@inproceedings{MTMT:34493120, title = {Honfoglalás kori köznépi temetők anyai vonalainak jellemzése, archeogenetikai módszerekkel}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34493120}, author = {Maár, Kitti and Neparáczki, Endre and Varga, Gergely István and Kovács, Bence and Maróti, Zoltán and Kalmár, Tibor and Nagy, István and Latinovics, Dóra and Tihanyi, Balázs and Marcsik, Antónia and Kustár, Ágnes and Pálfi, György and Raskó, István and Török, Tibor}, booktitle = {"Hadak útján" A népvándorláskor fiatal kutatóinak XXIX. konferenciája. = 29th Conference of scholars on the Migration Period}, doi = {10.55722/Arpad.Kiad.2023.4.2_07}, unique-id = {34493120}, abstract = {A régészeti leletekből kinyerhető archaikus DNS vizsgálata fényt deríthet egyének, populációk eredetére és rokoni kapcsolataira. Korábbi munkánk során elsősorban a honfoglalás kori szállási temetők genetikai kapcsolatait derítettük fel régészeti genetikai módszerekkel. A karosi és kenézlői temető együttesek nagy felbontású teljes mitogenom analízise azt mutatta, hogy a honfoglalók anyai ágú vonalai visszavezethetők az eurázsiai sztyeppe távoli részeire: harmaduk Közép-Belső Ázsia területéről származott, kétharmaduk pedig a bronzkori pontusi-kaszpi sztyeppe Poltavka-Potakovka-Szrubnaja kultúráira vezethető vissza. Felvetődött a kérdés, hogy ezek az adatok milyen mértékben vonatkoztathatók a teljes honfoglaló populációra? Hogy ezt a kérdést megválaszoljuk, vizsgálatainkat kiterjesztettük a 10. századi nagyobb sírszámú falusi temetőkre, melyek a honfoglalás kori köznépet rejthetik. A kiválasztott 6 falusi temető mindegyikéből 20-30 egyén anyai vonalait vizsgáltuk. A mintaválasztást elsősorban régészeti és antropológiai adatok alapján végeztük. Mivel a temetők többsége átnyúlik az Árpád-korba és korábbi antropológiai vizsgálatok több temetőben lehetséges népességcserét jeleztek, ezért a korai és a későbbi sírok összehasonlításával a népességcsere kérdésére is választ remélhetünk. A projekt jelen állása szerint csaknem az összes szekvencia adat elkészült és most folyik az adatok filogenetikai és populációgenetikai kiértékelése, ezért az előzetes eredményeket tudjuk bemutatni.}, keywords = {mitogenom; aDNS; NGS szekvenálás}, year = {2023}, pages = {159-170}, orcid-numbers = {Maár, Kitti/0000-0002-1207-6569; Neparáczki, Endre/0000-0003-3466-0368; Varga, Gergely István/0000-0001-9073-5788; Kovács, Bence/0000-0002-4915-1462; Maróti, Zoltán/0000-0002-0515-117X; Kalmár, Tibor/0000-0002-0419-2009; Tihanyi, Balázs/0000-0001-5124-4468; Marcsik, Antónia/0000-0002-3121-4365; Török, Tibor/0000-0002-2128-1126} } @{MTMT:33950517, title = {A Kárpát-medence 10-11. századi népességének genetikai összetétele és származása teljes genom adatok alapján}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33950517}, author = {Török, Tibor and Maróti, Zoltán and Neparáczki, Endre and Schütz, Oszkár and Maár, Kitti and Varga, Gergely István and Kovács, Bence and Kalmár, Tibor and Nyerki, Emil and Nagy, István and Latinovics, Dóra and Tihanyi, Balázs and Marcsik, Antónia and Pálfi, György and Bernert, Zsolt and Gallina, József Zsolt and Horváth, Ciprian and Varga, Sándor and Költő, László and Raskó, István and Nagy, Péter L. and Balogh, Csilla and Anders, Götherström and Robert, George and Szalontai, Csaba and Szenthe, Gergely Pál and Gáll, Erwin and Kiss P., Attila and Gulyás, Bence and Kovacsóczy, Bernadett and Gál, Szilárd Sándor and Tomka, Péter}, booktitle = {Árpád népe}, unique-id = {33950517}, year = {2023}, pages = {36-37}, orcid-numbers = {Török, Tibor/0000-0002-2128-1126; Maróti, Zoltán/0000-0002-0515-117X; Neparáczki, Endre/0000-0003-3466-0368; Schütz, Oszkár/0000-0001-5521-3044; Maár, Kitti/0000-0002-1207-6569; Varga, Gergely István/0000-0001-9073-5788; Kovács, Bence/0000-0002-4915-1462; Kalmár, Tibor/0000-0002-0419-2009; Nyerki, Emil/0000-0003-1168-763X; Tihanyi, Balázs/0000-0001-5124-4468; Marcsik, Antónia/0000-0002-3121-4365; Balogh, Csilla/0000-0002-9161-1653; Gulyás, Bence/0000-0002-7682-2065} } @misc{MTMT:33074997, title = {Whole genome analysis sheds light on the genetic origin of Huns, Avars and conquering Hungarians}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33074997}, author = {Maróti, Zoltán and Neparáczki, Endre and Schütz, Oszkár and Maár, Kitti and Varga, Gergely István and Kovács, Bence and Kalmár, Tibor and Nyerki, Emil and Nagy, István and Latinovics, Dóra and Tihanyi, Balázs and Marcsik, Antónia and Pálfi, György and Bernert, Zsolt and Gallina, József Zsolt and Horváth, Ciprian and Varga, Sándor and Költő, László and Raskó, István and L. Nagy, Péter and Balogh, Csilla and Zink, Albert and Maixner, Frank and Götherström, Anders and George, Robert and Szalontai, Csaba and Szenthe, Gergely Pál and Gáll, Erwin and P. Kiss, Attila and Rácz, Attila and Gulyás, Bence and Ny. Kovacsóczy, Bernadett and Gaál, Sándor Szilárd and Tomka, Péter and Török, Tibor}, unique-id = {33074997}, year = {2022}, pages = {1-26}, orcid-numbers = {Maróti, Zoltán/0000-0002-0515-117X; Neparáczki, Endre/0000-0003-3466-0368; Schütz, Oszkár/0000-0001-5521-3044; Maár, Kitti/0000-0002-1207-6569; Varga, Gergely István/0000-0001-9073-5788; Kovács, Bence/0000-0002-4915-1462; Kalmár, Tibor/0000-0002-0419-2009; Nyerki, Emil/0000-0003-1168-763X; Tihanyi, Balázs/0000-0001-5124-4468; Marcsik, Antónia/0000-0002-3121-4365; Balogh, Csilla/0000-0002-9161-1653; Török, Tibor/0000-0002-2128-1126} } @article{MTMT:32549671, title = {An archaeogenetic approach to identify the remains of the Hungarian Kings}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32549671}, author = {Varga, Gergely István and Maár, Kitti and Ginguta, Alexandra and Kovács, Bence and Tihanyi, Balázs and Kis, Luca and Váradi, Orsolya Anna and Kiss, Petra and Szokolóczi, Dávid and Schütz, Oszkár and Maróti, Zoltán and Nyerki, Emil and Nagy, István and Latinovics, Dóra and Török, Tibor and Neparáczki, Endre}, doi = {10.53644/EH.2021.2.333}, journal-iso = {EPHEMER HUNGAROL}, journal = {EPHEMERIS HUNGAROLOGICA}, volume = {1}, unique-id = {32549671}, issn = {2786-3522}, abstract = {The Royal Basilica of Székesfehérvár was the burial place of fifteen Hungarian kings. Unfortunately, the anthropological findings excavated at the site of the Basilica were mixed up during the tumultuous centuries of Hungary, hence the royal remains still lie unidentified in a charnel-house. The appearance and rapid development of archaeogenetics now allows the personal identification of the royal skeletons from among the remains of the Basilica. The genetic information necessary for the identification of the Árpád dynasty members is accessible, while sequence data of the non-Árpádian kings’ relatives still need to be obtained by further genetic analysis. Here we provide an outline of the investigation for the identity of the royal skeletons: we sketch the process of sample preparation and DNA extraction, the steps of library preparation for next-generation sequencing (NGS) and give a brief report of the current progressions.}, keywords = {Next-generation sequencing; Hungarian history; Kingdom of Hungary; archaeogenetics; personal identification; Árpád dynasty}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2786-3514}, pages = {333-342}, orcid-numbers = {Varga, Gergely István/0000-0001-9073-5788; Maár, Kitti/0000-0002-1207-6569; Kovács, Bence/0000-0002-4915-1462; Tihanyi, Balázs/0000-0001-5124-4468; Kis, Luca/0000-0002-1021-2854; Váradi, Orsolya Anna/0000-0002-7825-265X; Schütz, Oszkár/0000-0001-5521-3044; Maróti, Zoltán/0000-0002-0515-117X; Nyerki, Emil/0000-0003-1168-763X; Török, Tibor/0000-0002-2128-1126; Neparáczki, Endre/0000-0003-3466-0368} } @article{MTMT:31930584, title = {Maternal Lineages from 10-11th Century Commoner Cemeteries of Carpathian Basin}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31930584}, author = {Maár, Kitti and Varga, Gergely István and Kovács, Bence and Schütz, Oszkár and Maróti, Zoltán and Kalmár, Tibor and Nyerki, Emil and Nagy, István and Latinovics, Dóra and Tihanyi, Balázs and Marcsik, Antónia and Pálfi, György and Bernert, Zsolt and Gallina, József Zsolt and Varga, Sándor and Költő, László and Raskó, István and Török, Tibor and Neparáczki, Endre}, doi = {10.3390/genes12030460}, journal-iso = {GENES-BASEL}, journal = {GENES}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {31930584}, issn = {2073-4425}, abstract = {Nomadic groups of conquering Hungarians played a predominant role in Hungarian prehistory, but genetic data are available only from the immigrant elite strata. Most of the 10–11th century remains in the Carpathian Basin belong to common people, whose origin and relation to the immigrant elite have been widely debated. Mitogenome sequences were obtained from 202 individuals with next generation sequencing combined with hybridization capture. Median joining networks were used for phylogenetic analysis. The commoner population was compared to 87 ancient Eurasian populations with sequence-based (Fst) and haplogroup-based population genetic methods. The haplogroup composition of the commoner population markedly differs from that of the elite, and, in contrast to the elite, commoners cluster with European populations. Alongside this, detectable sub-haplogroup sharing indicates admixture between the elite and the commoners. The majority of the 10–11th century commoners most likely represent local populations of the Carpathian Basin, which admixed with the eastern immigrant groups (which included conquering Hungarians).}, keywords = {Carpathian Basin; Ancient mitogenomes; Hungarian commoners}, year = {2021}, eissn = {2073-4425}, orcid-numbers = {Maár, Kitti/0000-0002-1207-6569; Varga, Gergely István/0000-0001-9073-5788; Kovács, Bence/0000-0002-4915-1462; Schütz, Oszkár/0000-0001-5521-3044; Maróti, Zoltán/0000-0002-0515-117X; Kalmár, Tibor/0000-0002-0419-2009; Nyerki, Emil/0000-0003-1168-763X; Tihanyi, Balázs/0000-0001-5124-4468; Marcsik, Antónia/0000-0002-3121-4365; Török, Tibor/0000-0002-2128-1126; Neparáczki, Endre/0000-0003-3466-0368} } @article{MTMT:31828013, title = {Myopia-26, the female-limited form of early-onset high myopia, occurring in a European family}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31828013}, author = {Széll, Noémi and Fehér, Tamás and Maróti, Zoltán and Kalmár, Tibor and Latinovics, Dóra and Nagy, István and Orosz, Zsuzsanna Zita and Janáky, Márta and Facskó, Andrea and Sohajda, Zoltán}, doi = {10.1186/s13023-021-01673-z}, journal-iso = {ORPHANET J RARE DIS}, journal = {ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES}, volume = {16}, unique-id = {31828013}, issn = {1750-1172}, abstract = {BackgroundFemale-limited early-onset high myopia, also called Myopia-26 is a rare monogenic disorder characterized by severe short sightedness starting in early childhood and progressing to blindness potentially by the middle ages. Despite the X-linked locus of the mutated ARR3 gene, the disease paradoxically affects females only, with males being asymptomatic carriers. Previously, this disease has only been observed in Asian families and has not gone through detailed investigation concerning collateral symptoms or pathogenesis.ResultsWe found a large Hungarian family displaying female-limited early-onset high myopia. Whole exome sequencing of two individuals identified a novel nonsense mutation (c.214C>T, p.Arg72*) in the ARR3 gene. We carried out basic ophthalmological testing for 18 family members, as well as detailed ophthalmological examination (intraocular pressure, axial length, fundus appearance, optical coherence tomography, visual field- testing) as well as colour vision- and electrophysiology tests (standard and multifocal electroretinography, pattern electroretinography and visual evoked potentials) for eight individuals. Ophthalmological examinations did not reveal any signs of cone dystrophy as opposed to animal models. Electrophysiology and colour vision tests similarly did not evidence a general cone system alteration, rather a central macular dysfunction affecting both the inner and outer (postreceptoral and receptoral) retinal structures in all patients with ARR3 mutation.ConclusionsThis is the first description of a Caucasian family displaying Myopia-26. We present two hypotheses that could potentially explain the pathomechanism of this disease.}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1750-1172}, orcid-numbers = {Fehér, Tamás/0000-0001-9318-3640; Maróti, Zoltán/0000-0002-0515-117X; Kalmár, Tibor/0000-0002-0419-2009} } @article{MTMT:2591076, title = {Conditional DNA repair mutants enable highly precise genome engineering.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2591076}, author = {Nyerges, Ákos and Csörgő, Bálint and Nagy, István and Latinovics, Dóra and Szamecz, Béla and Pósfai, György and Pál, Csaba}, doi = {10.1093/nar/gku105}, journal-iso = {NUCLEIC ACIDS RES}, journal = {NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH}, volume = {42}, unique-id = {2591076}, issn = {0305-1048}, abstract = {Oligonucleotide-mediated multiplex genome engineering is an important tool for bacterial genome editing. The efficient application of this technique requires the inactivation of the endogenous methyl-directed mismatch repair system that in turn leads to a drastically elevated genomic mutation rate and the consequent accumulation of undesired off-target mutations. Here, we present a novel strategy for mismatch repair evasion using temperature-sensitive DNA repair mutants and temporal inactivation of the mismatch repair protein complex in Escherichia coli. Our method relies on the transient suppression of DNA repair during mismatch carrying oligonucleotide integration. Using temperature-sensitive control of methyl-directed mismatch repair protein activity during multiplex genome engineering, we reduced the number of off-target mutations by 85%, concurrently maintaining highly efficient and unbiased allelic replacement.}, year = {2014}, eissn = {1362-4962}, orcid-numbers = {Nyerges, Ákos/0000-0002-1581-490X; Csörgő, Bálint/0000-0003-0397-6845} } @article{MTMT:1918283, title = {Electron-transfer subunits of the NiFe hydrogenases in Thiocapsa roseopersicina BBS}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1918283}, author = {Palagyi-Meszaros, LS and Maróti, Judit and Latinovics, Dóra and Balogh, Tímea and Klement, Éva and Medzihradszky F., Katalin and Rákhely, Gábor and Kovács, Kornél Lajos}, doi = {10.1111/j.1742-4658.2008.06770.x}, journal-iso = {FEBS J}, journal = {FEBS JOURNAL}, volume = {276}, unique-id = {1918283}, issn = {1742-464X}, year = {2009}, eissn = {1742-4658}, pages = {164-174}, orcid-numbers = {Rákhely, Gábor/0000-0003-2557-3641; Kovács, Kornél Lajos/0000-0002-3926-0497} } @article{MTMT:1913814, title = {The hydrogenases of Thiocapsa roseopersicina}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1913814}, author = {Kovács, Kornél Lajos and Kovács, Ákos Tibor and Maróti, Gergely and Mészáros, Lívia S. and Balogh, Judit and Latinovics, Dóra and Fülöp, András and Dávid, Réka and Dorogházi, Emma and Rákhely, Gábor}, doi = {10.1042/BST0330061}, journal-iso = {BIOCHEM SOC T}, journal = {BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS}, volume = {33}, unique-id = {1913814}, issn = {0300-5127}, keywords = {Genes, Bacterial; Thiocapsa roseopersicina/*enzymology/genetics; Hydrogenase/genetics/*metabolism}, year = {2005}, eissn = {1470-8752}, pages = {61-63}, orcid-numbers = {Kovács, Kornél Lajos/0000-0002-3926-0497; Maróti, Gergely/0000-0002-3705-0461; Rákhely, Gábor/0000-0003-2557-3641} } @article{MTMT:2212003, title = {Improvement of biohydrogen production and intensification of biogas formation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2212003}, author = {Kovács, Kornél Lajos and Kovács, Ákos Tibor and Maróti, Gergely and Bagi, Zoltán and Csanádi, Gyula and Perei, Katalin and Bálint, Balázs and Balogh, Judit and Fülöp, András and Mészáros, Lívia S. and Tóth, András and Dávid, Réka and Latinovics, Dóra and Varga, A and Rákhely, Gábor}, doi = {10.1007/s11157-004-7460-2}, journal-iso = {REV ENVIRON SCI BIO-TECHNOL}, journal = {REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND BIO-TECHNOLOGY}, volume = {3}, unique-id = {2212003}, issn = {1569-1705}, year = {2004}, eissn = {1572-9826}, pages = {321-330}, orcid-numbers = {Kovács, Kornél Lajos/0000-0002-3926-0497; Maróti, Gergely/0000-0002-3705-0461; Bagi, Zoltán/0000-0001-7795-2024; Perei, Katalin/0000-0001-8989-2284; Rákhely, Gábor/0000-0003-2557-3641} }