@article{MTMT:35202331, title = {Virtuális térhasználat és ennek hatásai a gyermekeknél 7 éves korig}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35202331}, author = {Boros, Eszter}, doi = {10.17836/EC.2024.1.004}, journal-iso = {E-CONOM}, journal = {E-CONOM}, volume = {13}, unique-id = {35202331}, issn = {2063-644X}, abstract = {A 21. század digitális korának térnyerésével az okoseszközök által nyújtott virtuális és kiterjesztett valóságok, mint a VR és AR(Virtual Realityés Aug-mented Reality) hatása egyre inkább érvényesül a gyermekek és szüleik életében.AVR és az AR a valóság egyfajta látszólagos kibővítése, mellyel például az okostelefonokkamerájával szétnézve a valós környezetbe virtuális elemeket vetítenek. Jelen kutatás empirikus módszerekkel vizsgálja a 0–7 éves korosztály VR használati szokásait Magyarországon, ezáltal árnyalt képet adva a jelenlegi helyzetről. A szakirodalom elemzése alapján következtetések vonhatók le arról, hogy milyen mértékben lehetnek hasznosak vagy károsaketechnológiáka gyerekek és szüleik számára, figyelembe véve a tudományos és pszichológiai szempontokat.A gyermekek számára elkerülhetetlen az okos-eszközök használata és nem is az a megfelelő irány, hogy kiiktassuk az életükből az ilyen eszközöket. A kutatás legfőbb tanulsága, ami nemzetközi kutatások által is alátámasztott, hogy egészséges eszközhasználatra kell a gyermekeket megtanítani már a születéstől kezdve.}, keywords = {gyermekek; digitalizáció; virtuális valóság; Okoseszközök}, year = {2024}, pages = {73-87} } @mastersthesis{MTMT:35161068, title = {FLEXO NYOMTATÁSSAL KÉSZÜLT HAJLÉKONY FALÚ CSOMAGOLÓANYAGOK GYÁRTÁSI FOLYAMATÁBAN A KRITIKUS PONTOK FELTÁRÁSA, KUTATÁSOK A LEHETSÉGES FEJLESZTÉSI TERÜLETEKEN}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35161068}, author = {Várza , Ferenc}, doi = {10.13147/SOE.2024.026}, unique-id = {35161068}, year = {2024} } @article{MTMT:35090424, title = {Modern Requirements of 18-25 Years Old Adults Against Seating Furniture in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35090424}, author = {Boros, Eszter}, doi = {10.11648/j.ajad.20240903.11}, journal-iso = {AJAD}, journal = {American Journal of Art and Design}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {35090424}, issn = {2578-7799}, abstract = {This research examines the evolution of seating furniture in Hungary over the past 200 years by comparing three representative pieces. The first is the famous tulipános hope chest, also known as the wedding chest, a traditional piece of Hungarian furniture. The second example is a bench from 1965, designed by József Zalavári, a renowned Hungarian designer and university professor. The third piece is the Kuube smart street bench from 2020. These three pieces exemplify the changing requirements and preferences for seating furniture over time. To support this comparative analysis, an online questionnaire was conducted in April 2024 targeting young adults aged 18-25 years. The survey aimed to understand their preferences and expectations for modern seating furniture. It was distributed and completed through various Hungarian Facebook groups, where these respondents are regularly active. The primary focus of the questionnaire was to identify the most important factors for the next generation in terms of seating furniture usage. Surprisingly, the results indicated that respondents were not particularly concerned with recycling and renewable energy sources in furniture production. Instead, they prioritized multifunctionality and ergonomic design. These findings provide valuable insights for future designers and projects, highlighting the essential considerations for creating seating furniture that meets the needs and preferences of Generation Z and Alpha users. By understanding these trends, designers can develop innovative solutions that align with the evolving demands of younger generations.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2578-7802}, pages = {43-47} } @article{MTMT:35076666, title = {A TÍPUSBÚTOR RENESZÁNSZA ÉS A FENNTARTHATÓSÁG}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35076666}, author = {Nagy, Vivien and Antal, Mária Réka and BODORKÓS, DÁNIEL}, journal-iso = {MAGYAR ASZTALOS}, journal = {MAGYAR ASZTALOS : MAGYAR ASZTALOS ÉS FAIPAR, AZ ORSZÁGOS ASZTALOS- ÉS FAIPARI SZÖVETSÉG HIVATALOS FÓRUMA}, volume = {2024}, unique-id = {35076666}, issn = {2063-1138}, year = {2024} } @article{MTMT:35076002, title = {Sustainable epoxy nanobiocomposites reinforced with lignin nanoparticles for enhanced UV resistance and mechanical properties}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35076002}, author = {Abu, Taher Muhammad and Hasan, K M Faridul and Mahmud, Sakil and Yi, Xie Qing and Zhu, Jin}, doi = {10.1016/j.coco.2024.101941}, journal-iso = {COMPOS COMMUN}, journal = {COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS}, volume = {48}, unique-id = {35076002}, issn = {2452-2139}, abstract = {Lignin, a naturally occurring biopolymer derived from plant-based materials, possesses numerous multifunctional groups that can be leveraged in the synthesis of valuable nanoparticles (NPs) for the development of nano biocomposites. The in-situ polymerization method is employed as an initial step to incorporate lignin into the epoxy network system. This process involves the use of the curing agent MHHPA (hexahydro-4-methylphthalic anhydride), in combination with 1-MI (1-Methylimidazole) catalyzed lignin NPs, to integrate lignin into the epoxy polymeric matrix. The curing agent facilitates the creation of a crosslinked network within the epoxy resin, ensuring proper curing. The resulting nanocomposite films, formed by reinforcing the epoxy matrix with lignin NPs, exhibit exceptional UV-blocking capability, blocking approximately 33 % of UV radiation at 404 nm with a lignin content of 4.9 wt%. Furthermore, these nano biocomposites, derived from lignin NPs, demonstrate superior mechanical performance when compared to control epoxy composite samples. The inclusion of 4.9 wt% of degraded lignin epoxide in the nano biocomposite samples, as opposed to control epoxy samples, results in an 8 % increase in tensile strength. The successful integration of lignin NPs into the epoxy matrix not only enhances the UV-blocking capability but also improves the overall mechanical performance of the resulting nano biocomposites. This research opens up new avenues for the development of sustainable and high -performance materials by harnessing the unique properties of lignin.}, keywords = {Renewable biopolymer; Lignin nanoparticle; Nano biocomposite}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2452-2139}, orcid-numbers = {Hasan, K M Faridul/0000-0003-4126-374X} } @article{MTMT:35064519, title = {EVALUATION OF DYNAMIC AND STATIC MODULI OF ELASTICITY OF HYBRID EUCALYPTUS WOOD FROM DIFFERENT LOCATIONS IN GHANA}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35064519}, author = {Seidu, Haruna and Brougui, Marwa and Abdul Rahim, Noor Roziana Binti and Németh, Róbert}, doi = {10.37763/wr.1336-4561/69.1.132142}, journal-iso = {WOOD RES-SLOVAKIA}, journal = {WOOD RESEARCH}, volume = {69}, unique-id = {35064519}, issn = {1336-4561}, abstract = {This study explores the mechanical properties of hybrid eucalyptus wood, with a focus on dynamic and static moduli of elasticity (MOE), which is crucial for understanding the stiffness behaviour of wood. The research employs acoustic and static measurements on samples prepared from six trees sourced from Winneba and Amantia in Ghana. The results reveal significant variations in static and dynamic MOE, with higher static MOE observed in both Amantia and Winneba samples. However, Winneba and Amantia samples at the tree level were found to be insignificant statistically. The densities of the samples from the two locations, Winneba and Amantia, were found to be significantly different. Correlation studies revealed strong relationships between wood density and static MOE, as well as static and dynamic MOE, providing valuable insights into the comprehensive characterization of the eucalyptus globulus species grown in Ghana.}, year = {2024}, pages = {132-142} } @{MTMT:35064467, title = {Nanobiotechnological utility for the removal of food contaminants: Physicobiochemical}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35064467}, author = {Liu, Xiaoyi and Hasan, K M Faridul and Wei, Shaofeng}, booktitle = {Nanobiotechnology for Food Processing and Packaging}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-323-91749-0.00005-8}, unique-id = {35064467}, abstract = {Food contamination is one of the main sources of food safety problems which is seriously threatening people's health. At present, the discovery of efficient and economical technology to remove food contaminants is one of the hot issues that the food science community is paying attention to. In this case, the rapid development of nanobiotechnology has provided a good theoretical basis and technical support for the innovation of food contaminants removal methods and has brought revolutionary contributions to materials and food science. Therefore, this chapter begins with nanomaterials to describe nanobiotechnology and its application in the inhibition or removal of food contaminants from physical and biochemical perspectives.}, year = {2024}, pages = {97-114}, orcid-numbers = {Hasan, K M Faridul/0000-0003-4126-374X} } @article{MTMT:35052709, title = {ANNUAL GROWTH RING CHARACTERISTICS OF QUERCUS CERRIS (L.) TREES GROWN UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35052709}, author = {Govina, James Kudjo and Németh, Róbert}, doi = {10.37763/wr.1336-4561/69.2.196208}, journal-iso = {WOOD RES-SLOVAKIA}, journal = {WOOD RESEARCH}, volume = {69}, unique-id = {35052709}, issn = {1336-4561}, abstract = {The study examined the effect of stand composition and soil quality on radial growth of Quercus cerris (L.) grown in Vas County in Hungary. Twelve trees were randomly harvested, and the sampled wood pieces were extracted from the breast-height portion. Wood strips were machine-sanded, scanned for analysis in ImageJ. Climate data were obtained from a database of the Hungarian National Metrological Service. Mean annual-ring width was larger for trees harvested from mixed species planting site. Overall, annual-ring sizes for trees harvested from pure species stand that thrive on poor soils exhibited wider variation (62%). The same plot of trees had a latewood width variation of 82%. Precipitation correlated positively with annual-ring size with weak to moderate coefficient (0.13 – 0.32), whereas maximum temperature negatively correlated with annual-ring size on moderate coefficient (-0.42)}, year = {2024}, pages = {196-208} } @article{MTMT:34936400, title = {Magyar fiatalok a milánói Salonesatellite kiállításon}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34936400}, author = {Antal, Mária Réka and Nagy, Vivien}, journal-iso = {MAGYAR ASZTALOS}, journal = {MAGYAR ASZTALOS : MAGYAR ASZTALOS ÉS FAIPAR, AZ ORSZÁGOS ASZTALOS- ÉS FAIPARI SZÖVETSÉG HIVATALOS FÓRUMA}, volume = {2024}, unique-id = {34936400}, issn = {2063-1138}, year = {2024} } @inproceedings{MTMT:34897301, title = {Developing Laminated Strand Lumber (LSL) based on underutilized Hungarian wood species}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34897301}, author = {Bejó, László and Alpár, Tibor László and Altaher Omer Ahmed, Ahmed}, booktitle = {11TH HARDWOOD CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS : Sopron, Hungary, 30-31 May 2024}, unique-id = {34897301}, abstract = {The demand for wood-based construction materials is increasing, and the current supply of softwood from Austria and Germany is likely to run out in the coming years. At the current rate of production, the supply of traditionally used softwood raw materials is unsustainable. In addition, the warming climate is making it more difficult to grow Softwood species such as pines, which are one of the most important raw materials for the wood industry. As a result, there is a need to find alternative tree species that can adapt to the changing climate, and whose technical properties are suitable for use in construction. One potential source of alternative wood is hardwood species from the Carpathian Basin. This study, which is the part of the ERDOLAB (Forest Lab) research project, aims to develop Laminated Strand Lumber (LSL) from underutilized Hungarian hardwood species for use in the construction industry. Several LSL panels were manufactured using poplar strands and MDI adhesive, with dimensions 340x340x35 mm, and 600 to 650 kg/m3 in density. Tests included bending and internal bond strength, as well as water absorption and thickness swelling. Test results show that the experimental LSL meets most of the requirements of the standard for structural building materials, with the exception of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane, which is slightly lower than the required standard. However, all other properties of LSL meet or exceed the requirements of the standard. Therefore, LSL can be considered a suitable material for structural applications with the exception of applications where high tensile strength perpendicular to the plane is required.}, year = {2024}, pages = {475-480} }