@article{MTMT:31603729, title = {Multicausal analysis on psychosocial and lifestyle factors among patients undergoing assisted reproductive therapy – with special regard to self-reported and objective measures of pre-treatment habitual physical activity}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31603729}, author = {Prémusz, Viktória and Makai, Alexandra and Bánkyné Perjés, Beatrix and Máté, Orsolya and Hock, Márta and Ács, Pongrác and Koppán, Miklós and Bódis, József and Várnagy, Ákos and Lampek, Kinga}, doi = {10.1186/s12889-020-09522-7}, journal-iso = {BMC PUBLIC HEALTH}, journal = {BMC PUBLIC HEALTH}, volume = {21}, unique-id = {31603729}, issn = {1471-2458}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1471-2458}, orcid-numbers = {Prémusz, Viktória/0000-0002-4059-104X; Makai, Alexandra/0000-0002-1907-120X; Máté, Orsolya/0000-0003-4778-3519; Ács, Pongrác/0000-0002-4999-7345} } @article{MTMT:31361924, title = {Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire among healthy Hungarian adults}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31361924}, author = {Ács, Pongrác and Betlehem, József and Oláh, András and Barbara, Bergier and Morvay-Sey, Kata Ilona and Makai, Alexandra and Prémusz, Viktória}, doi = {10.1186/s12889-020-08477-z}, journal-iso = {BMC PUBLIC HEALTH}, journal = {BMC PUBLIC HEALTH}, volume = {20}, unique-id = {31361924}, issn = {1471-2458}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1471-2458}, orcid-numbers = {Ács, Pongrác/0000-0002-4999-7345; Betlehem, József/0000-0002-4526-4910; Morvay-Sey, Kata Ilona/0000-0001-5468-9358; Makai, Alexandra/0000-0002-1907-120X; Prémusz, Viktória/0000-0002-4059-104X} } @article{MTMT:31361927, title = {Measurement of public health benefits of physical activity: Validity and reliability study of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire in Hungary. Validity and reliability study of the international physical activity questionnaire in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31361927}, author = {Ács, Pongrác and Betlehem, József and Oláh, András and Józef, Bergier and Melczer, Csaba and Prémusz, Viktória and Makai, Alexandra}, doi = {10.1186/s12889-020-08508-9}, journal-iso = {BMC PUBLIC HEALTH}, journal = {BMC PUBLIC HEALTH}, volume = {20}, unique-id = {31361927}, issn = {1471-2458}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1471-2458}, orcid-numbers = {Ács, Pongrác/0000-0002-4999-7345; Betlehem, József/0000-0002-4526-4910; Melczer, Csaba/0000-0002-8197-0572; Prémusz, Viktória/0000-0002-4059-104X; Makai, Alexandra/0000-0002-1907-120X} } @article{MTMT:3367774, title = {A sporttal, testmozgással összefüggésben lévő mutatók változása Magyarországon és az Európai Unióban az elmúlt évek eredményeinek nyomán}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3367774}, author = {Ács, Pongrác and Prémusz, Viktória and Morvay-Sey, Kata Ilona and Kovács, Antal and Makai, Alexandra and Elbert, Gábor}, journal-iso = {SPORT- ÉS EGÉSZSÉGTUD FÜZ}, journal = {SPORT- ÉS EGÉSZSÉGTUDOMÁNYI FÜZETEK}, volume = {2}, unique-id = {3367774}, issn = {2560-0680}, year = {2018}, eissn = {2560-1210}, pages = {61-76}, orcid-numbers = {Ács, Pongrác/0000-0002-4999-7345; Prémusz, Viktória/0000-0002-4059-104X; Morvay-Sey, Kata Ilona/0000-0001-5468-9358; Makai, Alexandra/0000-0002-1907-120X} } @article{MTMT:1704865, title = {A fittség (m)értéke. A fizikai inaktivitás nemzetgazdasági terhei Magyarországon}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1704865}, author = {Ács, Pongrác and Hécz, Roland and Paár, Dávid and Stocker, Miklós}, journal-iso = {KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE}, journal = {KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE}, volume = {58}, unique-id = {1704865}, issn = {0023-4346}, keywords = {fizikai inaktivitás gazdasági terhei; sportközgazdaságtan}, year = {2011}, pages = {689-708}, orcid-numbers = {Ács, Pongrác/0000-0002-4999-7345; Paár, Dávid/0000-0002-4643-933X; Stocker, Miklós/0000-0003-2670-6717} }