@article{MTMT:31656762, title = {Technical characteristics of global navigation satellite systems and their role in precision agriculture}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31656762}, author = {Barna, Róbert and Tóth, Katalin and Nagy, Mónika Zita and Solymosi, Kristóf János}, doi = {10.17700/jai.2020.11.1.573}, journal-iso = {AGRÁRINFORMATIKA / AGRICULT INFORM}, journal = {AGRÁRINFORMATIKA / JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL INFORMATICS}, volume = {11}, unique-id = {31656762}, issn = {2061-862X}, keywords = {GPS; precision agriculture; measuring; GNSS; Galileo}, year = {2020}, pages = {52-66}, orcid-numbers = {Barna, Róbert/0000-0003-3578-2180} } @article{MTMT:30982665, title = {The Development of Vegetation Indices: a Short Overview}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30982665}, author = {Solymosi, Kristóf János and Kövér, György and Romvári, Róbert}, doi = {10.31914/aak.2264}, journal-iso = {ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSV}, journal = {ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVÁRIENSIS}, volume = {23}, unique-id = {30982665}, issn = {1418-1789}, abstract = {Vegetation indices computed from remote sensing data became key components of agricultural monitoring and assessment. With the help of these indices, the difference of vegetational and other land covers can be contrasted and many useful and applicable data can be gathered ranging from vegetation health to growth dynamics among others. In recent decades, starting from the first Landsat satellite, a huge number of VIs were developed in order to be able to effectively monitor vegetation – the reason for the immense number is due to the fact that every sensor, topographic, geographic, vegetative and atmospheric feature is different, and more so are their combinations. This is the reason why there is no unified spectral band mathematical formula. The aim of this short overview is to provide the reader insight of the main vegetation indices (VIs) that have been used in scientific literature and their development over the last 40 years}, keywords = {NDVI; vegetation indices; SAVI; VIs,; soil line; ARVI; GEMI; VDVI}, year = {2019}, pages = {75-90} } @inbook{MTMT:3425670, title = {A területi tőke néhány ökonómiai és ökológiai tényezője a Koppányvölgy Natúrpark településein}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3425670}, author = {Horváthné Kovács, Bernadett and Gelencsér, Géza and Mezei, Cecília}, booktitle = {Tanulmányok Kerekes Sándor 70. születésnapja tiszteletére}, unique-id = {3425670}, year = {2018}, pages = {269-284}, orcid-numbers = {Horváthné Kovács, Bernadett/0000-0002-2038-6428; Mezei, Cecília/0000-0003-2109-2293} } @book{MTMT:3231592, title = {A precíziós szántóföldi növénytermesztés összehasonlító vizsgálata}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3231592}, isbn = {9789634916017}, author = {Gaál, Márta and Kiss, Andrea and Péter, Krisztina and Sulyok, Dénes and Takácsné György, Katalin and Domán, Csaba and Vörös-Illés, Ivett and Keményné Horváth, Zsuzsanna}, doi = {10.7896/ak1703}, editor = {Kemény, Gábor and Lámfalusi, Ibolya and Molnár, András}, publisher = {Agrárközgazdasági Intézet Nonprofit Kft}, unique-id = {3231592}, year = {2017} } @article{MTMT:31293578, title = {Young Farmers and Sustainable Development}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31293578}, author = {Privóczki, Zoltán István and Borbély, Csaba and Bodnár, Károly}, doi = {10.14232/rard.2017.1-2.113-117}, journal-iso = {REV AGRICULT RURAL DEVELOP}, journal = {REVIEW ON AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT}, volume = {6}, unique-id = {31293578}, issn = {2063-4803}, year = {2017}, eissn = {2677-0792}, pages = {113-117}, orcid-numbers = {Bodnár, Károly/0000-0003-1328-8253} }