@CONFERENCE{MTMT:35262322, title = {Numerical modeling of IR SEDs of dusty CCSN within a Bayesian framework}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35262322}, author = {Zsíros, Szanna and De, Looze Ilse and Szalai, Tamás}, booktitle = {IAU Symposium}, doi = {10.1017/S1743921322002897}, unique-id = {35262322}, abstract = {We investigate the physical properties of dust in the environment of three core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) through mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling (both analytical and numerical methods) and interpret our results within a Bayesian framework. We provide evidence that the observed late-time mid-IR excess of the SNe can be described by dust models. We conclude that in case of various types of SNe, numerical dust models with a shell-like geometry can be reconciled with analytical models, regarding the essential properties of dust grains.}, keywords = {infrared: stars; supernovae: individual: SN 1980K; SN1993J; SN1996cr}, year = {2024}, pages = {615-617} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:35138283, title = {A photoacoustic system for the detection of leakage in refrigeration installations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35138283}, author = {Végh, Panna and Máté, Molnár and Huszár, Helga and Szabó, Gábor and Bozóki, Zoltán}, booktitle = {ICPPP22 Book of Abstracts}, unique-id = {35138283}, year = {2024}, pages = {406-407}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Gábor/0000-0001-6756-4677} } @misc{MTMT:35138192, title = {Photoacoustic spectroscopy based nitrous oxide measurement for field applications}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35138192}, author = {Gombi, Csilla and Szabó, Anna and Csaba, Király and Vineet, Srivastava and Horváth, László and Edit, Mikó and Szabó, Gábor and Bozóki, Zoltán}, unique-id = {35138192}, abstract = {https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU24/EGU24-19925.html}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Gábor/0000-0001-6756-4677} } @article{MTMT:35133280, title = {The phase curve of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-167b as seen by TESS}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35133280}, author = {Kálmán, Szilárd and Derekas, Aliz and Csizmadia, Sz. and Pál, András and Szabó, Róbert and Smith, A. M. S. and Nagy, Kristóf and Hegedűs, V. and Mitnyan, Tibor and Szigeti, L. and Szabó, Gy. M.}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/202348886}, journal-iso = {ASTRON ASTROPHYS}, journal = {ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS}, volume = {687}, unique-id = {35133280}, issn = {0004-6361}, abstract = {Context. Ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs) orbiting pulsating A/F stars represent an important subset of the exoplanetary demographic. They are excellent candidates for the study of exoplanetary atmospheres, and are astrophysical laboratories for the investigation of planet-to- star interactions. Aims: We analysed the TESS light curve of the WASP-167 system, consisting of an F1V star and a substellar companion on a ~2.02 day orbit. Methods: We modelled the combination of the ellipsoidal variability and the Doppler beaming to measure the mass of WASP-167b, and the reflection effect to obtain constraints on the geometric albedo, while placing a special emphasis on noise separation. We implemented a basic model to determine the dayside (TDay), nightside (TNight), and intrinsic (TInternal) temperatures of WASP-167b, and put a constraint on its Bond albedo. Results: We confirm the transit parameters of the planet seen in the literature. We find that a resonant ~2P−1 stellar signal (which may originate from planet-to-star interactions) interferes with the phase curve analysis. After careful and thought-out treatment of this signal, we find Mp = 0.34 ± 0.22 MJ. We measure a dayside temperature of 2790 ± 100 K, classifying WASP-167b as an UHJ. We find a 2σ upper limit of 0.51 on its Bond albedo, and determine the geometric albedo at 0.34 ± 0.11 (1σ uncertainty). Conclusions: With an occultation depth of 106.8 ± 27.3 ppm in the TESS passband, the UHJ WASP-167b is an excellent target for atmospheric studies, especially those at thermal wavelength ranges, where the stellar pulsations are expected to be less influential.}, keywords = {planets and satellites: general; techniques: photometric; planets and satellites: detection; planets and satellites: atmospheres; planets and satellites: individual: WASP-167b}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1432-0746}, orcid-numbers = {Kálmán, Szilárd/0000-0003-3754-7889; Derekas, Aliz/0000-0002-6526-9444; Szabó, Róbert/0000-0002-3258-1909; Mitnyan, Tibor/0000-0001-5803-3938} } @mastersthesis{MTMT:35121120, title = {Meloxicam gyógyszerhatóanyag részecskeméret csökkentése impulzuslézeres ablációval [Particle size reduction of meloxicam drug by pulsed laser ablation]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35121120}, author = {Nagy, Eszter}, doi = {10.14232/phd.11662}, publisher = {University of Szeged}, unique-id = {35121120}, year = {2024} } @mastersthesis{MTMT:35091634, title = {Titán felületek és biomolekulák kölcsönhatásainak modellezése molekuladinamikai módszerekkel [Modelling Interactions between Titanium Surfaces and Biomolecules Using Molecular Dynamics Methods]}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35091634}, author = {Tarjányi, Tamás}, doi = {10.14232/phd.11896}, publisher = {University of Szeged}, unique-id = {35091634}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Tarjányi, Tamás/0000-0002-9481-5977} } @article{MTMT:34722940, title = {Serendipitous detection of the dusty Type IIL SN 1980K with JWST/MIRI}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34722940}, author = {Zsíros, Szanna and Szalai, Tamás and De, Looze Ilse and Sarangi, Arkaprabha and Shahbandeh, Melissa and Fox, Ori D. and Temim, Tea and Milisavljevic, Dan and Van, Dyk Schuyler D. and Smith, Nathan and Filippenko, Alexei V. and Brink, Thomas G. and Zheng, WeiKang and Dessart, Luc and Jencson, Jacob and Johansson, Joel and Pierel, Justin and Rest, Armin and Tinyanont, Samaporn and Niculescu-Duvaz, Maria and Barlow, M. J. and Wesson, Roger and Andrews, Jennifer and Clayton, Geoff and De, Kishalay and Dwek, Eli and Engesser, Michael and Foley, Ryan J. and Gezari, Suvi and Gomez, Sebastian and Gonzaga, Shireen and Kasliwal, Mansi and Lau, Ryan and Marston, Anthony and O'Steen, Richard and Siebert, Matthew and Skrutskie, Michael and Strolger, Lou and Wang, Qinan and Williams, Brian and Williams, Robert and Xiao, Lin}, doi = {10.1093/mnras/stae507}, journal-iso = {MON NOT R ASTRON SOC}, journal = {MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY}, volume = {529}, unique-id = {34722940}, issn = {0035-8711}, abstract = {We present mid-infrared (mid-IR) imaging of the Type IIL supernova (SN) 1980K with the JWST more than 40 yr post-explosion. SN 1980K, located in the nearby (D ≈ 7 Mpc) 'SN factory' galaxy NGC 6946, was serendipitously captured in JWST/MIRI images taken of the field of SN 2004et in the same galaxy. SN 1980K serves as a promising candidate for studying the transitional phase between young SNe and older SN remnants and also provides a great opportunity to investigate its the close environment. SN 1980K can be identified as a clear and bright point source in all eight MIRI filters from F560W up to F2550W. We fit analytical dust models to the mid-IR spectral energy distribution that reveal a large amount (Md ≈ 0.002 M⊙) of Si-dominated dust at $T_\\rm {dust}\\approx 150$ K (accompanied by a hotter dust/gas component), and also computed numerical SED dust models. Radiative transfer modelling of a late-time optical spectrum obtained recently with Keck discloses that an even larger (~0.24-0.58 M⊙) amount of dust is needed in order for selective extinction to explain the asymmetric line profile shapes observed in SN 1980K. As a conclusion, with JWST, we may see i) pre-existing circumstellar dust heated collisionally (or, partly radiatively), analogous to the equatorial ring of SN 1987A, or ii) the mid-IR component of the presumed newly-formed dust, accompanied by much more colder dust present in the ejecta (as suggested by the late-time the optical spectra).}, keywords = {extinction; DUST; Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics; infrared: stars; supernovae: general; Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena; Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies; supernovae: individual: SN 1980K}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1365-2966}, pages = {155-168} } @article{MTMT:34628964, title = {Breast adenocarcinoma cells adhere stronger to brain pericytes than to endothelial cells}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34628964}, author = {Csonti, Katalin and Fazakas, Csilla and Molnár, Kinga and Wilhelm, Imola Mária and Krizbai, István Adorján and Végh, Attila Gergely}, doi = {10.1016/j.colsurfb.2024.113751}, journal-iso = {COLLOID SURFACE B}, journal = {COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B: BIOINTERFACES}, volume = {234}, unique-id = {34628964}, issn = {0927-7765}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1873-4367}, orcid-numbers = {Fazakas, Csilla/0000-0001-7822-5881; Wilhelm, Imola Mária/0000-0003-2366-7337; Végh, Attila Gergely/0000-0003-0524-0946} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:35138316, title = {Compensation of composition variation induced sensitivity changes in gas phase photoacoustics}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35138316}, author = {Végh, Panna and Gábor, Gulyás and Huszár, Helga and Ajtai, Tibor and Szabó, Gábor and Szabó, Anna and Bozóki, Zoltán}, booktitle = {C-PASS Conference on Photonics for Advanced Spectorcopy and Sensing Book of Abstracts}, unique-id = {35138316}, year = {2023}, pages = {1}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Gábor/0000-0001-6756-4677} } @misc{MTMT:35138214, title = {Spectral based source apportionment using different approaches}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35138214}, author = {Gombi, Csilla and Ajtai, Tibor and Magashegyi, István and Szabolcs, Hodovány and Imre, Salma and Szabó, Gábor and Bozóki, Zoltán}, unique-id = {35138214}, year = {2023}, orcid-numbers = {Szabó, Gábor/0000-0001-6756-4677} }