@article{MTMT:34795866, title = {Application of Portfolio Optimization to Achieve Persistent Time Series}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34795866}, author = {Zlatniczki, Ádám and Telcs, András}, doi = {10.1007/s10957-024-02426-1}, journal-iso = {J OPTIMIZ THEORY APP}, journal = {JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS}, unique-id = {34795866}, issn = {0022-3239}, abstract = {The greater the persistence in a financial time series, the more predictable it becomes, allowing for the development of more effective investment strategies. Desirable attributes for financial portfolios include persistence, smoothness, long memory, and higher auto-correlation. We argue that these properties can be achieved by adjusting the composition weights of the portfolio. Considering the fractal nature of typical financial time series, the fractal dimension emerges as a natural metric to gauge the smoothness of the portfolio trajectory. Specifically, the Hurst exponent is designed for measuring the persistence of time series. In this paper, we introduce an optimization method inspired by the Hurst exponent and signal processing to mitigate the irregularities in the portfolio trajectory. We illustrate the effectiveness of this approach using real data from an S &P100 dataset.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1573-2878}, orcid-numbers = {Zlatniczki, Ádám/0000-0003-3088-441X; Telcs, András/0000-0002-3205-3081} } @article{MTMT:34773271, title = {A hibrid FES-kerékpározó terápia szerepe részleges gerincvelősérültek rehabilitációjában – esettanulmány}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34773271}, author = {Radeleczki, Balázs and Nagy, Noémi and Percze-Mravcsik, Mariann and Szemerédi, Péter and Futó, Márton and Ware, Lara and Fehér, Melinda and Klauber, András and Cserháti, Péter and Laczkó, József and Zólyominé Botzheim, Lilla}, journal-iso = {REHABILITÁCIÓ}, journal = {REHABILITÁCIÓ: A MAGYAR REHABILITÁCIÓS TÁRSASÁG FOLYÓIRATA}, volume = {34}, unique-id = {34773271}, issn = {0866-479X}, year = {2024}, pages = {10-17} } @article{MTMT:34765018, title = {Analogies and Relations between Non-Additive Entropy Formulas and Gintropy}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34765018}, author = {Biró, Tamás Sándor and Telcs, András and Jakovác, Antal}, doi = {10.3390/e26030185}, journal-iso = {ENTROPY-SWITZ}, journal = {ENTROPY}, volume = {26}, unique-id = {34765018}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1099-4300}, orcid-numbers = {Biró, Tamás Sándor/0000-0001-6188-8478; Telcs, András/0000-0002-3205-3081} } @{MTMT:34761968, title = {Global Trading Network of COVID-19 Medical Products Between 2019 and 2020}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34761968}, author = {Kurbucz, Marcell Tamás}, doi = {10.17632/b7svp82sdj}, unique-id = {34761968}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Kurbucz, Marcell Tamás/0000-0002-0121-6781} } @{MTMT:34761967, title = {Distance Calculator for the Different Levels of European NUTS Regions}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34761967}, author = {Kurbucz, Marcell Tamás and Katona, Attila Imre}, doi = {10.17632/hvjzvpfgbp}, unique-id = {34761967}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Kurbucz, Marcell Tamás/0000-0002-0121-6781; Katona, Attila Imre/0000-0001-7946-6265} } @{MTMT:34761965, title = {Panel Data Generated from Governance, Trade, and Competitiveness Indicators of World Bank Group Platforms}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34761965}, author = {Kurbucz, Marcell Tamás}, doi = {10.17632/jwkk44trj3}, unique-id = {34761965}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Kurbucz, Marcell Tamás/0000-0002-0121-6781} } @article{MTMT:34750423, title = {High performance Boson sampling simulation via data-flow engines}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34750423}, author = {Morse, Gregory and Rybotycki, Tomasz and Kaposi, Ágoston and Kolarovszki, Zoltán and Stojčić, Uroš and Kozsik, Tamás and Mencer, Oskar and Oszmaniec, Michał and Zimborás, Zoltán and Rakyta, Péter}, doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/ad313b}, journal-iso = {NEW J PHYS}, journal = {NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS}, volume = {26}, unique-id = {34750423}, issn = {1367-2630}, abstract = {Boson sampling (BS) is viewed to be an accessible quantum computing paradigm to demonstrate computational advantage compared to classical computers. In this context, the evolution of permanent calculation algorithms attracts a significant attention as the simulation of BS experiments involves the evaluation of vast number of permanents. For this reason, we generalize the Balasubramanian–Bax–Franklin–Glynn permanent formula, aiming to efficiently integrate it into the BS strategy of Clifford and Clifford (2020 Faster classical boson sampling). A reduction in simulation complexity originating from multiplicities in photon occupation was achieved through the incorporation of a n-ary Gray code ordering of the addends during the permanent evaluation. Implementing the devised algorithm on FPGA-based data-flow engines, we leverage the resulting tool to accelerate boson sampling simulations for up to 40 photons. Drawing samples from a 60-mode interferometer, the achieved rate averages around 80 s per sample, employing 4 FPGA chips. The developed design facilitates the simulation of both ideal and lossy boson sampling experiments.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1367-2630}, orcid-numbers = {Morse, Gregory/0000-0002-0231-6557; Kozsik, Tamás/0000-0003-4484-9172; Rakyta, Péter/0000-0002-3506-558X} } @article{MTMT:34598185, title = {Activation of metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34598185}, author = {Trényi, Róbert and Lukács, Árpád László and Horodecki, Paweł and Horodecki, Ryszard and Vértesi, Tamás and Tóth, Géza}, doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/ad1e93}, journal-iso = {NEW J PHYS}, journal = {NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS}, volume = {26}, unique-id = {34598185}, issn = {1367-2630}, abstract = {We consider quantum metrology with several copies of bipartite and multipartite quantum states. We characterize the metrological usefulness by determining how much the state outperforms separable states. We identify a large class of entangled states that become maximally useful for metrology in the limit of large number of copies, even if the state is weakly entangled and not even more useful than separable states. This way we activate metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement. Remarkably, not only that the maximally achievable metrological usefulness is attained exponentially fast in the number of copies, but it can be achieved by the measurement of few simple correlation observables. We also make general statements about the usefulness of a single copy of pure entangled states. We surprisingly find that the multiqubit states presented in Hyllus et al (2010 Phys. Rev. A 82 012337), which are not useful, become useful if we embed the qubits locally in qutrits. We discuss the relation of our scheme to error correction, and its possible use for quantum metrology in a noisy environment.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1367-2630}, orcid-numbers = {Tóth, Géza/0000-0002-9602-751X} } @article{MTMT:34568240, title = {Paying attention to natural scenes in area V1}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34568240}, author = {Lazar, A. and Klein, L. and Klon-Lipok, J. and Bányai, Mihály and Orbán, Gergő and Singer, W.}, doi = {10.1016/j.isci.2024.108816}, journal-iso = {ISCIENCE}, journal = {ISCIENCE}, volume = {27}, unique-id = {34568240}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2589-0042} } @article{MTMT:34498874, title = {Európai cégek tulajdonosi szerkezetének dinamikus hálózatelemzése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34498874}, author = {Kosztyán, Zsolt Tibor and Király, Ferenc and Kurbucz, Marcell Tamás}, doi = {10.18414/KSZ.2024.1.57}, journal-iso = {KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE}, journal = {KÖZGAZDASÁGI SZEMLE}, volume = {71}, unique-id = {34498874}, issn = {0023-4346}, abstract = {A társadalmi hálózatok elemzésének módszertanát egyre szélesebb körben alkalmazzák regionális kapcsolatok kialakulásának és fejlődésének modellezésére. Cikkünkben e módszertan, valamint a széleskörűen alkalmazott gravitációs modell segítségével megvizsgáljuk, hogy mely tényezők magyarázzák az európai vállalatok tulajdonosi szerkezetének kialakulását, illetve időbeli változásait. Az elemzés során felhasznált – 2010-től 2018-ig terjedő – adatok az európai vállalatokat tartalmazó Amadeus adatbázisból származnak, amely közel 24 millió vállalat gazdasági és tulajdonosi információit tartalmazza. A vállalati tulajdonosi kapcsolatokat NUTS3- (megyei) szinten aggregáltuk, majd az így meghatározott régiókhoz további földrajzi, technológiai és gazdasági adatokat rendeltünk.* Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: C4, F1, M2, O3.}, year = {2024}, pages = {57-85}, orcid-numbers = {Kosztyán, Zsolt Tibor/0000-0001-7345-8336; Kurbucz, Marcell Tamás/0000-0002-0121-6781} }