@article{MTMT:32580789, title = {Factors effecting female startuppers in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32580789}, author = {Kézai, Petra Kinga and Konczosné Szombathelyi, Márta}, doi = {10.14254/2071-789X.2021/14-4/11}, journal-iso = {ECON SOCIOL}, journal = {ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY}, volume = {14}, unique-id = {32580789}, issn = {2071-789X}, abstract = {The present paper focuses on female startup founders in Hungary. Numerous studies examine female entrepreneurship, but the topic of female startups is a less explored area. The research was carried out in two stages: at first in 2019 through an online survey and in-depth interviews, and then in May 2021 with in-depth interviews due to the delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Mixed research methodology was used and comprised of an online questionnaire administered in startup-themed closed social media groups (n=113) and in-depth interviews among experts and members of the ecosystem (n=7+7). The aim was to conclude how potential female startup founders could be encouraged and what form of support should be given to them, as well as to explore the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on female startup entrepreneurs. The results show that 70 percent of respondents have their own business, these were set up by both sexes between the ages of 24 and 35. The respondents mostly use equity when starting their businesses. Although the proportion of women among startup founders is very low, a positive entrepreneurial attitude can be observed among them. The startup ecosystem is centralised in Hungary; it is only emerging in some major university cities outside the capital. The strengthening role of startup communities and social media is unquestionable. Furthermore, the results reveal limiting factors, especially complex ones hindering female start-ups, which can typically be traced back to family and social reasons. To overcome these obstacles governments should continue facilitating startup development. The pandemic was considered as an opportunity to promote new ideas and features, concentrate on design and fine-tune their startup businesses. Keywords: female start-uppers, entrepreneurship, Hungarian start-up ecosystem, inhibitory and encouraging factors, impact of COVID-19}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2306-3459}, pages = {186-203}, orcid-numbers = {Kézai, Petra Kinga/0000-0001-5427-0127; Konczosné Szombathelyi, Márta/0000-0001-5248-7752} }