@article{MTMT:3125543, title = {A magyar jobboldali (nemzeti) radikalizmusok és a hazai „gárdák” az internetes kapcsolathálózati elemzések tükrében. The social network analysis of Hungarian (national) radical right-wing and the indigenous "guards"}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3125543}, author = {Malkovics, Tibor}, journal-iso = {MÉDIAKUTATÓ}, journal = {MÉDIAKUTATÓ: MÉDIAELMÉLETI FOLYÓIRAT}, unique-id = {3125543}, issn = {1586-8389}, year = {2013}, pages = {29-50} } @article{MTMT:1992816, title = {A Jobbik titka. A szélsőjobb magyarországi megerősödésének lehetséges okairól}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1992816}, author = {Karácsony, Gergely and Róna, Dániel}, journal-iso = {POLTUD SZLE}, journal = {POLITIKATUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE}, volume = {19}, unique-id = {1992816}, issn = {1216-1438}, year = {2010}, pages = {31-63} } @book{MTMT:1479878, title = {National Narcissism. The intersection of the nationalist cult and gender in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1479878}, isbn = {3039107267}, author = {Weaver, Eric Beckett}, publisher = {Lang; Peter Lang Verlag; Peter Lang AG; Peter Lang GmbH; P.I.E.-Peter Lang; P. Lang Verlag}, unique-id = {1479878}, abstract = {National Narcissism offers a groundbreaking anthropological and sociological approach to nationalism through an exposé of the belief systems and psychology of extreme nationalists for whom nationalism is a form of religion. This theoretical approach is illustrated with examples primarily taken from Hungary, with a special focus in two chapters on the role of gender in nationalism. The state of politics and society in Hungary is also examined in a way that steps beyond the usual simplistic, flat narratives of 'what Hungarians are like', by stressing the broad variety of viewpoints current in Hungarian society, the milieu in which a small minority of extreme nationalists are able to make their voice heard out of proportion to their numbers or political support. The theory offered by National Narcissism has wide-ranging implications for the future study of extremist nationalism in nation-states throughout the world. Sociologists, anthropologists, nationalism studies specialists, social-psychologists, and historians of the recent past in Hungary will find that this theoretical book, richly illustrated with examples from Hungarian society, challenges positive and negative stereotypes about nationalism, extremism, post-communism, central and eastern Europe, the European Union and, not least, about Hungarians themselves.}, year = {2006}, orcid-numbers = {Weaver, Eric Beckett/0000-0001-9719-5040} }