@article{MTMT:1165301, title = {Dating of total soil organic matter used in kurgan studies.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1165301}, author = {Molnár, Mihály and Joó, K and Barczi, Attila and Szántó, Andrea Zsuzsanna and Futó, István and Palcsu, László and Rinyu, László}, doi = {10.1017/S0033822200039722}, journal-iso = {RADIOCARBON}, journal = {RADIOCARBON}, volume = {46}, unique-id = {1165301}, issn = {0033-8222}, abstract = {We investigated Csipo-halom, one of the kurgans that served as a burial place in the Hortobagy area of the Hungarian Great Plain. For pedological description and other studies of the protected mound and its surroundings, only a few monitoring drillings were permitted to get soil samples. On the basis of morphological and visual studies, the structure and layers of the mound were reconstructed. The Laboratory of Environmental Studies of the Institute of Nuclear Research at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (INR/HAS) performed radiocarbon measurements of soil samples, applying a bulk combustion pretreatment method. The measured C-14 ages of soil samples from reference points, such as the top layer of the mound, the center of mound body, the base layer of the mound, the near surroundings, and the distant surroundings, are in good agreement with the preliminary archaeological concept for this field and give substantial information about the rate of soil generation processes in this area.}, year = {2004}, eissn = {1945-5755}, pages = {413-419}, orcid-numbers = {Barczi, Attila/0000-0002-2098-0937} } @article{MTMT:1224698, title = {Összefüggés a talaj sótartalma és egyes földtani tényezok között a hortobágyi "Nyírolapos" mintaterületen. 2. Többszörös összefüggések és a felszíni sótartalom becslése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1224698}, author = {Tóth, Tibor and Kuti, L}, journal-iso = {AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN}, journal = {AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN}, volume = {48}, unique-id = {1224698}, issn = {0002-1873}, year = {1999}, eissn = {1588-2713}, pages = {445-457} }