@{MTMT:34823202, title = {Felix sit natalis dies}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34823202}, author = {Berki, Márton}, booktitle = {Köszöntőkönyv Szirmai Viktória 80.születésnapjára}, unique-id = {34823202}, year = {2024}, pages = {121-124}, orcid-numbers = {Berki, Márton/0000-0002-0727-1212} } @{MTMT:34823143, title = {Viktória}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34823143}, author = {Kovács, Katalin}, booktitle = {Köszöntőkönyv Szirmai Viktória 80.születésnapjára}, unique-id = {34823143}, year = {2024}, pages = {113-114} } @book{MTMT:34806286, title = {Uradalmi puszták a Dunántúl északi részén (1910–2020). Vidékföldrajzi vizsgálat}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34806286}, isbn = {9789634164296}, author = {Mikle, György}, publisher = {HUN-REN RCH Institute of History}, unique-id = {34806286}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Mikle, György/0000-0001-8490-6165} } @{MTMT:34750670, title = {Diversification of the senior home care market in Hungary: informality and the operational modes of intermediaries}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34750670}, author = {Katona, Noémi and Gábriel, Dóra}, booktitle = {Home care for sale}, unique-id = {34750670}, year = {2024}, pages = {64-78}, orcid-numbers = {Gábriel, Dóra/0009-0009-5372-7979} } @article{MTMT:34722982, title = {Migratory birds: Dehumanization of migrant workers in West Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34722982}, author = {Jankó, Ferenc and Czirfusz, Márton and Berki, Márton}, doi = {10.1002/psp.2760}, journal-iso = {POPUL SPACE PLACE}, journal = {POPULATION SPACE AND PLACE}, volume = {online first}, unique-id = {34722982}, issn = {1544-8444}, abstract = {The region of West Hungary surrounding Sopron has experienced large migrant worker inflows from rural Hungary and neighbouring countries into low‐skilled jobs in pre‐COVID‐19 years. This research interviewed workers, labour market intermediaries, employers, and hosts to explore how the fundamental humanity of migrant workers is denied in the labour process. The paper draws on geographical research examining the embodied agency of workers and analyses the literature on dehumanization to highlight the construction of dehumanization narratives in the social relations of migrant recruitment, training, employment, and accommodation. Theoretically, the paper argues that production and reproduction sites require consideration when examining the dehumanization of migrant labour. The empirical part of the paper contributes to the literature by unpacking various dehumanization strategies involving social boundary‐making based on nationality, ethnicity, and gender.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1544-8452}, orcid-numbers = {Jankó, Ferenc/0000-0003-1149-6745; Czirfusz, Márton/0000-0002-5118-5661; Berki, Márton/0000-0002-0727-1212} } @article{MTMT:34654226, title = {Inherent Attitudes or Misplaced Policies? Explaining COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Romania}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34654226}, author = {Toró, Tibor and Székely, István Gergő and Kiss, Tamás and Geambașu, Réka}, doi = {10.1177/08883254231198886}, journal-iso = {EAST EUR POLIT SOC}, journal = {EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETIES}, unique-id = {34654226}, issn = {0888-3254}, abstract = {hesitancy toward COVID-19 vaccines was not particularly high in Romania at the beginning of the vaccination campaign. Nevertheless, the country became one of the laggards in the European Union in terms of vaccination rates. We aim to provide an empirical explanation for this phenomenon based on a representative survey conducted in November?December 2021. We test the influence of various factors on vaccine hesitancy, such as personal experiences with the disease, trust in relevant institutions, general worldviews, and the contact with certain institutions, such as the Romanian Orthodox Church, and general practitioners. Furthermore, we find that three COVID-specific cognitive factors played a crucial role in this respect, namely the evaluation of anti-COVID state measures, belief in COVID-related conspiracy theories, and, especially, fears of negative effects of COVID-19 vaccines. The high explanatory power of these three factors also shows that low vaccination rates were not inevitable consequences of some ?inherent? attitudinal characteristics widespread in the Romanian society; on the contrary, vaccine hesitancy has developed as an unfortunate side effect of weak crisis management, as the government and relevant state institutions failed to properly utilize key organizational resources, such as the national network of general practitioners, and proved to be unable to dissipate fears and countervail the spread of conspiracy theories, while emergency measures did not resonate enough among the Romanian public.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1533-8371}, orcid-numbers = {Geambașu, Réka/0000-0003-4859-4891} } @article{MTMT:34541063, title = {The Japanese kōban community policing system}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34541063}, author = {Héra, Gábor}, doi = {10.38146/BSZ.2024.1.9}, journal-iso = {BELÜGYI SZLE (2010-)}, journal = {BELÜGYI SZEMLE / ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS: A BELÜGYMINISZTÉRIUM SZAKMAI TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA (2010-)}, volume = {72}, unique-id = {34541063}, issn = {2062-9494}, abstract = {Aim: The author aims to provide information on the Japanese kōban model for those interested in community policing. At the same time, he highlights the social and political conditions in Japan that have been necessary for the success of the kōban policing model.Methodology: The author conducted an empirical data collection based on interviews and participant observation in Japan in 2022. The data collection was supported by a professor, formerly a police officer, who was active in police educationand research during the fieldwork period. This support was crucial in enabling the author to contact police leaders, community police officers, criminologists and other professionals. In addition, relevant literature and legal background on the subject were analysed.Conclusions: In addition to the commitment of the government, collectivism and norm-following, which are characteristic of Japanese society, contributed to the success of community policing. In addition, it was necessary to build a crime prevention network based on the involvement and activation of the public, and on cooperation between the police and local voluntary organisations.Value: The results make it clear that the introduction or adoption of elements of a community policing model must take into account the specificities of the society concerned. The article also draws attention to the role and potential of comparative criminology.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2677-1632}, pages = {153-170}, orcid-numbers = {Héra, Gábor/0000-0003-3817-1342} } @article{MTMT:34541043, title = {A japán kōban közösségi rendészeti modell}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34541043}, author = {Héra, Gábor}, doi = {10.38146/BSZ.2024.1.7}, journal-iso = {BELÜGYI SZLE (2010-)}, journal = {BELÜGYI SZEMLE / ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS: A BELÜGYMINISZTÉRIUM SZAKMAI TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA (2010-)}, volume = {72}, unique-id = {34541043}, issn = {2062-9494}, abstract = {Cél: A szerző a közösségi rendészet iránt érdeklődő hazai közönség számára kíván információt szolgáltatni a japán kōban modellről. Egyúttal arra kíván rávilágítani, hogy a rendészeti modell sikerességéhez a cikkben nevesített társadalmi és szakpolitikai adottságokra és tényezőkre is szükség van.Módszertan: A szerző egy tanulmányút keretében interjúkon és résztvevő megfigyelésen alapuló empirikus adatgyűjtést végzett Japánban 2022-ben. Az adatfelvételt a korábban a rendőrség kötelékében dolgozó, a terepmunka időszakában már a rendészettudományi oktatás és kutatás területén aktív professzor támogatta. Ez a támogatás sokat segített abban, hogy a szerző kapcsolatba lépjen rendőri vezetőkkel, közösségi rendőrökkel, kriminológusokkal és más szakemberekkel. Emellett sor került a témába vágó szakirodalom és jogszabályok feldolgozására is.Megállapítások: A közösségi rendőrség sikerességéhez a kormányzati elköteleződés mellett a japán társadalomra jellemző kollektivizmus és a normakövetés is hozzájárult. Emellett szükség volt egy olyan bűnmegelőzési hálózat kiépítésére is, amely a lakosság bevonására és aktivizálásra, valamint a rendőrség és az önkéntes alapon működő helyi szervezetek együttműködésére épített.Érték: Az eredmények alapján nyilvánvalóvá válik, hogy a közösségi rendészeti modell bevezetése vagy elemeinek átvétele során figyelemmel kell lenni az adott társadalom sajátosságaira. A cikk emellett az összehasonlító kriminológia szerepére és lehetőségeire is felhívja a figyelmet.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2677-1632}, pages = {113-131}, orcid-numbers = {Héra, Gábor/0000-0003-3817-1342} } @article{MTMT:34485080, title = {Climate Change, Pressures, and Adaptation Capacities of Farmers: Empirical Evidence from Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34485080}, author = {Lennert, József and Kovács, Katalin and Koós, Bálint and Swain, Nigel and Bálint, Csaba and Hamza, Eszter and Király, Gábor and Rácz, Katalin and Váradi, Monika Mária and Kovács, András Donát}, doi = {10.3390/horticulturae10010056}, journal-iso = {HORTICULTURAE}, journal = {HORTICULTURAE}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {34485080}, abstract = {This paper aims to analyze comprehensively the climate exposure, sensitivity, perception, adaptive capacity, vulnerability, and resilience of the Hungarian agricultural sector, particularly focusing on fruit, vegetable, and grape producers. Four distinct Hungarian case studies were examined, representing different regions with diverse environmental and socioeconomic conditions. The research combined quantitative and qualitative methods, including statistical and GIS analysis of climate, agricultural, and socioeconomic data, as well as field research and semi-structured interviews. The study investigated exposure, sensitivity, perception, and adaptation, leading to the identification of key components and influencing factors. Qualitative research revealed that farms operating in geographically close proximity, in the same regulatory and support environment, can have different adaptive capacities. In the current state of the adaptation process, the extent to which farmers can rely on supportive professional networks and seek out and adopt new practices is crucial. Field experience suggests that without a strong and supportive producer organization (extension network), farmers may prefer to resort to extensification (afforestation) to mitigate production risks. From a development policy perspective, it is worthwhile to present good practices and provide information on possible adaptation techniques through existing local sectoral organizations.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2311-7524}, orcid-numbers = {Lennert, József/0000-0002-2653-3791; Koós, Bálint/0000-0002-7075-2748; Bálint, Csaba/0000-0001-6085-0056; Váradi, Monika Mária/0000-0003-4848-7113; Kovács, András Donát/0000-0002-7748-5945} } @article{MTMT:34405984, title = {‘We need to stay alive’: ethnicisation and shortage of farm labour in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34405984}, author = {Kovács, Katalin and Váradi, Monika Mária}, doi = {10.1080/14702541.2023.2287442}, journal-iso = {SCOT GEOGR J}, journal = {SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL}, unique-id = {34405984}, issn = {1470-2541}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1751-665X}, orcid-numbers = {Váradi, Monika Mária/0000-0003-4848-7113} }