@article{MTMT:31371798, title = {Artifical Intelligence in Cyberspace - Part 2. Realizing Cyber Attacks with AI}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31371798}, author = {Fehér, András Tibor}, journal-iso = {AM J RES EDU DEV}, journal = {AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT}, volume = {2019}, unique-id = {31371798}, issn = {2471-9986}, abstract = {The Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter called AI) technology, has many many uses. Here we introduce some concrete examples of AI-based cyber-attacks. In the first part of this article we look at the expected AI-based cyberattack directions, and in the third part we will look at AI cyber defense options. We show that since AI has become inevitable, the realistic and practical way of applying the technology in the Hungarian Defense Forces must be constantly reconsidered.}, year = {2019}, pages = {27-41}, orcid-numbers = {Fehér, András Tibor/0000-0002-8060-9056} } @book{MTMT:2780016, title = {Kutatásmódszertan}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2780016}, isbn = {9789630894951}, author = {Rikk, János}, publisher = {Szerzői kiadás}, unique-id = {2780016}, year = {2014}, orcid-numbers = {Rikk, János/0000-0002-3846-6661} } @article{MTMT:1285028, title = {A megfigyelés és információgyűjtés múltja, jelene és jövője}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1285028}, author = {Négyesi, Imre}, journal-iso = {SZAKMAI SZEMLE}, journal = {SZAKMAI SZEMLE: A KATONAI NEMZETBIZTONSÁGI SZOLGÁLAT TUDOMÁNYOS-SZAKMAI FOLYÓIRATA}, volume = {7}, unique-id = {1285028}, issn = {1785-1181}, year = {2009}, pages = {35-50}, orcid-numbers = {Négyesi, Imre/0000-0003-1144-1912} } @article{MTMT:1285004, title = {Az információgyűjtés jövőképe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1285004}, author = {Négyesi, Imre}, journal-iso = {HADTUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE}, journal = {HADTUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE}, volume = {1}, unique-id = {1285004}, issn = {2676-9816}, year = {2008}, eissn = {2060-0437}, pages = {95-100}, orcid-numbers = {Négyesi, Imre/0000-0003-1144-1912} }