J2 - HUNG AGRIC RES VL - 2018 PY - 2018 IS - 2 SP - 14 EP - 19 PG - 5 SN - 1216-4526 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3401564 ID - 3401564 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Rákóczi, Attila TI - Újabb lépések a kunhalmok megőrzésében JF - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY J2 - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / J LANDSCAPE ECOL VL - 16 PY - 2018 IS - 1 SP - 1 EP - 11 PG - 11 SN - 1589-4673 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3398630 ID - 3398630 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Szilágyi, Gábor AU - Sümegi, Pál AU - Gulyás, Sándor AU - Molnár, Dávid TI - Revision of the Age of Construction Phases of a Mound Dated to the Late Copper–Early Bronze Age in Eastern Hungary Relying on 14C-Based Chronologies JF - RADIOCARBON J2 - RADIOCARBON VL - 60 PY - 2018 IS - 5 SP - 1403 EP - 1412 PG - 10 SN - 0033-8222 DO - 10.1017/RDC.2018.107 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30330204 ID - 30330204 N1 - University of Szeged, Department of Geology and Paleontology, Egyetem street 2, Szeged, H-6722, Hungary Hortobágyi National Park Directorate, Sumen street 2, Debrecen, H-4024, Hungary Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities Institute of Archaeology, Tóth Kálmán street 4, Budapest, 1097, Hungary Export Date: 12 February 2021 CODEN: RACAA Correspondence Address: Szilágyi, G.; University of Szeged, Egyetem street 2, Hungary; email: szilagyigabor@hnp.hu LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Tóth, Csaba Albert AU - Rákóczi, Attila AU - Tóth, Sándor TI - Protection of the State of Prehistoric Mounds in Hungary: Law as a Conservation Measure JF - CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES J2 - CONSERV MANAG ARCHAEOL SITES VL - 20 PY - 2018 IS - 3 SP - 113 EP - 142 PG - 30 SN - 1350-5033 DO - 10.1080/13505033.2018.1486125 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30309605 ID - 30309605 AB - According to the Act of 1996 on nature protection, mounds (kurgans) are natural monuments protected nationally in Hungary. According to the law, all kurgans in Hungary were to be surveyed by 2002, and 1692 were included in the cadastre. Fewer than half of the kurgans remained intact due to numerous anthropogenic impacts. A high number of disturbing artificial buildings together with soil erosion, soil removal, and afforestation have significantly reduced the landscape value of kurgans. In 2002, 51.5% of the surveyed kurgans still represented some kind of a value and thus their protection became one of the most urgent tasks of nature conservation and archaeology. According to a Hungarian ministerial decree, established on the basis of an EU Council decree, the area of kurgans under cultivation must be removed from cultivation. By 2015, in the area of 90% of the kurgans under cultivation this land use, which caused significant erosion, was terminated. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Baklanov, Szandra AU - Pető, Ákos AU - Tóth, Csaba Albert AU - Tóth, Albert AU - Barczi, Attila TI - Adatok a Bán-halom környezettörténeti és régészeti talajtani vizsgálatához JF - AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN J2 - AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN VL - 65 PY - 2016 IS - 2 SP - 207 EP - 223 PG - 17 SN - 0002-1873 DO - 10.1556/0088.2016.65.2.3 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3155942 ID - 3155942 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - BOOK AU - Bede, Ádám TI - Kurgánok a Körös–Maros vidékén... Kunhalmok tájrégészeti és tájökológiai vizsgálata a Tiszántúl középső részén. Kurgans in the land of the Körös and Maros rivers... Landscape archaeological and landscape ecological investigations on mounds in the central part of the Tiszántúl region, Hungary TS - Kurgans in the land of the Körös and Maros rivers... Landscape archaeological and landscape ecological investigations on mounds in the central part of the Tiszántúl region, Hungary ET - 0 PB - Magyar Természettudományi Társulat CY - Budapest PY - 2016 SP - 150 SN - 9786158062305 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3157998 ID - 3157998 N1 - Lektorálta Sümegi Pál, Tóth Albert, Szónoky Miklós LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Lengyel, Szabolcs AU - Wainwright-Déri, Eszter AU - Magura, Tibor TI - Species richness responses to structural or compositional habitat diversity between and within grassland patches: a multi-taxon approach JF - PLOS ONE J2 - PLOS ONE VL - 11 PY - 2016 IS - 2 PG - 20 SN - 1932-6203 DO - 10.1371/journal.pone.0149662 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3017416 ID - 3017416 AB - Habitat diversity (spatial heterogeneity within and between habitat patches in a landscape, HD) is often invoked as a driver of species diversity at small spatial scales. However, the effect of HD on species richness (SR) of multiple taxa is not well understood. We quantified HD and SR in a wet-dry gradient of open grassland habitats in Hortobagy National Park (E-Hungary) and tested the effect of compositional and structural factors of HD on SR of flowering plants, orthopterans, true bugs, spiders, ground beetles and birds. Our dataset on 434 grassland species (170 plants, 264 animals) showed that the wet-dry gradient (compositional HD at the between-patch scale) was primarily related to SR in orthopterans, ground-dwelling arthropods, and all animals combined. The patchiness, or plant association richness, of the vegetation (compositional HD at the within-patch scale) was related to SR of vegetation-dwelling arthropods, whereas vegetation height (structural HD at the withinpatch scale) was related to SR of ground-dwelling arthropods and birds. Patch area was related to SR only in birds, whereas management (grazing, mowing, none) was related to SR of plants and true bugs. All relationships between HD and SR were positive, indicating increasing SR with increasing HD. However, total SR was not related to HD because different taxa showed similar positive responses to different HD variables. Our findings, therefore, show that even though HD positively influences SR in a wide range of grassland taxa, each taxon responds to different compositional or structural measures of HD, resulting in the lack of a consistent relationship between HD and SR when taxon responses are pooled. The idiosyncratic responses shown here exemplify the difficulties in detecting general HDSR relationships over multiple taxa. Our results also suggest that management and restoration aimed specifically to sustain or increase the diversity of habitats are required to conserve biodiversity in complex landscapes. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - BOOK AU - Rákóczi, Attila TI - Kunhalmok és emberek az évezredek sodrában. A közös agrárpolitika tájvédelmi előírásainak hatásai a Békés megyei kunhalmok állapotára TS - A közös agrárpolitika tájvédelmi előírásainak hatásai a Békés megyei kunhalmok állapotára ET - 0 PB - Magyar Természettudományi Társulat CY - Budapest PY - 2016 SN - 9786158062312 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3157396 ID - 3157396 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Végvári, Zsolt AU - Valkó, Orsolya AU - Deák, Balázs AU - Török, Péter AU - Konyhás, S AU - Tóthmérész, Béla TI - Effects of land use and wildfires on the habitat selection of Great Bustard (Otis tarda L.) – Implications for species conservation JF - LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT J2 - LAND DEGRAD DEV VL - 27 PY - 2016 IS - 4 SP - 910 EP - 918 PG - 9 SN - 1085-3278 DO - 10.1002/ldr.2495 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2989355 ID - 2989355 N1 - Department of Conservation Zoology, University of Debrecen-Hortobágy National Park Directorate, Sumen utca 2, Debrecen, H-4024, Hungary MTA-DE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Research Group, Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1H-4032, Hungary University of Debrecen, Department of Ecology, Egyetem tér 1, Debrecen, H-4032, Hungary Hortobágy National Park Directorate, Sumen utca 2, Debrecen, H-4024, Hungary Cited By :18 Export Date: 17 June 2020 Correspondence Address: Deák, B.; MTA-DE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Research GroupHungary; email: debalazs@gmail.com LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Volkova, I N TI - Водоросли палеопочвы плейстоценовой лёссово-почвенной серии приобского плато [Paleosoil algoflora of pleistocene loess-soil series of Ob plateau] JF - Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change J2 - EDGCC VL - 7 PY - 2016 IS - 1 SP - 34 EP - 40 PG - 7 SN - 2218-4422 DO - 10.17816/edgcc7134-40 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32437244 ID - 32437244 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Bede, Ádám AU - Csathó, András István AU - Czukor, Péter AU - Sümegi, Pál TI - A hortobágyi Ecse-halom tájtörténete [The landscape historical study of the Ecse-halom kurgan in Hortobágy (Hungary)] JF - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY J2 - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / J LANDSCAPE ECOL VL - 13 PY - 2015 IS - 1 SP - 169 EP - 184 PG - 16 SN - 1589-4673 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2971671 ID - 2971671 N1 - Cited By :2 Export Date: 12 February 2021 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Bede, Ádám AU - B Salisbury, Roderick AU - Csathó, András István AU - Czukor, Péter AU - Páll, Dávid Gergely AU - Szilágyi, Gábor AU - Sümegi, Pál TI - Report of the complex geoarcheological survey at the Ecse-halom kurgan in Hortobágy, Hungary JF - CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY J2 - CENT EUR GEOL VL - 58 PY - 2015 IS - 3 SP - 268 EP - 289 PG - 22 SN - 1788-2281 DO - 10.1556/24.58.2015.3.5 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2977968 ID - 2977968 N1 - Móra Ferenc Museum, Roosevelt tér 1-3, Szeged, H-6720, Hungary Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, Vienna, Austria Institute of Ecology and Botany, MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Vácrátót, Hungary Department of Geology and Paleontology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary Hortobágy National Park Direct., Debrecen, Hungary Cited By :9 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Bede, Á.; Móra Ferenc Museum, Roosevelt tér 1-3, Hungary; email: bedeadam@gmail.com LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Parma, D. AU - Vejrostová, L. AU - Lisá, L. AU - Bajer, A. AU - Pacina, J. AU - Gottvald, Z. TI - Neolithic occupation of Svratka alluvial plain; case study from Brno-Přízřenice, Czech Republic JF - INTERDISCIPLINARIA ARCHAEOLOGICA - NATURAL SCIENCES IN ARCHAEOLOGY J2 - INTERDISCIP ARCHAEOL VL - 6 PY - 2015 IS - 2 SP - 181 EP - 193 PG - 13 SN - 1804-848X DO - 10.24916/iansa.2015.2.4 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31867570 ID - 31867570 N1 - Archaeological Heritage Institute Brno, Kaloudova 30, Brno, 614 00, Czech Republic Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Charles University in Prague, Albertov 6, Praha 2, 128 43, Czech Republic Institute of Geology, The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Rozvojová 269, Praha 6, 165 00, Czech Republic Department of Geology and Pedology, Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 3, Brno, 613 00, Czech Republic Department of Informatics and Geoinformatics, J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Králova výšina 7, Ústí nad Labem, 400 96, Czech Republic Cited By :6 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Lisá, L.; Institute of Geology, Rozvojová 269, Czech Republic; email: lisa@gli.cas.cz AB - The study of paleosols, including buried soil horizons, is one of the tools used for understanding the environmental record of the past. Soil development is influenced by climate, time of development, background geology, hydrological conditions and intensity of biological decomposition. Construction works undertaken from 2012 to 2013 in the locality of in Brno-Přízřenice, Czech Republic, situated in the inundation zone of the Svratka River, had uncovered some interesting situations in the context of the past occupation of this area. The more than 300-cm-thick section is mostly composed of alluvial deposits of the Svratka River; the base of the section is composed of stagnosols. Fluvisols were recorded in the upper part of the section and its uppermost part has signs of intensively-cultivated soil. In between these two types of soils, approximately 200 cm below the surface, a dark horizon representing “dark earth” was detected. The approximately 50-cm-thick dark horizon contains artefacts dated to the Neolithic, Eneolithic (Copper Age) and the Bronze Age. The locality is important for two main reasons. The first is its position in the alluvial zone. This part of the inundation zone was not flooded at least during the period between the end of the Neolithic and the beginning of the Bronze Age. This fact documents the changes in alluvial aggradations similar to that which we know from the Morava River. These changes are interpreted as being the consequence of human impact, or less likely due to climatic change. The second reason making this locality important is the appearance of the dark earth. The number and state of the archaeological remains preserved within this layer suggest the area’s long-term occupation and agricultural use with fertilization. © 2015, Archaeological Centre Olomouc. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Pető, Ákos AU - Serlegi, Gábor AU - Krausz, Edina AU - Jaeger, M AU - Kulcsár, Gabriella TI - Régészeti talajtani megfigyelések „Kakucs–Turján mögött” bronzkori lelőhelyen I. JF - AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN J2 - AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN VL - 64 PY - 2015 IS - 1 SP - 219 EP - 237 PG - 19 SN - 0002-1873 DO - 10.1556/0088.2015.64.1.16 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2914595 ID - 2914595 N1 - Hungarian National Museum, National Heritage Protection Centre, Laboratory for Conservation and Applied Research, Budapest, Hungary Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Humanities, Institute of Archaeology, Budapest, Hungary University of West Hungary, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Site Production Studies, Sopron, Hungary Adam Micki-ewicz University, Institute of European Culture, Poznañ, Poland Cited By :7 Export Date: 12 February 2021 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Tóth, Csaba Albert AU - Joó, K AU - Barczi, Attila ED - Lóczy, Dénes TI - Lyukas Mound: One of the Many Prehistoric Tumuli in the Great Plain T2 - Landscapes and Landforms of Hungary PB - Springer Netherlands CY - Cham SN - 9783319089966 T3 - World Geomorphological Landscapes, ISSN 2213-2090 PY - 2015 SP - 255 EP - 262 PG - 8 DO - 10.1007/978-3-319-08997-3_29 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2864005 ID - 2864005 N1 - Megjegyzés-27214435 Idézet a következő oldalon 258 AB - Burial, residential, watch and border mounds called collectively ”tumuli” (also ”Cumanian hillocks” or “kurgans”) have been under protection in Hungary since 1996. They are special man-made landmarks of the steppes of Eurasia, including the Great Hungarian Plain. From an archaeological point of view, in many cases they preserve valuable remains of one-time loess steppes, and through studying the buried soils, their stratigraphy, and palaeoecology new data can be obtained on the ancient environment, flora and soil formation in the past. The buried soil profiles under burial mounds are the messengers of ancient landscape-forming factors, soil processes and palaeobotanical patterns. Results from palaeopedology, soil micromorphology, palaeobotany (phytolith analysis and palynology) and archaeology are summarised in order to understand how tumuli were constructed and what their former palaeoenvironment was like. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Bede, Ádám AU - Csathó, András István AU - Czukor, Péter AU - Páll, Dávid Gergely AU - Sümegi, Balázs Pál AU - Náfrádi, Katalin AU - Szilágyi, Gábor AU - Sümegi, Pál TI - Preliminary results of an archaeometrical study of the Ecse-halom (kurgan) in Hortobágy, Hungary JF - ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY J2 - ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY VL - 11 PY - 2014 IS - 4 SP - 251 EP - 262 PG - 12 SN - 1786-271X UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2966379 ID - 2966379 N1 - Móra Ferenc Museum, Roosevelt tér 1-3., Szeged, H-6720, Hungary Department of Geology and Paleontology, University of Szeged, Egyetem utca 2., Szeged, H-6722, Hungary Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Alkotmány út 2-4., Vácrátót, H-2163, Hungary Institute of Archaeology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Úri utca 49., Budapest, H-1014, Hungary Hortobágy National Park Directorate, Sumen utca 2., Debrecen, H-4025, Hungary Cited By :1 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: BEDE, Á.; Móra Ferenc Museum, Roosevelt tér 1-3., Hungary; email: bedeadam@gmail.com LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Centeri, Csaba AU - Keller, Boglárka AU - Jakab, Gergely Imre AU - Kovács, József AU - Madarász, Balázs AU - Szabó, Judit Alexandra AU - Tóth, Adrienn AU - Gelencsér, G AU - Szalai, Zoltán AU - Vona, Márton ED - Margit, Aquila TI - State of soil carbon in Hungarian sites: loss, pool and management T2 - Soil carbon PB - Nova Science Publishers CY - New York, New York SN - 9781631174391 T3 - Environmental Health - Physical, Chemical and Biological Factors PY - 2014 SP - 91 EP - 117 PG - 27 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2570186 ID - 2570186 N1 - Szent Istvan University, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Applied and Environmental Geology, Budapest, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography, Budapest, Hungary Vox Vallis Development Association, Kossuth L. u., Hungary Abiotika Bt., Városmajor u. 10., Budapest, Hungary Szent Istvan University, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, Páter K.u. 1., Gödöllo, 2100, Hungary Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geographical Institute, Budaörsi út 45., Budapest, 1112, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Applied and Environmental Geology, Pazmány Péter sétány 1/C., Budapest, 1117, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography, Pazmány Péter sétány 1/C, Budapest, 1117, Hungary Vox Vallis Development Association, Kossuth L. u. 66., Törökkoppány, 7285, Hungary Abiotika Bt., Városmajor u.10., Budapest, H-1122, Hungary Cited By :2 Export Date: 24 October 2020 Correspondence Address: Centeri, C.; Szent Istvan University, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape EcologyHungary; email: Centeri.Csaba@kti.szie.hu Szent Istvan University, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Applied and Environmental Geology, Budapest, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography, Budapest, Hungary Vox Vallis Development Association, Kossuth L. u., Hungary Abiotika Bt., Városmajor u. 10., Budapest, Hungary Szent Istvan University, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, Páter K.u. 1., Gödöllo, 2100, Hungary Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geographical Institute, Budaörsi út 45., Budapest, 1112, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Applied and Environmental Geology, Pazmány Péter sétány 1/C., Budapest, 1117, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography, Pazmány Péter sétány 1/C, Budapest, 1117, Hungary Vox Vallis Development Association, Kossuth L. u. 66., Törökkoppány, 7285, Hungary Abiotika Bt., Városmajor u.10., Budapest, H-1122, Hungary Cited By :2 Export Date: 26 October 2020 Correspondence Address: Centeri, C.; Szent Istvan University, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape EcologyHungary; email: Centeri.Csaba@kti.szie.hu Szent Istvan University, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Applied and Environmental Geology, Budapest, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography, Budapest, Hungary Vox Vallis Development Association, Kossuth L. u., Hungary Abiotika Bt., Városmajor u. 10., Budapest, Hungary Szent Istvan University, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, Páter K.u. 1., Gödöllo, 2100, Hungary Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geographical Institute, Budaörsi út 45., Budapest, 1112, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Applied and Environmental Geology, Pazmány Péter sétány 1/C., Budapest, 1117, Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography, Pazmány Péter sétány 1/C, Budapest, 1117, Hungary Vox Vallis Development Association, Kossuth L. u. 66., Törökkoppány, 7285, Hungary Abiotika Bt., Városmajor u.10., Budapest, H-1122, Hungary Cited By :2 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Centeri, C.; Szent Istvan University, Hungary; email: Centeri.Csaba@kti.szie.hu LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Deák, Balázs AU - Valkó, Orsolya AU - Török, Péter AU - Tóthmérész, Béla TI - Solonetz meadow vegetation (Beckmannion eruciformis) in East-Hungary – an alliance driven by moisture and salinity JF - TUEXENIA J2 - TUEXENIA PY - 2014 IS - 34 SP - 187 EP - 203 PG - 17 SN - 0722-494X DO - 10.14471/2014.34.004 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2529713 ID - 2529713 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Krausz, Edina AU - Saláta, Dénes AU - Bidló, András AU - Pető, Ákos TI - Perkáta–Forrás-dűlő bronzkori földvár és környezetének tájhasználatintenzitás-vizsgálata. The historical landscape of the cikola watershed system. An analysis of landscape changes of Perkáta-Forás-dulo archaeological site and its surroundings TS - The historical landscape of the cikola watershed system. An analysis of landscape changes of Perkáta-Forás-dulo archaeological site and its surroundings JF - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY J2 - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / J LANDSCAPE ECOL VL - 12 PY - 2014 IS - 1 SP - 137 EP - 147 PG - 11 SN - 1589-4673 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2580810 ID - 2580810 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Lisztes-Szabó, Zsuzsa AU - Kovács, Szilvia AU - Pető, Ákos TI - Phytolith analysis of Poa pratensis (Poaceae) leaves JF - TURKISH JOURNAL OF BOTANY J2 - TURK J BOT VL - 38 PY - 2014 IS - 5 SP - 851 EP - 863 PG - 13 SN - 1300-008X DO - 10.3906/bot-1311-8 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2568652 ID - 2568652 N1 - http://www.doi.org/10.3906/bot-1311-12 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Nazarkina, A V AU - Belyanin, P S TI - Stages of the development of alluvial soils in the Bikin River valley (the Amur River basin) in the Middle and Late Holocene JF - EURASIAN SOIL SCIENCE J2 - EURASIAN SOIL SCI+ VL - 47 PY - 2014 IS - 5 SP - 381 EP - 391 PG - 11 SN - 1064-2293 DO - 10.1134/S1064229314050172 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25069286 ID - 25069286 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Rákóczi, Attila TI - A közös agrárpolitika tájvédelmi előírásainak konfliktusai a Békés megyei kunhalmok tekintetében JF - A FALU J2 - A FALU VL - 29 PY - 2014 IS - 1 SP - 41 EP - 49 PG - 9 SN - 0237-4323 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/24860062 ID - 24860062 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Rákóczi, Attila AU - Barczi, Attila TI - Védett tájelemek az Európai Unióban, a 73/2009 EK rendelet hatásai a magyar kunhalmok állapotára JF - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY J2 - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / J LANDSCAPE ECOL VL - 12 PY - 2014 IS - 1 SP - 95 EP - 105 PG - 11 SN - 1589-4673 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2708049 ID - 2708049 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Szilágyi, Gábor AU - Sümegi, Pál AU - Molnár, Dávid AU - Sávai, Szilvia TI - Mollusc-based paleoecological investigations of the Late Copper – Early Bronze Age earth mounds (kurgans) on the Great Hungarian Plain JF - CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES J2 - CENT EUR J GEOSCI VL - 5 PY - 2013 IS - 4 SP - 465 EP - 479 PG - 15 SN - 2081-9900 DO - 10.2478/s13533-012-0153-4 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2762800 ID - 2762800 N1 - Hortobágy National Park Directorate H-4024, Sumen u. 2., Debrecen, Hungary University of Szeged, Department of Geology and Palaeontology, P.O. Box: 658, H-6701 Szeged, Hungary Institute of Archaeology of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Úri u. 49., H-1014 Budapest, Hungary Cited By :13 Export Date: 12 February 2021 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Hejcman, M. AU - Součková, K. AU - Krištuf, P. AU - Peška, J. TI - What questions can be answered by chemical analysis of recent and paleosols from the Bell Beaker barrow (2500-2200BC), Central Moravia, Czech Republic? JF - QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL J2 - QUATERN INT VL - 316 PY - 2013 SP - 179 EP - 189 PG - 11 SN - 1040-6182 DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.06.014 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31867571 ID - 31867571 N1 - Department of Ecology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences, Kamýcká 129, CZ-165 21 Prague 6, Suchdol, Czech Republic Institute of Prehistory and Early History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Náměstí Jana Palacha 2, CZ-116 38 Prague 1, Czech Republic Department of Archaeology, University of West Bohemia, Sedláčkova 15, CZ-306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic Archaeological Centre Olomouc, U Hradiska 42/6, CZ-779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic Department of History, Palacký University, Křížkovského 10, CZ-771 80 Olomouc, Czech Republic Cited By :19 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Hejcman, M.; Czech University of Life Sciences, Kamýcká 1176, Prague, Czech Republic; email: hejcman@fzp.czu.cz Funding details: 20114208 Funding text 1: We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by projects OPVKCZ 1.07/2.4.00/17.0056 and by CIGA 20114208 . AB - Mehlich 3 (M3) is the universal extraction procedure used for the analysis of plant available concentrations of many elements in agricultural and forest soils. We used this method for archaeological soils. As a huge amount of M3 background data exists, it can be used for a wide spectrum of soils and enables extraction of many elements. Using M3 together with multivariate statistics, we demonstrated the range of questions that can be answered by analysing soils from a prehistoric barrow. In soil samples collected from different barrow layers and contemporary oak wood and arable soil controls, we determined pH, organic C and total N contents and M3 concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb. We used standardized Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to analyze the data.The dark layer beneath the barrow represented the Chernozem soil present on the site before the construction of the barrow. Natural concentrations of elements in this paleosol indicate that the area was not used for settlement, metallurgy or pottery production activities before establishment of the barrow. Chernozems were probably more widespread in the lowland regions of Central Europe in the Late Neolithic than they are today. The fertility of the paleo-Chernozem was similar to contemporary arable soil. Soil horizons characteristic of Albeluvisols and the gradual increase in soil pH and Ca concentrations with depth indicated the natural character of the barrow layers. In oak wood, Albeluvisols develop over a period longer than a century, as indicated by missing characteristic horizons in the grave pit excavated a century ago. Recent wood and arable soils were more contaminated by Pb and Cd than the paleosol, indicating modern Pb and Cd deposition.M3 extraction can be used as an international standard method for analysis of archaeological soils. Analysis of soil properties enables many questions to be answered, and therefore it should be an integral part of any archaeological research effort. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Pető, Ákos TI - Studying modern soil profiles of different landscape zones in Hungary: an attempt to establish a soil-phytolith identification key JF - QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL J2 - QUATERN INT VL - 287 PY - 2013 SP - 149 EP - 161 PG - 13 SN - 1040-6182 DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.02.049 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2198094 ID - 2198094 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Rákóczi, A TI - Egyedi tájértékeink védelme a kölcsönös megfeleltetés rendszerében JF - KITEKINTÉS - PERSPECTIVE: REVISTA DE STIINTA SI CULTURA J2 - PERSPECTIVE VL - 17 PY - 2013 IS - 19 SP - 127 EP - 133 PG - 7 SN - 1454-9921 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/23216764 ID - 23216764 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Rákóczi, Attila TI - Kurgans as landscape elements protected by the European Community JF - ECOTERRA: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PROTECTION J2 - ECOTERRA VL - 34 PY - 2013 SP - 7 EP - 12 PG - 6 SN - 1584-7071 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/24827008 ID - 24827008 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Saláta, Dénes AU - Pető, Ákos AU - Kenéz, Árpád AU - Geiger, Barbara AU - Horváth, S AU - Malatinszky, Ákos TI - Természettudományos módszerek alkalmazása tájtörténeti kutatásokban. Kisgombosi esettanulmány TS - Kisgombosi esettanulmány JF - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY J2 - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / J LANDSCAPE ECOL VL - 11 PY - 2013 IS - 1 SP - 67 EP - 88 PG - 22 SN - 1589-4673 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2444584 ID - 2444584 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Sherwood, Sarah C AU - Windingstad, Jason D AU - Barker, Alex W AU - O'Shea, John M AU - Sherwood, W Cullen TI - Evidence for Holocene Aeolian Activity at the Close of the Middle Bronze Age in the Eastern Carpathian Basin: Geoarchaeological Results from the Mure River Valley, Romania JF - GEOARCHAEOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL J2 - GEOARCHAEOLOGY VL - 28 PY - 2013 IS - 2 SP - 131 EP - 146 PG - 16 SN - 0883-6353 DO - 10.1002/gea.21434 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25663400 ID - 25663400 N1 - Cited By :4 Export Date: 12 February 2021 CODEN: GEOAE Correspondence Address: Sherwood, S.C.; Environmental Studies, , Sewanee, TN, United States; email: sherwood@sewanee.edu LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Balog, Kitti AU - Farsang, Andrea AU - M. Tóth, Tivadar TI - Használt hévíz szikkadás okozta talajtani változások. Esettanulmány egy dél-alföldi földcsatorna környezetében JF - AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN J2 - AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN VL - 61 PY - 2012 IS - 1 SP - 77 EP - 92 PG - 16 SN - 0002-1873 DO - 10.1556/Agrokem.60.2012.1.6 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1977123 ID - 1977123 N1 - Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem Termeszeti Foldrajzi Es Geoinformatikai Tanszek, Egyetem u. 2-6, 6722 Szeged, Hungary Szegedi Tudományegyetem Ásványtani, Geokémiai És Kozettani Tanszék, Szeged, Hungary Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Balog, K.; Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem Termeszeti Foldrajzi Es Geoinformatikai Tanszek, Egyetem u. 2-6, 6722 Szeged, Hungary LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Pető, Ákos AU - Kenéz, Árpád AU - Baklanov, Szandra AU - Ilon, G AU - Füleky, György TI - Talajtani paraméterek alkalmazása régészeti térhasználat elemzésben. Módszertani esettanulmány Győr–Ménfőcsanak-Szélesföldek lelőhelyről. JF - AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN J2 - AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN VL - 61 PY - 2012 IS - 1 SP - 57 EP - 76 PG - 20 SN - 0002-1873 DO - 10.1556/Agrokem.60.2012.1.5 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2059584 ID - 2059584 N1 - Megjegyzés-22883848 N1 MatarkaID=1804093 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Rákóczi, Attila TI - Egyedi tájértékeink, a gémeskutak hazai helyzete az Európai Uniós szabályozások tükrében. Örökség vagy átok? TS - Örökség vagy átok? JF - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY J2 - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / J LANDSCAPE ECOL VL - 10 PY - 2012 IS - 1 SP - 125 EP - 137 PG - 13 SN - 1589-4673 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2337964 ID - 2337964 AB - Kutatásunk célja egyik nemzeti értékünk, agrár-kultúrtörténeti emlékünk, a gémeskutak múltjának, jelenének áttekintése, valamint rávilágítani jövőbeni sorsának alakulására az Európai Unió új agrárszabályozási rendszerével, a kölcsönös megfeleltetéssel kapcsolatban. Munkánk során végigtekintjük a gémeskutak kialakulásának történeti hétterét, bemutatjuk, hogy az évszázadok során milyen kapcsolatuk alakult ki az emberi társadalommal. Alapvető funkciójukon kívül, kialakult a hírközlési, művészeti, és tájképi szerepük is. A XX. század végére a technikai fejlődés következtében azonban jelentőségük csökkent, és ezzel párhuzamosan a darabszámuk is visszaesett. Lassan eltűntek a magyar tájról, a magyar pusztáról. Ekkor azonban jelentős változás következett be az Európai Uniós, és így a magyar agrárszabályozásban, mivel 2010-től jogszabály által védendő tájképi elemmé nyilvánították a gémeskutakat, és így a kölcsönös megfeleltetés részévé váltak. Ehhez kapcsolódva a szabályozás betartásának ellenőrzéséhez ki kellett alakítani egy alapadatbázist. Ennek a lényege megállapítani, hogy az egykor nyilvántartott gémeskutak mekkora darabszámban, és milyen állapotban maradtak meg az új évezredre, a szabályozás időpontjára. Ezen folyamat során végigjártuk az egykor nyilvántartott gémeskutakat, és a látottak alapján négy kategóriába soroltuk őket. A kutatás azt az eredményt hozta, hogy Békés megyében az 1950-es években nyilvántartott 762 db gémeskútból, 2010-ben 520 db már nem található meg, 222 db gémeskút megrongálódott, illetve romos állapotban lelhető fel a nyilvántartott helyén. Mindösszesen 20 db olyan gémeskút van a megyében, melyet mind a mai napig használnak, és tökéletes, működőképes állapotban található meg. A vizsgálat összértékelése alapján a gazdálkodók nincsenek felkészülve az új szabályozásra. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Renco, M ED - Zhang, W J TI - The soil nematodes in natural and semi-natural grasslands and their use as bioindicators T2 - Grasslands: Types, Biodiversity and Impacts PB - Nova Science Publishers CY - [s.l.] SN - 9781614705550 T3 - Environmental Health - Physical, Chemical and Biological Factors PB - Nova Science Publishers PY - 2012 SP - 119 EP - 146 PG - 28 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/23802179 ID - 23802179 N1 - Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Renco, M.; Parasitological Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, , Hlinkova, Košice, Slovakia; email: renco@saske.sk Export Date: 13 April 2021 Correspondence Address: Renco, M.; Parasitological Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, , Hlinkova, Košice, Slovakia; email: renco@saske.sk LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Török, Péter AU - Kapocsi, I AU - Deák, Balázs ED - Zhang, W J TI - Conservation and management of alkali grassland biodiversity in Central-Europe T2 - Grasslands: Types, Biodiversity and Impacts PB - Nova Science Publishers CY - [s.l.] SN - 9781614705550 T3 - Environmental Health - Physical, Chemical and Biological Factors PY - 2012 SP - 109 EP - 118 PG - 10 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1449626 ID - 1449626 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Lorz, C AU - Saile, T TI - Anthropogenic pedogenesis of Chernozems in Germany? - A critical review JF - QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL J2 - QUATERN INT VL - 243 PY - 2011 IS - 2 SP - 273 EP - 279 PG - 7 SN - 1040-6182 DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2010.11.022 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/23216770 ID - 23216770 N1 - Cited By :33 Export Date: 12 February 2021 Correspondence Address: Lorz, C.; Department of Soil Science and Site Ecology, Pienner Str. 19, 01737 Tharandt, Germany; email: carsten.lorz@tu-dresden.de LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Magyari, Enikő Katalin TI - Late quaternary vegetation history in the Hortobágy steppe and Middle Tisza floodplain, NE Hungary JF - STUDIA BOTANICA HUNGARICA J2 - STUD BOT HUNG VL - 42 PY - 2011 SP - 185 EP - 203 PG - 19 SN - 0301-7001 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1846876 ID - 1846876 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Nyilas, Tünde AU - Czirbus, Nóra AU - Hetényi, Magdolna TI - Geochemical characterization of soils of slope sediments from calcic chernozem and red clay rendzina JF - NÖVÉNYTERMELÉS J2 - NÖVÉNYTERMELÉS VL - 60 PY - 2011 IS - Suppl.1 SP - 287 EP - 290 PG - 4 SN - 0546-8191 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1683747 ID - 1683747 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Pető, Ákos TI - Hazai talajszelvények fitolit morfotípus-diverzitása JF - AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN J2 - AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN VL - 60 PY - 2011 IS - 1 SP - 45 EP - 64 PG - 20 SN - 0002-1873 DO - 10.1556/Agrokem.60.2011.1.5 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2456575 ID - 2456575 N1 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1556/Agrokem.60.2011.1.5 Admin megjegyzés-24085522 tblsubtype: (name,DocTypeID) ('Hazai talajszelvények fitolit morfotípus-diverzitása',24) #Besorolás LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Pető, Ákos AU - Scott, Cummings L ED - Pető, Ákos ED - Barczi, Attila TI - Palaeovegetational reconstruction of the Hajdúnánás–Tedej–Lyukas-halom based on combined micropalaeobotanical analysis T2 - Kurgan studies PB - Archaeopress Publishing Ltd CY - Oxford SN - 9781407308029 T3 - British Archaeological Reports International series ; 2238. 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