TY - JOUR AU - Hrabovszki, Ervin AU - Tóth, Emese AU - Raucsik, Béla AU - Raucsikné Varga, Andrea Beáta AU - Schubert, Félix TI - A BAF–2 fúrás töréses szerkezeti elemeinek mikroszerkezeti és cementáció vizsgálata (Bodai Agyagkő Formáció) [Microstructure and cementation analyses on core samples from the BAF–2 well (Boda Claystone Formation, Mecsek Mts)] JF - FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY J2 - FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY VL - 147 PY - 2017 IS - 3 SP - 245 EP - 264 PG - 20 SN - 0015-542X DO - 10.23928/foldt.kozl.2017.147.3.245 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3325607 ID - 3325607 N1 - Export Date: 2 December 2022 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Máthé, Zoltán AU - Raucsikné Varga, Andrea Beáta TI - "Ízesítő" a permi Bodai Agyagkő Formáció őskörnyezeti rekonstrukciójához: kősó utáni pszeudomorfózák a BAT-4 fúrás agyagkőmintáiban JF - FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY J2 - FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY VL - 142 PY - 2012 IS - 2 SP - 201 EP - 204 PG - 4 SN - 0015-542X UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2008179 ID - 2008179 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - THES AU - Halász, Amadé TI - A Bodai Aleurolit Formáció ciklussztratigráfiai vizsgálata PY - 2011 SP - 134 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1698407 ID - 1698407 N1 - Megjegyzés-21375531 PTE TTK Földtudományok Doktori Iskola, Pécs LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Konrád, Gyula AU - Sebe, Krisztina AU - Halász, Amadé AU - Babinszki, Edit TI - Sedimentology of a Permian playa lake: the Boda Claystone Formation, Hungary JF - GEOLOGOS J2 - GEOLOGOS VL - 16 PY - 2010 IS - 1 SP - 27 EP - 41 PG - 15 SN - 1426-8981 DO - 10.2478/v10118-010-0002-1 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1348919 ID - 1348919 N1 - Megjegyzés-26146060 DOI: 10.2478/v10118-010-0002-1 AB - The Upper Permian Boda Claystone Formation (BCF) in SW Hungary has been previously been identified as a saline lake deposit. A country-wide screening found this 800–1000 m thick succession the most suitable for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste in Hungary, and research into this formation has consequently been intensified since. The investigations included a detailed study of the sedimentological characteristics. Data obtained by mapping of the 25 km2 outcrop area of the formation and from more than 40 boreholes were processed. The sedimentary structures were investigated on outcrop to microscopic scales, and cycles in the succession were interpreted. The main lithofacies, sedimentary structures and ichnofossils are presented. They indicate that the major part of the succession was deposited in a playa mudflat and is not of lacustrine origin in a strict sense. The lake sediments are represented by laminated and ripple-marked/flaser-type cross-laminated claystones and siltstones and by massive dolomites; trace fossils include crawling traces and burrows. Partial or complete drying out of the lake commonly occurred after the formation of carbonate mud by evaporation. Periodic fluvial influx is recorded by cross-bedded sandstones and unsorted gravelly sandstones of up to pebble-sized angular grains. Fenestral and stromatolitic structures reflect the repeated appearance of playa mudflat conditions. The silty claystones, which compose the major part of the succession, lost their primary structures due to pedogenic processes and indicate prolonged subaerial intervals with soil formation and only ephemeral inundations. The presence of pedogenic carbonate concretions supports the interpretation of an arid climate and a relatively shallow groundwater table. Drying-out events shown by desiccation cracks and authigenic breccias can be traced all over the succession. The various facies form small-scale sedimentary cycles showing a shallowing-upward trend and the growing influence of aridity and subaerial exposure. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Konrád, Gyula AU - Sebe, Krisztina TI - Fiatal tektonikai jelenségek új észlelései a Nyugati-Mecsekben és környezetében JF - FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY J2 - FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY VL - 140 PY - 2010 IS - 2 SP - 135 EP - 161 PG - 24 SN - 0015-542X UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1354802 ID - 1354802 N1 - 160.o. bibl. AB - Exposures of Neogene and Quaternary age were investigated along the main structural zones of the Western Mecsek Mts. (SW Hungary) in order to study post-Miocene tectonic activity, with an aim of supplementing studies on the longterm stability of the region. Field observations showed that young movements affected only the mountain fronts and the foreland. From the 24 studied exposures, those with impacts of tectonic activity were located along the major fault zones of the Western Mecsek Mts. and prove tectonic/seismic events occurring as late as the Late Pleistocene along the Mecsekalja Dislocation Zone and probably the Hetvehely–Magyarszék Fault. On the contrary, no impact of neotectonic activity was found within the Western Mecsek Anticline, indicating that this area behaved as a single solid block during post-Miocene movements. Since the Karpatian age, 5 tectonic phases could be distinguished. From these – somewhat opposing previous research – transtension seems typical for the Karpatian along the Hetvehely–Magyarszék Fault. The Early Pannonian transtensional stress field did not cease to exist at the beginning of the Late Pannonian. Tectonic inversion started only within the first half of the Late Pannonian and can be considered active up to present day in the major part of the area. A munka során a Nyugat-Mecsek fő szerkezeti vonalainak környezetében feltárt neogén és kvarter képződményeket vizsgáltuk fiatal (posztpannóniai) tektonikai aktivitás nyomai után kutatva, elsősorban a terület hosszú távú stabilitásának megítéléséhez. A terepi megfigyelések alapján a fiatal mozgások csak a hegységperemet és az előteret érintették. A vizsgált 24 feltárásból a fiatal tektonikával érintettek a Nyugat-Mecsek meghatározó szerkezeti vonalai mentén helyezkednek el, és még a késő-pleisztocénben is szerkezeti mozgásokat, illetve szeizmikus aktivitást bizonyítanak a Mecsekalja-öv és valószínűleg a Hetvehely–magyarszéki-törés mentén. Ezzel ellentétben a Nyugatmecseki- antiklinális területén belül neotektonikára utaló jeleket nem észleltünk, ez alapján a pannóniai–negyedidőszaki mozgások során a Nyugat-Mecsek egységes tömbként viselkedhetett. A kárpáti korszak óta öt tektonikai fázis volt elkülöníthető a területen. Ezek közül – a korábbi vizsgálati eredményekkel szemben – a kárpáti korszakra jellemzőnek tűnik a transztenzió a Hetvehely–magyarszéki-törés mentén. A kora-pannóniai transztenziós feszültségtér a Mecsekalja-öv mentén még a késő-pannóniai elején is fennállt. Az inverzió a késő-pannóniai első felében kezdődött és a terület legnagyobb részén máig aktívnak tekinthető. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Raucsikné Varga, Andrea Beáta AU - Raucsik, Béla AU - Szakmány, György AU - Máthé, Zoltán TI - A Bodai Aleurolit Formáció törmelékes kőzettípusainak ásványtani, kőzettani és geokémiai jellemzői [Mineralogical, petrological and geochemical characteristics of the siliciclastic rock types of Boda Siltstone Formation] JF - FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY J2 - FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY VL - 136 PY - 2006 IS - 2 SP - 201 EP - 231 PG - 31 SN - 0015-542X UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1203520 ID - 1203520 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Csontos, László AU - Benkovics, L AU - Bergerat, F AU - Mansy, JL AU - Worum, G TI - Tertiary deformation history from seismic section study and fault analysis in a former European Tethyan margin (the Mecsek-Villany area, SW Hungary) JF - TECTONOPHYSICS J2 - TECTONOPHYSICS VL - 357 PY - 2002 IS - 1-4 SP - 81 EP - 102 PG - 22 SN - 0040-1951 DO - 10.1016/S0040-1951(02)00363-3 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2899890 ID - 2899890 N1 - Cited By :51 Export Date: 20 January 2023 Correspondence Address: Csontos, L.; Geological Department, Pazmany Péter setany l/c, Budapest 1117, Hungary; email: hungary.laszlo.csontos@ludens.elte.hu AB - Outcrop-scale structural data and seismic section interpretation are combined to unveil a very complicated Tertiary deformation history of a once Tethyan margin: the Mecsek-Villany area of Hungary. This combination of data helped to reconstruct the possible activity of individual fault zones. At least four ENE-WSW striking zones-the Northern Imbricates, the South Mecsek zone, the Gorcsony-Mariakemend ridge and the Villany Mountains-were confirmed as regional long-lived transpressive zones with very complicated internal deformation, frequently with oppositely dipping thrust faults. Tertiary structural history began with a roughly N-S-directed shortening in the South Mecsek zone. It was followed by a NE-SW-directed transpression activating practically all important wrench zones together with perpendicular transfer faults. Basins were created along some of these deformation zones, but were also affected by major tilts due to inversion. After a relatively quiescent period in the Middle Miocene, the Late Sarmatian inversion followed. Shortly after, this event was relayed by a NE-SW-directed extension-transtension. An important inversion period characterised by NW-SE compression occurred in Late Pannonian (Messinian), when all the former wrench zones were reactivated as right-lateral shear. This event is responsible for the present topography of the region. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Árkai, Péter AU - Demény, Attila AU - Fórizs, István AU - Nagy, Géza AU - Balogh, Kadosa AU - Máthé, Zoltán TI - Composition, diagenetic and post-diagenetic alterations of a possible radioactive waste repository site: the Boda Albitic Claystone Formation, southern Hungary JF - ACTA GEOLOGICA HUNGARICA: A QUARTERLY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES J2 - ACTA GEOL HUNG VL - 43 PY - 2000 IS - 4 SP - 351 EP - 378 PG - 28 SN - 0236-5278 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1016511 ID - 1016511 LA - English DB - MTMT ER -