@article{MTMT:34789031, title = {Role transition of higher education teachers due to disruptive technological change. Identity reconstruction for a better teacher-student relationship}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34789031}, author = {Mitev Ariel, Zoltán and Tóth, Rita and Vaszkun, Balázs György}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijme.2024.100978}, journal-iso = {INT J MANAG EDUC}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION}, volume = {22}, unique-id = {34789031}, issn = {1472-8117}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2352-3565} } @article{MTMT:34738214, title = {Mobiltechnológia-elfogadás az okoshotelek világában}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34738214}, author = {Cserdi, Zsófia Hajnalka and Kenesei, Zsófia}, doi = {10.14267/VEZTUD.2024.03.03}, journal-iso = {VEZETÉSTUDOMÁNY}, journal = {VEZETÉSTUDOMÁNY}, volume = {55}, unique-id = {34738214}, issn = {0133-0179}, abstract = {A COVID-19 járvány a világ minden táján súlyosan érintette a szállodaszektort, egyúttal előtérbe helyezte az érintésmentesség szükségességét. Számos ponton változott a szállodai kiszolgálás során korábban megszokott interakciók megítélése, ez pedig pozitívan befolyásolhatja az érintésmentes technológiák elfogadását. A szerzők kutatásának célja az volt, hogy az érintésmentes szállodai kiszolgálás igényének feltárásával hozzájáruljon a mobiltechnológia fogyasztói elfogadásának szakirodalmához az önkiszolgáló technológiák és az okoshotelek elméleti szinergiáinak kiaknázásával. Kutatásukban a COVID-19 kockázatainak mérséklésére kiválóan alkalmas mobiltechnológia-alapú szállodai önkiszolgálás fogyasztói elfogadását vizsgálták potenciális utazók körében. A TAM-modell alapvetésein felépített elméleti modelljüket online kérdőíves megkérdezéssel elért, 537 válaszadóból álló minta alapján tesztelték kovarianciaalapú SEM-módszerrel. Legfontosabb eredményük, hogy a vírushelyzet miatt kialakuló érintésmentesség igénye nem támogatja az okoshotelek elfogadását hosszú távon.}, year = {2024}, pages = {29-43} } @article{MTMT:34498306, title = {Tournament rituals and experiential competence development in higher education. A case of a unique conference series}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34498306}, author = {Koloszár, László and Wimmer, Ágnes and Takácsné György, Katalin and Mitev Ariel, Zoltán}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijme.2023.100929}, journal-iso = {INT J MANAG EDUC}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION}, volume = {22}, unique-id = {34498306}, issn = {1472-8117}, abstract = {The Hungarian Student Research Society (HSRS) movement is a unique, experience-based tournament ritual promoting student-centered learning via instructors working as facilitators. Within the framework of this 70-year-old conference series, students conduct mentor-supported research activities on self-chosen topics, prepare academic papers, and present their research work to peers and expert juries within their institutions. The best research is included in the National Student Research Conference (NSRC), organized by discipline. The present study reviews and analyzes this process from the perspective of tournament rituals, skill development, and student experience. The study utilizes student opinions, perceptions, and feedback from a Student Research Conference in Economics to illustrate the method's effectiveness. Findings suggest that such conference event series – which function as tournaments, professional conferences, and festivals via community events – effectively develop the soft skills that are becoming increasingly important in the 21st century. In addition to professional competencies, Student Research Conferences (SRC) provide student participants with positive experiences.}, keywords = {Skill development; experience-based education; Scientific student tournament; Student-centered education; Tournament ritual}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2352-3565}, orcid-numbers = {Koloszár, László/0000-0002-8545-8357; Wimmer, Ágnes/0000-0002-3430-7962} } @article{MTMT:34426496, title = {The Pseudo-Flow Experience in Online Shopping}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34426496}, author = {Mitev Ariel, Zoltán and Irimiás, Anna Rita and Mentes, Mert}, doi = {10.1080/10496491.2023.2289898}, journal-iso = {J PROMOTION MANAG}, journal = {JOURNAL OF PROMOTION MANAGEMENT}, volume = {30}, unique-id = {34426496}, issn = {1049-6491}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1540-7594}, pages = {639-656}, orcid-numbers = {Irimiás, Anna Rita/0000-0003-0307-6556} } @article{MTMT:34219973, title = {Order Creates Value. Personality, Attitudinal and Behavioral Factors of Financial Vulnerability}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34219973}, author = {Németh, Erzsébet and Zsótér, Boglárka and Kálmán, Botond Géza}, doi = {10.21919/remef.v19i1.957}, journal-iso = {REV MEXIC ECON FINANZ NUEVA ÉPOCA}, journal = {REVISTA MEXICANA DE ECONOMIA Y FINANZAS NUEVA ÉPOCA}, volume = {19}, unique-id = {34219973}, issn = {1665-5346}, abstract = {Keywords: financial culture, financial fragility, financial personality, financial attitude, financial behaviour JEL-code: D14, D91, G41, H31 Abstract: In our research, we aim to become acquainted with the attitudes and financial behaviours of financially fragile social groups. Based on an online questionnaire survey (N=22933 adult), we formed groups by cluster analysis and compared them to each other. We examined the groups with multivariable statistical methods, underscoring the characteristics relating to financial vulnerability. Beside we developed the metric for financial fragility. The results draw attention that financial fragility has multiple, complex, interrelated reasons. In terms of financial personality, attitude, and behaviour, they reached the highest average point in case of distinctly adverse claims, while the lowest at beneficial claims. Our results demonstrate that even if the financially vulnerable cluster accounts for 9%, the group of 'money pits' and the 'passive' show several such attitudes and behavioural patterns that could lead to financial fragility in the future. The cumulative ratio of these groups amounts to 32%. Financially vulnerable people do not take good care of either their finances or their household, they can't plan or prolong their wishes, and they judge their situation incurable, which is coupled with anxiety.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2448-6795}, orcid-numbers = {Németh, Erzsébet/0000-0003-4427-9827; Kálmán, Botond Géza/0000-0001-8031-8016} } @article{MTMT:33210722, title = {Counterproductive risk-reduction strategy in travel-related decision-making}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33210722}, author = {Kökény, László and Kenesei, Zsófia and Marton, Zsuzsanna and Birkner, Zoltán and Michalkó, Gábor}, doi = {10.1080/13032917.2022.2142251}, journal-iso = {ANATOLIA: INT J TOURISM HOSPITALITY RES}, journal = {ANATOLIA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY RESEARCH}, volume = {35}, unique-id = {33210722}, issn = {1303-2917}, year = {2024}, pages = {186-189} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34726954, title = {Social Entrepreneurship’s Digital Transformation and Value Co-creation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34726954}, author = {HIKMAT, MURSALZADE and Frau, Moreno and Keszey, Tamara and Molnár, László and Saraswati, Haruming Sekar}, booktitle = {Reziliens marketing - válaszok változó kihívásokra}, unique-id = {34726954}, year = {2023}, pages = {11}, orcid-numbers = {Keszey, Tamara/0000-0003-2535-9581} } @article{MTMT:34474548, title = {Investigating guest books at heritage hotels. a forensic approach}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34474548}, author = {Mitev Ariel, Zoltán and Irimiás, Anna Rita}, doi = {10.1080/1743873X.2023.2296059}, journal-iso = {J HERITAGE TOURISM}, journal = {JOURNAL OF HERITAGE TOURISM}, unique-id = {34474548}, issn = {1743-873X}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1747-6631}, orcid-numbers = {Irimiás, Anna Rita/0000-0003-0307-6556} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34315127, title = {“Good places”. young adults’ views on domestic destinations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34315127}, author = {Irimiás, Anna Rita and Mitev Ariel, Zoltán and Della Lucia, Maria}, booktitle = {Rediscovering local roots and interactions in management}, unique-id = {34315127}, year = {2023}, pages = {577-581}, orcid-numbers = {Irimiás, Anna Rita/0000-0003-0307-6556} } @article{MTMT:34238871, title = {Külső és belső kontrollos stratégia. A felsőoktatásban tanulók pénzügyi tudása, attitűdjei és magatartása}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34238871}, author = {Németh, Erzsébet and Zsótér, Boglárka}, doi = {10.24307/psz.2023.0909}, journal-iso = {POLGÁRI SZEMLE}, journal = {POLGÁRI SZEMLE: GAZDASÁGI ÉS TÁRSADALMI FOLYÓIRAT}, volume = {19}, unique-id = {34238871}, issn = {1786-6553}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1786-8823}, pages = {134-151}, orcid-numbers = {Németh, Erzsébet/0000-0003-4427-9827} }