@article{MTMT:2606997, title = {THERMAN: a Thermal Simulation Tool for IC Chips, Microstructures and PW Boards}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2606997}, author = {Székely, Vladimir and Poppe, András and Kerecsen Istvánné Rencz, Márta and Rosental, M and Teszeri, T}, doi = {10.1016/S0026-2714(99)00249-8}, journal-iso = {MICROELECTRON RELIAB}, journal = {MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY}, volume = {40}, unique-id = {2606997}, issn = {0026-2714}, abstract = {This article presents THERMAN: the renewed version of the μS-THERMANAL simulation program. The program was rewritten last year, in order to include algorithmic novelties such as time-constant analysis. The new code is fully transportable providing the same user interface on PCs and on Unix-based workstations. The graphical interface allows a fast problem definition and easy, many-sided evaluation of the results.}, year = {2000}, eissn = {1872-941X}, pages = {517-524}, orcid-numbers = {Poppe, András/0000-0002-9381-6716; Kerecsen Istvánné Rencz, Márta/0000-0003-4183-3853} }