@article{MTMT:34786477, title = {Detection of plant cadmium toxicity by monitoring dielectric response of intact root systems on a fine timescale}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34786477}, author = {Cseresnyés, Imre and Takács, Tünde Mária and Füzy, Anna}, doi = {10.1007/s11356-024-33279-w}, journal-iso = {ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R}, journal = {ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH}, volume = {2024}, unique-id = {34786477}, issn = {0944-1344}, abstract = {The root dielectric response was measured on a minute scale to assess its efficiency for monitoring short-term cadmium (Cd) toxicity non-destructively. Electrical capacitance (C R ), dissipation factor (D R ) and electrical conductance (G R ) were detected during the 24 to 168 h after Cd treatment (0, 20, 50 mg Cd 2+ kg –1 substrate) in potted maize, cucumber and pea. Stress was also evaluated by measuring leaf chlorophyll content, F v /F m and stomatal conductance (g s ) in situ , and shoot and root mass and total root length after harvest. C R showed a clear diurnal pattern, reflecting the water uptake rate, and decreased significantly in response to excessive Cd due to impeded root growth, the reduced tissue permittivity caused by accelerated lignification, and root ageing. Cd exposure markedly increased D R , indicating greater conductive energy loss due to oxidative membrane damage and enhanced electrolyte leakage. G R , which was coupled with root hydraulic conductance and varied diurnally, was increased transiently by Cd toxicity due to enhanced membrane permeability, but declined thereafter owing to stress-induced leaf senescence and transpiration loss. The time series of impedance components indicated the comparatively high Cd tolerance of the applied maize and the sensitivity of pea cultivar, which was confirmed by visible shoot symptoms, repeated physiological investigations and biomass measurements. The results demonstrated the potential of single-frequency dielectric measurements to follow certain aspects of the stress response of different species on a fine timescale without plant injury. The approach can be combined with widely used plant physiological methods and could contribute to breeding crop genotypes with improved stress tolerance.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1614-7499}, orcid-numbers = {Cseresnyés, Imre/0000-0002-4198-9770; Takács, Tünde Mária/0000-0002-2399-2415; Füzy, Anna/0000-0001-7738-6368} } @article{MTMT:34679153, title = {Előzetes eredmények a kanadai aranyvessző (Solidago canadensis L.) inváziójának biológiai talajminőségre gyakorolt hatásairól egy városi gyepen}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34679153}, author = {Komlósi, Janka and Hornung, Erzsébet and Tóth, Zsolt}, doi = {10.20331/AllKoz.2024.109.1-2.1}, journal-iso = {ÁLLATTANI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, journal = {ÁLLATTANI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, volume = {109}, unique-id = {34679153}, issn = {0002-5658}, abstract = {Az egészséges talaj létfontosságú minden szárazföldi ökoszisztéma szempontjából, mivel élőhelyet nyújt számos, az anyagkörforgás folytonosságát biztosító élőlénynek. Kutatásunkban a kanadai aranyvessző (Solidago canadensis L.) domináns jelenlétének (>90 % borítás) talajra gyakorolt hatásait vizsgáltuk ízeltlábú-alapú talajminőség-mutatók segítségével. A talajízeltlábúakra épülő, a talaj minőségét jelző indikátorok a klasszikus fizikai, kémiai és mikrobiológiai paraméterek mellett egyszerű, költséghatékony alternatívái a talajállapot értékelésének. Gyűjtésükre két év tavaszi szezonjaiban vettünk mintákat a budapesti Felsőrákosi-rétek Természetvédelmi Területen kijelölt, aranyvessző által borított, illetve természetközeli vegetációjú (kontroll) parcellákból. Az ízeltlábúakat, kinyerésüket követően nagyobb csoportokba soroltuk. Háttérváltozóként a fizikai és kémiai talajtani paramétereket, illetve a mintavételi területek tájszerkezetét használtuk. Az aranyvessző által elözönlött területek talajai egyik index szerint sem mutattak szignifikáns eltérést a kontrollhoz képest. Ugyanakkor a talajízeltlábú-együttesek taxonómiai összetételében jelentős különbség mutatkozott, a funkcionális közösségszerkezet pedig a két vizsgálati év alapján különült el, függetlenül a területek vegetációjától. A biológiai talajminőséget leginkább meghatározó tényezők a talajnedvesség és a fás élőhelyek aránya voltak, arra kedvező hatást gyakorolva. Az eddigi eredmények – a kétévi tavaszi adatok – alapján megállapítható, hogy az aranyvessző-inváziónak nem volt kimutatható hatása a biológiai talajminőségre, habár az a talajízeltlábú-közösségek taxonómiai összetételét szignifikánsan befolyásolta. Ugyanakkor ahhoz, hogy pontosabb képet kapjunk, az aranyvessző fenológiájához igazodó időbeli változásokat is figyelembe vevő további szezonális adatok bevonása szükséges.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2786-3565}, pages = {1-18}, orcid-numbers = {Tóth, Zsolt/0000-0002-4650-7291} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34551312, title = {Részletesen dokumentált ex situ fajvédelem A MATE Gödöllői- és Budai Kampuszán 1994-2023 között / Acuratelly documented ex situ species protection at MATE's Gödöllő and Buda Campuses between 1994-2023}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34551312}, author = {Nagy, János György and Gilián, Lilla Diána and Endrédi, Anett and Sőth, Ármin and Ércz, Dóra and Radics, Fanny and Bujdosó, Gábor and Dudás, János András and Szirmai, Orsolya and Czóbel, Szilárd and Tatár, Sándor and Kovács, Zsófia and Kohl-Dombay, Mónika and Höhn, Mária Margit}, booktitle = {XIV. Aktuális Flóra- és Vegetációkutatás a Kárpát-medencében nemzetközi konferencia: Összefoglalók.}, unique-id = {34551312}, year = {2024}, pages = {60-61}, orcid-numbers = {Gilián, Lilla Diána/0000-0002-2839-9346; Höhn, Mária Margit/0000-0002-8587-8271} } @article{MTMT:34498574, title = {Monitoring of plant water uptake by measuring root dielectric properties on a fine timescale: diurnal changes and response to leaf excision}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34498574}, author = {Cseresnyés, Imre and Füzy, Anna and Kabos, Sándor and Kelemen, Bettina and Rajkai, Kálmán László and Takács, Tünde Mária}, doi = {10.1186/s13007-023-01133-8}, journal-iso = {PLANT METHODS}, journal = {PLANT METHODS}, volume = {20}, unique-id = {34498574}, issn = {1746-4811}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1746-4811}, orcid-numbers = {Cseresnyés, Imre/0000-0002-4198-9770; Füzy, Anna/0000-0001-7738-6368; Kabos, Sándor/0000-0003-3508-7348; Kelemen, Bettina/0000-0002-5345-6453; Rajkai, Kálmán László/0000-0003-4095-774X; Takács, Tünde Mária/0000-0002-2399-2415} } @article{MTMT:34401749, title = {Chronic acetamiprid exposure moderately affects the foraging behaviour of buff‐tailed bumblebees ( Bombus terrestris )}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34401749}, author = {Tóth, Zoltán and Kovács, Zsófia}, doi = {10.1111/eth.13425}, journal-iso = {ETHOLOGY}, journal = {ETHOLOGY}, volume = {130}, unique-id = {34401749}, issn = {0179-1613}, abstract = {Bumblebees are important pollinators in both natural and agricultural ecosystems, but their survival and pollination service are threatened by extensive pesticide use. Due to regulation changes, acetamiprid has become the only neonicotinoid substance that can be used without restrictions and in open‐field cultivations in the European Union. Yet, we know little about how this active ingredient affects bumblebees' foraging behaviour and if such effects are similarly detrimental to those of other neonicotinoids. Here we investigated how a 14‐day‐long (chronic) exposure to low (5 ppb) and high (2500 ppb) concentrations of acetamiprid in syrup affected different aspects of foraging behaviour in buff‐tailed bumblebees ( Bombus terrestris , Linnaeus). We recorded individual foraging at artificial food patches during one‐hour‐long trials and then compared several foraging‐related measures between differently dosed individuals. We found that 75.12% of the total syrup consumption occurred at the first‐exploited patch, but individuals did not exhibit any bias toward pesticide‐treated food patches. Chronic exposure to acetamiprid had little effect on individual foraging decisions at the first‐exploited food patch but significantly affected the time to the first feeding and the number of feedings at the second‐exploited patch in interaction with body mass. The duration of the first feeding was affected only by foragers' body mass. Our finding indicates that chronic exposure to a high but field‐realistic concentration of acetamiprid may alter some aspects of bumblebees' foraging behaviour. If such behavioural changes accumulate during consecutive foraging bouts, chronic exposure to this pesticide might lead to a reduction of daily resource collection, ultimately jeopardising colony fitness or plant (crop) pollination.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1439-0310}, pages = {1-11} } @article{MTMT:34238464, title = {Survival of experimentally buried large, winged seeds from open sandy habitats defies the established theory of relatedness between seed size, shape, and longevity}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34238464}, author = {Bahadoran, M. and Ejtehadi, H. and Memariani, F. and Tamás, Júlia and Csontos, Péter}, doi = {10.1080/15324982.2023.2269113}, journal-iso = {ARID LAND RES MANAG}, journal = {ARID LAND RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT}, volume = {38}, unique-id = {34238464}, issn = {1532-4982}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1532-4990}, pages = {246-262} } @article{MTMT:34228667, title = {Quantitative analysis of selenium species in the edible parts of cabbage, carrot, tomato and green pea treated with selenate-enriched irrigation water}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34228667}, author = {Ragályi, Péter and Takács, Tünde Mária and Soós, Áron and Kovács, Béla and Dernovics, Mihály and Lončarić, Zdenko and Dobosy, Péter and Záray, Gyula and Rékási, Márk}, doi = {10.1007/s11104-023-06365-0}, journal-iso = {PLANT SOIL}, journal = {PLANT AND SOIL}, volume = {496}, unique-id = {34228667}, issn = {0032-079X}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1573-5036}, pages = {341-360}, orcid-numbers = {Takács, Tünde Mária/0000-0002-2399-2415; Dernovics, Mihály/0000-0002-7249-9328; Lončarić, Zdenko/0000-0003-4927-3969; Záray, Gyula/0000-0003-2164-1176; Rékási, Márk/0000-0003-2389-9103} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:34756007, title = {Investigation of the hydrophobic character of soils with Krüss DSA 100}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34756007}, author = {Füleki-Veress, Aliz and Gerencsérné Berta, Renáta and Barna, Gyöngyi and Takács, Tünde Mária and Makó, András}, booktitle = {Víz- és szennyvízkezelés az iparban (VSZI’23)}, unique-id = {34756007}, year = {2023}, pages = {37}, orcid-numbers = {Barna, Gyöngyi/0000-0003-0967-5015; Takács, Tünde Mária/0000-0002-2399-2415; Makó, András/0000-0002-6169-6393} } @article{MTMT:34536290, title = {Arsenic uptake and accumulation in bean and lettuce plants at different developmental stages}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34536290}, author = {Sandil, Sirat and Záray, Gyula and Endrédi, Anett and Füzy, Anna and Takács, Tünde Mária and Óvári, Mihály and Dobosy, Péter}, doi = {10.1007/s11356-023-30593-7}, journal-iso = {ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R}, journal = {ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH}, volume = {30}, unique-id = {34536290}, issn = {0944-1344}, year = {2023}, eissn = {1614-7499}, pages = {118724-118735}, orcid-numbers = {Záray, Gyula/0000-0003-2164-1176; Füzy, Anna/0000-0001-7738-6368; Takács, Tünde Mária/0000-0002-2399-2415} } @article{MTMT:34437799, title = {Effect of Different Macronutrient Supply Levels on the Drought Tolerance of Rainfed Grass Based on Biomass Production, Water Use Efficiency and Macroelement Content}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34437799}, author = {Ragályi, Péter and Szabó, Anita and Rékási, Márk and Csathó, Péter and Csontos, Péter}, doi = {10.3390/horticulturae9121337}, journal-iso = {HORTICULTURAE}, journal = {HORTICULTURAE}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {34437799}, abstract = {Water shortage, one of the main limiting factors for plant growth and development, can be alleviated by an adequate nutrient supply. The effect of different nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) supply levels and their combinations was examined in different rainfall supply periods (wet, normal, dry) on a grass sward in a field experiment. Dry and fresh aboveground biomass production were primarily increased by the N–rainfall supply interaction, from 0.739 to 6.51 and from 1.84 to 21.8 t ha−1, respectively, but the P–rainfall supply and N–P interactions and K treatment all had significant effects. Dry matter content was primarily influenced by the N–rainfall supply interaction, increasing in response to N in dry periods and declining in wet periods. Water use efficiency (WUE) was increased by the N–rainfall supply interaction from 28.3 to 127 kg ha−1 mm−1, but the N–P interaction had a similarly strong effect, and K treatment increased it in the dry period. The N, P and K contents of the aboveground biomass were increased by treatment with the corresponding element, but were also influenced by rainfall supply. The increase in biomass, mainly due to N treatment, caused the dilution of the P and K contents in grass in treatments poorly supplied with P and K. Biomass production and WUE were significantly improved up to a dose of 200 kg ha−1 year−1 of N, up to a supply level of 153 mg kg−1 of P2O5, and 279 mg kg−1 of K2O measured in the soil. Treating grass with the N, P and K macroelements may effectively increase biomass production and water use efficiency, but above a certain level their application is unnecessary.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2311-7524}, orcid-numbers = {Ragályi, Péter/0000-0003-1076-9094; Szabó, Anita/0000-0002-7907-7101; Rékási, Márk/0000-0003-2389-9103} }