@misc{MTMT:35200073, title = {The contributions of biological maturity and experience to fine motor development in adolescence}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35200073}, author = {Berencsi, Andrea and Gombos, Ferenc and Lili, Julia Fehér and Gerván, Patrícia and Utczás, Katinka and Oláh, Gyöngyi and Tróznai, Zsófia and Kovács, Ilona}, doi = {10.1101/2024.09.02.610814}, unique-id = {35200073}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Berencsi, Andrea/0000-0002-2330-7895; Utczás, Katinka/0000-0001-5734-2018; Oláh, Gyöngyi/0000-0003-3433-9160; Tróznai, Zsófia/0000-0002-4020-6447; Kovács, Ilona/0000-0002-1772-2697} } @article{MTMT:34761928, title = {Egy ritka eset: epidermolysis bullosa diagnózisú gyermek mozgásnevelése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34761928}, author = {Juhász, Eszter Zsófia and Szabó-Pálinkás, Ditta and Mlinkó, Renáta and Berencsi, Andrea}, doi = {10.52092/gyosze.2024.1.3}, journal-iso = {GYÓGYPEDAGÓGIAI SZEMLE}, journal = {GYÓGYPEDAGÓGIAI SZEMLE: A MAGYAR GYÓGYPEDAGÓGUSOK EGYESÜLETÉNEK FOLYÓIRATA}, volume = {52}, unique-id = {34761928}, issn = {0133-1108}, abstract = {Háttér és célok: Az epidermolysis bullosa (EB) egy genetikai eredetű ritka betegség, ami a bőr és a nyálkahártyák extrém mértékű sérülékenységével jár. Az EB a mozgatószervrendszert nem érinti közvetlenül, de a hegesedés következtében mozgáskorlátozottságot okoz. Jelenleg kevés szakmai útmutatás található az érintettek szomatopedagógiai ellátására vonatkozóan, ezért tanulmányunkkal szeretnénk a szakirodalom, valamint a saját tapasztalataink összegzésével támogatási, illetve adaptációs lehetőségeket ajánlani iskolai és otthoni környezetben.Módszer: A gyermek iskolai tevékenységeinek megismerése céljából pedagógiai szempontú megfigyelést végeztünk. A mozgásállapot feltérképezéséhez a szomatopedagógiai funkcionális állapotfelmérés vizsgálatait használtuk. Elvégeztünk egy adaptált sztereognózis- vizsgálatot, valamint a felsővégtagi funkciók és egyéb meghatározott tevékenységek saját megítélésen alapuló felmérését az ABILHAND- Kids és a COSA kérdőívekkel.Eredmények: Az ízületi mozgásterjedelem testszerte csökkent, több ízületben is flexiós kontraktúra alakult ki. A manipulációt nagy mértékben akadályozza a pszeudoszindaktília, azonban a sztereognózis-vizsgálatban a tárgyak felismerését ez nem gátolta. Sajátos kétkezes technikával ír, önállóan étkezik, emellett az önellátási és mindennapos tevékenységek terén nagymértékű személyi segítséget igényel.Diszkusszió és következtetések: Az esettanulmány elkészítésénél fontos szempont volt a participatív szemlélet megvalósítása. Az adaptációs lehetőségek segítik az iskolai és az önellátási funkciók biztonságos kivitelezését. A betegség prognózisa egyénenként eltérő, így a támogatást személyközpontúan szükséges kialakítani, az aktuális mozgásállapothoz és egyéni igényeihez illesztve, az érintett személlyel és a környezetével szoros együttműködésben.Kulcsszavak: epidermolysis bullosa, ritka betegség, pszeudoszindaktília, szomatopedagógia, esettanulmány, mozgásnevelés}, year = {2024}, pages = {39-52}, orcid-numbers = {Berencsi, Andrea/0000-0002-2330-7895} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34688594, title = {Learning-dependent occipital NREM sleep-spindle clustering following extensive training in a visual perceptual task}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34688594}, author = {Gerván, Patrícia and Gombos, Ferenc and Bocskai, Gábor and Berencsi, Andrea and Kovács, Ilona}, booktitle = {International Neuroscience Conference, Pécs 2024}, unique-id = {34688594}, abstract = {Sleep spindles have been implicated to contribute to brain plasticity and the consolidation of pro- cedural memories. More recently, research by Boutin and colleagues (Boutin & Doyon, 2020; Boutin et al., 2023) suggests that the clustering of spindles into groups, referred to as trains, plays a critical role in motor learning. However, the association of clustered sleep spindles with perceptual learning has not yet been investigated. In this study, we aimed to explore how spindle clustering contributes to visual perceptual mem- ory consolidation by applying a contour integration task in humans. Perceptual learning in contour integration specifically addresses the long-range horizontal connections in the primary visual cortex (Kovacs & Julesz, 1993; Angelucci et al., 2002) and together with its documented sleep-dependent (Gerván et al., 2007) manner, this paradigm offers a well-established investigation of learning-de- pendent changes in electroencephalographic activity during sleep. As it is also detailed in the abstract by Gombos et al., we invited a developmental cohort (between 12 and 20 years of age) to spend an adaptation, and two consecutive nights under polysomno- graphic recording of full-night sleep. At least three weeks preceding the experimental sessions, and also three times between the two analyzed sleep recordings, participants practiced in the contour integration task. There was a retest session after the third night. Since perceptual performance of 16- and 20-year-olds was very similar, we collapsed these two age-groups for further analysis (n=39, female=20). Based on contour integration performance improvement between the first and last ses- sions, we divided the participants into two distinct groups: non-learners (n=17) and learners (n=22). To explore the connection between memory consolidation and sleep spindles, we compared the operating characteristics of aggregated occipital channels before and after training. We found an elevated level of spindle clustering by the second night in the ’learner’ group as it is reflected in the significant change in the ratio of fast spindles organized into trains, an increase in the number of fast spindle trains, and a decrease in the inter-spindle-interval within trains. No such pattern of cluster- ing was found in the ’non-learner’ group. These findings suggest that the clustering of sleep spindles into trains may support the efficient reactivation and consolidation of perceptual memories. The project was funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (Grants NRLN NK- 104481 and K-134370 to I.K.) and by the Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN- ELTE-PPKE Adolescent Development Research Group)}, year = {2024}, pages = {207-207}, orcid-numbers = {Berencsi, Andrea/0000-0002-2330-7895; Kovács, Ilona/0000-0002-1772-2697} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34688576, title = {Major remodelling of procedural training induced NREM sleep spindle clustering in adolescence}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34688576}, author = {Gombos, Ferenc and Berencsi, Andrea and Gerván, Patrícia and Bocskai, Gábor and Kovács, Ilona}, booktitle = {International Neuroscience Conference, Pécs 2024}, unique-id = {34688576}, abstract = {We investigate the clustering of sleep spindles in a human developmental context, employing two procedural learning tasks widely acknowledged as inducing local plasticity in distinct cortical regions, thereby seeking to elucidate the neurophysiological underpinnings of memory consolidation during critical developmental stages. Leveraging the high spatiotemporal resolution afforded by HD-EEG, sixty participants, aged 12, 16, and 20 years, underwent polysomnographic recording over an adaptation and two consecutive nights. Interposed between the latter, three sessions of contour integration and a sequential fin- ger-tapping task were carried out, followed by a retest in the subsequent morning. Building upon our prior research describing developmental trajectories of relevant sleep spindle parameters (Boc- skai et al., 2023) and their topographical relocation during adolescence (Gombos et al., 2022), we asked whether spindle clustering also goes through a major remodelling between childhood and adulthood. We aggregated the 122 EEG channels and task- and spindle modality-specific derivations and investigated the differences in the spindle clustering parameters of the two nights. Our analysis differentiated between slow (9-12Hz) and fast (12-16 Hz) sleep spindle frequencies manifesting spontaneously during non-rapid eye movement of full-night sleep. In alignment with contempo- rary literature (Antony et al., 2018; Boutin et al., 2023), we quantified Spindle Trains to ascertain spindle clustering — spindles occurring with inter-spindle intervals not exceeding six seconds. We introduced the Spindle Local Density (SLD) metric to assess low-frequency clustering of spindles, which evaluates spindle frequency over a 60-second spindle-centered sliding window. Please see our posters by Gerván et al, and Berencsi et al. for the analysis of spindle clustering in the task-rele- vant cortical networks as a function of behavioural improvement in the perceptual and motor tasks. We found a significant elevation of fast spindle clustering within the scalp, specifically the occip- ital, temporal, and frontal-polar-frontal areas, as a result of training. The results for SLD, inter-train interval, and the ratio of spindles in ‘trains’ became more robust with age. These findings suggest that in parallel to the topographical relocation of sleep spindles in adolescence, spindle clustering also goes through major alterations before the emergence of the adult pattern. The project was funded by the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office of Hungary (Grants NRLN NK- 104481 and K-134370 to I.K.) and by the Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN-ELTE-PPKE Adolescent Development Research Group).}, year = {2024}, pages = {205-205}, orcid-numbers = {Berencsi, Andrea/0000-0002-2330-7895; Kovács, Ilona/0000-0002-1772-2697} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34547982, title = {Daytime performance determines subsequent NREM sleep spindle clustering in a motor learning task}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34547982}, author = {Berencsi, Andrea and Gombos, Ferenc and Gerván, Patrícia and Bocskai, Gábor and Kovács, Ilona}, booktitle = {International Neuroscience Conference, Pécs 2024}, unique-id = {34547982}, abstract = {It has recently been proposed that the clustering of sleep spindles into trains is critical for the efficient reactivation and consolidation of motor memories in humans (Boutin & Doyon, 2020; Boutin et al., 2023). Relying on HD-EEG, here we aim to obtain a more detailed view of spindle clustering in task-relevant cortical networks as a function of behavioral improvement in a motor task. As it is also detailed in the abstract by Gombos et al., we invited a developmental cohort (between 12 and 20 years of age) to spend an adaptation and two consecutive nights under polysomnographic recording of full-night sleep. At least three weeks preceding the experimental sessions, and also three times between the two analyzed sleep recordings, participants practiced in a four-element sequential finger tapping task. There was a retest session after the third night. Although this training schedule is relatively short, we assumed that we can still tap into network-specific procedural memory consolidation due to the pre-recording motor learning session that potentially helped participants to acquire the cognitively demanding part of the task, reducing cognitive load in later sessions. Since motor performance of 16- and 20-year-olds was very similar, we collapsed these two age groups for further analysis (n=40, female=20). Regions of interest in the HD-EEG recordings included parietal and frontal somatomotor regions, and frontal-prefrontal areas. Performance rate in the motor task (correct taps/s) was calculated as a combined measure of speed and accuracy. We then analyzed the correlation between daytime and overnight motor improvement and the difference between spindle organization characteristics preceding and following motor training. While overnight improvement was not associated with clustering, daytime motor improvement was linked to sleep spindle organization. The number of fast and slow spindle trains increased with decreased train intervals and decreased number of isolated spindles in somatomotor and frontal-prefrontal localizations bilaterally as a function of daytime improvement. This pattern suggests that within the short training regime, there was still a significant engagement of cognitive resources explaining the lack of area-specific changes associated with offline learning. On the other hand, the strong association between daytime learning and subsequent bilateral spindle clustering suggests the role of sleep spindles in the stabilization of task-related memories. https://mitt2024.mitt.hu/application/files/8917/0612/5892/INC2024abstractbook.pdf}, year = {2024}, pages = {206}, orcid-numbers = {Berencsi, Andrea/0000-0002-2330-7895; Kovács, Ilona/0000-0002-1772-2697} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34542285, title = {Unlocking the Growth Spurt of the Brain: The Transient Tale of Adolescent Cognitive Abilities}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34542285}, author = {Oláh, Gyöngyi and Kovács, Kristóf and Gerván, Patrícia and Utczás, Katinka and Tróznai, Zsófia and Berencsi, Andrea and Szakács, Hanna and Gombos, Ferenc and Kovács, Ilona}, booktitle = {International Neuroscience Conference, Pécs 2024}, unique-id = {34542285}, abstract = {Adolescence represents a critical period not only for biological and social but also for brain and cognitive development. We demonstrated earlier that biological age has a selective effect on cognitive abilities in adolescence (Kovacs et al, 2022). Here we investigate the potential long-term effects of objectively measured pubertal maturity on cognitive abilities. Using ultrasonic bone age assessment to estimate biological age, participants (117 females, 11-15 y, one-year-wide age bins) were categorized into decelerated, average, and accelerated pubertal status groups at Time 1 (T1), based on the difference between their bone age and chronological age. Cognitive abilities were assessed applying WISC-IV subscales. At T1, bone maturation determined performance in Working Memory and Processing Speed within the same age-bins, with better performance at higher maturity levels. Testing the long-term effects on a subset of 60 participants (17-19 y, mean age=18.41, (SD=0.62)) of the same cohort at T2 we had an opportunity to examine whether faster maturation leads to long-term overdevelopment or whether the benefits of more speedy maturation are transient. It also allowed us to estimate whether individual variability in puberty onset time may alter developmental trajectories spanning into adulthood. At T2, there were no significant differences in cognitive performance among the maturity groups. The trajectories of the decelerated and average groups aligned with that of the accelerated group, suggesting that the early advantage observed at T1 is a transient developmental event. We argue that the short- term developmental differences, even if transient, are still essential to discuss since they could temporarily place the child outside the typical range and cause heightened stress levels. Our research group presents another poster at this conference entitled “Navigating Pubertal Goldilocks: The Optimal Pace for Hierarchical Brain Organization” by Szakács et al. indicating that cortical entropy production of the same teenage participants follows a different pattern than the one observed with respect to cognitive development. We interpret these findings as an indication of the presence of both transient developmental changes and potentially long-term deviations from normative development related to the speed of pubertal maturity.}, year = {2024}, pages = {208-208}, orcid-numbers = {Oláh, Gyöngyi/0000-0003-3433-9160; Utczás, Katinka/0000-0001-5734-2018; Tróznai, Zsófia/0000-0002-4020-6447; Berencsi, Andrea/0000-0002-2330-7895; Szakács, Hanna/0000-0001-5081-7535; Kovács, Ilona/0000-0002-1772-2697} } @{MTMT:34731368, title = {Előszó}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34731368}, author = {Maléth, Anett and Berencsi, Andrea}, booktitle = {Egy tudományos ösztöndíjprogram tapasztalatai}, unique-id = {34731368}, year = {2023}, pages = {4-13}, orcid-numbers = {Berencsi, Andrea/0000-0002-2330-7895} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34723123, title = {Esettanulmány egy epidermolysis bullosa betegséggel élő gyermek szomatopedagógia megsegítési lehetőségeiről}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34723123}, author = {Juhász, Eszter Zsófia and Berencsi, Andrea and Szabó-Pálinkás, Ditta}, booktitle = {Együttműködés, szakmaközi kapcsolatok, interdiszciplináris megközelítés}, unique-id = {34723123}, keywords = {ritka betegség}, year = {2023}, pages = {53-53}, orcid-numbers = {Berencsi, Andrea/0000-0002-2330-7895} } @article{MTMT:34719903, title = {A kézfunkció feltérképezése Duchenne-féle izomdisztrófiában}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34719903}, author = {Farkasházi-Rácsai, Krisztina and Mlinkó, Renáta and Vámos, Tibor and Berencsi, Andrea}, journal-iso = {REHABILITÁCIÓ}, journal = {REHABILITÁCIÓ: A MAGYAR REHABILITÁCIÓS TÁRSASÁG FOLYÓIRATA}, volume = {33}, unique-id = {34719903}, issn = {0866-479X}, year = {2023}, pages = {159-160}, orcid-numbers = {Vámos, Tibor/0000-0003-0796-5174; Berencsi, Andrea/0000-0002-2330-7895} } @article{MTMT:34719858, title = {A módosított Nottingham Sensory Assessment Scale kipróbálásának tapasztalatai intellektuális képességzavar esetén}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34719858}, author = {Vámos, Tibor and Kalocsai, Jázmin and Berencsi, Andrea}, journal-iso = {REHABILITÁCIÓ}, journal = {REHABILITÁCIÓ: A MAGYAR REHABILITÁCIÓS TÁRSASÁG FOLYÓIRATA}, volume = {33}, unique-id = {34719858}, issn = {0866-479X}, year = {2023}, pages = {149-149}, orcid-numbers = {Vámos, Tibor/0000-0003-0796-5174; Berencsi, Andrea/0000-0002-2330-7895} }