Kovács, Éva ; Nicole L., Immler
FORUM QUALITATIVE SOZIALFORSCHUNG 23 : 2 pp. 2-32. , 31 p. (2022)
Publication:33228235 Published Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[33228235] [Approved]
Szeged, Hungary : SZTE Jelenkortörténeti Tanszék (2022) 383 p. pp. 273-293. , 21 p.
Publication:33228232 Published Core Chapter in Book (Study ) Scientific
Study (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[33228232] [Approved]
In: Frank, Reuter; Daniela, Gress; Radmila, Mladenova (eds.) Visuelle Dimensionen des Antiziganismus
Heidelberg, Germany : Propyleum (2021) 471 p. pp. 387-412. , 26 p.
Publication:32550117 Published Core Citing Chapter in Book (Study ) Scientific
Study (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[32550117] [Approved]
Frojimovics, Kinga ; Kovács, Éva
Szeged, Hungary : Szegedi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar Politológia Tanszék, Szegedi Magyar–Izraeli Baráti Társaság (2021) 256 p. pp. 39-46. , 8 p.
Publication:32515880 Published Core Chapter in Book (Study ) Scientific
Study (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[32515880] [Approved]
CRITICAL ROMANI STUDIES 3 : 2 pp. 72-93. , 22 p. (2021)
Publication:32515852 Published Core Citing Journal Article (Article ) Scientific
Article (Journal Article) | Scientific[32515852] [Approved]
In: Köttig, Michaela; Witte, Nicole (eds.) Biographie und Kollektivgeschichte
Weinheim, Germany : Beltz Juventa (2021) 342 p. pp. 56-72. , 17 p.
Publication:31995694 Published Core Chapter in Book (Study ) Scientific
Study (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[31995694] [Approved]
In: Gržinić, Marina; Tatlić, Šefik (eds.) Dialogues for the future: countering the genealogy of amnesia
Wien, Bécs, Austria : Academy of Fine Arts (2020) 312 p. pp. 88-91. , 4 p.
Publication:32545019 Published Core Chapter in Book (Not classified ) Scientific
Not classified (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[32545019] [Approved]
Publication:31788466 Published Core Miscellaneous (Publication in repository ) Scientific
Publication in repository (Miscellaneous) | Scientific[31788466] [Approved]
In: A.Gergely, András; Kapitány, Ágnes; Kapitány, Gábor; Kovács, Éva; Paksi, Veronika (eds.) Kultúra, közösség és társadalom : Tanulmányok Tibori Timea tiszteletére
Bp, Hungary : Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Sociological Association (2020) 342 p. pp. 123-140. , 18 p.
Publication:31633400 Published Core Citing Chapter in Book (Study ) Scientific
Citing papers: 3 | Independent citation: 3 | Self citation: 0 | Unknown citation: 0 | Number of citations in WoS: 1 | Number of citations in Scopus: 2 | WoS/Scopus assigned: 2 | Number of citations with DOI: 2
Study (Chapter in Book) | Scientific[31633400] [Approved]
All citations+mentions: 3, External citations: 3, Self citations: 0, Unhandled citations: 0
Bp, Hungary : Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Sociological Association (2020) , 342 p.
Publication:31633397 Published Core Book (Study collection ) Scientific
Study collection (Book) | Scientific[31633397] [Approved]
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