@{MTMT:35144661, title = {Providing Decent, Affordable, and Sustainable Housing: Analysing Environmental Impacts of Family Houses Built with Conventional and Unconventional Building Materials}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35144661}, author = {Szennay, Áron and Major, Zoltán and Horváth, Róbert and Czédli, Herta and Szigeti, Cecília}, booktitle = {Energy Footprint and Sustainability}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-63057-6_6}, unique-id = {35144661}, year = {2024}, pages = {105-126}, orcid-numbers = {Szennay, Áron/0000-0003-3567-9394; Czédli, Herta/0000-0002-4152-7461; Szigeti, Cecília/0000-0002-2163-5211} } @article{MTMT:35139393, title = {A lekapcsolódás Szent Gráljának illúziója – Léteznek-e országok viszonylag magas SDGI-vel és alacsony ökológiai lábnyommal?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35139393}, author = {Radácsi, László and Szigeti, Cecília}, doi = {10.14267/kov.2024e3}, journal-iso = {KOVÁSZ}, journal = {KOVÁSZ}, volume = {Online first}, unique-id = {35139393}, issn = {1418-5040}, abstract = {Az országok fenntarthatósági teljesítményét mérő mutatószámok szükségessége a GDP-nek a jólét, a fenntarthatóság és az ellenálló képesség mérőszámaként való felhasználási korlátai miatt merült fel. A kutatók az elmúlt évtizedekben különféle indikátorokat és rangsorokat készítettek, amelyek a pusztán gazdasági növekedésről egy átfogóbb perspektívára helyezték át a hangsúlyt. Kutatásunk célja egy új rangsor létrehozása volt, amely két módszertan, nevezetesen az ENSZ Fenntartható Fejlődési Célok Index (SDGI) és a Global Footprint Network ökológiai lábnyoma (EF) integrációján alapul, annak érdekében, hogy ország- klasztereket lehessen azonosítani. Az országok csoportosítására hierarchikus klaszterezést, a kiugró értékek kiszűrésére a ‘legközelebbi szomszéd’ módszert, a végső klaszterekre pedig a Ward módszert használtuk. Ezenkívül a Pearson-féle korrelációs együtthatót kiszámítottuk a 17 SDGI és az EF közötti kapcsolat értékelésére. A klaszterezés eredményei azt mutatták, hogy a háromklaszteres megoldás kielégítőnek tekinthető. Az új módszerrel kapott eredmények alapján az SDGI környezeti dimenziója a környezeti fenntarthatóság szempontjából az országok rangsorolásának elégséges mérőszáma.}, year = {2024}, pages = {1-23}, orcid-numbers = {Radácsi, László/0000-0002-2334-9761; Szigeti, Cecília/0000-0002-2163-5211} } @article{MTMT:35139383, title = {Magyar KKV vezetők vállalati fenntarthatósággal és felelősséggel kapcsolatos attitűdje – fókuszcsoportos kvalitatív kutatás alapján}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35139383}, author = {Győri, Zsuzsanna and Kolnhofer-Derecskei, Anita and Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna and Szigeti, Cecília}, journal-iso = {TÉR GAZDASÁG EMBER}, journal = {TÉR-GAZDASÁG-EMBER}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {35139383}, issn = {2064-1176}, year = {2024}, pages = {9-35}, orcid-numbers = {Győri, Zsuzsanna/0000-0002-2713-5576; Kolnhofer-Derecskei, Anita/0000-0002-1780-7674; Reicher, Regina Zsuzsánna/0000-0003-3929-6331; Szigeti, Cecília/0000-0002-2163-5211} } @article{MTMT:35092822, title = {Travel footprint, or how responsibly and sustainably do professionals creating and providing travel experiences behave?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35092822}, author = {Szigeti, Cecília and Bódis, Gábor and Kulcsár, Noémi and Tevely, Titanilla Virág and Behringer, Zsuzsanna}, doi = {10.32976/stratfuz.2024.20}, journal-iso = {É-MO STRAT FÜZ}, journal = {ÉSZAK-MAGYARORSZÁGI STRATÉGIAI FÜZETEK}, volume = {21}, unique-id = {35092822}, issn = {1786-1594}, abstract = {In the 21st century, sustainability has become a prominent issue in the tourism sector. While conscious and responsible consumer decisions are increasingly prioritized in our daily lives, the question arises whether similar scrutiny is applied during leisure and business travel. In this recent empirical research, these questions are examined in detail in the light of the travel habits of tourism experts. The findings indicate that tourism professionals make more conscious consumer decisions in their daily activities compared to when they engage in leisure or business travel, where economic considerations tend to take precedence amidst today's macro-environmental changes, alongside a preference for compressed experiences. We further investigated the extent to which tourism professionals attending a professional conference on sustainability behaved consciously and responsibly when choosing their mode of transportation to attend the event. In this regard, we calculated their travel footprint, which is consumption-based and solely based on the use of transportation modes. We introduced this indicator on a pilot basis, with plans to apply it more extensively and over longer timeframes in the future, and to compare it across different target groups. Our main findings that tourism professionals surveyed in the research consider sustainability to be important and even prominent in their daily activities, and less so in their business activities, only 11% of them consciously choose the means of transport.}, keywords = {sustainability; Travel; Ecological footprint}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2560-2926}, pages = {86-96}, orcid-numbers = {Szigeti, Cecília/0000-0002-2163-5211} } @article{MTMT:35077260, title = {Suburban neighbourhoods versus panel housing estates – An ecological footprint-based assessment of different residential areas in Budapest, seeking for improvement opportunities}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35077260}, author = {Egedy, Tamás and Szigeti, Cecília and Harangozó, Gábor}, doi = {10.15201/hungeobull.73.2.4}, journal-iso = {HUNG GEOGR BULL (2009-)}, journal = {HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN (2009-)}, volume = {73}, unique-id = {35077260}, issn = {2064-5031}, abstract = {In this study, the household consumption-related ecological footprint of lifestyles linked to panel housing estates and suburban neighbourhoods were compared in the case of Budapest and its suburbs. Our results show that the biggest parts of the ecological footprint are in both study areas the carbon, the cropland and the forest components, in line with earlier calculations. On the whole, the ecological footprint values are bigger in the suburban study area (2.63 gha/capita) compared to the panel housing estates (2.29 gha/capita), mainly because of the differences between the carbon uptake and the built-up land components. Beyond comparing the ecological footprint values of different residential areas, the study also contributes to the literature by addressing the improvement options of the respective areas through a rough model calculation on the reduction opportunities in both cases, resulting 36 percent in case of panel housing estates, and 47 percent in the suburban areas. Although these values have to be considered cautiously, they show significant opportunities in ecological footprint reduction in both types of residential areas supported by individual motivations, as well as by policy measures.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2064-5147}, pages = {165-184}, orcid-numbers = {Egedy, Tamás/0000-0003-3929-8425; Szigeti, Cecília/0000-0002-2163-5211; Harangozó, Gábor/0000-0003-2189-005X} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34877235, title = {The Role of the Circular Economy in the Labour Market and Employment Rate in the European Union}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34877235}, author = {Macher, Gergely Zoltán and Szigeti, Cecília}, booktitle = {8th FEB International Scientific Conference}, doi = {10.18690/um.epf.5.2024.31}, unique-id = {34877235}, abstract = {The aim of this study is to examine the role of the circular economy in employment and to prove this with statistically significant results. The paper includes an analysis of the 27 European Union Member States along specifically selected indicators. The methodology of the study is based on general statistical approaches, and the results obtained with correlation and regression methods are compared with cluster and compatibility analysis. The background to the topic is the fact that the circular economy not only promotes sustainability, but also generates dynamic labour market changes that offer new opportunities for both workers and enterprises. By focusing on recycling waste and extending the life of products, this economic model encourages the emergence of new industries. Consequently, the shift towards innovative practices is also stimulating the growth of the service industry. However, while the circular economy model has never been more popular, the average EU-27 circular material use rate has increased from 11.0 % in 2012 to just 11.4 % in 2021. The research area of the paper was influenced by the availability of statistical data. The results can be used as situation analysis to green the employment market and labour economics.}, year = {2024}, pages = {327-336}, orcid-numbers = {Macher, Gergely Zoltán/0009-0004-7818-0803; Szigeti, Cecília/0000-0002-2163-5211} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34875102, title = {Challanges and Opportunities Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Adaptation in the Economic Environment}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34875102}, author = {Czédli, Herta and Szigeti, Cecília and Horváth, Róbert and Major, Zoltán and Varga, Zsolt}, booktitle = {8th FEB International Scientific Conference}, doi = {10.18690/um.epf.5.2024.29}, unique-id = {34875102}, abstract = {In an increasingly urbanised economic environment, with more and more cities, there is a strong incentive for people to seek innovative local solutions to reduce their exposure to the risks of climate change. Accelerating urbanisation affects people in different ways, increasing exposure to the impacts of climate change. Air and surface temperatures in urban built-up areas are higher than in surrounding rural areas, leading to increasing urban heat islands. The more favourable economic environment has led people to move from rural to urban areas, and urbanisation has resulted in a mix of agricultural land, commercial and transport centres, industrial estates, industrial parks, transport hubs and coherent residential communities, housing estates, health and education facilities. The need to develop urban living space and its feasibility within a framework of sustainability requires a systemic, historical approach. In this article, we present the results of our survey in the parks of residential areas in Debrecen and the impact of contiguous green space on the microclimate. Through our computational methodology, we illustrate the influence of green space rehabilitation and innovative park developments adaptable to the urban environment on property value growth in a booming economic environment.}, year = {2024}, pages = {305-312}, orcid-numbers = {Czédli, Herta/0000-0002-4152-7461; Szigeti, Cecília/0000-0002-2163-5211; Major, Zoltán/0000-0002-8813-3208; Varga, Zsolt/0000-0002-5923-1730} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34875094, title = {Creating a More Accurate Model - Options to Reduce the Use of Materials in Tramway Track Structures}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34875094}, author = {Major, Zoltán and Czédli, Herta and Horváth, Róbert and Szigeti, Cecília}, booktitle = {8th FEB International Scientific Conference}, doi = {10.18690/um.epf.5.2024.4}, unique-id = {34875094}, abstract = {Since the 1990s, road rail has once again become a key element of public transport in liveable modern cities. The design of these structures is greatly complicated by their complexity and the limited availability of data on the pouring material. While the railway designer typically deals only with the rails and the pouring material, the structural engineer, ignoring these elements, often considers only the supporting beam as a single structural element. Breaking with this approach, a method is presented that, when implemented in an MS Excel environment, can be used to create an efficient tool for the joint analysis of the embedded rail structure and its supporting beam. The internal forces in the beam obtained by this method are more favourable than those calculated by the conventional method and thus provide the opportunity to optimise (minimise) the amount of material used. In this article, we present the potential applications of the complex model and, based on the calculations performed, highlight the material savings that can be achieved in the design of the supporting beam, which also proportionally reduces the costs, which are limited in the changing economic environment.}, year = {2024}, pages = {35-42}, orcid-numbers = {Major, Zoltán/0000-0002-8813-3208; Czédli, Herta/0000-0002-4152-7461; Szigeti, Cecília/0000-0002-2163-5211} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34875084, title = {A Departure From Customary Practice – Options to Reduce the Use of Materials in Tramway Track Structures}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34875084}, author = {Major, Zoltán and Czédli, Herta and Horváth, Róbert and Szigeti, Cecília}, booktitle = {8th FEB International Scientific Conference}, doi = {10.18690/um.epf.5.2024.2}, unique-id = {34875084}, abstract = {The track system traditionally used in tramway track design is 59Ri2. Due to technical progress, the rigidity of modern flexible track structures has become sufficiently rigid and durable, and as a result, track systems with much lower inertia, such as Ts52, have also appeared. The use of the 59Ri2 rail system continues to dominate in embedded rail structures, which is not only statically oversized, but also significantly increases the amount of pouring material used, considering that both rail systems are suitable to carry road rail loads and their service life is considered similar (same wear allowed). This is not only an economic issue, but also a manufacturing and logistical one. Due to the scarcity of resources, a greater length of track can be built at unit cost by minimising the use of materials, and the amount of pouring material available on the market has been periodically limited in recent years. In this article, we use the side results of our previous finite element models to show the impact of track system dimensions on the amount of pouring material, and also detail the extent of material savings with PVC pipes and concrete material saving blocks.}, year = {2024}, pages = {15-24}, orcid-numbers = {Major, Zoltán/0000-0002-8813-3208; Czédli, Herta/0000-0002-4152-7461; Szigeti, Cecília/0000-0002-2163-5211} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34872746, title = {Possible Applications of Modern Technologies to Reduce Disruption on the Railway Network}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34872746}, author = {Horváth, Róbert and Major, Zoltán and Czédli, Herta and Szigeti, Cecília}, booktitle = {8th FEB International Scientific Conference}, doi = {10.18690/um.epf.5.2024.3}, unique-id = {34872746}, abstract = {The revenues of the railway infrastructure managers are proportional to the volume of the traffic on the railway lines, supplemented by other revenues and subsidies. To maximise their revenues in a changing economic environment (where there is a tendency for the state to withdraw from funding), it is important to have and operate an infrastructure with sufficient capacity. In the event of inadequate track conditions, they will not only face a loss of revenue from network charges, but also additional penalty costs. One of the key elements in achieving stable, good track condition is to ensure that the formation conditions are adequate. In practice, the use of large-scale mechanised subgrade rehabilitation is becoming increasingly common, ensuring a sufficiently fast job and consistent quality. Another advantage of its technology is that it allows 100% of the logistical tasks of renewal to be carried out on the track and reduces the amount of new raw materials to be installed. In this article, we will present the application possibilities of large-scale mechanised subgrade rehabilitation and highlight the savings in newly installed raw materials. With this thought-provoking article, we aim to raise the interest of the professional audience to learn more about this technology.}, year = {2024}, pages = {25-34}, orcid-numbers = {Major, Zoltán/0000-0002-8813-3208; Czédli, Herta/0000-0002-4152-7461; Szigeti, Cecília/0000-0002-2163-5211} }