@book{MTMT:35196785, title = {A jog és a rendkívüli eszközökkel való kormányzás. Jog és politika a válságok korában}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35196785}, isbn = {9789634897248}, author = {Antal, Attila}, publisher = {ELTE Eötvös Kiadó Kft.}, unique-id = {35196785}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Antal, Attila/0000-0001-6835-7493} } @book{MTMT:34794154, title = {A kivételes kormányzás és a demokrácia a válságok korszakában – Kivételes kormányzás a 2010 utáni Magyarországon}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34794154}, isbn = {9789633123881}, author = {Antal, Attila}, doi = {10.21862/KiveKormAA/2024/3881}, publisher = {ELTE Eötvös Kiadó Kft.}, unique-id = {34794154}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Antal, Attila/0000-0001-6835-7493} } @article{MTMT:34550909, title = {A válságok és kivételes jogrendek történeti perspektívában}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34550909}, author = {Antal, Attila}, doi = {10.56944/multunk.2023.4.6}, journal-iso = {MÚLTUNK}, journal = {MÚLTUNK - POLITIKATÖRTÉNETI FOLYÓIRAT}, volume = {68}, unique-id = {34550909}, issn = {0864-960X}, abstract = {A kivételes hatalomgyakorlás hosszú ideje a viták középpontjában áll, hiszen a lényegét tekintve a megoldás a normalitástól való elszakadás és a politikai vezető(k), különösen a végrehajtás szinte korlátlan hatalommal való felruházása. A kivételes hatalomgyakorlás egyik legnagyobb dilemmája tehát az, hogy miként őrizhető meg a kivételes eszközökkel védendő status quo (azaz a fennálló „normalitás”) a végrehajtó hatalom rendkívüli aktivizálásának segítségével. Mindez különösen a hatalommegosztáson alapuló alkotmányosság és liberális demokráciák időszakában vet fel igen jelentős problémákat, amikor is a hatalommegosztás elve mintegy „kikapcsolásra” kerül időlegesen a kivételes esemény elhárításának idejére.}, year = {2023}, pages = {182-201}, orcid-numbers = {Antal, Attila/0000-0001-6835-7493} } @article{MTMT:34448023, title = {Emergency Power in Hungary and the COVID-19}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34448023}, author = {Antal, Attila}, doi = {10.22215/cjers.v16i3.3727}, journal-iso = {CJERS}, journal = {CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN AND RUSSIAN STUDIES}, volume = {16}, unique-id = {34448023}, abstract = {We live in an era of overlapping states of exceptions: the climate and ecological emergency, the permanent crisis of global capitalism, the migration crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic. Relying on the Hungarian political regime, this paper investigates how and why exceptional measures restructure our life. It can be argued that the main outcome of the exceptional measures is the rise of a new executive power, and it is demonstrated how heavily authoritarian regimes rely on the state of exception. It has been argued here that behind the strengthening of the emergency power there is the new rise of unlimited executive power, which is nothing more than the legal and political fulfilment of two-thirds majority power. Upon the case of the permanent state of exception of the Orbán regime, it can be said that the COVID-19 as an epidemiological crisis cannot be traced back to the Orbán administration, but the executive power has found a way to create a new political crisis based on the epidemic. The paper briefly discusses the impact of the 2022 Hungarian national election campaign period and the Russian aggression against Ukraine in February 2022 on the Hungarian emergency powers.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2562-8429}, pages = {59-77}, orcid-numbers = {Antal, Attila/0000-0001-6835-7493} } @article{MTMT:34273114, title = {A kivételes jogrend és a demokrácia}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34273114}, author = {Antal, Attila}, doi = {10.30718/POLTUD.HU.2023.3.29}, journal-iso = {POLTUD SZLE}, journal = {POLITIKATUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE}, volume = {32}, unique-id = {34273114}, issn = {1216-1438}, year = {2023}, pages = {29-52}, orcid-numbers = {Antal, Attila/0000-0001-6835-7493} } @inbook{MTMT:34062048, title = {Az alkotmányosság a kivételes jogrend korszakában}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34062048}, author = {Antal, Attila}, booktitle = {Homo Politicus. Ünnepi tanulmányok a 80 éves Bihari Mihály tiszteletére}, unique-id = {34062048}, year = {2023}, pages = {13-23}, orcid-numbers = {Antal, Attila/0000-0001-6835-7493} } @{MTMT:34060416, title = {The Neoliberalism as a Legal Project in State Socialist Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34060416}, author = {Antal, Attila}, booktitle = {State Socialism in Eastern Europe}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-22504-8_3}, unique-id = {34060416}, year = {2023}, pages = {57-77}, orcid-numbers = {Antal, Attila/0000-0001-6835-7493} } @{MTMT:34028704, title = {Democratic freedom?. Social democratic dilemmas in the multiple crises of the contemporary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34028704}, author = {Antal, Attila and Felix, Butzlaff and Patrick, Diamond and Anna, Pacześniak}, booktitle = {Crisis and Progressive Politics: How to make hard choices and succeed?}, unique-id = {34028704}, year = {2023}, pages = {99-128}, orcid-numbers = {Antal, Attila/0000-0001-6835-7493} } @inbook{MTMT:33615497, title = {The Climate and Ecological Emergency in the Era of State of Exceptions. The Hungarian Case}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33615497}, author = {Antal, Attila}, booktitle = {State of Exception}, unique-id = {33615497}, year = {2022}, pages = {217-235}, orcid-numbers = {Antal, Attila/0000-0001-6835-7493} } @book{MTMT:33449902, title = {Társadalmi mozgalmak, civil társadalom, emberi jogok. Ünnepi kötet Szabó Máté 65. születésnapjára}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33449902}, isbn = {9789633123638}, editor = {Antal, Attila and Mándi, Tibor}, publisher = {ELTE Eötvös Kiadó Kft.}, unique-id = {33449902}, year = {2022}, orcid-numbers = {Antal, Attila/0000-0001-6835-7493; Mándi, Tibor/0000-0001-9939-8597} }