@article{MTMT:34701697, title = {The Somaesthetics of Rock Climbing}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34701697}, author = {Veres, Bálint}, journal = {PARSE Journal}, volume = {18}, unique-id = {34701697}, abstract = {How can we develop an artistic practice that is relevant and satisfying in terms of mental challenges and physical intensity alike? How can we reach a state in which any human practice can be satisfying in both senses? As John Dewey put it in his Philosophy and Civilization (1931), “the integration of mind-body in action is the most practical of all questions that we can ask of our civilisation.” This study approaches the issue from two different directions. Firstly, it takes rock climbing, a physical practice infrequently discussed in philosophical and aesthetic literature, as a possible model that can indicate a way of re-orienting art in its ordinary usage. Secondly, the art-like character of rock climbing, as an example of difficult physical activity and lifestyle sport, is discussed. To do so, the phenomenology of the climbing experience is foregrounded to grasp the specificity of the somatic experience. As a second step, the interdisciplinary study of somaesthetics is invoked to highlight the aesthetic relevance, somaesthetic interest, cognitive values and transformative effects underlying climbing practices. Seeking to fill a gap in current scholarship, this article aims to contribute equally to sports philosophy, somaesthetics and art theory.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {2002-0953} } @misc{MTMT:34508942, title = {A civil működés lakmusza: roma jog- és érdekérvényesítés Magyarországon}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34508942}, author = {Balázs, Anna and Hain, Ferenc}, unique-id = {34508942}, year = {2024} } @inbook{MTMT:34427556, title = {Picturing Music in the Nineteenth Century}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34427556}, author = {Veres, Bálint}, booktitle = {The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-28322-2_33}, unique-id = {34427556}, abstract = {Although music has been conceived as an art of pure emotions and devoid of concepts, it has always gained its significance in intermedial contexts. The sense and impact of music are inevitably articulated through a medial transfer since music contains much more than its sonic aspect. Intermediality, however, that occurs in the interplay of music and its surrounding verbal discourses, remains routine-like or largely unnoticed within institutionalized forms such as music criticism, music history, and the like. By contrast, other intermedial effects of music become highly pronounced when the interplay of musical and linguistic medium is enriched by the involvement of other media, primarily visual ones. If, for example, music becomes the object of the depiction in a painting, we won’t necessarily approach the visual work in the same way as if the depiction was a mere commentary on a preexisting music phenomenon. “You’ll never look at music the same way again!” – as the slogan put it, back in the early days of Music Television. Although music videos provide an ample repository of visually hijacked, exploited, or intensified musical experiences, their medial dynamics cannot be held as novelties, at least as far as cultural modernity is concerned. This chapter searches for much earlier examples of the audiovisual experience. At the same time, it explores its aesthetic and historical preconditions and the workings of intermediality concerning several eighteenth- and nineteenth-century musical pictures.}, year = {2024}, pages = {693-721} } @inbook{MTMT:34738594, title = {A Kapitány-mítoszok}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34738594}, author = {Antalóczy, Tímea}, booktitle = {Mítoszok, szimbólumok, kapcsolatok}, unique-id = {34738594}, year = {2023}, pages = {9-13} } @book{MTMT:34738590, title = {Mítoszok, szimbólumok, kapcsolatok}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34738590}, isbn = {9786155134500}, editor = {Povedák, István and Antalóczy, Tímea}, publisher = {Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem}, unique-id = {34738590}, year = {2023} } @inbook{MTMT:34726275, title = {Empatikus cirkuszművészet}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34726275}, author = {Antalóczy, Tímea and Biczó, Henriett}, booktitle = {Empatikus Marketing Interdiszciplináris Megközelítésben}, unique-id = {34726275}, year = {2023}, pages = {12-15} } @book{MTMT:34714236, title = {A mindennapi élet magyarságszimbólumai}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34714236}, isbn = {9786158171465}, author = {Kapitány, Ágnes and Kapitány, Gábor}, publisher = {Magyar Néprajzi Társaság}, unique-id = {34714236}, year = {2023} } @misc{MTMT:34614072, title = {Designkultúra modulok oktatási segédanyagainak fejlesztése 1–12. osztályig}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34614072}, author = {Póczos, Valéria}, unique-id = {34614072}, abstract = {Kutatásom célja a designkultúra oktatás elhelyezése, értelmezése és fejlesztése a magyar közoktatás rendszerében a vizuális kultúra tárgy keretein belül. Vizsgálom a vizuális kultúra-tudomány és a designkultúra-tudomány határainak és kereteinek elméleti és gyakorlati aspektusait, valamint olyan közös metszeteket kutatok, mely által elképzelhető a közoktatásba integrált designoktatás-módszertan létrehozása. Célom, hogy feltárjam a designkultúrát érintő tanulási tapasztalatokat, a tanulás tervezett eredményeit és követelményszintjeinek meghatározását, elemzését és értékelését, és a létrejövő eredményt egybevessem a meglévő gyakorlatban meghatározott tartalmakkal. Kutatási programomban tanítási-tanulási programokat dolgoztam ki az általános iskola első évfolyamától a gimnázium tizenkettedik évfolyamáig bezárólag. A korosztályokhoz igazított designkultúra modulok tartalmaznak diákoknak szóló feladatlapokat, tanároknak készült útmutatókat, tervezési munkafüzeteket és segédleteket. Az elkészült tananyagok lehetőséget nyújtanak a designkultúra oktatás iskolai gyakorlatban történő megjelenésére a vizuális kultúra tárgy órakeretén belül.}, year = {2023} } @{MTMT:34564892, title = {Csáth Géza Novellák}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34564892}, author = {Marcell, Tamás}, unique-id = {34564892}, year = {2023} } @{MTMT:34564887, title = {The Budapester}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34564887}, author = {Marcell, Tamás}, unique-id = {34564887}, year = {2023} }