TY - JOUR AU - Rahimi, Meisam AU - Balázs, Boglárka AU - Adelinia, Ali AU - Ebrahimi, Eisa AU - Ojani, Mohammadreza TI - Impact assessment of Zeolite, Ca-bentonite and Biochar amendments on Cd bioavailability and fractions in polluted calcareous soils JF - ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES J2 - ENVIRON EARTH SCI VL - 83 PY - 2024 IS - 17 PG - 14 SN - 1866-6280 DO - 10.1007/s12665-024-11803-y UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35346184 ID - 35346184 AB - The refining of polluted soils by heavy elements is one of the most important environmental policies in industrialized and developing countries. Using adsorbents is a suitable procedure for the immobilization of heavy metals in polluted soils. This study aimed to assess the immobilization of Cadmium (Cd) in polluted calcareous soil affected by the application of organic and inorganic amendments including Biochar (from grape pruning residues) and natural Zeolite and their interaction under wheat cultivation. The treatments used in this study were two amendments of Zeolite and Biochar (from grape pruning wastes) at three levels (0, 1, and 4%) and three levels of Cd contamination (0, 75, and 150 mg/kg soil). A 16-week incubation period was considered for the homogenization of the amendments in soil and wheat was grown according to the standards procedure. At the end of incubation, different fractions of Cd including residual, exchangeable, bonded to organic matter, bonded to carbonate and bonded to iron and manganese. Also available Cd by DTPA and EDTA methods and 1000-grain weight of wheat were measured. The results showed that the highest amount of Cd bound to organic matter was obtained in 4% Biochar treatment to 15 mg/kg. The highest and lowest amounts of Cd extracted with DTPA were obtained in the control one (92 mg/kg) and the level of 4% Biochar (67 mg/kg), respectively. The results showed that increasing the amount of Biochar and Zeolite amendments increased the weight of 1000 grains of wheat in all treatments. According to the results of the study, the use of Biochar and Zeolite reduced the amount of Cd extracted by DTPA ( 82.436 mg/kg) and EDTA (115.605 mg/kg). Finally, the results showed that the use of Biochar and Zeolite has reduced active Cd and its mobility in the soil due to increasing organic and carbonate fractions. Combining biochar and zeolite in soil remediation efforts can enhance their effectiveness in reducing the concentration and mobility of active Cd. The biochar provides a stable carbon matrix for long-term immobilization of Cd, while the zeolite offers additional adsorption capacity and ion-exchange capabilities. This synergistic effect can lead to improved soil quality and reduced environmental risks associated with Cd contamination. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Csorba, Péter AU - Túri, Zoltán ED - Mehebub, Sahan TI - Turning points and future perspectives of the peri-urban land use around small Hungarian towns T2 - Remote Sensing and GIS in Peri-Urban Research : Perspectives on Global Change, Sustainability and Resilience PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam T3 - Modern Cartography Series, ISSN 1363-0814 PY - 2024 SP - 293 EP - 314 PG - 22 DO - 10.1016/B978-0-443-15832-2.00012-5 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35319798 ID - 35319798 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Diószegi, Gergő AU - Abriha-Molnár, Vanda Éva AU - Nagy, Loránd Attila AU - Enyedi, Péter AU - Török, Péter AU - Szabó, Szilárd TI - Testing treecbh in Central European forests: an R package for crown base height detection using high-resolution aerial laser-scanned data JF - FORESTRY J2 - FORESTRY PY - 2024 PG - 15 SN - 0015-752X DO - 10.1093/forestry/cpae044 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35203216 ID - 35203216 AB - Accurate information regarding tree canopy characteristics is crucial for forest management, but it is often difficult to assess. This study presents an innovative framework designed for crown base height (CBH) detection using high-resolution laser-scanned data, with a specific focus on individual trees within forests. The framework comprises three key steps: (i) segmenting the input tree point cloud to identify the tree trunk and its branches using the treesio software; (ii) applying vertical cross-sectional K-means clustering to cluster the identified tree and to define the elevation threshold for removing low-lying understory vegetation; (iii) employing a novel 2D kernel method for detecting CBH after eliminating low-lying understory vegetation. The 2D kernel method, developed for broadleaf forests using leaf-off airborne laser scanning (ALS) data, underpins the treecbh tool. This tool features a visual CBH adjustment component that shows a 2D profile plot of the tree point cloud, and suggests a CBH value for user approval or adjustment. To evaluate accuracy, in situ measured CBH data from five forest plots in Germany and Hungary with varied species compositions were used. ALS data were collected during leaf-off conditions for the two Hungarian plots and during leaf-on conditions for the three German plots. Leaf-off terrestrial laser-scanned data from individual trees were also used in the accuracy assessment. A sensitivity analysis using random point decimation was conducted on the terrestrial laser-scanned data to assess treecbh’s sensitivity to point density. The initial results exhibited matching rates of 45% and 60% for leaf-off ALS plots, which significantly improved to 71% and 77%, respectively, when using the visual CBH adjustment feature of the tool. The leaf-on ALS results demonstrated matching rates between 24% and 33%, whereas the CBHs of individual terrestrial laser-scanned trees could be detected with 93% accuracy in visual mode. It was observed that treecbh operates effectively when the input ALS data have a minimum point density of 20 pts/, with its optimal performance achieved at 110 pts/. These findings indicated treecbh’s sensitivity to ALS data quality, scanning season (leaf-on and leaf-off), and point density. This sensitivity can be effectively mitigated in the case of leaf-off ALS data by utilizing the visual CBH adjustment feature of the tool. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Szopos, Noémi Mária AU - Holb, Imre AU - Abriha, Dávid AU - Szabó, Szilárd TI - Flood risk assessment of a small river with limited available data JF - SPATIAL INFORMATION RESEARCH J2 - SPAT INF RES VL - 32 PY - 2024 IS - - PG - 14 SN - 2366-3286 DO - 10.1007/s41324-024-00596-8 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35192187 ID - 35192187 AB - Flood risk modeling of small watercourses is challenging when only limited input data are available. Therefore, this study assessed the flood characteristics of a small river (Tarna River: entire watershed-C, upper-VS, middle-TMS, and lower section-TOS) from 1990 to 2019. The assessment focused on modeling, model calibration, and validation using feature event-based time-series data in data-scarce environments. We showed that since the 2000s, the number of high-water levels above 250 cm, and the frequency of three flood types had increased. Flood simulation results showed the largest flooded area in the TMS section, followed by the VS, and then the TOS. The outcomes from the VS, TMS, and TOS sections did not exhibit superior performance compared to the C area. Models performed well for larger flood events, with Kling Gupta Efficiency corresponding well to NRMSE and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency metrics. Accordingly, flood events characterized by the longest duration and high-water levels yielded outstanding results across all areas, followed by moderate flood events with good accuracy. Normal water level events exhibited significant deviations from the reference across all sections. In summary, despite the event-based modeling challenges in data-limited environments, such models can still mitigate potential flood events and improve decision-making processes. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Abriha-Molnár, Vanda Éva AU - Szabó, Szilárd AU - Magura, Tibor AU - Tóthmérész, Béla AU - Abriha, Dávid AU - Sipos, Bianka AU - Simon, Edina TI - Environmental impact assessment based on particulate matter, and chlorophyll content of urban trees JF - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS J2 - SCI REP VL - 14 PY - 2024 IS - 1 SP - 1 EP - 8 PG - 8 SN - 2045-2322 DO - 10.1038/s41598-024-70664-4 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35191778 ID - 35191778 AB - The amount of dust deposited on tree leaves is a cost-effective indicator of air quality. Our aim was to explore the leaf surface deposition, and chlorophyll content of leaves along a road section that started at an intersection, and ended in a less disturbed suburban area in Debrecen, Hungary. We also assessed the impact of meteorological conditions on the amount of deposited dust. Leaf samples were collected in July, and September 2022 from Celtis occidentalis , a frequent species in green urban areas of Debrecen. We found a significant negative correlation between dust deposition, and the distance from the intersection in July. In September, dust deposition decreased considerably compared to July, due to rainfall before the second sampling. Surprisingly, we found a positive correlation between dust deposition and chlorophyll content in July. Our findings suggest that dust deposition on leaves serves as a reliable indicator of traffic intensity, because the excess dust caused by the proximity of vehicle traffic can be detected on the leaf surface. Although, rainfall can disrupt the patterns in dust deposition that have developed over an extended period through wash-off and resuspension. Hence, it is advisable to consider these effects while selecting the sampling time and evaluating the results. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Chakilu, Gashaw AU - Szegedi, Sándor AU - Túri, Zoltán AU - Phinzi, Kwanele TI - The patterns of potential evapotranspiration and seasonal aridity under the change in climate in the upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia JF - JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY J2 - J HYDROL VL - 641 PY - 2024 PG - 12 SN - 0022-1694 DO - 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131841 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35176783 ID - 35176783 AB - Evapotranspiration is one of the determinant components of the hydrological process, highly influenced by climate change due to the increase in atmospheric temperature at global and regional scales. This study was designed to evaluate the extent to which climate change affects the Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) and the consequent Aridity Index (AI) in the high-emission scenario of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) in the Gilgel Abay, Ribb, Gumara, and Megech watersheds using six Global Climate Models in the 2011–2040, 2041–2070, and 2071–2100 relative to the 1971–2000 (baseline period). The average PET is simulated using the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. Penman-Monteith and Hargreaves methods were used in the computation of PET using the water balance technique, and the Hargreaves method was found more efficient in calibration and validation processes. The Aridity Index (AI) of watersheds is calculated using the ratio of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. The study revealed that the change in annual average PET is showing an increasing pattern in the three time periods, and the highest rate of changes in Megech, Gilgel Abay, Ribb, and Gumara, watersheds are 16.66%, 15.53%, 14.68%, and 13.46%, respectively in the 2071–2100 time period. Seasonally, the highest rate of change in PET is 20.37% (September), 19.29% (April), 17.46% (March), and 17.02% (March) in the Megech, Gilgel Abay, Ribb, and Gumara, respectively. Similarly, the seasonal highest change in Aridity Index (AI) is also likely to be observed in the 2071–2100 in which in the dry season, it accounts –0.303 (March), –0.299 (March), –0.285 (April), and –0.276 (April) in the Ribb, Gumara, Gilgel Abay, and Megech, respectively, whereas in the rainy season, the change is 0.263, 0.258, 0.238, and 0.211 in the Gilgel Abay, Gumara, Ribb, and Megech, respectively. In general, due to the rising atmospheric temperature, the amount of moisture during dry seasons in the headwater catchments of the upper Blue Nile basin is expected to deplete in the 21st century. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use different climate change adaptation mechanisms including adopting suitable physical and biological water conservation techniques to enhance the amount of water stored in the subsurface and joining the groundwater during the rainy season. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CONF AU - Tamás, Enikő Anna AU - Kutassy, Emese AU - Kiss, János AU - Koch, Dániel AU - Varga, Balázs AU - Szabó, Szilárd AU - Antal, Örs AU - Illés, Zsombor AU - Kovács, Sándor AU - Füstös, Vivien TI - Analysis of floodplain aggradation patterns along the Danube, Tisza and Hernád Rivers in Hungary T2 - Deltas and wetlands PB - Danube Delta Technological Information Center C1 - Tulcea PY - 2024 SP - 31 PG - 1 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35172742 ID - 35172742 N1 - A cikkben bemutatott kutatás a Széchenyi Terv Plusz program keretében az RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00008 számú projekt támogatásával valósult meg. AB - In our study we present a research on the sediment aggradation of floodplains along three rivers in Hungary, the Danube River, the Tisza River (which is the second largest primary tributary to the Danube) and the Hernád River (which is a tributary to the Tisza). We investigated the problem with numerical (computer) modeling and fieldwork (sampling) and laboratory analyses for two particular goals. (1) to contribute to the quantifying of sediment aggradation as the aggradation hinders the flood conveyance capacities of floodplains thus it contributes to the increase of flood levels and increases flood risk downstream; (2) to quantify the organic matter and nutrient content of deposited sediments, because the organic matter and nutrient retention capacity of floodplains is very much related to the quality of aggrading sediments which, as they settle in the floodplain, reduce the concentrations transported along the rivers and thus improve the water quality reaching the downstream areas as well as the Black Sea. In our presentation we show the preliminary results of the research and we conclude in terms of the research goals. Our research was carried out in frame of the Hungarian National Laboratory for Water Science and Water Security project (RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008). LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Tamás, Enikő Anna AU - Koch, Dániel AU - Varga, Balázs AU - Szabó, Szilárd AU - Zenini, Andres AU - Tóthné, Seres Éva ED - Somlyódy, B ED - Dr. Váradi, J ED - Dobó, K ED - Göncz, B ED - Dr. Lénárt, L ED - Sütheő, L ED - Dr. Bíró, T ED - Dr. Darabos, P ED - Kassai, Zs ED - Dr. Engloner, A ED - Dr. Szalma, E ED - Dr. Baranya, S ED - Dr. Kozák, P TI - A Hernád folyó hordalékszállításának előzetes vizsgálata archív adatok és szakirodalmi források felhasználásával T2 - A Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság által rendezett XLI. Országos Vándorgyűlés dolgozatai PB - Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság (MHT) CY - Szolnok SN - 9789638172464 PY - 2024 PG - 11 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35172722 ID - 35172722 N1 - A cikkben bemutatott kutatás a Széchenyi Terv Plusz program keretében az RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00008 számú projekt támogatásával valósult meg. AB - A Víztudományi és Vízbiztonsági Nemzeti Labor projekt (RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00008) 1.L Vízfolyások és hullámterek állapotértékelésére és ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatására vonatkozó hazai minősítési rendszer kidolgozása c. alprojektje keretében a Hernád folyón került kijelölésre az a mintaterület, amelynek komplex vizsgálata nyomán az ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatások indexelési rendszerét (River Ecosystem Service Index, RESI) a magyarországi viszonyokra tervezzük adaptálni. Ennek keretében a folyó morfológiai tulajdonságainak, különösen a hordalékszállítási folyamatoknak és a hordalékegyensúlynak, valamint a hosszirányú átjárhatóságnak a jellemzését is el kell végezni. A kutatás első lépésként összegyűjtöttük és elemeztük a téma szempontjából releváns szakirodalmat és a digitális adathordozón elérhető hordalékmérési adatokat, majd az analóg (papír alapú) jegyzőkönyvek digitalizálását, hibaellenőrzését és adatbázis-szemléletű rendszerezését követően előzetes elemzéseket hajtottunk végre, melyek eredményét bemutatjuk. A szakirodalom és a meglévő morfológiai- és hordalékadatok áttekintését követően arra a megállapításra jutottunk, hogy a RESI hordalékegyensúlyra vonatkozó mérőszámainak meghatározásához további terepi mérésekre és átfogó hordalék-mintavételezésre van szükség, és ezzel kapcsolatban javaslatokat fogalmaztunk meg. LA - Hungarian DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Ojani, MohammadReza AU - Sepanlou, Mehdi Ghajar AU - Bahmanyar, MohammadAli AU - Danesh, Majid AU - Balázs, Boglárka AU - Szabó, Szilárd TI - The role of land use on phosphorus release and longitudinal changes of pollution in an agricultural watershed, Bostankar river, Iran JF - SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT J2 - SUST WATER RES MANAG VL - 10 PY - 2024 IS - 4 SN - 2363-5037 DO - 10.1007/s40899-024-01141-z UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35155337 ID - 35155337 AB - Phosphorus in surface waters accelerate algal growth and eutrophication, considerably influencing water quality. Spatiotemporal changes in phosphorus concentration are crucial for environmental issues. We aimed to study the temporal and spatial changes in water quality in a river and in a drainage water system considering different land uses. To this aim, 15 water samples were collected from the origin of the river to the estuary, in the Bostankar River watershed (N-Iran), during spring and winter. Further samples were collected from agricultural drainage water in rice fields, tea, flower, orange as well as kiwi gardens, and forests during spring and winter. EC, pH, TDS, and three forms of phosphorus (total, particulate, and soluble) were measured in the water samples. The results showed that water quality changes in agricultural drainage water were time-dependent; the average total phosphorus was 0.4 mg l-1 lower in the spring than in the winter. The highest phosphorus concentration (1.29 mg l-1) occurred in the winter in the drainage water of the orange gardens. Temporal and spatial changes of the river showed that water quality reduced from the river upstream (jungles and grasslands) towards the downstream (different agricultural land uses), and the amount of phosphorus increased from 0.25 to 0.5 mg l − 1 . The TDS increased from 60 to 220 mg l − 1 in the river in the winter. Finally, the results showed that human activities were the main factor in river water quality reduction due to agricultural activities. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Szabó, József AU - Lóki, József TI - KÁDÁR LÁSZLÓ FÖLDRAJZ PROFESSZOR, A KOSSUTH LAJOS TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM 1954/55. TANÉVI REKTORA JF - GERUNDIUM: EGYETEMTÖRTÉNETI KÖZLEMÉNYEK J2 - GERUNDIUM VL - 14 PY - 2024 IS - 3-4 SP - 15 EP - 32 PG - 18 SN - 2061-5132 DO - 10.29116/gerundium/2023/3-4/2 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35154723 ID - 35154723 AB - László Kádár started his adademic carreer at the Lajos Kossuth University in 1947 and was a distinguised professor untill his retirement (1978). In the academic year 1952-54 he functioned as the dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. In the next year (1954/55) he became the rector of the University Lajos Kossuth. LA - English DB - MTMT ER -