@{MTMT:31971213, title = {A paleogén-medence fejlődése a korai oligocénben mikropaleontológiai és geokémiai adatok tükrében}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31971213}, author = {Ozsvárt, Péter and Vető, István and Nagymarosy, András}, booktitle = {22. Magyar Őslénytani Vándorgyűlés, Döbrönte. Program, előadáskivonatok, kirándulásvezető}, unique-id = {31971213}, keywords = {mikropaleontológia; Early Paleogene}, year = {2019}, pages = {28-28} } @article{MTMT:3085628, title = {Riolittufa mállásának hatása a talajok vízvezető képességére}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3085628}, author = {Bakacsi, Zsófia and Koós, Sándor and Nagymarosy, András and László, Péter}, doi = {10.1556/0088.2016.65.1.1}, journal-iso = {AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN}, journal = {AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN}, volume = {65}, unique-id = {3085628}, issn = {0002-1873}, year = {2016}, eissn = {1588-2713}, pages = {5-15} } @article{MTMT:2368939, title = {Correlation of bio- and magnetostratigraphy of Badenian sequences from western and northern Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2368939}, author = {Selmeczi, Ildikó and Lantos, M and Bohn-Havas, M and Nagymarosy, András and Szego, E}, doi = {10.2478/v10096-012-0019-1}, journal-iso = {GEOL CARPATH}, journal = {GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA}, volume = {63}, unique-id = {2368939}, issn = {1335-0552}, abstract = {Lithological, magnetostratigraphic and paleontological (nannoplankton, foraminifers, molluscs) studies were carried out on the Badenian successions of boreholes Sopron-89, Nagylozs-1 and Sata-75 in Hungary. The correlations with the ATNTS2004 scale show that the Badenian sedimentation began during Chron C5Br thus the earliest Badenian deposits are missing in the sections. The first occurrence of Orbulina suturalis Bronnimann has been observed in Subchron C5Bn.1r, at 14.9 Ma. Although it is older than the interpolated age of 14.74 Ma in Chron C5ADr in the ATNTS2004, it is consistent with the age of 15.1 Ma obtained from recent calibration of planktonic foraminiferal bioevents. The base of the Bulimina-Bolivina Zone has been determined at 13.7 Ma in Chron C5ABr, and the Badenian/Sarmatian boundary is recorded within Chron C5AAn, at 13.15 Ma.}, keywords = {Austria; biostratigraphy; STRATIGRAPHY; Pannonian Basin; Badenian; Middle Miocene; paleogeography; Danube Basin; Paratethys; CENTRAL PARATETHYS; magnetostratigraphy; BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC CORRELATIONS; SEA-LEVEL CHANGES; PANNONIAN BASIN SYSTEM; DRILLING PROJECT LEG-73; Eisenstadt-Sopron (Sub-)Basin}, year = {2012}, eissn = {1336-8052}, pages = {219-232} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:2702176, title = {Kisalföldi badeni rétegsorok kapcsolata a Baden-Sooss szelvénnyel}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2702176}, author = {Szegő, É and Lantos, M and Bohnné, Havas M and Selmeczi, Ildikó and Nagymarosy, András}, booktitle = {12. Magyar Őslénytani Vándorgyűlés, Sopron, program, Előadáskivonatok, Kirándulásvezető}, unique-id = {2702176}, year = {2009}, pages = {32-32} } @inbook{MTMT:1434475, title = {Paleogene and Neogene}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1434475}, author = {Rasser, M W and Harzhauser, M and Anistratenko, O Y and Anistratenko, V V and Bassi, D and Belak, M and Berger, J-P and Bianchini, G and Čičić, S and Ćosović, V and Dolánková, N and Drobne, K and Filipescu, S and Gürs, K and Hladilová, Š and Hrvotović, H and Jelen, B and Kasiński, J R and Kováč, M and Kralj, P and Marjanac, T and Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke and Mietto, P and Moro, A and Nagymarosy, András and Nebelsick, J H and Nehyba, S and Ogorelec, B and Oszczypko, N and Pavelić, D and Pavlovec, R and Pavšič, J and Petrová, P and Piwocki, M and Poljak, M and Pugliese, N and Redžepovič, R and Rifelj, H and Roetzel, R and Skaberne, D and Sliva, L and Stendke, G and Tunis, G and Vass, D and Wagreich, M and Wesselingh, F}, booktitle = {The geology of Central Europe, Vol. 2: Mesozoic and Cenozoic}, unique-id = {1434475}, year = {2008}, pages = {1031-1139}, orcid-numbers = {Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke/0000-0002-2135-8867} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:2711737, title = {Badeni képződmények korrelációja nyugat- és észak-magyarországi szelvényekben}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2711737}, author = {Bohnné, Havas M and Lantos, M and Nagymarosy, András and Selmeczi, Ildikó and Szegő, É}, booktitle = {10. Magyar Őslénytani Vándorgyűlés, Budapest, Előadáskivonatok}, unique-id = {2711737}, year = {2007}, pages = {11-12} } @inbook{MTMT:1735984, title = {Noszvaj, Kiseged}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1735984}, author = {Hably, Lilla and Báldi, T and Nagymarosy, András}, booktitle = {Őslénytani kirándulások Magyarországon és Erdélyben}, unique-id = {1735984}, year = {2007}, pages = {199-203} } @article{MTMT:1368433, title = {Badenian evolution of the Central Paratethys Sea: paleogeography, climate and eustatic sea-level changes}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1368433}, author = {Kovac, M and Andreyeva-Grigorovich, A and Bajraktarevic, Z and Brzobohaty, R and Filipescu, S and Fodor, László and Harzhauser, M and Nagymarosy, András and Oszczypko, N and Pavelic, D and Rogl, F and Saftic, B and Sliva, L and Studencka, B}, journal-iso = {GEOL CARPATH}, journal = {GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA}, volume = {58}, unique-id = {1368433}, issn = {1335-0552}, abstract = {The Miocene Central Paratethys Sea covered wide areas of the Pannonian Basin System, bordered by the mountain chains of the Alps, Carpathians and Dinarides. The epicontinental sea spread not only in the back-arc basin area, but flooded even the Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep, situated along the front of gradually uplifting mountains. The Early Badenian (early Langhian) transgressions from the Mediterranean toward the Central Paratethys realm, via Slovenia and northern Croatia (Transtethyan Trench Corridor or Trans Dinaride Corridor) flooded the Pannonian Basin and continued along straits in the Carpathian Chain into the Carpathian Foredeep. The isolation of eastern parts of the Central Paratethys at the end of this period (late Langhian) resulted in the “Middle Badenian” salinity crisis. Thick evaporite sediments, above all halite and gypsum were deposited in the Transcarpathian Basin, Transylvanian Basin and Carpathian Foredeep. During the Late Badenian (early Serravallian), the latest full marine flooding covered the whole back-arc basin and a great part of the foredeep. The main problem is to create a model of sea connections during that time, because some authors consider the western Transtethyan Trench Corridor (Trans Dinaride Corridor) closed and there is no evidence to prove a supposed strait towards the Eastern Mediterranean. A proposed possibility is a connection towards the Konkian Sea of the Eastern Paratethys. The Badenian climate of the Central Paratethys realm can be characterized as fairly uniform, reflecting the stable subtropical conditions of the Miocene Climatic Optimum. No considerable changes in terrestrial ecosystems were documented. Nevertheless, evolution of steep landscape associated with rapid uplift of the East Alpine and Western Carpathian mountain chains (including high stratovolcanoes) caused development of vertical zonation of dry land and consequently close occurrence of different vegetation zones in a relatively small distance during this time. In the Central Paratethys Sea a slight N-S climatic gradient seems to be expressed already from the Early Badenian, but a biogeographic differentiation between basins in the North and South starts to become more prominent first during the Late Badenian, when a moderate cooling of the seawater can also be documented. The Late Badenian sea-level highstand coincides with the appearance of stress factors such as stratification of the water column and hypoxic conditions at the basin bottom in the whole area. Taking into account all bioevents and changes of paleogeography in the Central Paratethys realm, we can very roughly correlate the Early (and “Middle”) Badenian with the eustatic sea-level changes of TB 2.3, TB 2.4 or Bur5/Lan1, Lan2/Ser1 and the Late Badenian with TB 2.5 or Ser2 cycles (sensu Haq et al. 1988; Hardenbol et al. 1998). Generally, we can assign the Early Badenian transgressions to be controlled by both, tectonics (induced mainly by back-arc basin rifting) and eustacy, followed by forced regression. The Late Badenian transgression and regression were dominantly controlled by sea-level changes inside the Central Paratethys realm.}, keywords = {climate; Pannonian Basin; Miocene; Tectonics; Western Carpathians; Badenian; Middle Miocene; Sequence stratigraphy; Sequence stratigraphy; paleogeography; STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION; CENTRAL PARATETHYS; TRANSYLVANIAN BASIN ROMANIA; GRUND FORMATION; FORMATION MOLASSE BASIN; NORTHERN CARPATHIAN FOREDEEP; CALCAREOUS NANNOFOSSIL BIOSTRATIGRAPHY}, year = {2007}, eissn = {1336-8052}, pages = {579-606}, orcid-numbers = {Fodor, László/0000-0002-0606-4414} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:1636113, title = {Tectonostratigraphic terranes and zones juxtaposed along the Mid-Hungarianline: their contrasting evolution and relationships}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1636113}, author = {Kovács, Sándor and Brezsnyánszky, Károly and Buda, G and Haas, János and Szederkényi, T and Császár, Géza and Harangi, S and Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke and Nagymarosy, András and Pelikán, P and Török, Ákos}, booktitle = {Proceedings of XVII. Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association}, unique-id = {1636113}, year = {2002}, pages = {6-6}, orcid-numbers = {Haas, János/0000-0003-0929-8889; Márton Péterné Szalay, Emőke/0000-0002-2135-8867; Török, Ákos/0000-0002-5394-4510} } @article{MTMT:152233, title = {Tectonostratigraphic terranes in the pre-Neogene basement of the Hungarian part of the Pannonian area}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/152233}, author = {Kovács, Sándor and Szederkényi, T and Haas, János and Buda, György and Császár, Géza and Nagymarosy, András}, journal-iso = {ACTA GEOL HUNG}, journal = {ACTA GEOLOGICA HUNGARICA: A QUARTERLY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES}, volume = {43}, unique-id = {152233}, issn = {0236-5278}, year = {2000}, pages = {225-328}, orcid-numbers = {Haas, János/0000-0003-0929-8889} }