@misc{MTMT:32754361, title = {Mesterséges intelligenciák}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32754361}, author = {Dobján, Tibor}, unique-id = {32754361}, year = {2020} } @misc{MTMT:31828640, title = {Energy Efficiency in SDN Networks}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31828640}, author = {Agg, Péter András and Johanyák, Zsolt Csaba}, unique-id = {31828640}, year = {2020}, orcid-numbers = {Agg, Péter András/0000-0003-0148-2868; Johanyák, Zsolt Csaba/0000-0001-9285-9178} } @misc{MTMT:31828550, title = {Covid19 hatása az informatikai rendszerekre}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31828550}, author = {Göcs, László}, unique-id = {31828550}, year = {2020} } @article{MTMT:31387026, title = {Gaining traction: on the convergence of an inner approximation scheme for probability maximization}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31387026}, author = {Fábián, Csaba}, doi = {10.1007/s10100-020-00697-3}, journal-iso = {CEJOR}, journal = {CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH}, volume = {29}, unique-id = {31387026}, issn = {1435-246X}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1613-9178}, pages = {491-519}, orcid-numbers = {Fábián, Csaba/0000-0002-9446-1566} } @article{MTMT:31334757, title = {REVIEW ON NETWORKS DEFINED BY SOFTWARE}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31334757}, author = {Boucetta, Sara Imene and Johanyák, Zsolt Csaba}, doi = {10.47833/2020.2.CSC.001}, journal-iso = {GRADUS}, journal = {GRADUS}, volume = {7}, unique-id = {31334757}, abstract = {Heretofore, most network equipment had to be configured individually by connecting manually into it. This approach is time consuming for large networks and prone to human errors. The Software Defined Networking paradigm defines several standards and protocols in order to read the network states and act on its configuration from distant servers. These protocols authorize a reconfiguration of the network in a centralized way by the use of transactions that acts on one or more devices. In general, transactions are implemented as APIs for use by thirdparty programs and on software components separate from the orchestrator called controllers for more modularity. Nowadays, SDN receives a lot of interest from researchers and manufacturers aiming for the modernization of the networks especially with the emergence of the IoT, 5G and WAN technologies}, year = {2020}, eissn = {2064-8014}, pages = {230-238}, orcid-numbers = {Johanyák, Zsolt Csaba/0000-0001-9285-9178} } @mastersthesis{MTMT:31276767, title = {Események detektálása, osztályozása és szemantikus szerepeik címkézése [Event Detection and Classification, and Semantic Role Labeling]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31276767}, author = {Subecz, Zoltán}, doi = {10.14232/phd.10215}, publisher = {SZTE}, unique-id = {31276767}, year = {2020} } @article{MTMT:31180717, title = {Szemantikus szerepek automatikus címkézése természetes szövegekben}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31180717}, author = {Subecz, Zoltán and Nagyné Csák, Éva Klára}, doi = {10.47833/2020.1.CSC.001}, journal-iso = {GRADUS}, journal = {GRADUS}, volume = {7}, unique-id = {31180717}, year = {2020}, eissn = {2064-8014}, pages = {87-97} } @{MTMT:31142769, title = {Modular examination techniques of online store development}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31142769}, author = {Nagy, Szandra and Medgyes, Krisztián}, booktitle = {7th Winter School for PhD Students in Informatics and Mathematics}, unique-id = {31142769}, year = {2020}, pages = {31} } @{MTMT:31142760, title = {Use of vehicle sensors for navigation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31142760}, author = {Medgyes, Krisztián}, booktitle = {7th Winter School for PhD Students in Informatics and Mathematics}, unique-id = {31142760}, year = {2020}, pages = {29-30} } @misc{MTMT:32754357, title = {Robotika a felsőoktatásban}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32754357}, author = {Dobján, Tibor}, unique-id = {32754357}, year = {2019} }