TY - JOUR AU - Tóth, Tamás Ferenc AU - Németh, Adrienn AU - Bakó, Péter AU - Révész, Péter AU - Gerlinger, Imre AU - Szanyi, István TI - Matching the pitch perception of the cochlear implanted ear with the contralateral ear in patients with single-sided deafness: a novel approach JF - EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY J2 - EUR ARCH OTO-RHINO-L VL - 280 PY - 2023 IS - 11 SP - 4851 EP - 4859 PG - 9 SN - 0937-4477 DO - 10.1007/s00405-023-08002-z UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33806009 ID - 33806009 N1 - Funding Agency and Grant Number: University of Pecs Funding text: Open access funding provided by University of Pecs. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Bölcsföldi, T Barbara AU - Pap, István AU - Tóth, Tamás Ferenc AU - Tóth, István AU - Révész, Péter AU - Gerlinger, Imre AU - Szanyi, István TI - A szelektív epitympanalis dysventilatiós szindróma műtéti megoldása. JF - ORVOSI HETILAP J2 - ORV HETIL VL - 163 PY - 2022 IS - 36 SP - 1440 EP - 1446 PG - 7 SN - 0030-6002 DO - 10.1556/650.2022.32563 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33079688 ID - 33079688 N1 - Case Reports AB - The selective epitympanic dysventilation syndrome is a new theory of the cholesteatoma formation, the description of which was allowed by a minimally invasive surgical technique - the transcanal endoscopic ear surgery - some years ago. The transcanal endoscopic ear surgery provided the possibility of a certain amount of detailed anatomical knowledge to identify the new factor behind this process, namely obstruction of the ventilation pathways of the middle ear. Our goal was to draw the ear surgeons' attention to this clinical picture as cholesteatoma development and subsequent worsening of the quality of life caused by ear discharge and conductive hearing loss may be reversible or preventable. We make the syndrome more understandable by using our own anatomical drawings. In this paper, the authors present a case of selective epitympanic dysventilation syndrome, and emphasize the importance of recognition and the endoscopic ear surgical treatment as well as review the international literature. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(36): 1440-1446. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Tóth, Tamás Ferenc AU - Gerlinger, Imre AU - Bölcsföldi T., Barbara AU - Kellényi, György AU - Németh, Adrienn AU - Papp, István AU - Szanyi, István TI - A Vibrant Soundbridge aktív középfül-implantátum történeti áttekintése és sebészi alkalmazásának lehetőségei = Historical overview and surgical applications of the Vibrant Soundbridge active middle ear implant JF - ORVOSI HETILAP J2 - ORV HETIL VL - 162 PY - 2021 IS - 40 SP - 1619 EP - 1626 PG - 8 SN - 0030-6002 DO - 10.1556/650.2021.32216 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32298322 ID - 32298322 AB - Összefoglaló. A Vibrant Soundbridge aktív középfül-implantátum vezetéses, sensorineuralis és kevert típusú halláscsökkenés esetén is megoldást jelenthet a beteg hallásrehabilitációja során. Sensorineuralis halláscsökkenés esetén akkor indikálható, ha a légvezetéses hallásküszöb nem haladja meg a 80-85 dBHL-t a 3-4 kHz frekvenciákon, vezetéses, illetve kevert típusú halláscsökkenés esetén pedig akkor, ha a csontvezetéses hallásküszöb nem haladja meg a 45-65 dBHL-t a 0,5-4 kHz közti frekvenciatartományban. Az implantátum beültetését eleinte tisztán sensorineuralis halláscsökkenés esetén végezték, és csupán egyféleképpen történhetett: a rezgéskeltő rendszer oldalán lévő rögzítőcsipeszt rá kellett applikálni az incus hosszú nyújtványára. Azokra az esetekre, amikor a rezgéskeltő rögzítése nem kivitelezhető, különböző rögzítőelemeket (coupler) fejlesztettek ki. Az incusra való rögzítés hosszúnyújtvány-couplerrel, illetve rövidnyújtvány-couplerrel lehetséges. Vezetéses és kevert típusú halláscsökkenés esetén a kerek ablak membránjához is illeszthető a rendszer, előrehaladott otosclerosis esetén pedig a Soundbridge-implantáció stapedotomiával kiegészített változata ("power stapes") hozhat kielégítő halláseredményt. Ezek a technikák meglehetősen megnövelték a sebész szabadságát, így széles körben alkalmazott, megbízható megoldássá váltak. A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Fül-Orr-Gégészeti és Fej-Nyaksebészeti Klinikáján az elmúlt évtizedben számos incusvibroplastica történt, de kerekablak-vibroplasticára is több alkalommal sor került. A jelen összefoglaló tanulmányban a Vibrant Soundbridge implantátum technikai fejlődésének történeti áttekintésén felül az alkalmazható műtéti megoldásokat mutatjuk be. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(40): 1619-1626. Summary. The Vibrant Soundbridge active middle ear implant can provide a reliable solution for hearing rehabilitation of patients with conductive, sensorineural or mixed hearing loss. For sensorineural hearing loss, the air conduction threshold of the patient should not be more increased than 80-85 dBHL at the range of 3-4 kHz, and for conductive and mixed hearing loss, the bone conduction threshold should not be more increased than 45-65 dBHL between 0.5 and 4 kHz. The standard surgical procedure was originally designed for purely sensorineural hearing loss, and the fixation clip of the vibrating transducer needed to be crimped onto the long process of the incus. In many cases, it is impossible to crimp the vibrator onto the incus. In order to solve such circumstances, fixation clips (couplers) have been developed. There are two options to crimp the device on the incus: applying a long process coupler or a short process coupler. For conductive or mixed hearing loss, a round window soft coupler has been introduced. In advanced otosclerotic cases, a special combined technique of Soundbridge implantation with simultaneous stapedotomy can result in sufficient hearing rehabilitation. These techniques significantly broadened the scale of possibilities for the implantation, therefore, it became a widely utilized, reliable procedure. At the Department of Otorhino-laryngology, Clinical Center, University of Pécs, in addition to a noteworthy amount of incus vibroplasty, several cases of round window vibroplasty have also been performed. The aim of the present study is to summarize the history of development of the Vibrant Soundbridge and to present an overview of the applicable surgical techniques. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(40): 1619-1626. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Gerlinger, Imre AU - Molnár, Krisztián AU - Nepp, Nelli AU - Tóth, István AU - Tóth, Tamás Ferenc AU - Szanyi, István AU - Bakó, Péter AU - Pap, István TI - Subtotalis petrosectomia – javallatok, műtéti technika, pécsi tapasztalatok JF - ORVOSI HETILAP J2 - ORV HETIL VL - 161 PY - 2020 IS - 14 SP - 544 EP - 553 PG - 10 SN - 0030-6002 DO - 10.1556/650.2020.31691 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31269089 ID - 31269089 AB - Introduction: Subtotal petrosectomy (STP) has been known for decades and it is considered being on the borderline between ear and skull-base surgery. Due to its excessive radicalism and adverse effects on hearing, it has been a forgotten surgical technique until recently. Over the last decade, due to its many benefits and the ability to combine it with modern hearing rehabilitation methods, STP has reappeared, providing a definitive solution to a number of problematic middl-ear disorders. Aim: In our retrospective clinical study, we wanted to highlight the effectiveness of STP, analyzing the efficiency of this surgery for the first time in domestic patient records, and to report our own experiences to date. Method: We processed data from 45 surgeries on our 44 patients. In addition to presenting the various surgical indications, we review the steps of the operation, analyze the audiological results, including the various methods of hearing rehabilitation, and also analyze the complications that have occurred. Our results are also summarized in the light of international professional literature. Results: Of our 44 patients, 23 were female and 21 were male. Patients had a mean age of 44.6 ± 20.5 years and a mean follow-up of 23 ± 16 months. Of our patients, 25 (57%) had undergone at least two previous unsuccessful ear operations, and 6 (14%) had deafness before surgery. The most common indication was chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma. 13 patients underwent 14 cochlear implantations (23%), in addition 6 patients received bone anchored hearing aids (BAHA) (14%), and 2 patients (5%) underwent VSB (Vibrant Soundbridge) placement against the round window membrane. Complications occurred in 11 of our patients, the most common of which was cerebrospinal fluid leak (5 cases, 11%) and wound dehiscence (3 cases, 7%). Data from 3 patients were available for processing the audiological results. Conclusion: STP is an extremely favorable surgical solution for a number of middle-ear pathologies that have previously caused major problems. The main reason for its growing popularity is that it can be combined with a number of modern, effective methods of hearing rehabilitation. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(14): 544-553. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Burián, András AU - Gerlinger, Imre AU - Tóth, Tamás Ferenc AU - Piski, Zalán AU - Ráth, Gábor AU - Bakó, Péter TI - Stapedotomy with incus vibroplasty - A novel surgical solution of advanced otosclerosis and its place among existing therapeutic modalities - Hungarian single institutional experiences. JF - AURIS NASUS LARYNX J2 - AURIS NASUS LARYNX VL - 47 PY - 2020 IS - 1 SP - 55 EP - 64 PG - 10 SN - 0385-8146 DO - 10.1016/j.anl.2019.04.004 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30676150 ID - 30676150 AB - To delineate the advantages and steps of stapedotomy with incus vibroplasty, to assess the safety and efficacy of this method via the authors' experiences, and to overview the literature regarding other surgical options in advanced otosclerosis determining the place of stapedotomy with incus vibroplasty in the therapeutic range.Four patients were enrolled in the study presenting severe mixed hearing loss of at least one side on pure tone audiometry. Based on complementary audiological examinations including stapedial reflex test and multifrequency tympanometry, all cases were suspected as advanced otosclerosis. Stapedotomy with incus vibroplasty - the combination of laser stapedotomy and simultaneous Vibrant Soundbridge implantation - was performed in each patient. Preoperative pure tone average, speech recognition thresholds and word recognition scores were compared to one-year postoperative free-field values with the implant switched on focusing on functional gain.Among 4 participants (3 females, 1 male) the mean age (SD) was 66 years (35). In three cases Nitinol, in one case NitiBond piston was inserted. One-year postoperative free-field functional gains were 30 dB, 34 dB, 42 dB and 51 dB, respectively. One-year postoperative free-field speech recognition thresholds were 45 dB, 45 dB, 49 dB and 50 dB, respectively, while word recognition scores were 70%, 70%, 70% and 75%, respectively.Postoperative results in our serie regarding pure tone average and word recognition score proved to be better than those found in the literature. Stapedotomy with incus vibroplasty - through sufficient air-bone gap closure and simultaneous sensorineural component management - seems to be a promising surgical solution in advanced otosclerosis, requiring further investigation. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Németh, Adrienn AU - Bocskai, Tímea AU - Tóth, Tamás Ferenc AU - Molnár, Krisztián AU - Gerlinger, Imre TI - Cochleáris implantációval szerzett tapasztalataink MELAS-szindrómás betegeinknél - Esteismertetés JF - FÜL-ORR-GÉGEGYÓGYÁSZAT J2 - FÜL-ORR-GÉGEGYÓGYÁSZAT VL - 65 PY - 2019 IS - 4 SP - 135 EP - 137 PG - 3 SN - 0016-237X UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30936919 ID - 30936919 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Németh, Adrienn AU - Tóth, Tamás Ferenc AU - Gerlinger, Imre TI - Implantálható hallókészülékek JF - FÜL-ORR-GÉGEGYÓGYÁSZAT J2 - FÜL-ORR-GÉGEGYÓGYÁSZAT VL - 64 PY - 2018 IS - 4 SP - 138 EP - 146 PG - 9 SN - 0016-237X UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34037404 ID - 34037404 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Németh, Adrienn AU - Gerlinger, Imre AU - Tóth, Tamás Ferenc TI - Implantálható hallókészülékek – hol tartunk 2016-ban? JF - ORVOSTOVÁBBKÉPZŐ SZEMLE J2 - ORVOSTOVÁBBKÉPZŐ SZLE VL - 23 PY - 2016 IS - 7-8 SP - 20 EP - 27 PG - 8 SN - 1218-2583 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34037405 ID - 34037405 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Tóth, Tamás Ferenc AU - Bakó, Péter AU - Németh, Adrienn AU - Révész, Péter AU - Barcsi, Beatrix AU - Gerlinger, Imre TI - Az elektrosebészet és az MRI diagnosztika veszélyei cochlearis implantátumot viselő betegek körében JF - FÜL-ORR-GÉGEGYÓGYÁSZAT J2 - FÜL-ORR-GÉGEGYÓGYÁSZAT VL - 62 PY - 2016 IS - 3 SP - 75 EP - 79 PG - 5 SN - 0016-237X UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3222498 ID - 3222498 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - BOOK AU - Gerlinger, Imre AU - Szanyi, István AU - Lujber, László AU - Tóth, Tamás Ferenc TI - Fülészeti mozaikok ET - 0 PB - Magánkiadás (nemzetközi) CY - Pécs PY - 2016 SP - 424 SN - 9789631264906 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3182887 ID - 3182887 LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER -