@article{MTMT:2359731, title = {Sympatry of two ankylosaurs (Hungarosaurus and cf. Struthiosaurus) in the Santonian of Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2359731}, author = {Ősi, Attila and Prondvai, Edina}, doi = {10.1016/j.cretres.2013.03.006}, journal-iso = {CRETACEOUS RES}, journal = {CRETACEOUS RESEARCH}, volume = {44}, unique-id = {2359731}, issn = {0195-6671}, abstract = {Abstract A complete and well-preserved right ankylosaurian humerus from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Csehbánya Formation of Iharkút, western Hungary is described here. Based on its osteological features and 21.5 cm adult length, the new specimen is markedly different from the slender humerus of Hungarosaurus, the previously known ankylosaur from the locality, and more similar to that of Struthiosaurus. Thus, the new Hungarian specimen is tentatively assigned here to cf. Struthiosaurus thereby dating back the first occurrence of this genus to the Santonian. The new fossil demonstrates the sympatric co-existence of two different nodosaurid ankylosaurs (a smaller, robust form with 2–2.5 m total body length and a larger, cursorial form with 4–4.5 m body length) in the Iharkút fauna. This also suggests that the pattern of the European ankylosaur diversity was more complex than previously thought.}, keywords = {Hungary; Late cretaceous; Co-existence; cf. Struthiosaurus; Hungarosaurus}, year = {2013}, eissn = {1095-998X}, pages = {58-63}, orcid-numbers = {Ősi, Attila/0000-0003-2967-997X} } @article{MTMT:2503095, title = {Palynomorphs of the Normapolles group and related plant mesofossils from the Iharkút vertebrate site, Bakony Mountains (Hungary)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2503095}, author = {Bodor, Emese Réka and Baranyi, Viktória}, doi = {10.1556/CEuGeol.55.2012.3.3}, journal-iso = {CENT EUR GEOL}, journal = {CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY}, volume = {55}, unique-id = {2503095}, issn = {1788-2281}, abstract = {Palynological and paleobotanical investigation of bonebeds and other strata of the Csehbánya Formation from the vertebrate locality at Iharkút (Bakony Mts, Hungary) reveals well-preserved Santonian palynological assemblages dominated by the Normapolles group, with a minor component consisting of other angiosperm pollen, some gymnosperm pollen, and spores. Eleven species of Normapolles-type pollen grains belonging to seven genera and fruit remains of a new taxon, Sphaeracostata barbackae gen. et sp. nov., are described. The new species is very abundant in the material, represented by ca. 1000 specimens. The genus Caryanthus Friis and an unnamed form previously reported from Hat¸eg by Lindfors et al. (2010) are also present. Plants producing Normapolles-type pollen grains diversified during the Late Cretaceous, with a bloom in the Santonian. The palynostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous terrestrial sediments in the studied region is based on Normapolles-related species. The studied assemblage is assigned to the Oculopollis zaklinskaiae-Tetracolporopollenites (Brecolpites) globosus Zone (or Zone C) indicating a late Santonian age. Comparison of the Iharkút palynoflora with other known Upper Cretaceous palynofloras of Central Europe shows diachronous occurrence of Normapolles taxa at different geographic localities and warrants further investigation. The ecological requirements of the amphibian fauna reflect azonal conditions controlled by the availability of water, which is in agreement with the inferred ecological conditions based on the paleobotanical investigations. The fauna is of entirely non-marine character, further supported by isotope studies, in line with our data showing that the palynological samples contain no marine forms.}, year = {2012}, eissn = {1789-3348}, pages = {259-292}, orcid-numbers = {Bodor, Emese Réka/0000-0003-3894-2506; Baranyi, Viktória/0000-0002-1194-9903} } @inbook{MTMT:1464155, title = {The Late Cretaceous continental vertebrate fauna from Iharkút, western Hungary: a review}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1464155}, author = {Ősi, Attila and Makádi, László and Rabi, Márton and Szentesi, Zoltán and Botfalvai, Gábor and Gulyás, P}, booktitle = {Bernissart Dinosaurs and Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems}, unique-id = {1464155}, year = {2012}, pages = {533-570}, orcid-numbers = {Ősi, Attila/0000-0003-2967-997X; Szentesi, Zoltán/0000-0002-7019-5478; Botfalvai, Gábor/0000-0002-5479-9036} } @article{MTMT:1446099, title = {The pterosaurian remains from the Grünbach Formation (Campanian, Gosau Group) of Austria: a reappraisal of ‘Ornithocheirus buenzeli’}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1446099}, author = {Buffetaut, E and Ősi, Attila and Prondvai, Edina}, doi = {10.1017/S0016756810000981}, journal-iso = {GEOL MAG}, journal = {GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE}, volume = {148}, unique-id = {1446099}, issn = {0016-7568}, year = {2011}, eissn = {1469-5081}, pages = {334-339}, orcid-numbers = {Ősi, Attila/0000-0003-2967-997X} } @article{MTMT:151959, title = {New remains of Hungarosaurus tormai (Ankylosauria, Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of Hungary: skeletal reconstruction and body mass estimation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/151959}, author = {Ősi, Attila and Makádi, László}, doi = {10.1007/s12542-009-0017-5}, journal-iso = {PALAEONTOL Z}, journal = {PALAEONTOLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT}, volume = {83}, unique-id = {151959}, issn = {0031-0220}, year = {2009}, eissn = {1867-6812}, pages = {227-245}, orcid-numbers = {Ősi, Attila/0000-0003-2967-997X} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:1248143, title = {Iharkút, Dinosaur bearing alluvial complex of the Csehbánya Formation. Cretaceous Sediments of the Transdanubian Range. Field Guide to Excursion}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1248143}, author = {Ősi, Attila and Mindszenty, Andrea}, booktitle = {Cretaceous sediments of the Transdanubian Range. Field guide of the geological excursion organized by the Sedimentological Subcommission of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Geological Society}, unique-id = {1248143}, year = {2009}, pages = {51-63}, orcid-numbers = {Ősi, Attila/0000-0003-2967-997X; Mindszenty, Andrea/0000-0001-8927-3053} } @article{MTMT:1203309, title = {Hungarosaurus tormai, a new ankylosaur (Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1203309}, author = {Ősi, Attila}, doi = {10.1671/0272-4634(2005)025[0370:HTANAD]2.0.CO;2}, journal-iso = {J VERTEBR PALEONTOL}, journal = {JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY}, volume = {25}, unique-id = {1203309}, issn = {0272-4634}, year = {2005}, eissn = {1937-2809}, pages = {370-383}, orcid-numbers = {Ősi, Attila/0000-0003-2967-997X} } @article{MTMT:1236932, title = {Mesozoic plate tectonic reconstruction of the carpathian region}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1236932}, author = {Csontos, L and Vörös, Attila}, doi = {10.1016/j.palaeo.2004.02.033}, journal-iso = {PALAEOGEOGR PALAEOCL}, journal = {PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY}, volume = {210}, unique-id = {1236932}, issn = {0031-0182}, abstract = {Palaeomagnetic, palaeobiogeographic and structural comparisons of different parts of the Alpine-Carpathian region suggest that four terranes comprise this area: the Alcapa, Tisza, Dacia and Adria terranes. These terranes are composed of different Mesozoic continental and oceanic fragments that were each assembled during a complex Late Jurassic-Cretaceous Palaeogene history. Palaeomagnetic and tectonic data suggest that the Carpathians are built up by two major oroclinal bends. The Alcapa bend has the Meliata oceanic unit, correlated with the Dinaric Vardar ophiolite, in its core. It is composed of the Western Carpathians, Eastern Alps and Southern Alcapa units (Transdanubian Range, Bukk). This terrane finds its continuation in the High Karst margin of the Dinarides. Further elements of the Alcapa terrane are thought to be derived from collided microcontinents: Czorsztyn in the N and a carbonate unit (Tisza?) in the SE. The Tisza-Dacia bend has the Vardar oceanic unit in its core. It is composed of the Bihor and Getic microcontinents. This terrane finds its continuation in the Serbo-Macedonian Massif of the Balkans. The Bihor-Getic microcontinent originally laid east of the Western Carpathians and filled the present Carpathian embayment in the Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic. The Vardar ocean occupied an intermediate position between the Western Carpathian-Austroalpine-Transdanubian-High Karst margin and the Bihor-Getic-Serbo-Macedonian microcontinent. The Vardar and Pindos oceans were opened in the heart of the Mediterranean-Adriatic microcontinent in the Late Permian-Middle Triassic. Vardar subducted by the end of Jurassic, causing the Bihor-Getic-Serbo-Macedonian microcontinent to collide with the internal Dinaric-Western Carpathian margin. An external Penninic-Vahic ocean tract began opening in the Early Jurassic, separating the Austroalpine-Western Carpathian microcontinent (and its fauna) from the European shelf. Further east, the Severin-Ceahlau-Magura also began opening in the Early Jurassic, but final separation of the Bihor-Getic ribbon (and its fauna) from the European shelf did not take place until the late Middle Jurassic. The Alcapa and the Tisza-Dacia were bending during the Albian-Maastrichtian. The two oroclinal bends were finally opposed and pushed into the gates of the Carpathian embayment during the Palaeogene and Neogene. At that time, the main NS shortening in distant Alpine and Hellenic sectors was linked by a broader right-lateral shear zone along the former Vardar suture. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, year = {2004}, eissn = {1872-616X}, pages = {1-56} }