@article{MTMT:31394000, title = {In-Process Monitoring of Changing Dynamics of a Thin-Walled Component During Milling Operation by Ball Shooter Excitation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31394000}, author = {Bachrathy, Dániel and Kiss, Ádám and Kossa, Attila and Berezvai, Szabolcs and Hajdu, Dávid and Stépán, Gábor}, doi = {10.3390/jmmp4030078}, journal-iso = {J MANUF MATER PROC}, journal = {JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING}, volume = {4}, unique-id = {31394000}, year = {2020}, eissn = {2504-4494}, orcid-numbers = {Bachrathy, Dániel/0000-0003-1491-1852; Kiss, Ádám/0000-0002-7074-4553; Kossa, Attila/0000-0003-3638-3237; Berezvai, Szabolcs/0000-0002-6399-583X; Hajdu, Dávid/0000-0003-0692-2906; Stépán, Gábor/0000-0003-0309-2409} } @article{MTMT:3313781, title = {Numerical and experimental investigation of the applicability of pellet impacts for impulse excitation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3313781}, author = {Berezvai, Szabolcs and Kossa, Attila and Bachrathy, Dániel and Stépán, Gábor}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2018.01.006}, journal-iso = {INT J IMPACT ENG}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING}, volume = {115}, unique-id = {3313781}, issn = {0734-743X}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1879-3509}, pages = {19-31}, orcid-numbers = {Berezvai, Szabolcs/0000-0002-6399-583X; Kossa, Attila/0000-0003-3638-3237; Bachrathy, Dániel/0000-0003-1491-1852; Stépán, Gábor/0000-0003-0309-2409} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:3413654, title = {Ball shooting tests for identification of modal parameter variation in rotating main spindles}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3413654}, author = {Takács, Dénes and Wohlfart, R and Miklós, Ákos and Krajnyak, G and Tóth, András and Stépán, Gábor}, booktitle = {8th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting}, doi = {10.1016/j.procir.2018.08.260}, unique-id = {3413654}, year = {2018}, pages = {481-484}, orcid-numbers = {Takács, Dénes/0000-0003-1226-8613; Miklós, Ákos/0000-0002-8393-0443; Tóth, András/0000-0002-0129-5467; Stépán, Gábor/0000-0003-0309-2409} } @article{MTMT:3055117, title = {Robust stability analysis of machining operations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3055117}, author = {Hajdu, Dávid and Insperger, Tamás and Stépán, Gábor}, doi = {10.1007/s00170-016-8715-0}, journal-iso = {INT J ADV MANUFACT TECHNOL}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY}, volume = {88}, unique-id = {3055117}, issn = {0268-3768}, year = {2017}, eissn = {1433-3015}, pages = {45-54}, orcid-numbers = {Hajdu, Dávid/0000-0003-0692-2906; Insperger, Tamás/0000-0001-7518-9774; Stépán, Gábor/0000-0003-0309-2409} }