@article{MTMT:32406784, title = {Focused wave interactions with floating structures: a blind comparative study}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32406784}, author = {Ransley, Edward J. and Brown, Scott A. and Hann, Martyn and Greaves, Deborah M. and Windt, Christian and Ringwood, John and Davidson, Joshua Patrick and Schmitt, Pal and Yan, Shiqiang and Wang, Junxian X. and Wang, Jinghua H. and Ma, Qingwei and Xie, Zhihua and Giorgi, Giuseppe and Hughes, Jack and Williams, Alison and Masters, Ian and Lin, Zaibin and Chen, Hao and Qian, Ling and Ma, Zhihua and Chen, Qiang and Ding, Haoyu and Zang, Jun and van Rij, Jennifer and Yu, Yi-Hsiang and Li, Zhaobin and Bouscasse, Benjamin and Ducrozet, Guillaume and Bingham, Harry}, doi = {10.1680/jencm.20.00006}, journal-iso = {P I CIVIL ENG-ENG COMPUT MECH}, journal = {PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-ENGINEERING AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS}, volume = {174}, unique-id = {32406784}, issn = {1755-0777}, abstract = {YThe paper presents results from the Collaborative Computational Project in Wave Structure Interaction (CCP-WSI) Blind Test Series 2. Without prior access to the physical data, participants, with numerical methods ranging from low-fidelity linear models to fully non-linear Navier-Stokes (NS) solvers, simulate the interaction between focused wave events and two separate, taut-moored, floating structures: a hemispherical-bottomed cylinder and a cylinder with a moonpool. The 'blind' numerical predictions for heave, surge, pitch and mooring load, are compared against physical measurements. Dynamic time warping is used to quantify the predictive capability of participating methods. In general, NS solvers and hybrid methods give more accurate predictions; however, heave amplitude is predicted reasonably well by all methods; and a WEC-Sim implementation, with CFD-informed viscous terms, demonstrates comparable predictive capability to even the stronger NS solvers. Large variations in the solutions are observed (even among similar methods), highlighting a need for standardisation in the numerical modelling of WSI problems.}, keywords = {Fluid mechanics; hydraulics & hydrodynamics; Offshore engineering}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1755-0785}, pages = {46-61}, orcid-numbers = {Schmitt, Pal/0000-0001-8455-952X; Xie, Zhihua/0000-0002-5180-8427; Giorgi, Giuseppe/0000-0002-1649-9438; Williams, Alison/0000-0002-2494-1468; Chen, Hao/0000-0002-0652-3297; Ducrozet, Guillaume/0000-0002-5937-4504; Bingham, Harry/0000-0002-7263-442X} } @article{MTMT:31493004, title = {A Blind Comparative Study of Focused Wave Interactions with Floating Structures (CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31493004}, author = {Ransley, Edward and Yan, Shiqiang and Brown, Scott and Hann, Martyn and Graham, David and Windt, Christian and Schmitt, Pal and Davidson, Joshua Patrick and Ringwood, John and Musiedlak, Pierre-Henri and Wang, Jinghua and Wang, Junxian and Ma, Qingwei and Xie, Zhihua and Zhang, Ningbo and Zheng, Xing and Giorgi, Giuseppe and Chen, Hao and Lin, Zaibin and Qian, Ling and Ma, Zhihua and Bai, Wei and Chen, Qiang and Zang, Jun and Ding, Haoyu and Cheng, Lin and Zheng, Jinhai and Gu, Hanbin and Gong, Xiwu and Liu, Zhenghao and Zhuang, Yuan and Wan, Decheng and Bingham, Harry and Greaves, Deborah}, doi = {10.17736/ijope.2020.jc774}, journal-iso = {INT J OFFSHORE POLAR}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING}, volume = {30}, unique-id = {31493004}, issn = {1053-5381}, abstract = {Results from the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3 are presented. Participants, with numerical methods, ranging from low-fidelity linear models to high-fidelity Navier-Stokes (NS) solvers, simulate the interaction between focused waves and floating structures without prior access to the physical data. The waves are crest-focused NewWaves with various crest heights. Two structures are considered: a hemispherical-bottomed buoy and a truncated cylinder with a moon-pool; both are taut-moored with one linear spring mooring. To assess the predictive capability of each method, numerical results for heave, surge, pitch, and mooring load are compared against corresponding physical data. In general, the NS solvers appear to predict the behaviour of the structures better than the linearised methods, but there is considerable variation in the results (even between similar methods). Recommendations are made for future comparative studies and development of numerical modelling standards.}, keywords = {SURGE; PITCH; PIC; CFD; Cylinder; Wave energy converter; Code comparison; numerical validation; linear potential theory; nonlinear Froude-Krylov; hybrid codes; moonpool; heave; mooring load}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1053-5381}, pages = {1-10}, orcid-numbers = {Yan, Shiqiang/0000-0001-8968-6616; Schmitt, Pal/0000-0001-8455-952X; Davidson, Joshua Patrick/0000-0001-5966-4272; Xie, Zhihua/0000-0002-5180-8427; Ma, Zhihua/0000-0002-2426-3038} } @article{MTMT:31491414, title = {CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3: CFD-Based Numerical Wave Tank Experiments Employing an Impulse Source Wave Maker}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31491414}, author = {Windt, Christian and Ringwood, John V and Davidson, Joshua Patrick and Schmitt, Pal}, doi = {10.17736/ijope.2020.jc775}, journal-iso = {INT J OFFSHORE POLAR}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING}, volume = {30}, unique-id = {31491414}, issn = {1053-5381}, abstract = {During the development and optimisation of wave energy converters, numerical wave tanks are useful tools, providing detailed insight into the hydrodynamic performance of devices. Specifically, computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based numerical wave tanks (CNWTs) can deliver high-fidelity, high-resolution results for a wide range of test conditions. However, CNWTs come at significant computational cost and require more man-hours during model setup, compared to lower-fidelity, frequency domain-based models. The computational costs can only be significantly decreased by improving the numerical solvers or by increasing expenditure on computational power. The required man-hours for the model setup, however, can be reduced by streamlining the setup of CNWTs. To this end, the formulation of best-practice guidelines can expedite this streamlining. A step toward such best-practice guidelines is blind tests. This paper presents the CNWT used for the authors' contribution to the Collaborative Computational Project in Wave-Structure Interaction (CCP-WSI) Blind Test Series 3. In the employed numerical wave tanks, a self-calibrating impulse source wave maker is implemented for wave generation. In addition to the numerical results, and the comparison with the recently disclosed experimental data, the paper presents the spatial and temporal convergence studies, as well as results for the numerical wave maker calibration. The numerical results show average deviations with the experimental data of less than 10%. Furthermore, a correlation between the accuracy of the numerical replication of the wave and the agreement between numerical and experimental device motion is highlighted.}, keywords = {Wave energy; CFD; OpenFOAM; RANS; Numerical wave tank; CCP-WSI Blind Test; impulse wave maker}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1053-5381}, pages = {28-35}, orcid-numbers = {Davidson, Joshua Patrick/0000-0001-5966-4272} } @article{MTMT:31737915, title = {Wave-structure interaction of wave energy converters: a sensitivity analysis}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31737915}, author = {Windt, Christian and Davidson, Joshua Patrick and Schmitt, Pal and Ringwood, John V}, doi = {10.1680/jencm.19.00033}, journal-iso = {P I CIVIL ENG-ENG COMPUT MECH}, journal = {PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-ENGINEERING AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS}, volume = {173}, unique-id = {31737915}, issn = {1755-0777}, abstract = {Measurement uncertainties are inevitable during physical wave tank tests. Therefore, when validating a numerical wave tank against experiments, knowledge of the uncertainties in the physical experiments, and the sensitivity of the body dynamics to such uncertainties, is crucial. Specifically, the inertial properties, as well as the location of the centre of mass (CoM), which are challenging to measure accurately, can have a significant influence on the system dynamics. On the basis of test cases of the Collaborative Computational Project in Wave Structure Interaction Blind Test Series 2, this paper presents a sensitivity analysis of the agreement between experimental and numerical data sets to the quality of the incident, focused wave, as well as the inertial properties and the location of the CoM. A significant influence on the modelled system dynamics can be observed when changing the system parameters, resulting in a variation of the observed error of up to 80 percentage points for pitch motion.}, keywords = {Renewable energy; hydraulics & hydrodynamics; Offshore engineering}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1755-0785}, pages = {144-158}, orcid-numbers = {Schmitt, Pal/0000-0001-8455-952X} } @article{MTMT:31011444, title = {Evaluation of the overset grid method for control studies of wave energy converters in OpenFOAM numerical wave tanks}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31011444}, author = {Windt, Christian and Davidson, Joshua Patrick and Chandar, Dominic D. J. and Faedo, Nicolás and Ringwood, John V.}, doi = {10.1007/s40722-019-00156-5}, journal-iso = {J OCEAN ENG MAR ENERGY}, journal = {JOURNAL OF OCEAN ENGINEERING AND MARINE ENERGY}, volume = {5}, unique-id = {31011444}, issn = {2198-6452}, year = {2019}, eissn = {2198-6452}, pages = {55-70} } @article{MTMT:30975744, title = {On the Assessment of Numerical Wave Makers in CFD Simulations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30975744}, author = {Windt, Christian and Davidson, Joshua Patrick and Schmitt, Pál and Ringwood, John}, doi = {10.3390/jmse7020047}, journal-iso = {J MAR SCI ENG}, journal = {JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING}, volume = {7}, unique-id = {30975744}, year = {2019}, eissn = {2077-1312} } @article{MTMT:31869274, title = {High-fidelity numerical modelling of ocean wave energy systems: A review of computational fluid dynamics-based numerical wave tanks}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31869274}, author = {Windt, Christian and Davidson, Joshua Patrick and Ringwood, John V.}, doi = {10.1016/j.rser.2018.05.020}, journal-iso = {RENEW SUST ENERG REV}, journal = {RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS}, volume = {93}, unique-id = {31869274}, issn = {1364-0321}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1879-0690}, pages = {610-630} }