@article{MTMT:32552500, title = {Early medieval finds from the delta of the Don. An attempt at identifying the earliest group of the masque type belt mounts in the Eastern European steppe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32552500}, author = {Gulyás, Bence and Somogyi, Péter and Nikita, Iudin}, doi = {10.1556/0208.2021.00009}, journal-iso = {ARCHAEOL ERT (BP)}, journal = {ARCHAEOLOGIAI ÉRTESÍTŐ (BUDAPEST)}, volume = {146}, unique-id = {32552500}, issn = {0003-8032}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1589-486X}, pages = {155-168}, orcid-numbers = {Gulyás, Bence/0000-0002-7682-2065} } @inbook{MTMT:32208010, title = {Settlement research of the 5th century in the core of the Hunnic Empire: a chronological and stylistic approach}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32208010}, author = {Masek, Zsófia}, booktitle = {Attila's Europe?}, unique-id = {32208010}, year = {2021}, pages = {361-388}, orcid-numbers = {Masek, Zsófia/0000-0002-9006-5806} } @article{MTMT:30778291, title = {Pure gold with poor workmanship – Some unusual pieces of polychrome metalwork from the 5th-century Carpathian Basin}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30778291}, author = {Horváth, Eszter and Mozgai, Viktória and Bajnóczi, Bernadett}, journal-iso = {ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY}, journal = {ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY}, volume = {16}, unique-id = {30778291}, issn = {1786-271X}, year = {2019}, pages = {43-56}, orcid-numbers = {Bajnóczi, Bernadett/0000-0003-0006-7611} } @article{MTMT:30738478, title = {Application of a laboratory micro-X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku DMAX rapid II) in the archaeometric analysis of archaeological artefacts – Case studies of metal objects}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30738478}, author = {Mozgai, Viktória and Bajnóczi, Bernadett and Mráv, Zsolt and Kovacsóczy, Bernadett and Tóth, Mária}, journal-iso = {ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY}, journal = {ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY}, volume = {16}, unique-id = {30738478}, issn = {1786-271X}, year = {2019}, pages = {29-42}, orcid-numbers = {Mozgai, Viktória/0000-0001-9712-2773; Bajnóczi, Bernadett/0000-0003-0006-7611} } @inbook{MTMT:3397972, title = {Die kulturellen Beziehungen der hunnenzeitlichen Eliten im östlichen Mitteldonaugebiet am Beispiel der einglättverzierten Drehscheibenkeramik}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3397972}, author = {Masek, Zsófia}, booktitle = {Macht des Goldes, Gold der Macht : Herrschafts- und Jenseitsrepräsentation zwischen Antike und Frühmittelalter im mittleren Donauraum}, unique-id = {3397972}, year = {2013}, pages = {229-251}, orcid-numbers = {Masek, Zsófia/0000-0002-9006-5806} } @inbook{MTMT:2342525, title = {Princely Graves of the Hun Age in the Great Hungarian Plain}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2342525}, author = {Istvánovits, Eszter and Kulcsár, Valéria}, booktitle = {De l'âge du fer au haut Moyen âge: archéologie funéraire, princes et élites guerrières}, unique-id = {2342525}, year = {2006}, pages = {251-256}, orcid-numbers = {Kulcsár, Valéria/0000-0003-4351-9227} }