@article{MTMT:34478019, title = {The Academic Reception of Austrian, German and Swiss Reform Pedagogy Representatives in Hungarian Educational Science in the Interwar Period. Quantitative Content Analysis of the Magyar Paedagogia (1918–1939)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34478019}, author = {Szabó, Zoltán András}, doi = {10.15240/tul/006/2023-2-008}, journal-iso = {HIST SCHOL}, journal = {HISTORIA SCHOLASTICA}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {34478019}, issn = {1804-4913}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2336-680X}, pages = {197-212}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308} } @{MTMT:34447073, title = {The development of Hungarian educational science after World War II}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34447073}, author = {Somogyvári, Lajos and Garai, Imre and Szabó, Zoltán András and Németh, András}, booktitle = {State as the Owner of Education: Involvement of totalitarian regimes in the field of education in Europe in the second half of the 20th Century}, unique-id = {34447073}, abstract = {Our paper reveals the changes of the discipline after the Zero Hour (1945), when a new period began in the history of the Hungarian educational science. In this epoch, foundations of radical changes were laid, including scientific infrastructures, communities and other characteristics of the socialist educational science that diverged remarkably from the Western patterns. The theoretical framework is based on Becker’s (1989) and Stichweh’s (1994) scientific discipline model as well as on Bourdieu’s (2001, 2005) social fields theory. Social, political, institutional and individual issues of the period were analysed in the following structure: a) main dynamic changes of the Hungarian educational science agents’ activities; b) scientific discourses; c) typical institutional frameworks. Concerning the methodology, document analysis of archival sources preserved in the National Archives of Hungary and the Archives of Eötvös Loránd University and content analysis of the Magyar Pedagógia [Hungarian Pedagogy] as a representative professional journal were employed. Preliminary results suggest that this arena was formed by different ideological, political and professional intentions, with many veiled and visible conflicts. Constantly changing tendencies aimed to transform the discipline and thus the education the by controlling resources needed to fulfil the continuously changing goals of the professional and political interest groups.}, year = {2023}, pages = {19-19}, orcid-numbers = {Somogyvári, Lajos/0000-0002-3352-7197; Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807; Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308; Németh, András/0000-0001-9770-9830} } @{MTMT:34426944, title = {The Klebelsbergian Reform of Hungarian Secondary Education as a Structural Basis of the Altering Teacher Training}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34426944}, author = {Szabó, Zoltán András and Garai, Imre}, booktitle = {Histories of Education and Reform}, unique-id = {34426944}, year = {2023}, pages = {158-159}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308; Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807} } @{MTMT:34224312, title = {A tudományköziség érvényesülése a rendszerváltást környező időszak neveléstudományi kommunikációjában: a Magyar Pedagógia esete (1980–2000)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34224312}, author = {Szabó, Zoltán András and Ruzsa, Bence and Darvai, Tibor}, booktitle = {Elkötelezettség és rugalmasság: a neveléstudomány útjai az átalakuló világban}, unique-id = {34224312}, keywords = {interdiszciplinaritás; rendszerváltás; neveléstudomány}, year = {2023}, pages = {416-417}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308; Ruzsa, Bence/0000-0002-0429-8911; Darvai, Tibor/0000-0002-7086-4264} } @article{MTMT:33951686, title = {Developing older adults' learner autonomy through one-to-one counselling: Results of an exploratory investigation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33951686}, author = {Schiller, Emese and Dorner, Helga and Szabó, Zoltán András}, doi = {10.1016/j.system.2023.103030}, journal-iso = {SYSTEM}, journal = {SYSTEM}, volume = {115}, unique-id = {33951686}, issn = {0346-251X}, abstract = {Developing autonomous learning to maintain independent learning practice in an effective way is a crucial ability in adult education (Confessore & Park, 2004). Therefore, this study investigates the potential of one-to-one learning counselling to promote older learners' learner autonomy (aged 50 and older). Twenty-five older learners participated in the exploratory study. Reflective learning diaries and qualitatively oriented questionnaires were used as research tools to track participants' autonomous learning behaviour. We applied grounded theory and network analysis to see the complex interrelations of underlying constructs. Results show that comprehension and speaking development are significant incentives for older adults' language learning. Further, self-awareness in learning and metacognitive knowledge were identified as important constructs for self-study practice. Cognitive stimulation, sustained learner motivation and certain self-relating constructs continuously affected older adults' learning behaviour. Application of cognitive-and memory-enhancing learning strategies, as well as technology-supported learning materials, played an important role in independent learning practice. General perceived self-efficacy and self-management were areas developed beyond language learning.}, keywords = {OLDER ADULTS; learning; Learner autonomy development; One-to-one counselling for autonomous}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1879-3282}, orcid-numbers = {Schiller, Emese/0000-0002-1875-4842; Dorner, Helga/0000-0002-9648-9992; Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308} } @{MTMT:33533271, title = {Identifying the Thematic Scope of History of Education­related Researches in Hungary Between 2011 and 2021}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33533271}, author = {Szabó, Zoltán András and Dallos, Márta and Németh, András}, booktitle = {Histories of Educational Technologies. Cultural and Social Dimensions of Pedagogical Objects}, unique-id = {33533271}, abstract = {Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the history of education as a research field, it might be challenging to illustrate the thematic scope of the Hungarian history of education­related publications. Following Rudolf Stichweh’s (1984, 1994) notion of scientific discipline, the different genres and networks of written communication are used in order to determine and analyse the thematic priorities of the subdiscipline. The primary sources of the investigation are composed of international (ISCHE, ECER) and Hungarian (National Conference of Education Science) conference abstracts and articles of the decisive domestic professional journals (Educatio, Iskolakultúra, Új Pedagógiai Szemle, Magyar Pedagógia). Descriptive statistical and content analysis are employed as main research methods. Our first results show that the intention of transforming the subdiscipline into an internationally recognised field not only continued but also accelerated after the millennium. After 2011, the new national higher education law altered the institutional and financial background of the Hungarian tertial sector, which also had a consequence on the thematic focuses of research programs in each discipline. These developments might have also had effects on the previously commenced internationalisation processes. More precisely, this phenomenon resulted in the increasing submission of abstracts and journal articles to international organizations of history of education. Similar to the previous research (Identifying the Historians of Education in Hungary between 2011 and 2021) related to the complexity of the community of educational historians, the heterogeneity of the thematic focuses of the research projects was enhanced, in which the internationalisation played a significant role. The presentation has been supported by the National Research Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH/OTKA), grant number: 127937 Bibliography Baska Gabriella, Hegedűs Judit & Nóbik Attila (2013, eds.): A neveléstörténet változó arcai. A múlt értékei, a jelen kihívásai és a jövő. [Changing faces of history of education. The values of the past, challenges of present times and the future.] ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest. Stichweh, Rudolf (1984): Zur Entstehung des modernen Systems wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen. Physik in Deutschland 1740–1890. Shurkamp, Frankfurt am Main. Stichweh, Rudolf (1994): Wissenschaft, Universität, Professionen: Soziologische Analysen. Shurkamp, Frankfurt am Main. Kluchert, Gerhard, Horn, Klaus­Peter, Groppe, Carola & Caruso, Marcelo (2021, eds.): Historische Bildungsforschung. Konzepte – Methoden – Forscungsfelder. Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn.}, year = {2022}, pages = {93-93}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308; Dallos, Márta/0000-0001-5668-2432; Németh, András/0000-0001-9770-9830} } @{MTMT:33256425, title = {Inter- és multidiszciplinaritás a szocializmus időszakának neveléstudományában: a Magyar Pedagógia esete (1961–1990)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33256425}, author = {Szabó, Zoltán András and Ruzsa, Bence}, booktitle = {21. századi képességek, írásbeliség, esélyegyenlőség}, unique-id = {33256425}, abstract = {Az előadás célja a Magyar Pedagógia című folyóiratban publikált kutatások tudományközi jel-legének vizsgálata az 1961 és 1990 közötti időszakban. Az elemzett periódus írott neveléstudományi kommunikációjával – így kifejezetten a Magyar Pedagógiával is – már több összegző tanulmány foglalkozott, azonban a periodika inter- és multidiszciplináris jellegének vizsgálatára eddig inkább csak érintőlegesen került sor. Ennek alapján az előadás a következő kutatási kérdéseket fogalmazza meg: a) Hogyan viszonyultak a folyóirat szerzői (és szerkesztői) más tudományterületek kutatási módszereinek alkalmazásához, illetve az onnan érkező kutatókkal való együttműködéshez? b) Milyen tartalmi kategóriák kapcsolódnak az inter- és multidiszciplináris megközelítéshez? c) Maga a periodika milyen módon reflektált saját tudományközi jellegére? A kutatás a számítógéppel támogatott induktív tartalomelemzés módszerét alkalmazza a fentebb jelzett kategóriák azonosítása, rendezése és interpretálásának elősegítése érdekében. Az előadás a grounded theory Corbin és Strauss-féle ágát gráfelméleti megközelítéssel kombinálva a tudományköziség jelenségének hálózatos bemutatását kívánja adni az elemzett folyóirat példáján. A számítógépes analízist az ATLAS.ti 8.4-es és a yEd Graph Editor 3.22-es verziójával végeztük el. A kutatás eredményei azt mutatják, hogy a vizsgált folyóiratban számos ponton tetten érhető az inter- és a multidiszciplináris megközelítésmód alkalmazása, amelyekről a periodika – önreflektív módon – maga is beszámolt. E reflexió azonban az elemzett időszakon belül változó intenzitással és eltérő formákban jelent meg.}, keywords = {interdiszciplinaritás; tartalomelemzés; hálózatelemzés; grounded theory; multidiszciplináris; interdiszciplináris}, year = {2022}, pages = {58-59}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308; Ruzsa, Bence/0000-0002-0429-8911} } @article{MTMT:32922998, title = {The history of education in Hungary from the mid-nineteenth century to present day}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32922998}, author = {Szabó, Zoltán András and Garai, Imre and Németh, András}, doi = {10.1080/00309230.2022.2090849}, journal-iso = {PAEDAGOG HIST}, journal = {PAEDAGOGICA HISTORICA}, volume = {58}, unique-id = {32922998}, issn = {0030-9230}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1477-674X}, pages = {901-919}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308; Garai, Imre/0000-0001-7129-7807; Németh, András/0000-0001-9770-9830} } @{MTMT:32812739, title = {Petrik Lajos párhuzamos életútjai}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32812739}, author = {Ruzsa, Bence}, booktitle = {Petrik emlékév - évkönyv}, unique-id = {32812739}, year = {2022}, pages = {7-93}, orcid-numbers = {Ruzsa, Bence/0000-0002-0429-8911; Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308} } @inbook{MTMT:32728243, title = {A Magyar Pedagógia című folyóirat mennyiségi és tartalmi változásai az 1961 utáni időszakban. Megközelítési lehetőségek}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32728243}, author = {Szabó, Zoltán András}, booktitle = {A szovjet típusú rendszer időszakának vitatott kérdései}, unique-id = {32728243}, year = {2022}, pages = {276-281}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Zoltán András/0000-0003-3762-2308} }