@article{MTMT:2815153, title = {Dolomitization of Triassic microbial mat deposits (Hungary): Origin of microcrystalline dolomite}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2815153}, author = {Hips, Kinga and Haas, János and Poros, Zsófia and Kele, Sándor and Budai, Tamás}, doi = {10.1016/j.sedgeo.2014.12.002}, journal-iso = {SEDIMENT GEOL}, journal = {SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY}, volume = {318}, unique-id = {2815153}, issn = {0037-0738}, keywords = {Fluid inclusions; Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes; Organogenic dolomite; Microbial microfabric}, year = {2015}, eissn = {1879-0968}, pages = {113-129}, orcid-numbers = {Hips, Kinga/0000-0003-2315-120X; Haas, János/0000-0003-0929-8889; Kele, Sándor/0000-0002-8607-7636} } @article{MTMT:2183804, title = {Stratigraphically important lower Norian conodonts from the Csővár borehole (Csv-1), Hungary – comparison with the conodont succession of the Norian GSSP candidate PizzoMondello (Sicily, Italy)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2183804}, author = {Karádi, Viktor and Kozur, H and Görög, Ágnes}, journal-iso = {NMMNH BULLETIN}, journal = {NEW MEXICO MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN}, volume = {61}, unique-id = {2183804}, issn = {1524-4156}, year = {2013}, pages = {284-295}, orcid-numbers = {Karádi, Viktor/0000-0002-5923-2944; Görög, Ágnes/0000-0002-0910-8822} } @article{MTMT:1932074, title = {Imprints of hydrocarbon-bearing basinal fluids on a karst system: mineralogical and fluid inclusion studies from the Buda Hills, Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1932074}, author = {Poros, Zsófia and Mindszenty, Andrea and Molnár, Ferenc and Pironon, J and Győri, Orsolya and Ronchi, P and Szekeres, Z}, doi = {10.1007/s00531-011-0677-8}, journal-iso = {INT J EARTH SCI}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES}, volume = {101}, unique-id = {1932074}, issn = {1437-3254}, year = {2012}, eissn = {1437-3262}, pages = {429-452}, orcid-numbers = {Mindszenty, Andrea/0000-0001-8927-3053; Molnár, Ferenc/0000-0002-1873-1915; Győri, Orsolya/0000-0002-3646-9113} } @article{MTMT:1836949, title = {Budai-hegységi paleogén karbonátos kőzetek diagenezistörténete}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1836949}, author = {Győri, Orsolya and Poros, Zsófia and Mindszenty, Andrea and Molnár, Ferenc and Fodor, László and Szabó, R}, journal-iso = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, journal = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {141}, unique-id = {1836949}, issn = {0015-542X}, year = {2011}, eissn = {2559-902X}, pages = {341-361}, orcid-numbers = {Győri, Orsolya/0000-0002-3646-9113; Mindszenty, Andrea/0000-0001-8927-3053; Molnár, Ferenc/0000-0002-1873-1915; Fodor, László/0000-0002-0606-4414} } @article{MTMT:1417429, title = {Late Triassic to Early Jurassic palaeogeography and eustatic history in the NW Tethyan realm. New insights from sedimentary and organic facies of the Csővár Basin (Hungary)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1417429}, author = {Haas, János and Gotz, AE and Pálfy, József}, doi = {10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.03.014}, journal-iso = {PALAEOGEOGR PALAEOCL}, journal = {PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY}, volume = {291}, unique-id = {1417429}, issn = {0031-0182}, year = {2010}, eissn = {1872-616X}, pages = {456-468}, orcid-numbers = {Haas, János/0000-0003-0929-8889; Pálfy, József/0000-0001-9686-1849} } @article{MTMT:1397885, title = {Alteration of Triassic carbonates in the Budai Mountains. a hydrothermal model}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1397885}, author = {ESTEBAN, M and Budai, Tamás and JUHÁSZ, E and LAPOINTE, PH}, doi = {10.1556/CEuGeol.52.2009.1.1}, journal-iso = {CENT EUR GEOL}, journal = {CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY}, volume = {52}, unique-id = {1397885}, issn = {1788-2281}, year = {2009}, eissn = {1789-3348}, pages = {1-29} } @article{MTMT:1016451, title = {Organic matter in a low productivity intraplatform basin in the Triassic Tethys. 21st International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Krakow, POLAND, SEP 08-12, 2003}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1016451}, author = {Hetényi, Magdolna and Sajgó, Csanád and Vető, István and Brukner-Wein, A and Szántó, Andrea Zsuzsanna}, doi = {10.1016/j.orggeochem.2004.05.010}, journal-iso = {ORG GEOCHEM}, journal = {ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY}, volume = {35}, unique-id = {1016451}, issn = {0146-6380}, year = {2004}, eissn = {1873-5290}, pages = {1201-1219}, orcid-numbers = {Hetényi, Magdolna/0000-0002-7177-6389} } @article{MTMT:152270, title = {Origin and evolution of Late Triassic backplatform and intraplatform basins in the Transdanubian Range, Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/152270}, author = {Haas, János}, journal-iso = {GEOL CARPATH}, journal = {GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA}, volume = {53}, unique-id = {152270}, issn = {1335-0552}, year = {2002}, eissn = {1336-8052}, pages = {159-178}, orcid-numbers = {Haas, János/0000-0003-0929-8889} } @article{MTMT:1005843, title = {Felső-triász medence és lejtőfáciesek a Budai-hegységben - a Vérhalom téri fúrás vizsgálatának tükrében [Upper Triassic basin and slope facies in the Buda Mts.–based on study of core drilling Vérhalom tér, Budapest]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1005843}, author = {Haas, János and Korpás, L and Török, Ákos and Dosztály, L and Góczán, F and Hámorné, Vidó Mária and Oraveczné, Scheffer A and Tardiné, Filácz E}, journal-iso = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, journal = {FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {130}, unique-id = {1005843}, issn = {0015-542X}, year = {2000}, eissn = {2559-902X}, pages = {371-421}, orcid-numbers = {Haas, János/0000-0003-0929-8889; Török, Ákos/0000-0002-5394-4510} } @inbook{MTMT:1369059, title = {Tertiary tectonic evolution of the Pannonian Basin system and neighbouring orogens: a new synthesis of palaeostress data}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1369059}, author = {Fodor, László and Csontos, L and Bada, G and Györfi, I and Benkovics, L}, booktitle = {The Mediterranean Basins: tertiary extension within the Alpine Orogen}, doi = {10.1144/GSL.SP.1999.156.01.15}, unique-id = {1369059}, year = {1999}, pages = {295-334}, orcid-numbers = {Fodor, László/0000-0002-0606-4414} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:1016852, title = {Organic petrology and Rock-Eval pyrolysis of Triasic source rocks from the Transdanubian region, Hungary. First description of organic constituents in sedimentary matter}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1016852}, author = {Hámorné, Vidó Mária and Hufnagel, H and Hetényi, Magdolna}, booktitle = {GEOlogos 2nd Symposium on Gondwana Coals and 50th ICCP Meeting}, unique-id = {1016852}, year = {1998}, pages = {30-31}, orcid-numbers = {Hetényi, Magdolna/0000-0002-7177-6389} } @article{MTMT:1025595, title = {Jurassic–Cretaceous insertions in Triassic(?) dolomites at Csővár, North Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1025595}, author = {Haas, János and E, Tardi-Filácz and A, Oravecz-Scheffer and F, Góczán}, journal-iso = {ACTA GEOL HUNG}, journal = {ACTA GEOLOGICA HUNGARICA: A QUARTERLY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES}, volume = {40}, unique-id = {1025595}, issn = {0236-5278}, year = {1997}, pages = {179-196}, orcid-numbers = {Haas, János/0000-0003-0929-8889} } @article{MTMT:1025583, title = {Stratigraphy and sedimentology of an Upper Triassic toe-of-slope and basin succession at Csővár–1, North Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1025583}, author = {Haas, János and E, Tardi-Filácz and A, Oravecz-Scheffer and F, Góczán and L, Dosztály}, journal-iso = {ACTA GEOL HUNG}, journal = {ACTA GEOLOGICA HUNGARICA: A QUARTERLY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES}, volume = {40}, unique-id = {1025583}, issn = {0236-5278}, year = {1997}, pages = {111-177}, orcid-numbers = {Haas, János/0000-0003-0929-8889} } @article{MTMT:1019016, title = {Significance of Late Permian-Triassic facies zones in terrane reconstructions in the Alpine-North Pannonian domain}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1019016}, author = {Haas, János and Kovács, Sándor and Krystyn, L and Lein, R}, doi = {10.1016/0040-1951(94)00157-5}, journal-iso = {TECTONOPHYSICS}, journal = {TECTONOPHYSICS}, volume = {242}, unique-id = {1019016}, issn = {0040-1951}, abstract = {The present-day setting of the tectonic units (terranes) making up the pre-Neogene basement of the Pannonian Basin and the West Carpathians is the result of large-scale displacements during the Alpine collisional phases. To explain this setting, based on various concepts, a number of models have been proposed in the last decade. Most of them agree in an eastward escape of the ''North Pannonian terrane'' from the Alpine domain towards the Pannonian during the Palaeogene-Early Miocene period. In the present paper a reconstruction of the pre-escape setting of the displaced terranes is presented based on facies zones in selected time-slices from the Late Permian to the Late Triassic. According to our reconstruction the Inner West Carpathian units were located east of the Austroalpine units forming the northern shelf of the ''Euhallstatt''-Meliatic basin of the Vardar oceanic branch. The Drauzug should have been located in a position much more external than its present-day setting. The Transdanubian Range was situated in the northern neighbourhood of the Southern Alps, whereas the Bukk may have been located adjacent to the NW Dinarides. The Mid-Transdanubian zone is a major shear-zone containing elements of the Julian Alps and Sava folds nappe system and the Inner Dinaric ophiolitic melange. Although the nappe-tectonism may have played an important role in the structural evolution of the ''North Pannonian terrane'', this mechanism alone can hardly produce hundreds of kilometres of facies offset on the opposite sides of strike-slip zones.}, year = {1995}, eissn = {1879-3266}, pages = {19-40}, orcid-numbers = {Haas, János/0000-0003-0929-8889} } @article{MTMT:1019017, title = {Upper Permian-Triassic facies zones in the Transdanubian Range}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1019017}, author = {Haas, János and Budai, Tamás}, journal-iso = {RIV IT PALEON STRATIG}, journal = {RIVISTA ITALIANA DI PALEONTOLOGIA E STRATIGRAFIA}, volume = {101}, unique-id = {1019017}, issn = {0035-6883}, year = {1995}, eissn = {2039-4942}, pages = {249-266}, orcid-numbers = {Haas, János/0000-0003-0929-8889} } @article{MTMT:1635956, title = {Engineering geological survey of Rózsadomb area, Budapest, Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1635956}, author = {Kleb, Béla and Benkovics, L. and Gálos, Miklós and Kertész, P. and Kopecskó, Katalin and Marek, I. and Török, Ákos}, journal-iso = {PERIOD POLYTECH CIV ENG}, journal = {PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CIVIL ENGINEERING}, volume = {37}, unique-id = {1635956}, issn = {0553-6626}, year = {1993}, eissn = {1587-3773}, pages = {261-303}, orcid-numbers = {Kopecskó, Katalin/0000-0002-7169-966X; Török, Ákos/0000-0002-5394-4510} }