TY - JOUR AU - Pálfy, József AU - Mundil, R AU - Renne, PR AU - Bernor, R L AU - Kordos, László AU - Gasparik, Mihály TI - U-Pb and Ar-40/Ar-39 dating of the Miocene fossil track site at Ipolytarnoc (Hungary) and its implications JF - EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS J2 - EARTH PLANET SC LETT VL - 258 PY - 2007 SP - 160 EP - 174 PG - 15 SN - 0012-821X DO - 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.03.029 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1247511 ID - 1247511 N1 - Megjegyzés-22830827 : 40Ar/ : 39Ar dating LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Póka, Teréz AU - Zelenka, T AU - Seghedi, I AU - Pécskay, Zoltán AU - Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke TI - Miocene volcanism of the Cserhát Mts. (N. Hungary): Integrated volcano-tectonic, geochronologic and pertochemical study. JF - ACTA GEOLOGICA HUNGARICA: A QUARTERLY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES J2 - ACTA GEOL HUNG VL - 47 PY - 2004 IS - 2-3 SP - 221 EP - 246 PG - 26 SN - 0236-5278 DO - 10.1556/ageol.47.2004.2-3.7 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1155444 ID - 1155444 N1 - Cited By :19 Export Date: 29 July 2024 Correspondence Address: Póka, T.; Laboratory for Geochemical Research, Budaörsi út 45, H-1112 Budapest, Hungary; email: poka@geochem.hu LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Karátson, Dávid AU - Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke AU - Harangi, Szabolcs AU - Józsa, Sándor AU - Balogh, Kadosa AU - Pécskay, Zoltán AU - Kovácsvölgyi, S AU - Szakmány, György AU - Dulai, Alfréd TI - Volcanic evolution and stratigraphy of the Miocene Börzsöny Mountains, Hungary: an integrated study. JF - GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA J2 - GEOL CARPATH VL - 51 PY - 2000 IS - 5 SP - 325 EP - 343 PG - 19 SN - 1335-0552 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1072522 ID - 1072522 N1 - Cited By :32 Export Date: 30 June 2021 Correspondence Address: Karatson, D.; Eötvös University, 1083 Budapest, Ludovika ter 2, Hungary AB - The Middle Miocene volcanic evolution of the Borzsony Mountains, North Hungary, is presented, correlating new volcanological, petrological, geochemical, geophysical and paleontological data and establishing a detailed stratigraphy on the basis of additional K/Ar radiometric and paleomagnetic measurements. For the earliest volcanic activity, previous biostratigraphy showing an Early Badenian age has been confirmed and precisely defined by paleomagnetic investigations. The first-stage volcanic formations (16.5-16.0 Ma), deposited in a shallow marine environment, include resedimented, syn-eruptive, garnet-bearing dacitic volcaniclastics (originating mostly from small-scale ignimbrite eruptions) and coeval, garnet-bearing dacitic lava domes, sometimes with their volcaniclastic aprons. As the eruptions filled the marine basin, subaerial dacitic-andesitic volcaniclastics, comprising minor ignimbrites and different types of debris-flow deposits were also deposited. A part of the latter may have been related to the formation of two or three medium-sized calderas. The second stage (16.0-14.5 Ma) was characterized by andesitic lava dome activity terminated by a hydrothermal event. During the first half of this stage, a ca. 30 degrees CCW rotation occurred. The third stage produced the most voluminous, moderately explosive, andesitic - basaltic andesitic High Borzsony subaerial lava dome complex erupting up to the Badenian/Sarmatian boundary (ca. 13.7 Ma). Correlation of K/Ar geochronological and volcanological data shows that lava dome activity of the second and third stage may have been coeval with marine sedimentation in the southern Borzsony. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke AU - Pécskay, Zoltán TI - Complex evaluation of paleomagnetic and K/Ar isotope data of the Miocene ignimbritic volcanics in the Bükk Foreland, Hungary JF - ACTA GEOLOGICA HUNGARICA: A QUARTERLY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES J2 - ACTA GEOL HUNG VL - 41 PY - 1998 SP - 467 EP - 476 PG - 10 SN - 0236-5278 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/147369 ID - 147369 N1 - [P12008] LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Póka, Teréz AU - Nagy, Géza AU - Zelenka, T AU - Szakács, A AU - Seghedi, I AU - Simonits, András TI - Petrology and geochemistry of the Miocene acidic explosive volcanism of the Bükk Foreland; Pannonian Basin Hungary JF - ACTA GEOLOGICA HUNGARICA: A QUARTERLY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES J2 - ACTA GEOL HUNG VL - 41 PY - 1998 IS - 4 SP - 437 EP - 466 PG - 30 SN - 0236-5278 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/132431 ID - 132431 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke AU - Vass, D AU - Túnyi, I TI - Rotation of the South Slovak Paleogene and Lower Miocene rocks indicated by paleomagnetic data. JF - GEOLOGICKY ZBORNIK J2 - GEOL ZBORN VL - 47 PY - 1996 IS - 1 SP - 31 EP - 41 PG - 11 SN - 0016-7738 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1155139 ID - 1155139 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - BOOK AU - Hably, Lilla TI - Early Miocene Plant fossils from Ipolytarnóc, N. Hungary T3 - Geologica Hungarica ser. Geologica ; 45. ET - 0 PB - Magyar Minőség Társaság CY - Budapest PY - 1985 SP - 200 SN - 9636710481 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1758728 ID - 1758728 N1 - Kötetben hibás ISBN szám: 693 671 048 1 LA - English DB - MTMT ER -