@article{MTMT:35317917, title = {Study of the chemical composition of coal and coal ash by X-ray fluorescence method: A review}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35317917}, author = {Revenko, Anatoly G. and Pashkova, Galina V.}, doi = {10.1002/xrs.3444}, journal-iso = {X-RAY SPECTROM}, journal = {X-RAY SPECTROMETRY}, unique-id = {35317917}, issn = {0049-8246}, keywords = {X-ray fluorescence; TXRF; COAL; Coal ash; WDXRF}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1097-4539} } @article{MTMT:35295269, title = {X-ray spectroscopy and quantification of an AlCuLi quasi-crystal: A step forward for combination of reflection zone plate and crystal spectrometers}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35295269}, author = {Hassebi, Khalil and Rividi, Nicolas and Boudouma, Omar and Fialin, Michel and Le Guen, Karine and Jonnard, Philippe}, doi = {10.1002/xrs.3447}, journal-iso = {X-RAY SPECTROM}, journal = {X-RAY SPECTROMETRY}, unique-id = {35295269}, issn = {0049-8246}, keywords = {Electron Probe Microanalysis; QUASI-CRYSTAL; X-ray emission spectroscopy; Mass attenuation coefficient; Elemental quantification; Ultra-soft X-rays; Li K emission; reflection zone plate; x-ray emission band}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1097-4539} } @article{MTMT:35285590, title = {Determination of macro- and microelements concentrations by wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry in the objects of the technogenic ecosystem}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35285590}, author = {Shtel'makh, Svetlana I. and Zhilicheva, Alena N. and Vasil'eva, Irina E.}, doi = {10.1002/xrs.3443}, journal-iso = {X-RAY SPECTROM}, journal = {X-RAY SPECTROMETRY}, unique-id = {35285590}, issn = {0049-8246}, keywords = {accuracy; spruce needles; WDXRF; technogenic soil}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1097-4539} } @article{MTMT:34907087, title = {Escape peaks of Ge detector in X-ray fluorescence (XRF)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34907087}, author = {Isozumi, Yasuto and Kawai, Jun and Mukoyama, Takeshi and Nishiyama, Fumitaka and Yamada, Takashi}, doi = {10.1002/xrs.3426}, journal-iso = {X-RAY SPECTROM}, journal = {X-RAY SPECTROMETRY}, unique-id = {34907087}, issn = {0049-8246}, keywords = {hair analysis; ESCAPE; fundamental parameter; double escape; vacancy transfer}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1097-4539} } @article{MTMT:34027132, title = {Platinum determination by membrane complexation and energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis—A preliminary study}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34027132}, author = {Vlamaki, G.P. and Kallithrakas-Kontos, N.G. and Queralt, I. and Hidalgo, M.}, doi = {10.1002/xrs.3368}, journal-iso = {X-RAY SPECTROM}, journal = {X-RAY SPECTROMETRY}, volume = {53}, unique-id = {34027132}, issn = {0049-8246}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1097-4539}, pages = {304-314} } @article{MTMT:34628958, title = {A new compact micro-XRF spectrometer with polychromatic x-ray sample excitation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34628958}, author = {Wobrauschek, Peter and Ingerle, Dieter and Prost, Josef and Dhara, Sangita and Mishra, Nand Lal and Iro, Michael and Streli, Christina}, doi = {10.1002/xrs.3412}, journal-iso = {X-RAY SPECTROM}, journal = {X-RAY SPECTROMETRY}, unique-id = {34628958}, issn = {0049-8246}, keywords = {Nuclear materials; XRF; Elemental mapping; micro-XRF; toxic samples}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1097-4539}, orcid-numbers = {Wobrauschek, Peter/0000-0002-3699-3003; Streli, Christina/0000-0002-5141-3177} } @article{MTMT:34581816, title = {Applicability of total reflection x-ray fluorescence for heavy metal analysis in Lake Baikal sponges}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34581816}, author = {Pashkova, Galina V. and Nikonova, Alyona A. and Dylgerova, Svetlana D. and Chuparina, Elena V. and Maltsev, Artem S. and Zhilicheva, Alena N. and Belozerova, Olga Yu. and Paradina, Ludmila P. and Glyzina, Olga Yu. and Khanaev, Igor V.}, doi = {10.1002/xrs.3396}, journal-iso = {X-RAY SPECTROM}, journal = {X-RAY SPECTROMETRY}, unique-id = {34581816}, issn = {0049-8246}, abstract = {Oxidative stress of Lake Baikal organisms can be caused by pollution of nearshore with anionic surfactants or heavy metals. Some specific heavy metals are essential for aquatic organisms. At present, there are no data concerning heavy metal content caused by anthropogenic pollution or chemotaxonomic features of Baikal sponges. Here, we consider the applicability of total reflection x-ray fluorescence (TXRF) to analyze heavy metals in Lubomirskia baikalensis to fill this gap. It was shown that TXRF method can be successfully applied to the fast and reliable quantification of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in this object. Evaluation of different sample treatment procedures showed that the acid digestion by HNO3/H2O2 mixture is an optimal procedure for the preparation of sponges compared with suspension preparation. It helps to improve sensitivity, eliminate the effects of particle size and specimen heterogeneity. The total uncertainty of the TXRF results associated with the sample preparation, taking, depositing, and measuring of the specimen was 6%-18% for Mn, 3%-5% for Cu, 5%-12% for Fe, and 4%-5% for Zn. To validate the developed method, the TXRF results were compared with the data obtained by wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. A good agreement of results was achieved. TXRF data show the dominance of essential heavy metals in L. baikalensis (n = 14) among other heavy metals. Correlations between Cu/Zn contents (R-2 = 0.515) as well as between Fe/Mn contents (R-2 = 0.972) can be explained by the contribution of them to L. baikalensis antioxidant system.}, keywords = {Heavy metals; TXRF; BAIKAL; Oxidative stress; freshwater sponges Lubomirskia baikalensis}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1097-4539} } @article{MTMT:34339666, title = {Elemental studies and mapping of cholesterol and pigment gallstones using scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34339666}, author = {Bali, Varun and Khajuria, Yugal and Manyar, Vidit and Rai, Pradeep K. and Kumar, Upendra and Ghany, Charles and Tripathi, Shipra and Singh, Vivek K.}, doi = {10.1002/xrs.3403}, journal-iso = {X-RAY SPECTROM}, journal = {X-RAY SPECTROMETRY}, unique-id = {34339666}, issn = {0049-8246}, abstract = {Gallstone formation is one of the most severe human diseases, with regional differences in gallstone composition worldwide. The formation of gallstones inside the gallbladder is a complex process and is still under debate despite advances in instrumentation. This study was an in-depth analysis of the chemical, structural, and elemental composition of cholesterol and pigment-type gallstones using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Thermal gravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) analysis was also carried out on gallstones to predict their thermal behavior. FTIR spectroscopy was employed to distinguish the cholesterol and pigment gallstones. Using SEM, we performed the morphological studies of gallstone and EDS were carried out to analyze elemental distribution within the gallstones. Elemental imaging and mapping of the major and minor elements within the cholesterol and black pigment gallstones were carried out, revealing the stone's heterogeneous nature. The level of heavy and toxic elements was found to be higher in pigment stones than in cholesterol gallstones. The results obtained from TG-DSC are well correlated and supported by the results from FTIR spectroscopy.}, keywords = {cholesterol; toxic elements; bilirubin; FTIR spectroscopy; SEM-EDS; Cholesterol gallstone; pigment gallstone}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1097-4539} } @article{MTMT:34278522, title = {In situ observation of electrochemical reaction of Zn primer steel plate in NaCl solution using confocal micro-x-ray fluorescence imaging}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34278522}, author = {Matsuyama, Tsugufumi and Sonoda, Shota and Fuchita, Tomoki and Sakashita, Shinji and Tsuji, Kouichi}, doi = {10.1002/xrs.3401}, journal-iso = {X-RAY SPECTROM}, journal = {X-RAY SPECTROMETRY}, unique-id = {34278522}, issn = {0049-8246}, abstract = {Steel plates have been widely used in bridges, vehicle bodies, guardrails, and so forth. Generally, to improve corrosion resistance, the surface of a steel plate is coated with a Zn layer. However, when the coated steel plate is scratched by external factors, the corrosion resistance decreases. Therefore, it is important to elucidate the elution processes of elements in coated layers and steel plates to develop new coated films and improve corrosion-resistant techniques. During corrosion, an elution reaction between the coated metal and Fe (anodic reaction) and a reduction reaction of oxygen (cathodic reaction) occur. Confocal micro-x-ray fluorescence imaging was employed to visualize the elution processes at the anodic and cathodic steel plates. A Zn primer steel plate was scratched and then immersed in sodium chloride solution. The Zn elution process at the anodic side was observed when a constant current was applied to the two steel plates by a galvanostat. The Fe elution process did not occur, and we believe that the sacrificial protection of Zn inhibited the process. The elutions of Zn and Fe were not observed on the cathodic side of the steel plate. Using the proposed method, we successfully visualized the elemental distributions at the anodic and cathodic sides of the steel plates.}, keywords = {elemental distribution; in situ analysis; confocal micro-x-ray fluorescence analysis; electric chemical reaction}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1097-4539} } @article{MTMT:34259081, title = {Recent advances in ultra-trace determination of uranium in natural water using total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectrometry}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34259081}, author = {Sanyal, Kaushik and Dhara, Sangita}, doi = {10.1002/xrs.3379}, journal-iso = {X-RAY SPECTROM}, journal = {X-RAY SPECTROMETRY}, unique-id = {34259081}, issn = {0049-8246}, abstract = {This review article describes some of the recent advances in ultra-trace determination of uranium in various natural water bodies such as drinking water, underground water, seawater, etc. using total reflection x-ray florescence (TXRF) spectrometry. Uranium is one of the most hazardous element having chemical as well as radio-toxicity. However, due to its low concentration in water samples, direct determination is seldom possible in samples with high salt content. Various sample preconcentration and selective extraction techniques for uranium such as solvent extraction, dispersive liquid-liquid micro extraction, solid phase extraction, and membrane based preconcentration methods are summarized in this article. TXRF is a very versatile micro-analytical technique with detection limits in picogram range and having multielemental analysis capability. TXRF determination of uranium using U L & alpha; as the analytical line has many analytical challenges and difficulties, mainly due to the severe interference with Rb and Br, both are commonly available in natural water samples. This article highlights some of these challenges, along with the advantages and disadvantages of the different sample preparation techniques used so far for uranium determination in natural water samples by TXRF.}, keywords = {PRECONCENTRATION; Uranium; TXRF; toxic}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1097-4539} }